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Gyre Straits - Plains of Pain


March 19, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Cristoph Kael Alis Galen Talen Juliana Regla Ignacio Evelynn Driskell(RIP) Luis Merek Amarantha Dario(RIP) Leta Cadenza Marik(RIP) Sparte Alistair Madeleine Caspian Eleyna Sorrel Serafine(RIP) Orathy Valdemar Theron Thorley Corban Shard Tikva Demura Apollis Ian Waldemai Lucita Ianna Norwood



Outside Arx - City of Setarco - Great Market - Supplicant Row

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Gyre Straits - Plains of Pain has started at Outside Arx - City of Setarco - The Walls of Setarco.

Eleyna has left the On the Battlements.

Eleyna has joined the Command Tents.

Corban wields Breathtaker.

Enyo has left the On the Battlements.

Enyo has joined the Command Tents.

Golden, an Oakhaven bloodhound arrives, following Lucita.

Lucita has joined the Along the Towers.

Madeleine has joined the Along the Towers.

Orathy wields Persuasion, a wicked axe.

a black robed Silent Reflection, Roran arrive, following Driskell.

Driskell has joined the At the Arrowslits.

Driskell has left the At the Arrowslits.

Driskell has joined the Along the Towers.

Ianna has left the Outside the Gates.

Ianna has joined the Along the Towers.

Roran has joined the Along the Towers.

Madeleine has left the Along the Towers.

Orathy grumbles something to Alessia, as he's pulled along, but swiftly departs from her side not long after. He may have been part of the vanguard, which didn't amount to much more than him sleeping off a drunk in a flower bed, but now turns toward someone he notices creeping up along the wall. He makes it to Juliana Pravus, stalking over toward the woman and scowling at her, likely saying something along the lines of 'get the fuck out' .. if people can read lips.

Madeleine has joined the Along the Towers.

Norwood has left the Outside the Gates.

Captain Reedy, a Telmarine military aide have been dismissed.

Sparte wields Diamond Swordstaff.

Arlo, an impossibly fluffy dog with an impossibly grumpy face have been dismissed.

Galen has joined the Command Tents.

Stormwall has not fallen, so much as has been razed to the ground. The Gyre has left it alone, and the Compact is... victorious? There is still no widespread news of Darkwater Reach, and that worries some. But just now they have bigger problems, as the High Command has received word - here there be monsters, and as the fleet sails on Setarco,

Stormwall has not fallen, so much as has been razed to the ground. The Gyre has left it alone, and the Compact is... victorious? There is still no widespread news of Darkwater Reach, and that worries some. But just now they have bigger problems, as the High Command has received word - here there be monsters, and as the Gyre's fleet sails on Setarco, his minions are coming by other routes.

Lady Ianna Greenmarch, chief healer and resident pain in the ass, quadruple checks her medical satchel and checks her stretcher crews. Porters are already running up to the walls with steaming pots of ginger-honey tea for the singers. This is real. This is happening. She adjusts her leather jerkin, emblazoned with the proud stag of House Greenmarch, and steels herself.

Cristoph waits with the rest of the Valardin host, fingers wrapped around the hilt of his sword and scanning the horizon with his eyes. He reaches out and pats Kael and Norwood on the shoulder, encouragingly. After a quick intake of breath, he twists and surveys the rest of the soldiers waiting with a quick glance in the direction of the command tents. It's then that he goes quiet and begins to mutter some quiet prayers under his breath.

Merek is decked in his exotic leathers, while he has his hood lowered, instead wearing his usual helmet, which is shaped like a fox with a muzzle and ears. He has in his hand his blade, while he moves along with Aneka, a few of his guards, and others of those fighting at Setarco and preparing for the foe.

Here they are, Leta and Serafine, back at the walls and ready to fight again. Rested, fed, maybe smelling funny after the tentacle thing from the previous monster-fight, but other than that? Serafine is putting her helmet on with the biggest grin on her face, at Leta's side. Ready to face anything.

Demura stands with the rest of the Valardin, but her face is unreadable due to her having a rubicund helm on. The Lyonesse army stands at her back as she plants her spear on the ground, simply waiting.

