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Written By Veronica

March 14, 2018, 12:13 p.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

As I said to the Master of Questions, work and duties are simple. There is right, and there is wrong. Pick the right path and follow it to the end, and it is done.

Family, on the other hand, is not. It is complicated, it is convoluted, and there is no clear cut right or wrong. Why can't I just judge family like I judge criminals?

Written By Theron

March 14, 2018, 11:44 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

In a fight, there's no more thrilling place to be than the vanguard.

Written By Gwenna

March 14, 2018, 11:43 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Does House Farshaw gift all betrothal pairs with coffee? How about the person who just announces the betrothal? No? Is there a condition that one actually has to /marry/ to get said coffee? Or is an announced betrothal enough? Asking for a friend.

Written By Elgana

March 14, 2018, 11:25 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Being surrounded by family and friends is something that should be truly treasured. And yesterday at the woading it was more than merely laughter and drinking and games. It was remembering what family means to me. What being with my family means to me. What being a Redrain means.

My sister Agatha will be marching off to war soon and that fills me with great dread, but I will stay strong for her as I know she needs not to worry about what is going on back at the city while she is defending her people, our lands, and the Compact from grave dangers. She is strong and fierce and proud, a great warrior. I know she will do our family proud, our red bear princess.

I will always keep those dearest to me the closest to my heart.

Written By Corban

March 14, 2018, 11:24 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Warm congratulations are due to Prince Cicero and Lady Eirene on their marriage. Although the wedding may not have been a complete surprise, the union of two people and two Houses under the gaze of Limerance is always a benefit to the Compact.

Written By Eirene

March 14, 2018, 11:18 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Forwarded to the Archives from Southport:

Home. I saw the walls of the Safe Harbor and thought 'How can I make them safer?' I walked the parapets of the city gates and thought 'How can I keep our enemies from climbing these?' I spent time in the Academy of Gloria and watched duels thinking 'How long til these folk see real war?'

It's bittersweet, knowing our enemies are all around us, watching and waiting. I can't do a damn thing. I'm helpless and confessing it here will no doubt give those enemies glee. Let them choke on it. I'll find a way. I am the queen of stubborn.

Some go the City of Silk. I went to the City of Swords. My city.

Written By Sabella

March 14, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Things have been very busy lately! Not only are there several newcomers to Arx that I have been trying to help settle, but my curious inquiry about whether or not dragons actually exist has lead to an incredible amount of fascinating conversations with people I both know very well (and did not know they knew of such things!) and people I barely know offering up their thoughts, facts, and opinions. Though facts and opinions often seem to sound the same. As such, I am assured by many people that dragons do in fact exist! A fact which I find incredible! I am also told that while I opine that I should want to meet one, that they are ill-tempered creatures and I should not say such things.

However, I wonder if the reason they are thought as such is because whenever they run into one of us it must be an adventurer who is packed full of sharp things and looks threatening. Perhaps we seem as threatening to them as they do to us? That should make a sorry first impression to a dragon that thought we were just myths or had perhaps been told tales where we were dangerous to them. I quite wonder if under the right circumstances if a dragon wouldn't be perfectly fine. If they do in fact exist as I am assured, it seems it would definitely be in our best interest to find and cultivate some kind of relationship with them, considering there are stories about them being used for warfare.

Not that I'll ever know since I rarely leave the city. And I am sure there are several people that will read this and shake their heads at my nonsense and silly ideas and I admit that I am uninformed on such things, but I am trying to learn! And I would much rather be optimistic about these things than just assume all dragons are terrible things. Surely, just like us there are those who are good and there are those who are evil and there are those who just are.

But I am neither a scholar nor a theologist nor an adventurer, so it is unlikely even if they do exist that I should ever see one.

It would be a lovely thing, though, if I could!

Written By Marcas

March 14, 2018, 5:54 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Well! Things have certainly got more exciting more quickly. After meeting a bunch of Redrain nobles and other assorted people associated with the House, I've found my life much busier. I had the honor of meeting - and befriending - the Warchief, Princess Marian Redrain. And then came the Warrior's Woading Ceremony! This was put together by Princess Ann Redrain, and it was a chaotic whirlwind of drinking, games, and boisterous fun. Yours truly won second place in the mud wrestling tournament, losing to the Red Bear - and then lost to her in the drinking competition! Our Redrain Princesses are the most fierce and grand! Princess Marian won stones, so we took three of the four games. And the ever devoted Shaman Lady Khanne woaded us and gave her blessings. Truly, it was a drunken, loud, amazing time.

