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Name Gender Age Concept Fealty Social Rank
Sabine female 28 Stoic Countess Velenosa 4
Sable female 35 Veteran Huntress Valardin 7
Salazar male 24 Pirate with a Pedigree Velenosa 5
Samantha female 26 Serene Marquessa Grayson 4
Sameera female 24 Former Thrall Jeweler Thrax 7
Sara female 18 Confined Adventurer Valardin 6
Sarielle female 19 Widowed Socialite Grayson 4
Sebell male 22 Pelagic Priestling Crownsworn 7
Serafine female 34 Shav'arvani Knight Velenosa 3
Seth male 20 Brooding Lordling Valardin 6
Shadow male 34 Ginger Giant Crownsworn 8
Shard female 28 Prodigal Mercenary Crownsworn 8
Sheena female 18 Demure and Innocent Seamstress Thrax 9
Shreve male 52 Callous Inquisitor Crownsworn 6
Shrike female 25 Passionate Inquisitor Crownsworn 7
Sigismund male 65 Singing Blade Crownsworn 9
Sina female 26 Watchful Servant Crownsworn 5
Sira female 30 High End Decorator Grayson 7
Sivard male 20 Grim Infiltrator Thrax 4
Skatha female 37 Mercenary Messenger Crownsworn 8
Solange female 26 Warmest Whisper Crownsworn 7
Solomon male 23 Healer of the People Crownsworn 9
Somhairle male 23 Ambitious Barbarian Lord Redrain 3
Stefano male 25 Reluctantly Retired Knight Errant Velenosa 6
Stygia female 25 Dock Worker Crownsworn 9
Sunaia female 28 Ranging Rover Velenosa 4
Sunniva female 27 Charitable Socialite Valardin 5
Swift female 27 Snake Oil Merchant Crownsworn 9
Syd male 65 Eccentric Art Collector Velenosa 5