Norwood stands beside Cristoph, his hand finally reaching to pull Queensguard from its sheathe with a quiet hiss. The weapon held with the familiarity of years of partnership the Sword of Artshall stands poised but relaxed. Both his duke and Kael get a world-weary smile, but no words outloud.

Golden, an Oakhaven bloodhound have been dismissed.

Kael is with the Keaton forces that have amassed within Setarco, along with those that have answered the call of the banners for the huntsmen. One suspects that they are placed with the Valardin, under the command of her highness, Princess Alis Valardin. They might be rather tightly woven with the Laurent soldiers, though the two armies have separated slightly with command passing back on to Duke Laurent once more. Nonetheless Kael is moving with ease between the two troops, coming in the end to rest near the Duke. When his shoulder is patted, he bows his head in turn toward the other man. It remains resting so, but he turns silently, falling to his own prayer.

Orathy snarls a little at Juliana, "Reckon I want ya back at the manor... m'lady Pravus-" he isn't by any means saying that with a lick of respect for the title, but more as a way to emphasize his seriousness to the matter at hand. "I ain't got time to look after ya... Ya know what's headin our way, aye? Get back to the manor, hold there 'n wait for me eh?" He glances toward the rest of the vanguard, their jobs having already been complete once, holds by Juliana's side now, "Elsewise ya stick 'em as I showed ya, eh?"

The command tents are quiet, the generals of the deployment in Setarco nestled within the pavilion, eyes upon the horizon. Troops stretch outward, onward and onward, and for the moment they remain in anticipation before any action. Talen, as High General, with Eleyna and Niccolo to boot. Alis, Galen join them. Protectors abound. They're ready as can be, come what may.

Ian is in charge of defending the three women who are to sing in the lighthouse, and he's taking that duty seriously. His men are deployed and ready, and now there's nothing to do but wait. He watches the horizon from time to time, but devotes most of his attention to the ground -- around the tower and around the walls.

Shard stands ready among the rest of the Valorous Few, raven-feathered helmet in place, bow in hand, though her cobalt blade sits loose in its sheathe as well. As with the previous battle, she's painted her face, and it's even more extensive this time, with thinner black lines joining the white, tracing parts of her eyes and the scarring along her chin and cheeks. Her armor has been thoroughly cleaned, she's bathed several times, and she still smells like salt.

Shard wields a largely unremarkable rubicund longbow.

Driskell is sitting in a rather meditative position along with the archlector of Lagoma, Roran, up by the lighthouse nearby but distinctly away from the singers, looking at the battle as it will unfold. They're finding inner peace for the upcoming storm.

With Alis in command of the Valardin contengient, Thorley has settled his blade to his side as he waits for the command from Alis. The knight in red and bronze draws in a breath as he hears of the incoming attack, his hand tightens around the hilt of the blade as he prepares for a long evening.

Sparte is astride Betsy with his small trio of faithfuls from the Iron Guard that joined him. Not proper calvary, riding a small pace to keep with the men alongside him. He his his swordstaff held at the ready in one hand, a pink ribbon and a piece of old sail cloth with the symbol of Mangata afixed on his cloak like badges. Good luck tokens perhaps.

As he's with the Valorous Few and the intrepid monster hunting squad, Theron's visor is closed, and his cloak clings close to his armor. His Cobalt sword in hand as he seems ready to march alongside the special forces squad. "Hey, Skull's not here, are they?" He asks of Shard, seeming almost disappointed, but still, there's fighting to be done, and as the enemy marches on them, he'll be here to deal pain and death and suffering to their numbers. His shield is tied to his back, his alaricite longsword at his side.

With the black blade at his side, and the plate upon his form, Lord Luis Igniseri watches the seas as word passes through the ranks of the arrival of monsters. There's a true fire that alights in the young Lord's eyes as he reaches for his helm, drawing it up and placing it upon his helm, chinstrap tightened and the visor drawn low. Those nearby will hear him begin a chanting prayer as he draws his rapier and waits for the next bit of information.

Caspian stands along the walls, readying himself for the approaching hoarde. He reaches up to touch at the ribbon tied to his arm, brushing his fingers along it. There is a moment where he is looking behind himself, watching and waiting, and then, he begins to sing. Maybe for himself, maybe for others, but it an Oathlands warsong, singing of fighting for honor, for glory, for fealty and for rightousness.

