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Written By Natalia

Oct. 29, 2016, 3:45 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Cara

The lady is beautiful and I fear quiet where I am excited. I may have suggested her as a match for Michael (although the pie stealer may not deserve her).

I appreciate her poise and I do keep intending to call on her again. I fear that I have a tendency to bid people to taverns and teas where sometimes it is more loud than it is calming. I should ask her hobby perhaps.

Written By Natalia

Oct. 29, 2016, 3:42 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Salazar

The Pirate Prince -- who is not a prince and I'm not fully sure he's a pirate either. I am not sure what has transpired between the man and myself, but things are distinctly altered.

On first meeting, I was with Aislin (who I am sure I bored most completely) and he was charming and funny and interesting. From then he has been cold and polite in a way that reflects the change. At first, I was curious and now, well now I suppose I shall accept what the Gods have deemed it to be.

The man is still charming and funny for those he deems to dazzle with his pirate charms. I have heard only good things within the city about him.

Written By Natalia

Oct. 29, 2016, 3:38 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Pietro

Lord Pietro Igniseri is nothing short of entertaining. He was one of the first I met when I came to the fair city. He was the first to send me a gift, a bottle of olive oil, and a princess never forgets the first to send her a gift.

The olive oil was merely because he was bragging and I thought that I should have to try it. Then at the camping trip is was glorious to see him with his family. I should call upon them all soon.

Written By Natalia

Oct. 29, 2016, 3:34 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

My heroic prince and evader of escort. I got to meet Roland. A more perfect owl does not exist and we are still to go on the hunt. I must admit two things, my dearest reader.

The first is that I have decided that Edain needs more fun in his life. I am not good for missions as I tend to become bored by them. I may though take this as my own. He is truly a good man and good men need good things in life to remember life is good.

The second is that I am more interested in ever in learning how to ... fowl? How to ... hunt with a bird? I am not sure it is falconry if it is not a falcon used. I will have to ask the Heroic Prince.

Written By Natalia

Oct. 29, 2016, 3:30 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

I am not even certain what I was expecting when I bid him to be my escort for the camping trip. Then the man had the nerve to stand me up and not attend to me on the way there. I was close to livid. Truly.

However, it seems that he arrived early to help to settle his people. I could not fault that. Well. I could. I have just made the decision to be above that and forgive him. Mainly as he was a delightful escort from the point I arrived to the point we left.

Shockingly delightful actually. I believe I actually got him to laugh instead of just smile. A rarity in Thraxians -- unless they are laughing at you. The second day of festivities when we went to the beach was actually the most enlightening to the man. I believe I will keep him in my rotation of escorts.

I still expect to see the treasure, My Dragon.

Written By Orazio

Oct. 29, 2016, 2:45 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

I have allowed my skills with a blade to lapse most abominably over the last two decades. Too much time spent wielding a pen, while the years march on and take away the reflexes I used to be able to count on.

Or perhaps I am just blaming time, when the truth is that I have been lazy. And, of course, that I faced a most superior opponent in Lord Victus Thrax. The man wields a blade like he was born with it - not in the more graceful court styles I have seen in the Lycene, but a style made for the battlefield, meant not to be admired, but to be the most effective on the field.

Much like the style, do I find the man.

Written By Dawn

Oct. 29, 2016, 12:15 p.m.(12/21/1004 AR)

To see the field before the Gray Forest transformed into a city of silk tents was like something from a story book. Sir Silas outdid himself in the construction of the tents; they were exquisite. The people of Arx outdid themselves as well, populating it. For all of our differences, on those nights spent camping outside of the walls, we were one people.

Of special note, the next day Lord Victus Thrax and Princess Sophie Valardin accompanied me on a hunt for boar. The Princess was charged by the beast and lost the lower portion of her robe (but thankfully not her legs). The enraged animal was dispatched by Lord Victus and my own hound Macdon, rather neatly too. Quill and ink can't capture the fear and excitement of that moment, when our hunting party acted in concert to bring the boar down. I'm not a poet and can't do it justice. But it was something I'll never forget.

Pit roasting boar is also the way to go. Cooking it slowly over many hours in a pit made for the most exquisite feast, that evening.

Written By Kima

Oct. 29, 2016, 1:04 a.m.(12/20/1004 AR)

It has been some time since I wrote about my daily doings - which I know is of the utmost importance and concern for those which read my journals. I've very avid fans, as you know. Why, just yesterday I had a young man tear open his tunic and ask me to sign my name over his heart. I obliged him, and was quite pleased to learn that he was immediately on his way to the Boroughs in order to have it etched permanently into his skin.

Dear lad, when you read this, do come around again so that I might see the finished product.

The porridge is still the same. Perhaps worse, actually. Who can eat porridge for breakfast e v e r y s i n g l e d a y? And I don't want to hear: but Kima, you can dress it up. Fruit or nuts can be thrown in, or sweeten it with honey.


There is only so much porridge any sane man or woman can stand. I reached my limit long ago. I don't ask for this. In fact, I explicitly told the cook I would no longer be taking breakfast. Yet there it is, bright and early at my door every morning. As I leave to take my morning run, there he stands, watching me and smiling oddly, "It's important to keep one's strength, Lady-Sir."

So I run, and I think about that porridge, and the cook, whom I've determined is a poet. I truly think I have improved in some areas. Certainly not strength, but my endurance seems to stretch a touch further than before.

That's all routine, of course, and not terribly exciting. Half the shit written down here isn't terribly exciting. More's the pity.

