Baroness Natalia Elwood
A leader is a dealer in hope.

Description: Spun gold and sweet cream blonde curls fall in a tumble to a point just past this woman's shoulders, typically artfully careless in their arrangement. Her skin is perfect porcelain with just enough color to give her a blush of life and vitality, untouched by freckle or blemish. There is something ethereal to the delicacy of her features, light and so very distinctly feminine as they are; high cheekbones, thick eyelashes, well proportioned lips and nose -- she's beautiful in a way that inspires devotees of Jayus to create artistic masterpieces that become legends within their lifetimes. Blue eyes are vibrant, the color of a spring sky, so expressive as to make hiding her thoughts and feelings occasionally difficult without them being ridiculously obvious. She is above average in height and slender, the lines of her figure curved to perfection, femininity embodied.
Personality: The majority of the time, Natalia does her former Whisper status proud; she keeps her composure well intact, manages to remain serene. Sometimes the mischief peeks out, sometimes the sharp sense of humor escapes, but she keeps it mostly under control. At least in public.
Background: Mistakes were made, but the world moves on. Once upon a time, Princess Natalia Grayson was denobled in a series of particularly public scandals that began with the dissolution of her betrothal to a Thraxian Prince. She took it poorly, handled it worse, and picked a particularly public fight with her cousin. That cousin happened to be the Highlord of Grayson at the time, and she was stripped of her title, kicked out of the family, and exiled from Bastion and the Grayson ward. After a few short weeks of -- shall we say -- less than delightful behavior, she disappeared completely.
After two years of nothing she reappeared in the city as a Whisper, and has consistently been behaving herself. Several years were spent in this capacity, and she built a reputation that bore very little resemblance to the walking scandal she once was. With the assistance of Kael Keaton, she built the Academy of War; through the Academy and as a Whisper, her work for the Compact has been significant. Known as a capable diplomat and earning a quieter reputation for cultist hunting, she has been considered largely reformed for several years now. While there had been rumors of a possible return to Grayson, in Autumn of 1015, Natalia Whisper (once Natalia Grayson) became Baroness Natalia Elwood, ennobled by Marquis Keaton and given domain over what was Acorn Hill, and is now Arden Woods; she has named her foster daughter as heir. The lack of opposition from House Grayson regarding her new title has been widely taken as a signal that she is welcome among the highest echelons of polite society again.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aethan | Looked at me a lot. Not sure why. |
Bliss | I've been reading her journals and watching her interact a bit. There's a passion burning there. How do I ignite it? She is excellent company, though. |
Gareth | My dear sister dares enter Arx once more. After all the pain she caused and was given. Either she is fully committing to remaking herself, becoming a new woman, throwing off the old husk. Or she has a plan more cunning than even I can conceive. I hope for all our sakes, it is the former. |
Jeffeth | A very pretty Whisper who will probably be very good at teasing me. Hurray! |
Jordan | You can tell she's a natural at being a Whisper, and she said it was of her own choosing. She's gorgeous, her smile is beautiful, and she's poised enough to make a blunt statement soften by the way she leverages it into the conversation. All in all, if she was considered unforgettable as a Princess, she'll be even more so as a Whisper. Captivating, dangerous. |
Mirari | Hmm, I wonder if I stepped on her toes or on her neck in a past life. Oh well, you can't win them all. |
Ouida | Breathtaking and enchating beauty. While it may draw the first glance, the treasure of looking beyond is where her exquisteness lies. No delicate fragile thing this, but a strong mind and courageous spirit, one that rises anew even amidst sorrow. Perhaps there are many who would have given up, or faded away, were they in her shoes, but it is to all of our benefit that she did not. |
Peri | Whispers don't always have comfortable truths to tell, but she explained things to me in a direct and calm fashion as one would hope. |
Reese | She is back and seems to be as lovely as ever, but also thriving and doing well. |
Renato | I have no words. So many futures and yet... so much uncertainty. She is beautiful, charming, and absolutely worth spending every hour of the day with, but knowing this how can one compete with all her admirers? |
Sidney | It's easy to use the word "charming" too lightly, because so many of us are or attempt to be, but it's rare for me to feel quite so genuinely charmed during a first meeting as I was with Natalia. Clever, perceptive, good-natured, and very willing to enjoy herself -- a winning combination. I'm pleased she's joined us at the Whisper House, and I hope to see more of her. |
Theron | Gorgeous Whisper. It's a shame I wasn't exactly talkative when I met her. I'm sure we'd have gotten along, otherwise. |
Vanora | Lovely and sweet, this Whisper is also an extremely talented event coordinator. Knowing how to please so many different groups of people is no small trick! I'm impressed with her. |
Venturo | Our first meeting was over business, with the Mistress Whisper hired by the Keatons to oversee a project in their lands. With an attention to detail, a curiosity that is clear and directed, and a love of alcohol, hers is a partnership that is bound for success. |
Vercyn | Natalia is a gracious host with a keen mind. I look forward to seeing more of it |