Regla, still recovering from her wounds, stands ready with her marines. She waits for what comes and does her best to bolster the morale of her men and women.

Caspian checked charm + performance at difficulty 20, rolling 13 higher.

Amarantha wields Cacophony.

Wisely so, Mangata's Archlector has worn armor under her silken robes of white and sea shades. It doesn't quite seem to be made for someone with ample curves, but it still offers a degree of protection. She stands atop the towers with the trio of singers, their spiritual protector even as Ian's men guard their bodies. She seems calm and confident despite the looming threat. She carries wine and water with her, both blessed and made our in Mangata's name. Madeline is watching and waiting, offering prayers chanted in a sing-song under her breath.

Merek has left the Outside the Gates.

Waldemai has the brand new armor he made for himself. He swings his hammer idly.

Alistair does not stand with most of the other commanders, since despite his status as High Inquisitor, he is no leader of armies. He and his cadre of Confessors, as well as some Velenosian troops, patrol back and forth from the walls. The Velenosian Prince can occasionally be seen leaning forward over the ramparts and battlements, peering at the surrounding lands as if looking for something. Some even swear he sniffs at the air like a wolf trying to catch a scent.

The Pravus bannerman Marquis Dario Seraceni of Ischia has been given command of the Pravus and aligned forces in the defense of their home. The cousin of the Duchess Belladonna Pravus -- he mans the strategic elements and drifts among the commanders and officers. He pauses to echo the Archduchess' words,

Serafine has left the Outside the Gates.

Shard replies without looking at Theron, "Skull is hard to miss. But that doesn't mean they aren't here, even if you don't see them."

After that talk with Ignacio she looks up to the sky, exhaling softly. "....mother give me your strength...." With that she has her sword ready, those blue eyes peeking from the shades of that black and purple hood of her coat. Though she is with the Vanguard, she is not too far from Ignacio as well. Cadenza simple looks to the man before looking to the wall, trying to find Caspian but just purses her lips as she looks back ahead.

The Pravus bannerman Marquis Dario Seraceni of Ischia has been given command of the Pravus and aligned forces in the defense of their home. The cousin of the Duchess Belladonna Pravus -- he mans the strategic elements and drifts among the commanders and officers. He pauses to echo the Archduchess' words, 'You will stand!' Over and over. Dario makes his rounds and has a personal stake in the with his own people on an island not far from here and he awaits to find out after these wars what became of his people. (Enter too soon)

"Well, that's good to know," Theron replies with a chuckle. "But fair enough. I'll know, anyways." He rests the broadsword against his shoulder as he continues to walk, determined steps bringing him side to side with Shard.

Leta has only a small smile for Serafine, framed by the opening in her gloriously polished steel helm. The soldier in red rests her gauntlets on the pommel of her sword, the tip of it on the ground five feet below. She draws a deep breath and glances at the others nearby with a small frown on her brow. She wiggles her shoulders, perhaps to shake off some tension, and hums a lively little melody under her breath, drumming her fingers on her sword to keeep the beat.

The Vanguard Patrol did their job earlier on, and now they have returned, only to be sent out again to act as scouts. Alessia has gathered them together, though she does gaze out, looking for Orathy. She sees him growling at Juliana and stares in his direction for a time. Her expression is difficult to read behind that helmet. She beckons to him, and they set off to scout, because that's what her team is for. Scouting and patrolling, while everyone else does battle with monsters and undead and who knows what else.

Tikva stands with the other singers in the tower, a faint, grim smile turning her mouth up at the corners. Each breath is measured as she summons up calm, her fingers sliding over a different instrument than her balalaika: the bow. Still, her voice is the weapon she plans to use today. It's like having a security blanket.

The steel clad knight stands silently gazing through his helm, holding his gleaming diamondplate blade as the torchlight flickers off of it. He just waits for what is to come, vigilant.

Lucita waits with Tikva and Sorrel, watching those in the area with her though her gaze keeps getting drawn to the sea and area below the walls. She takes a sip of water now and then, while she has a chance to do that.

Amarantha is waiting by her brother and with the rest of the scouts, blade drawn and in hand. When Alessia moves to leave, the blonde follows at an easy but brisk pace. For once, she seems grim.

