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Written By Aureth

July 4, 2019, 12:49 a.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

There is nothing wrong with walking your own path on the road to the gods, provided it is a path that embraces the ideals of the Faithful. I was proud to stand with you and I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Written By Monique

July 3, 2019, 11:03 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elisha

My mythic friend, I think you would know the answer to that question better than I, for surely the Gods have laid their hand fully upon you.

Written By Ras

July 3, 2019, 10:40 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

The coughing made me angry, mostly at myself. I tried to ignore it. I've heard it a lot, haven't I? But there's just something really sad about it this time. I thought about it for a long while afterwards. Maybe Nyce is right about the world. Everywhere I step is crap, but if I stop walking there's just too much time to mope.

Written By Mirk

July 3, 2019, 8:42 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

Dame Morrighan has outdone herself. I seldom bother to write in the whites, but she deserves the acknowledgement. I have never spent so much silver on myself, but never have I been as pleased with the results. This is a thing of beauty.

Written By Saoirse

July 3, 2019, 8:17 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

Niccolo. How will I ever demand access to the back of the bar again at the Black Fox.

Written By Aureth

July 3, 2019, 8:10 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

I'm very familiar with the kinds of profit one can make spinning vaguely plausible but occultish-sounding nonsense for the credulous, but as a word of advice, from someone who has been there: pick your targets wisely.

To invite them indiscriminately can lead to unpleasantness, even if you're absolutely certain you're either harmless or correct.

Written By Reese

July 3, 2019, 7:40 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

I am blessed to have triumphed in the great hunt hosted by Princess Zara and Princess Tikva.
Their feast was wonderful and a great time. I haven't enjoyed myself so much in a while.
I am thankful to Petrichor for his bounty and Gloria for her guidance. And to those who kept me
company there. The time, stories and words they granted means more than the victory.


Written By Juniper

July 3, 2019, 5:45 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

I have never felt so small as I did standing in the Cathedral before an audience, making oaths to the Faith. Especially the bits where I went a little off the beaten path in my replies. But it's done now, and I've become Sister Juniper, Most Kind Peacemaker, servant of the gods.

It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?

To those who came to witness my swearing, thank you. Seeing you there, it gave me the courage I needed to go through with it. No amount of Whisper training is enough to compensate for the nerves when you stand before the watchful eyes of the gods, in their house, and give voice to immense things, things you hope to live up to.

Written By Evaristo

July 3, 2019, 4:41 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

I wanted to know if bats lay eggs and that path led me down to become First Harlequin. There was some stuff in between there too, but my POINT is that you shouldn't be afraid to look for answers and bother people about things, because life's short and you best have fun while living it and poking at things will lead to very entertaining and amazing results.

Except some things, some things you shouldn't poke at. A lot. Like sleeping bears. Well, maybe a LITTLE if you can also run very fast, then it's no trouble.

Written By Lora

July 3, 2019, 4:16 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

There are many things that you could ask of me. There are many things you have asked. I have done many, and will continue to do each to the best of my ability.

But this? I think it might at last be more than I can bear. But he would've wanted it.

How can I say no?

We do not choose the paths that lie ahead of us; we can but decide which to follow, seldom knowing where it might lead. Betimes we learn from looking back, but the future is uncertain and the plans we make today may tomorrow be what brings us into ruin. But living forever at the crossroads, paralyzed into indecision by potential, is no life at all.

This is why we have hope, isn't it?

It's a dark world after all.

Written By Elisha

July 3, 2019, 2:50 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

Every Truth I Tell Is a Wall (Rinel)

If you pledge yourself to the Mistress of the World,
you will denounce everything you worship. (Vere)

She weaves her own patchwork
of perception and experience and (Selene)
every thread is woven from a nameless color (Celeste)
into a story from beyond the graveyard. (Nicely)

Yet even the dead need care. (Keyser)

In the time before death was born, (Sparte)
we answered only to the goddesses (Juniper)
who dreamed of turning the Wheel of the world. (Harlex)

Reworking our sense of we,
shifting our I. (Zara)

We're not a mess of rats,
we're a swarm of locusts, (Jack)
marked because we saw Her;
apparently that is enough. (Jeffeth)

What does it mean,
to be chosen by the gods? (Monique)
The answer is the death of knowledge. (Aureth)
Therefore, this must be truth. (Sina)

Our breath carries all the things we forget, (Tescelina)
to the home that awaits the end of our journey. (Reigna).

a man sweeps dust into her hand. (Celeste)

Written By Alecstazi

July 3, 2019, 2:38 p.m.(5/24/1011 AR)

I finally had a chance to speak with High Lord Victus. I find myself in something of bind. He is not the man I knew all those years ago. He is not simply the coarse and unrefined brute that he was made to be.

We all had our roles, our masks as much as Uncle had. His he chose to hide the effects of age, his vanity unable to bear the sight of himself at anything but his prime. He was so fixated on appearances. On the surface, as if that had any real correlation to the meat of a thing. Skin is only so deep. It is a shallow truth, skin.

I do not like this feeling. It is like standing on the tide's edge, and with each retreat of the waves, the sand under your feet is pulled inexorably away. When the tide returns, more sand is laid atop, planting you, even as more is pulled out from under your heels and you are left unbalanced. That was very much the feeling of Donrai's court. Uncertainty, unbalanced. You were given a role and made to live it. You were what you were and that was all. Deviation was not encouraged, change... change was allowed to an extent but never seen with joy. It became rote. To be what you were told to be. And as with practice in any thing, the more time spent doing or being that... the more natural it all became. To see people as no more than the surface masks we were assigned. The loyalist. The perfect woman. The brute.

