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Written By Aldwin

Oct. 8, 2016, 7:15 a.m.(10/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

Duchess Nadia and the House of Nightgold seem to be among the few Northern families that profess to follow the ways of the Pantheon instead of Shamanism. She is polite, intelligent, and curious.

Written By Fergus

Oct. 8, 2016, 12:59 a.m.(10/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Sylvie

I met this Lady while i was in the bank depositing my winnings from the fencing competition. We proceeded to discuss how the remainder of the competition went as she had, for some reason, left before the end. It was an enjoyable meeting, and I ended up buying her a gift of hairpins. We met days after I gifted her with the hairpins so she could show me how she had had a gown made to match the hairpins I had gifted her with. She's a widower and I think looking for friends in the city who se likely wouldn't meet elsewhere.

Written By Pietro

Oct. 8, 2016, 12:30 a.m.(10/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincere

What would I do without you?

Written By Pietro

Oct. 8, 2016, 12:22 a.m.(10/13/1004 AR)

When I was a boy, House Rubino in Gemecitta was the home I had when I could not be at home. I grew up there on the hill, overlooking the sprawl of the city, listening to hoofbeats on the stones.

If I hadn't gone there, maybe I wouldn't have become a man, I don't know. I know I wouldn't have become the same man. I love what that childhood helped me to become, and I have lost no love for Valkieri, or for Cara, or for the hills of Gemecitta.

But a Rubino's house is not my house. I am a guest here. It is not my home.

I must remember.

There is only one thing in this city that is home to me.

And I must be a better behaved guest, I suppose.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 11:10 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Hammar

BIG son of a ... saw him clobber Prince Dagon down to the ground in only a couple of hits. Remind me not to piss off Hammar without thinking that through, first. Else I deserve to take my licks.

Written By Hammar

Oct. 7, 2016, 10:50 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Augustus

Old Grayson Hammar meet. He know about Hammar be Lady Dawn champion. He say he related to King. Hammar meet lot king related since be Lady Dawn champion. Hammar must be importanter now.

Written By Hammar

Oct. 7, 2016, 10:40 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

Lord Victus cousin. He nicer than Lord Victus. Hammar whack Prince Dagon hard! Prince not have much or good armor he wear, so most Hammar whacks hit. Prince do good, but prince lose. Hammar goodest fighter.

Written By Hammar

Oct. 7, 2016, 10:37 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Hammar see Lord Victus in Training center. He say Hammar be do naughty things. Hammar not say what because Hammar not do naughty things. Hammar think someone tell Lord Victus things to make Hammar get trouble. Hammar try be gooder. Hammar not make Lady Dawn mad he be champion!

Written By Fergus

Oct. 7, 2016, 10:26 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

I've managed to pin Morrighan down and talk her into making me some clothing. It took a bit of doing to get this accomplished, only a Northern woman would be so willing to speak her mind toward a Prince of the house she serves. On top of this, she decided she wanted to test her mettle in combat. She thinks that she did horribly. She did not. Granted, she couldn't get past my sword to do damage, and the two times she managed to sneak in a blow she couldn't hit hard enough to get past my armor, but I think she did quite well, the fight lasted a bit longer than I would have figured it should have. I'll have to look into getting her some actual training with the weapon she carries.

Written By Fergus

Oct. 7, 2016, 10:22 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

She's still annoying at times, but with the way only a Northern woman can find ways of being annoying. She's a free spirit, I should realize this prior. I believe that Morrighan is undeniably ready to do damn near anything for the Redrains. She's let it be known she's even willing to go so far as to put her life on the line to defend the family, and the girl is good with a dagger.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 9:11 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Tobias

Lord Telmar, Commander of Crimson Blades. He is a man I need to know better and who has also offered to improve my skill with the blade.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 9:09 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Tobias

Lord Telmar, Commander of Crimson Blades. He is a man I need to know better and whom has also offered to improve my skill with the blade.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 9:07 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Mason

Prince of Ahj'on, married to Princess Lou Grayson. Strange but very friendly man who has given me warm welcome. He is a researcher, I gather.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 9:03 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

Knight of House Grayson. Seems a solid man, definitely knows the blade better than I - and he's agreed to teach me to become better.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 9:01 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

House Grayson Courtier and an interesting man. Never ran into anyone quite like him before. There is much I need to learn from him to better serve this House.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 7, 2016, 8:57 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

Very interesting Redrain Princess. Prickly pride, fast to misconstrue and take offense. I have been sent to learn things from her and if possible, to better knit ties between House Grayson and Redrain. I never imagined myself an envoy but I must learn many new things.

Written By Isolde

Oct. 7, 2016, 8:08 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

I'm not sure which I'm more excited for... the festival, or the upcoming Mirror's Masquerade. I always get that fluttery, squishy feeling in my gut around this time of year. Perhaps I should put that admission in my Black Journal, to maintain my -obviously- cruel, heartless, evil monster reputation. That is still what people are saying, yes?

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 7, 2016, 5:30 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

So today I received a missive from Prince Fergus who offered to spar me in the training center. An opportunity to brawl? Count me in. Turns out I might regret that later - it all depends on how much I'm hurting tomorrow morning. To be certain, I learned much from the fight, and I think I'm going to take a page from Ida's book (I think it was Ida) and put a hiatus on learning how to work with different textiles. So, no seasilk for a while, but I'll get back to that, eventually. For now I think I'm going to rest up and go back to work on orders for the shop. I hope I can move, tomorrow. The Prince hits -hard-....and he whacked me on the back of the head. Going to pay him back for that. Maybe I'll put those flamboyant feathers in his hat, or on the ass of his pants. Remember who tailors your clothes, Ferg.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 7, 2016, 5:21 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

Bastard hits hard. I feel a little bit of sympathy for anyone who seriously tussles with Ferg. It makes me glad that we're on the same side, now if I can just get him to teach me to fight properly...

Written By Eos

Oct. 7, 2016, 5:07 p.m.(10/12/1004 AR)

Brutus, the first of his name, was the tamest of hounds one could hope to meet, old by the time I was learning to walk, and so lazy that he often only stared at his food until someone moved the bowl closer. When he died, it was some hours before anyone realized anything was amiss.

Brutus the Second was a more tenacious bastard. He chased anything that would run and had an incredible drive to hunt. Misguided hunt was the end of him, bested when his bravado set him against a bull.

Brutus the Third was a sturdy bitch, and slung a number of litters before her time ended, a nanny to child and puppy alike.

Brutus the Fourth was as dumb as a rock after being kicked by a horse, and spent his years walking sideways and bellowing at phantoms.

Brutus the Fifth was an unshakable rock, and the first hound to accompany me into battle. He fell to an arrow and was trampled into the mud so thoroughly that there was little more than teeth and armored collar to retrieve by the end.

Brutus the Sixth could track a man for miles. She fell to shavs, but took a number of their savage throats with her.

Brutus the Seventh, I can't say what happened to him. He was prone to roaming and exploring, and his loyalty extended to the last hand to feed him. I imagine he is sleeping at some warm hearth on a farm somewhere along the Lyceum-Valardin border.

Brutus the Eighth is growing old and gray. He lost a leg to an enemy blade, but was far too stubborn to die. His joints are stiff and he could not make the journey to Arx on his own paws, but he came with the soldiers this past week in the supply wagons and I am happy to have his quiet company again.

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