Galen is in the command tent, discussing with the other commanders there. Also, it seems the Thrax Warlord is drinking...Tea? Someone must be mistaken, or perhaps for once the moustache of Thrax plans to be sober.

Valdemar waits with the Thrax army, peering out away from the city from under his great horned helm. Cobalt greataxe in hand, he gives a glance to his left and to his right, getting a good look at the men of the Grim Legion who are ready to follow him into battle against...whatever the enemy sends at them.

Apollis stands nears Alessia and Amarantha ready to scout. He has his bow ready if the occasion should call for it. He follows after Alessia as their vanguard begin to move.

Sorrel is with her sister singers, watching the armies form below, gazing over the sea, preparing herself and her voice to sing.

Juliana meets Orathy's eyes as he growls and grumbles at her. In all fairness the man is no doubt correct but the girl simply touchs the back of his hand and turns her gaze towards Dario as he stalks along the Pravus forces.

Orathy huffs after the Lady Pravus, but not before he gives her a more private gesture - lost in the scramble and chaos no doubt. Then he's heading out, likely having heard Alessia's word or signal, or whatever. He jogs to catch up, throwing a hood up over his head and pulling a bandanna up around his nose and chin, which covers the bottom half of his face. He nods toward Alessia, drawing his axe loose.

Cadenza checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 29 higher.

Orathy checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 17 higher.

Alessia checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 2 lower.

Cadenza checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 17 higher.

Giving Ignacio one more look she leans over to picks up a rock, throws it at his armor...pinging him on the helmet. Chuckling she just shakes her head before turning and following out with Alessia. Cadenza smiles from under that hood, shaking her head.

Apollis checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 11 higher.

Amarantha checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 8 higher.

The rock thunks off his helm as the knight probably doesn't even noticing it coming at him in the poor lighting and through his helm. Ignacio grunts, leveling his stance with his sword pulled into a fighting stance as he slowly glances around, not seeming to notice it was just a stone.

Isabetta checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 30 higher.

Donaldo checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 39 higher.

Orathy peels off toward the east with some signals given to the rest of the scouts and he's pretty quick at it - as quick as someone can possibly move along the island landscape and try to stay out of sight. At some point he hunkers down and observes, settling a hand on his knee as he settles down to look toward the horizon, trying to gauge for numbers or any hint of the specifics of what's approaching...

Donaldo checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 35 higher.

Apollis checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 11 lower.

Cadenza has rolled a critical success!
Cadenza checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 19 higher.

Orathy checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 4 lower.

Amarantha checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 16 lower.

Isabetta checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 5 lower.

Alessia checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 9 lower.

There's a sick sensation rolling toward the city. Fear and madness and hunger, so much hunger. It's a familiar feeling by now but it's so hard to counter. There's a moment where each person not holding one of the Cobalt weapons turns to their neighbor and finds themselves wondering exactly how much fat versus muscle they have, and how that would translate to a... The horror of it isn't that the thought comes, it's the feeling of eagerness each one of them experiences.

It's a familiar sensation that brings Tikva to grip her bow with tightened fingers. Her glance lifts to Sorrel and Lucita beside her, and she inhales deeply, preparing to support her song. The opening notes are a high, soaring arc of sound, remote and distant from most of the troops because they are high and away on this tower, but it's at least a beginning.

Sparte gives his horse Betsy the oddest look, while Betsy gives that look to Caspian. Ah, the food chain. Sparte reaches into a pouch, retrieving some of the snacks he normally gives to animals and absently eating them himself. Munch munch munch.

Cristoph is utterly oblivious to this sensation of wanting to eat any of his neighbors. However, there's a moment where he catches someone looking at him a little funny. He stares back at the other man and lifts his eyebrow and makes a 'what?' face at him.

Corban glances over at Duke Cristoph, licking his lips slightly as he does. Having no cobalt weapon, he can't help but notice how -- hungry -- he is. But he shakes his head, trying to clear his head, to center himself.

Cristoph gives that look to Corban too, for good measure. With a louder, "What?"

Serafine looks at Leta. Looks back out to the horizon. Swallows and says nothing. Blegh.

Norwood twitches when that sensation of hunger rolls over him, expression twitching from that veteran's calm to twist upwards as he glances at Cristoph. "Marie has been kind to you both Cristoph, Kael." Just you know, throwing that out there.

