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Written By Cicero

Feb. 26, 2017, 2:49 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Bring hammer to nails.
Lift timbers, support the beams.
Making a dream real.

Written By Mae

Feb. 26, 2017, 2:47 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Only one person responded to my very genuine and very nice request to assist the nobility in understanding all the matters they simply do not! That's ok. I've set out on my own to bend ears.

I am pleased to say that Lord Regent Gabriel seemed inclined to provide some resources to the Lower Boroughs, to help us through the coming winter. It's not a solution to all our problems. It's not a permanent fix. I didn't even try to bring up any sort of more complicated matters, not because I felt I could not, but because it was not the time and place.

What's most important is that the Regent seems inclined to help.

Gods willing, he will continue to help.

Written By Jasher

Feb. 26, 2017, 2:33 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Demons. Blood magic. And now I hear rumors of Thraxian ships that will be crewed by women. Hopefully the latter won't be as disastrous as the former but I wouldn't bet on it. What strange times these are.

Written By Magden

Feb. 26, 2017, 2:08 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

I have chosen my champion. The rules of engagement shall be armorless combat with steel weapons to the first telling blow. I hope no one is unduly injured in the substitution of brave men for Duchess Lydia and myself, however time-honored and sacred the tradition. This could be solved so easily with civil words. Alas.

Written By Tristram

Feb. 26, 2017, 2:01 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

I should point out that a lack of ambition in favor of efficiency in a role applies solely to the military aspects of dealing with the enemy. On a social level, I have a few irons in the fire. I would like to marry, but I would like to remain a Valardin. There are two women I have met so far that I am fond enough of, and believe I would match well with for the rest of my life, whom I would like to officially court. Yet I know that one of them won't, for she believes in her family; and the other seems too distracted to consider it by her duties and the future. I hope to work that out with her. I'm also interested in opening a restaurant, still; and am going to be talking to Alis and Edain about two other ideas I have on my mind. So life proceeds within civilization as well as without.

Written By Serafine

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:56 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

[A note is tacked to Anze's journal:]

We know how to handle winter. It requires lots of blankets, hot tea, and at least one lover. And not leaving our nest of furs and comforters until the frost ceases to tease our windows.

Written By Tristram

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:52 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Yesterday, I was promoted to the rank of Commander in the Minisry of Defense. As much as I'm fond of the way that Prince Commander sounds, and as much as I was once quite ambitious for it, the reality of the battle with the Bringers soured most ideas of ambition and replaced it with a cooler head. I'm not the smartest, but I am dedicated to whatever is the most efficient means of ending this threat to our existance. If that was to remain an Agent or to become a Commander, I would have done either. Now is the time for me to prove that I can in fact do what I promised I could. I've also applied to the Dominus to become a Knight of Solace, but I have not yet been accepted.

Written By Bethany

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:47 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

I should not compare
With what I have attained
With what I have lost.
I'll find my hands empty.

Written By Cicero

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:36 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Define a partner
In life or business. Trust.
trust above all else.

Written By Cicero

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:25 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Returned to Arx. Home? %Many meanings from one word.
perhaps this is now.

Written By Niamh

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:02 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Today Father Orazio came to visit me at the Lodge. I do not know how to thank him for his gift, or rather the one who sent it. Greenmarch was privileged to have a diamdondplate sword from our forbearer. Today, I am honored to wield alaricite.

Written By Simone

Feb. 26, 2017, 1:01 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Dear Gentle Readers,

How wonderful - isn't it - to find one's self waking early and leaving to the Archive to write an entry in the White Journals only to find out that times are changing. Advancements made during the course of a day. One sun sets, another rises. We move forward at our paces, steadily on - following the course.

The Thrax Warlord, the head of the Leviathan, Prince Abbas works in a coherent, supportive way by activating more Thrax women into leadership positions, to be more active in their fleets - change will continue from this. I compliment you and your efforts. I hope that your actions shine like a lighthouse and that it will inspire more of your House to follow suit.

To those, any others, that may feel lost or afraid or hopeless: you do have a voice, my gentle friends. That you have a voice to speak against incivility and hatred. With your voice you should refuse to be intimidated. That are those of the nobility that hear you and see you and that we will fight alongside you with whatever power we have to ensure your rights are protected.

Always stand up for your beliefs. Take action. Care for others - the young, the unheard, the marginalized, the forgotten, the unseen.

Let hope and change spread like the holy fire of Lagoma.