Written By Freja

Oct. 28, 2016, 10:15 p.m.(12/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Ophelia

Well, scratch that. Ophelia is very much a squealing Princess. Not a prince. Not a nephew. She is his favorite -niece-. Blame it on the whiskey, or two. Or bottle. don't have to record -that- *the ink is scratched here, a few ink splotches trailing down the rest of the page*

Written By Freja

Oct. 28, 2016, 10:12 p.m.(12/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Ophelia

The supposed dearest nephew of Duke Niccolo. I had seen her once before, squealing much to the displeasure of my eardrums at the sight of a foal. Come to find out that apparently she is an avid hunter? Now that I did not see coming. She has expressed an interest in hunting a bear, but I am certain she means the literal animal. Any other metaphorical prey would not end well for her. Either way, I have given her my word to take her hunting either down here in the south or up north. If successful, we'll have matching headdresses. I admit that it would be rather cute. ....I mean, fierce. Fierce? Is that the fashion word Natalia used?

Written By Sylvie

Oct. 28, 2016, 6:11 p.m.(12/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Leo

When I am in the wrong, I can certainly face such a fact and accept it.

Something that may have looked one way to us on an initial glance may reveal itself to be completely different upon study. A man's character cannot be weighed in passing and determined in the height of emotions.

That is to say, I retract what I have stated about the Duke Fidante before. We are certainly not of a similar nature, but I can appreciate him for his own honor and integrity.

Written By Pietro

Oct. 28, 2016, 3:22 p.m.(12/18/1004 AR)

Lord Valkieri Rubino, in his infinite wisdom, has commented that he is sometimes convinced that I am a dog.

Well, then. In considering this, I will note that there is no cleverer hunter than a hound, nor speedier runner towards his target, nor more protective warrior towards his truest friends.

There is none more loyal or true of heart, nor any more game to play, nor ready to embrace pure joy, than the humble hound. There is no one who loves wholly and without condition as a dog does.

In this spirit, then, I accept the compliment and all it so implies.


I should start training up a pup. I miss the kennels at home. Lady Dawn extended an invitation to me to wear out the litters in the Grayson kennels and I may have to take her up on that...

Written By Cara

Oct. 28, 2016, 3:13 p.m.(12/18/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Beaumont

This man's charm, weaponized, could defend all of Arx from every invader yet known to us as a people.

Dear heavens.

Written By Pietro

Oct. 28, 2016, 2:44 p.m.(12/18/1004 AR)

Lady Sylphie is a charming and wonderful companion, well-dressed and elegant and of course, a wonderful hostess, particularly when you aren't bleeding on her floor. I am honored to bear her company and any man would be a fool not to hang on her wit.

She also completely lost us that croquet match. I'm noting this for posterity and the record, I would have completely won that.

I'm just saying.

Written By Aurora

Oct. 27, 2016, 8:20 p.m.(12/16/1004 AR)

Much like Acacia, tea is not my thing. I was warned though that I was forbidden from spiking any tea there with whiskey even though I did come prepared to do so when the host's attention was diverted away. I was good and tasted the tea as it was intended...with a lot of honey. The iced tea was my favorite, and I was pleased when Sir Silas sent me a sample of the tea to bring home.

Even though my date for the evening did not smile at me once (though he did smile at others), he did show up which I suppose is half the battle. I forgot all the talking points I had prepared, but I did learn that he wishes to feed me to his large snake. Romantic, isn't he? that is not a euphemism, it is a real snake.

Written By Serafine

Oct. 27, 2016, 7:37 p.m.(12/16/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

The last time I saw this young man, he was passed out, drooling into his furs in a tent he'd pitched out in the wilds. I was on a mourning journey to the southern sea, and he was a pleasant distraction I ran in to on the way.

While many have seen fit to welcome me, I'll admit seeing a face I know and trust (to a degree; the man's only real love is money) was rather nice.

Most of my House barely remembers me. I don't blame them. No one wanted to remember me when I lived here. Black goat was I, aye. And I don't mind, there's no offense.

Written By Cicero

Oct. 27, 2016, 4:57 p.m.(12/16/1004 AR)

Aid to a new home
Never an embarrassment
A prize well deserved

Written By Cicero

Oct. 27, 2016, 10:40 a.m.(12/15/1004 AR)

The game of croquet
The wickets set on the field
What language is this

Written By Eos

Oct. 26, 2016, 9:55 p.m.(12/13/1004 AR)

It is a blessing to say that I enjoy my family to the last member, including those that might not be blood but have become so familiar over the years as to be as good as, to be able to go to a dinner without dread for having to see some nuisance cousin or listen to inane gossip. It is as much a blessing that when I looked around the table at the recent Malvici-Saik dinner, I could not say there was one soul amongst us that was not driven, capable, loyal, and reliable; not a pound of wasted flesh.

Written By Calypso

Oct. 26, 2016, 12:42 p.m.(12/12/1004 AR)

The construction on the Malvici Hall is coming along nicely. I think we'll be ready to start moving out of the Inn and in to our own home very soon. In celebration of this feat (a thing I'm very sure my brother will be proud of when he returns to the city!) I decided to host a small dinner party. Very small. Saik and Malvici only small. But it was delightful to sit around a table and smell the spices of Lyceum fill the air and eat well. Everyone talked about their goals and their desires. It was nice to let my guard down for an evening and simply exist among familiar faces.

Eos will be holding a drinking contest at the Hall soon as well. I am glad he is doing his part to keep spirits high, but I am thankful I will be out of the city when it happens. I will be irate if my home smells of vomit when I return.

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