Ignacio stills stands silently as he peers off into the dark horizon, however, his gaze does seem to drift to those around him far more than he was before as he grips his blade tightly.

Down on the ground, Thorley feels that rumbling hunger and glances towards to glance over at Norwood. "You know what would be great right now? A nice red." he rumbles. "I mean, Margerie's been feeding you cakes lately, right?"

Kael was praying, but when the dread comes, when the feeling, concentration becomes more difficult. Those dark brows of his furrow and he looks, ever so slowly, toward the Duke Laurent. There's a brush of his fingertips along the hilt of his blade, hovering there. He snaps out of it, shaking his head severely. Or at least, it seems that he snaps out of it. He at least is no longer concentrating on the Laurent Duke. Rather, he turns to Norwood. The man is eyed ad his brow lifts, his jaw setting. Hey, he's /older./ Easier target.

Cadenza sticks to the shadows of the night after she sees what's coming. Frowning she just runs her way back to their starting position of the city. Needless to say, she wasn't stopping for anything or anyone. Propiety....? Out the window. Moving her way into the tent, she's huffing as she pulls that hood off and starts her report.

Luis' gaze moves from the sea to one of the guardsmen nearby him, noting the way the man wears his kettlepot breastplate and thankfully the helm worn by the Igniseri Lord will hide the way he licks his lips. The motion of others looking towards their comrades and the desire that can be seen in the uncovered eyes of others has Luis shaking his head, attempting to find an answer to questions like, 'Whom would be the tastiest, and who would take the least amount of time to cook?' also cooking methods are debated while the Lord licks his lips, 'Would salt and spice be enough, would we have to boil before slow braising,' these are all important thoughts that drift through Luis's mind.

Alistair grips the hilt of Watcher tightly, almost stumbling forward as that wave of madness washes over him and his stomach does flips with the taste of the Abyss. He leans heavily on the rampart and spits forward as if trying to wash to taste out of his mouth. He leans down slowly, resting Watcher on wall for a moment, less it tumbles over the other side and he is left disarmed. He looks to the soldiers near him, of the Inquisition, House Velenosa, and other fighters. "Hold strong. I will tell you a tale that brings me comfort, and I only hope it brings you the same. Close your eyes and think not of this battle, but think of the cold dark night. Feel it bite at your bones and turn your skin black. Then feel the heat of the first camp fire, as you push through the woods, on the other side is your friends and family. And they wait happily for you, they provide comfort and happiness. Stay strong."

Cadenza has left the Outside the Gates.

Cadenza has joined the Command Tents.

There is a moment where Caspian stops his singing and looks over to Sparte, eyes roaming the man as if he was wondering what exactly the man would taste like. There is a mix of both desire and morbid digust at himself. He bites at his lower lip as he tries closes his eyes a moment and inhales a deep breath.

Ian may not feel the hunger that overwhelms the city, but he can see it in the shudders of his men and the exchanged glances. As the singers prepare to begin singing, he steadies them. Or, in the case of one man, gives him a slap upside the head. "... Really Erikson? Your OWN arm?"

Madeleine clentches her hand around her wine skin tightly. Her grey eyes shut tightly as she starts praying harder to try to tune out that sensation. "Sing, my loves," she begs of the three girls, not wanting to look at them and imagine what kind of wine pairing they would warrant.

Unconsciously, Ianna chews her fingernails, little strips of cuticle making do for things she tries not to think about. They're coming.

Merek looks down at his weapon, and then aside to those with him, realizing the sensation. However he takes in a small breath and exhales, "Embrace emotion," he mentions to himself, and instead of directly fighting the sensation, he turns it towards the horizon. He will devour his foes, if he must. His odd personal take on this noticed to none but him, but it keeps him comfort. How is anyone's guess.

Orathy does look round ... dirt and grass and... dirt. There's an overwhelming disappointment at that, hard to tell save for the furrowing of his eyebrows and the sad look he gives the dirt. But wait... a worm. With a maddening effort, he digs around with a sudden wolfish hunger and digs. Digs... until he comes up with a worm. It's not the most satisfying thing. His head swivels back around where he came, but he still shoves the worm in his mouth, slurp.... with a sudden interest to go back the way he came. Maye he has heard signals, maybe he's just withdrawing to report, but he comes back trotting along, licking his lips.