Written By Sina

March 14, 2018, 4:49 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Day 1

I sit within the Shrine of the Thirteenth, surrounded by my reflection in these mirrored halls, writing in my white journal. I have much time to reflect upon my thoughts, and the events of the past few weeks as danger threatens our shores. It is a most uncomfortable way to live, always surrounded by one's reflection. It is said that it is ill-advised to look into the mirror, but I confess, I have looked, on more than one occasion. How can one not, when surrounded by mirrors? I am not certain that I like what I see. A pretty girl with moonshine eyes. That's what most people see. I see other things. I wonder what others see, when they look into the mirror?

Day 2

The temple is very silent for the most part. It seems a sacrilege to break that silence, and so like the Silent Reflections, I have chosen silence and a black robe. There is a certain peace in anonymity.

Day 3

I am not the only one who lingers here. I see others come and go. I see others sitting in contemplation or writing mysterious notes. The Archlector has been very helpful as I spend this week within the shrine. It is a learning experience. I have sat in silence. I have wept before the altar and then renewed my resolve. I have prayed for guidance. One would think it would be a simple task, to spend a week within the Shrine of the Thirteenth. But it is not simple at all. It is, perhaps, the hardest thing I have ever done.

Written By Jacque

March 14, 2018, 2:17 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Today was a very busy day, but a good one, all the same.

Written By Aleksei

March 14, 2018, 1:24 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

We did, actually! I mean, we used to.

Written By Victus

March 14, 2018, 1:09 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Alright, so recently Magpie gave me a series of books called The Deathlector Chronicles. Last time I got some smut from him I got real drunk and reviewed it waaaay out in the open, so I figured I'd so something semi similar this time. Unfortunately we are a Compact at war and war requires sobriety, but I'm gonna give my best crack at it anyhow.

I've got the Astrid here with me and I've requested that this Scholar start recording everything he hears for the next hour or so. I'm gonna read these stories to her and if anything bad happens, it's Magpie's fault for irresponsibility in giving them to me knowing that I would do something stupid.

Here we go, doing something fatherly and reading to my daughter. I might be shit at this so don't wor- Stop- Stop drooling. This archive is basically holy ground you can't fucking- Astrid no. Damn it all, get me the dry rag. No, the DRY ONE.

Gods this is so difficult. Alright, so, we're starting with our hook of the story. This plot is beginning around the time of present events so I guess we're going for some alternate, historical, fiction or whatever the fuck you call it. In this version of the world it seems that Arx is a really shitty kinda slum and that war-time has pretty much made everything awful. So when everything sucks most people are gonna start turning to the Archlector of When Times Suck, which in this story is Aureth. He has a similar job in real life but Death isn't always a total fucking drag. I mean usually it's pretty bad, but, well, you'll get it when you get older.

So the Queen is now raising an entire army of the dead out of their graves and they look like they're all going to start setting up a ship. This sounds like a really awful idea but it's a bold move, let's see how it works out for them. I'm currently guessing it's gonna suck real bad, but I've been wrong before- Okay well I guess we're throwing our rattles around like some kind of fucking barbarians, excuse me. Guard, go get it.

Now we have Captain Deathlector Aureth. I kinda think Captain Deathlector would get the point across pretty well. Makes you sound like some kinda fuckin' hero and legend. Captain Deathlector Aureth just gets a mouth-full. Feels like my tongue is twisting tighter than a virgin cherry stem. There's this one zombie though, Bob the First Mate. You see that? Bob. B-O-B. That's the simplest fucking word you could ever learn to read so you damn well better be looking. Heh, Bob the Zombie. That's stupid, I like it. Let's see what this Bob fellow gets up to, I'm optimistic.

Looks like Aureth has a bunch of boats now, bout 100. That's a lot of fucking ships to just have a skeleton crew. Heh, skeleton crew. You get it? Astrid?Astrid I made a joke. I- hold the fuck up, I'm talking to my daughter. She won't remember much but I'll be damned if she doesn't remember that her dad is fucking funny.