M. Simone Greenmarch

Written By Octavia

Feb. 26, 2017, 12:39 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calliope

I value your talents and your excitement more than you know, but to watch you take the thing I came to the city to try to obtain is like a dagger in my side.

Written By Anze

Feb. 26, 2017, 12:27 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

I think I'm going to start a side business where I teach southerners how to deal with winter.

Written By Calypso

Feb. 26, 2017, 12:07 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Gabriel

Regent-Duke, General of the Crownlands, Gabriel Bisland - whatever title he may currently possess, whatever job he is doing that no one else wanted to do, or could do for that matter - he is a shining example of excellence in all things and a man I aspire to be more like.

Hero worship aside, I have gotten to know Duke Gabriel a little better over these past few months and have found that he and I speak the same language and understand one another quite well. Our meetings are succinct, efficient and aimed in the same direction. Our philosophy on war and peace seem to be in line as well. A man I would gladly follow in to battle. I appreciate more than I can express the level of trust he places in to my hands. I will do everything in my power to see that what needs to be done is done and done well.

Written By Margot

Feb. 26, 2017, 11:59 a.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

While Abbas plans to bring women on ships to war, you pen trade negotiations.
Welcome to the new age.

Written By Margot

Feb. 26, 2017, 11:58 a.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Abbas

I did not expect you to be the champion of putting women on ships. These are such strange times we dwell in.

Written By Abbas

Feb. 26, 2017, 11:53 a.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Change is not easy. Nor is it wise to ignore the value and fury of something when it takes form.

Over the years of Reaving I have ignored something that I have seen. That women are capable and in many cases more dangers a foe and more ferocious as butchers than men. These women of Thrax and those that have bent the knee that have salt in their veins are often forced to the margins of the merchant fleets. They must seek their own path and are denied the fury and Salt that boils their hearts and makes them thirst for death and glory under the Serpent Banner.

I have held traditions close. My time in Arx has seen to it that my eyes have been opened. I have seen the model broken and the ferocity of those who were born absent masculine tradition. I do not deny a woman's place in the home and in our culture is set and shall not change. I simply allow her now a place in the Salt where she may seek to temper her fire among the supple necks of our coin laden enemies.

Three retired Thraxian longships have been commissioned under my authority as Warlord. They are small investments and to be self-funded.

The Termagent
The Harridan
The Doyenne

They shall operate and be crewed by women. The Thraxian and knee bent women whom seek to express their fury. To crew one of these ships one cannot simply be alive. They must pass trials and have the sponsorship of someone of respect and repute. Or they must be so vicious and capable that denial of their prowess would be simply an act of stupidity.

These ships will operate together. They will be a test of the waters and they shall only operate as long as the Gods bless them to do so. This is a test and nothing more. Should this fail and the folly of this decision be made evident I shall take full responsibility. This is something I do as Warlord of Thrax and upon my full authority to commission and execute.

Any whom shall challenge my decision. I shall wait for you in the Salt. You know my banners. And we shall see if I do not possess the ferocity of heart and mind to make a determination of the skill of those who would sail in my fleet.

Warlord Abbas Thrax

Written By Abbas

Feb. 26, 2017, 11:36 a.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

When it comes to my growth upon the Salt I had Donrai Thrax to guide my heart to make decisions callous of all but those born of Thrax. And to do whatever was needed, no matter how brutal -- to see to the most desirable end for the majority of those I command and protect.

When it comes to war and what it means to be a true Thraxian I always had Victus to model after. His conduct in the field was fierce and the fear before his prowess has led him to defy tradition and ascend to what he has earned in blood and glory. I took the fleet and used my influence to help secure his rule in the Maelstrom. And I shall readily follow him into ruin and damnation to forge ourselves in the fire through these dark days ahead; for we shall emerge stronger and more powerful than those lesser people who would crumble under the strain of it all.

It is in his honor that I am now at the head of the Leviathan and the Warlord of Thrax.

It is in his honor that I shall not fail. And while he tends to running the realm I shall see to it that the Serpent Banners reign upon the Salt with the fury and that it will be the gutted bellies of our enemies who drench the tides and feed the blood tithe.

I have worked all my life for this and I shall not squander it.

Written By Cristoph

Feb. 26, 2017, 11:10 a.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

I will have to thank Prince Tristram in person for obtaining the sparring weapons, not to mention the idea behind them, I think most were even returned after the melee leaving a fair assortment for the training center, quite unmistakable in who provided them.

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