Dario opens his coat pocket to produce a flask. He drinks. He is so parched. So hungry. The commander of the Pravus forces eyes Juliana for a moment as he passes. He was on his way to deliver orders but he just stares at the woman. He frowns and then carries on to give orders and fighting through the sensations. He gives words of encouragement here and there. Like... We. Will. Eat. Stand! Stand! We will stand!

Gripping that large cobalt axe tightly, Valdemar looks down the line to his left and right again. "Hold it together!" he growls at them when he sees the looks in the eyes of some of the soldiers around him. The Grimhall heir then turns his glare outward once more, waiting for the enemy to appear so that they can actually fight them, instead of just battling against that wave of morbid hunger.

Lucita's voice joins in with Tikva's, fighting the feeling being forced upon them and the hunger, Her voice harmonizes, the notes winding in and amid the others and the words seek to mute the feeling, to make it bearable and to give the singers a little extra protection that they may stay strong and continue to sing.

Oh, no," Theron glances between Serafine and Leta, noticing that strange trend that's going on between the two and then instructs them, "Touch the hilt of my blade. Now." He's not making it sound like it's optional at all. "DO IT!"

Apollis pops a few sweets into his mouth and then looks over to his sister, shrugging. He then hands Amarantha a chocolate.

Norwood meets Kael's gaze with an upraised eyebrow. "Something there Count Kael?" He's old and tough, not like that wonderful young meat just standing right there.

Thorley glances up at Madeleine over on the tower and licks his lips eagerly.. after all.. who wouldn't want to feast about the plump Archlector.

Shard makes a grab for the hilt of her cutlass, nearly dropping her bow in the process. There's a flash of teeth from her, eyes wide and a little too bright, breathing heavy.

Cristoph frowns as that wave goes through the forces and with a sickening realization he swallows. He reaches over abruptly and grabs Kael's hand and puts it on the hilt of his weapon and then the same for Norwood. He keeps an eye on Corban who's a little further away, just in case he looks like he's going to try and make for a snack.

Like the rest of the scouts, Amarantha eyes are trained on the horizon. At least until the wave of hunger hits her causing the blonde to look towards her fellow scouts--a strange and steely look to her expression. A smile that's all teeth and no joy, is trained on the nearest one. Apollis. Then he's handing her candy and the lycene girl laughs. "I don't want your leftovers." She snorts, taking the candy and shoving it in her face anyways. That look of hunger hasn't faded even as she follows the other scouts to make reports.

Juliana groans slightly as the feeling washes over her, her eyes closing as she takes deep breaths and bites hard into her own lip. When they open they meet those of Dario, staring back at him, blue eyes flat as she sucks against the wound inside her lip.

Sparte has joined the On the Battlements.

Corban is, in fact, quite hungry. He had lunch before battle, of course, but -- does a Honey Duke taste like honey? There is really only one way to kn --. Corban shakes his head, trying to clear the thought again.

Alessia leads her scouting party, to search out the enemy. Soon, the sounds of bird calls start to reach the sentries she had posted to the north, the east and then the west. The sentries ride hard and fast to warn the army of the impending threats. Dog creatures to the west. Enemies disembarking ships to the east. Some sort of dark cloud to the north. Then the scouts begin to return, after getting a sense of what they may be facing. They don't stop to fight. Alessia calls her scouts together, silently signalling them to run fast, back to where their army is encamped. The glaivedancer grits her teeth against that horrid sensation that fills the air, and keeps riding, amber gaze fiercely fixed on the front lines of the defending army.

Leta clenches her hands around the hilt of her sword as she stands there, a shudder running down her back as her eyes dart for a moment towards Serafine. "What the bloody friggin' shit fff-" she curses and mutters under her breath, silencing herself by biting down on her own lip. She hums a little louder, forcefully picking up the tempo, "...hum dee dum dee calamari - what?" The question is for Theron, giving him a nonplussed stare. "Right. Uh." She reaches out and lightly pats the hilt of Theron's sword. There there. Then she tugs on Serafine's hand, looking at the princess and shrugging.