Ah fuck it looks like Aleksei is in this story now too. He has a job like Aureth but in a totally different department. He's big on breaking chains and shit, like freedom of choice and all of that. Metaphorical and literal chains. You've tried to chew on his sleeves before, but you probably don't remember. He's apparently mad that Aureth likes his own flesh and blood a tiny amount more than him. He sure does yell a lot, sounds just like real Aleksei. Oh fuck, he's bringing his friend Skald, he must be really mad. Wonder how Skald is doing these days... He's a god that actually just lives in the city. Wonder if he likes rum. I should find out later. We might go to Skald's house after this, you'll probably like him.

So uh... Skald's pissed and he's going over to the navy of the dead and yelling at them. He doesn't like that they're ugly and that they weren't given free will. Makes sense. Okay now Aureth is calling the Queen to his side. Man, Magpie really does cause some fucking weird situations. Like this divinely powered throwdown on the high seas that we're imagining. Annnd here comes the bunch of spiders. Yep.

Queen is trying to explain herself, Skald ain't havin' it. Bob's upset. I like Bob and I'm fucking pissed that he's upset, honestly. Bob deserved better than this. Now they're fighting. I mean literally, the Queen of Endings and Skald are having a goddamn fist-fuck. Holy shit they're really going at it. Look at all of this gorey detail. I mean, don't look at it, you're too young. Actually go ahead and look, I'll take the heat from your mother. Oh shit, they're attracting too much attention. OH SHIT, here comes the Darkwater... serpent? Fuck it I'm game for this.

Looks like they're breaking off their fucking huge battle to go and fight this Serpent thing. Alright alright, I can appreciate it. Mangata is even here now. Goddamn are all of the Gods gonna show up? Fuckin' hope so, that'd make my job later a lot easier. Naaah we ain't gonna get that much of a break. Plus there's all these rules about divine intervention- It's a fuckin' mess. But hey it's fun to imagine and this book is doing alright at that. Dunno about this big bubble idea, but... Wow Aureth and his ship just got fucked- OH SHIT, WHAT HAPPENED TO BOB?!

Shit shit shit, go back, go back I wanna see what happened to Bob. He went in the damn tidal hole! And now there's a big wave headed for the Mourning Isles? Oh c'mon we can- It fucking wiped out the Isles? You did Bob like this and now you do Thrax like that? What a fucking punch in the dick this book is turning out to be. My opinion is changin' real sharply real fast, I tell you what.

I need a break, here you hold it for a second. This reading is givin' me a proper headache. I'm gonna walk over there and come back, stretch my legs. Astrid is trusted with this.


"Your Grace, your daughter is ripping the book."

Oh, oh wow, she just tore that page right off while I was gone? Is that what she's chewin' on? That thing was bigger than her whole head, how the fuck did you even eat it that fast? That's impressive and real fucking concerning too

... Alright look what do you want me to do buddy? I know about preservation of knowledge, but it's already in her mouth. It's too late, it's gone. It's fucked and it cannot be unfucked from here. It's not like she can swallow- ASTRID, ASTRID NO. SPIT IT BACK OUT GOD DAMN IT.

Don't shout at me, I'm handling it. Oh, fuck, gross. Ew. Why do you do this, child. Why? Paper ain't even nourishment it's just thin and inky, you trying to literally shit a sentence? Ahhh fuck this Fatherhood business, I wish I had a damn salary for it.

Okay, so, this book is pretty fucked and it looks like we're now missing half of the climax. But we can work with what we got and just fill in the blanks as needed. Uhhhh... Looks like Death and Skald got out of there and Aleksei was really sad about it. Arx got destroyed and ransacked, that's pretty bad. Oh but he's got a letter and... I can't read this, it's sticky- WHY is it STICKY?!

I'm just gonna put this on the floor and read it standing up, c'mere Stormborn.

What I'm gathering from up here is that yes, Aleksei is depressed. But it's all gonna turn around because he's got some kind of note from Aureth- and BOB! Aww they're both happy at the bottom of the sea. That's a nice happy ending. Wait, no, there's more. Ah but who cares anymore? Yadda yadda, he's got a friendship bracelet (so do I and mine is the best one), everyone is rejoicing, rainbows are flying from one ass to another and everybody is joining hands in sing-song sing-along and happy, blah blah.

We all got a happy ending. That's a pretty nice note to end on right? Kinda disappointed there wasn't any fucking though. I have a high tolerance for smut and especially Magpie's smut... Wait this wasn't even written by Magpie? Ah whatever, my fucking head hurts.

Moral of the story that I gathered:

Thrax will be saved by the power of friendship
It wouldn't be weird if Aleksei and Aureth fucked
Astrid needs a bath.