Coming to Arx has challenged me in many ways. I have had to remove that mask and examine my actions, both today and of the past. My perceptions have been flawed. The proof stands in front of me. A man I swore was incapable of successful leadership has been shown to be one I am eager to follow. His words moved me. The logic, the respect, the intellect all show me how false those masks were. I admit freely, gladly, that I was wrong.

I cannot abandon my core belief that traditions are important, or that tradition is what makes us uniquely, supremely Thrax. But no single tradition defines us. I still think it is a slippery slope. I do not like the precedent set. But I am not enough of a fool to cling to what was, when what *is* is going to keep us alive.

Written By Mabelle

July 3, 2019, 11:15 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Zara

Often when we try to think about the influence of the choices we made in our lives or those forced upon us, it requires outer prespective. As a young girl I would often complain about having to marry to benefit the House, because it was my duty as one born to a noble house.

A recent conversation with Princess Zara exposed me to perhaps the greatest benefit I got from the entire affair - being able to relate to both sides, Lycene and Oathlander, and speak to their hearts which was a critical factor last time we visited the border.

I pray fate will look down kindly upon us again and I'm happy for friends who manage to shine a light on things we consider darkness.

Written By Sparte

July 3, 2019, 8:54 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

I had a wise soul once tell me that it isn't for me to force others to walk the path I think is right for them. That to do so was not only a violation of their own stories, but a violation of the faith. It was to steal their choice.

I had thought that I was aiding the stories of others, when I heard that. I thought I was providing tools for the stories that they were pursuing, but by allowing them to skip the struggles that would have brought them to those goals themselves, they were losing something important. It wasn't that helping them was wrong, but that I hadn't realized too much help could be a burden. Just as sure as no help at all would be a burden.

So it is with the burdens of judgment and justice. Too little brings terrible things, but just as surely too much will choke a person.

It has been a year, now, that you've been a penitent. A year.

Written By Ophelia

July 3, 2019, 8:39 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

I love you, Uncle. I will hold onto your memory as tightly as I hold onto Luca's. Non omnis moriar.

Written By Arcadia

July 3, 2019, 6:12 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Dariel


Are you still cranky about the time I glittered your bath? Or when I scared you? Or was it when I threw that scone at your head? I guess there was the time I stole both your teas.

I will promise to try to be less nemesis like if you promise to keep sharing your tea and pastries.

Written By Arcadia

July 3, 2019, 6:04 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Magnus

I have been married almost a full week, and these are things I have learnt so far.

1. My husband likes to sleep with his axe nearby. Sneaking into bed could prove hazardous to my health.

2. The threat to my rabbit being eaten has been increased tenfold. I have heard the staff muttering about the wild food in the house.

3. I have learnt numerous bad words in Northern Shav when I tried to change the decor from black and white to something more bright and inviting, like pink.

Written By Samithel

July 3, 2019, 2:49 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Somewhere in the unknown expanses of the Night sea, there once stood an island of trees. A great forest spanned almost its entirety, but for the villages in the beaches under the sunrise, and the tunnels in the mountains beneath the sunset.
These two groups of people would often fight, because the mountain people had all the metals, and the sand people had the easiest access to food. The unfortunate case of this island was that only the people and its trees lived there. These trees had leaves but no flowers; branches but no fruit.
One day, the chieftain of the Sunrise Tribe, realizing his was a losing battle--they only held their advantage so long as they held the easiest root to the sea, and metal weapons and armor would eventually outdo that through conquest-decided he would bring an end to the Sunset Tribe once and for all. He turned to their greatest source of power, and sought a way to use it against his enemies. The Sunrise Tribe found nowhere to turn but the sea.
And in time, under the distant noses of the Sunset Tribe, they decided the best way to slay their life-long nemeses was to give them what they wanted.
Something great and indescribable happened that day, when sea swept across the land like wind. And when the sun rose, the island was nowhere to be seen. All its people drowned. Only the trees, deep beneath the waters, survived.
IN this way it was for many, many years. Even when the trees were uprooted and smashed to pieces by the current, they remained as wood. And when they wash up on the beach…today we call them driftwood.
But there is a stranger mystery yet; another secret to the trees. Driftwood has its reflection: those fragments lost at sea--buried in the ocean floor, or lodged in rocks. These pieces transformed, hardened, and blackened, to arrive beneath our shores as a material both wood and stone.
Stand in Arx today; travel to the temples of the gods. There is one that looms rather than stands, its polished walls seemingly carved of black stone, the time of its construction forever lost to us. But what if it is more? After all, there is a small fragment of that island which was buried in mistakes surviving on Arvum, and--perhaps--surviving wherever land meets the water.

Written By Mailys

July 3, 2019, 2:15 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

Not so common dresses for common folk! I love silks, don't get me wrong, but those few linen maxi dresses I put in the shop sold well.

So much so, that I think I might make a few for the Lady Death, as well. Masses of silver shouldn't be a requirement for a festival, after all.

Written By Rinel

July 3, 2019, 1:21 a.m.(5/23/1011 AR)

I don't understand. I'm trying to make things right, and every apology I make falls on deaf ears, every truth I tell places yet another wall between me and the only thing that matters. I want to give up, but I can't. I can't give up on the Gods. I can't give up on my faith.

I just want to be useful.

What do you do when the only thing that matters is everything to you, and you're less than nothing to it?

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