I'm gonna go do that last one now when I'm done scrapping this paper off the Archives floor. Scribe, you did good. We'll get this mess cleaned up. Closing note? Nah we don't need one, I just reviewed the book totally accurately.

... Actually, one thing. Magpie if you send me another book like this I'll probably eat it before Astrid does. Get me some steamy action damn it.

Written By Amari

March 14, 2018, 12:43 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

On impulse, I attended the ceremony House Redrain held today. I didn't really know anyone there, but I was curious to see what sort of people they were. It's hard to imagine my mother throwing axes or wrestling in the mud, but she died when I was very young. I wonder, had she lived, would I be more like a Crovane? Would I have been asking the shaman for a blessing and to be painted with woad?

Afterwards, who appears at Keaton Hall? My very long lost older brother, Aric. I should have been overjoyed to see him after all these years, but instead I was rather upset. I think I may have threatened to decapitate him and Lady Tessa did hit him with that crystal vase, quite squarely and with force enough to break it.

That was rather rude, in retrospect and I do regret my temper getting the better of me in the moment. I know how intolerably strict father can be, so it's really no wonder Aric ran off the way he did. But, you think I was his favorite, Aric? You are a dumb ox. Even so, I suppose I should forgive you. It must be just impossible to write letters with hooves for hands and cud for brains. No wonder you never sent any.

Written By Morrighan

March 14, 2018, 12:23 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

There was a whole cabinet full of whiskey - but no Foolsbane. Or chocolate.

Written By Cadenza

March 14, 2018, 12:03 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Really....must life get complicated? I mean it was already complicated...but now it's more so.

I'm just going to deal with this after everything is said done with the battles. That's fair right?

Written By Derovai

March 13, 2018, 11:38 p.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

There was a drinking contest in Redrain Ward and nobody notified me?

Clearly, I need to work on that.

Written By Driskell

March 13, 2018, 11:22 p.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

I was thinking today about the forces that are under the Marin king's banner, enslaved and lost in pits of despair due to the imbalanced choices their king made so many lifetimes ago when he bent the knee to his dark passions and let that evil become his master rather than he mastering them.

To the Marin forces: when tyranny and dishonor become your norm, then rebellion becomes your duty.

Written By Ann

March 13, 2018, 11:19 p.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Tonight's events had me in stitches. Thank you everyone, for the wonderful turnout.

I think I had a ton of leftover whiskey, so if you are in need of alcohol tonight please pop by the Redrain Villa to help yourself to some Limited Edition (there were only 40 made, and will ever be made) Crovane whiskey from the liquor cabinet outside.

I'd like to take a moment to say some thanks:

*Gwenna: For helping me navigate the legal waters of this endeavor.
*Marian: For introducing us, even though she had no idea what she had done, or to what result it might lead to.
*Khanne: For helping Asger and me navigate the spiritual waters of this endeavor. Also, you know, the thing.

And also, some congratulations are in order. The winners of the events are as follows:
Game of Stones, 1st Place: Princess Marian Redrain
Game of Stones, 2nd Place: King Alaric Grayson IV
Axe Throwing, 1st Place: Sir Jeffeth "STEEL LIVER" Bayweather
Axe Throwing, 2nd Place: Lord Theron Mazetti
Mud Wrestling, 1st Place: Princess Agatha "RED BEAR" Redrain
Mud Wrestling, 2nd Place: Marcas Aodh
Drinking, 1st Place: Princess Agatha "RED BEAR" Redrain
Drinking, 2nd Place: Sir Jeffeth "STEEL LIVER" Bayweather

I hope that all of you will, one day soon, join me at my wedding reception. I'll have to think of something better to top all of this.

Also, Duarte, you are a scoundrel for challenging me to the mud wrestling event. I'm /still/ blowing mud out of my sinuses.

Written By Cassima

March 13, 2018, 10:32 p.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

It has been many weeks in the making, but I finally have my first batch of copies of my very own book, penned by my very own hand.

"On the Origins of Specie"

While, upon re-reading the work, I find that my selection of words lacks flourish and is often repetitive, the mathematical equations and theories are quite sound. I could not expect anything less or, frankly, more of myself in that regard. I am never to be a poet, I fear.

In a tradition as old as the mountains, I shall make this required reading for any student of economics that seeks my tutelage.

Written By Joscelin

March 13, 2018, 10:18 p.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Elara


Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

Leave blank if this journal is not a relationship

Mark if this is a private, black journal entry