Norwood was absolutely about to take a bite of Kael, armor and all when suddenly his hand is on Cristoph's sword. Relief from the sudden hunger rolls through him as he gags at the very thought of what he was WANTING to do. "This is no way to meet the enemy." That comes through gritted teeth, glancing over to another trio grasping a sword.

Merek continues shifting the desire in every direction but his fellow man, difficult to fight with that, as he shifts his blade about in a twirl. At least it means the foe is around more than like.

Serafine stares at Theron's hilt for a good five heartbeats before she remembers what to do with it. Patpat. Right?

Egal stands alone with her marines, alone against them all, the only one holding a cobalt weapon. Her teeth grit as she readies herself.

"One for all and all for one," Theron mutters to himself for some reason, reaching out to take Serafine's hand and place it somewhere near the pommel since that's not gonna bother his grip none. "Sorry," he tells the two, "I've been instructed that we're supposed to do that lest you go crazy and start cutting pieces off of eachother or something like that. Now, please, stop looking at each other like you are prime cuts."

Alistair grows more resolved as he recalls the memory of the first camp fire, closing his eyes and letting a rare smile overtake his features. He reaches down to reclaim his weapon, and moves to shake sense and resolve into his fellow fighters. "Stand strong. Do not allow the chaos of the infernal abyss to overwhelm you. Show these foul creatures what it means to be human."

Tikva checked mana + performance at difficulty 40, rolling 23 higher.

Narrowing his eyes, the Keaton Count murmurs, "No..." And it looks as though Kael is going to follow up with something very NOT nice. Or just snarl it, given the pull of his lip back to bare teeth. Yet Cristoph is grabbing his hand and placing it on the blade, and he is stricken, shaking his head as he turns toward the man with his eyes widening somewhat. Immediately he turns back to his soldiers, shouting, "Fight it! It is in your heads, remember who you are!" Sayeth he, gripping the blade. "Remember where you came from!" Yes, he still looks shaken.

Lucita checked mana + performance at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Sorrel checked mana + performance at difficulty 40, rolling 26 higher.

As the scouts come back with word, the first wave of creatures becomes visible - a huge pack of - dogs. More than dogs, abyssal dogs at that. Huge and slathering, with giant pointed teeth and a gaping maw more like a shark than a dog, their muscular forms are easily as tall as a man and they are very, very angry. They run toward the city in eerie silence, and the hunger washes over them in a wave like the precursor to doom.

And then the Choir bursts into song, and the hunger fades slightly. Oh, not completely. Not while it is borne with such unbridaled fury toward them. But enough that instead of thinking of the best sauce that goes with fellow soldier, the defending army is able to focus on the giant pack of murderdogs racing toward them.

"Spears!" Luis commands his unit, the pages running down the lines to share with the various captains the order as the ranks shift and the long spears are set to receive the charging dog creatures. Intermixed with the spearmen are the footsoldiers, their shields and swords ready to deal with those that get through.

Waldemai swallows hard and starts swing his hammer absently. It will be a while yet, but it's better than just standing and waiting.

Shard's teeth are still somewhat bared as she whips an arrow from her quiver and fits it to the string, even as she takes a few steps back. "Of course it's the /fucking/ dogs," she mutters.

Merek lifts up his blade and shifts it about in his hand, while he takes his rubicund mirror shield to lift it in the other, as he starts to supplicate in preperation, lining up with the others, "Jayus let my blade strike and defend true," he whispers into the air, as he presses a kiss to his blade briefly, and then shifts it over the shield's top.

With a mirthless chuckle, Theron murmurs, "Incoming." And oh yes he intends on taking those down with a rage. "Focus on the same one each time, cut off the tendons and then sever the head!" He shouts with what appears to be some sort of uncanny experience about these things. Or maybe he's just bullshitting, who's to know? "Don't let them tackle you. Formation!"

Caspian had heard a lot about abyssal and supernatural things. He is a curious man. But he never actually SEEN anything like this before. His eyes go wide as he looks away from those around him to the dogs charging in. "Holy fucking shit," is all he can manage to say.

As the pack of abyssal dogs come charging at him, Cristoph swallows hard and resets his feet on the ground. "Hold steady!" He calls to the troops around him as the animals bear down on them. As the choir sings, he pulls his sword completely free and gets it into a ready position.

Galen sighs, "Thrax, archers with cobalt bows move to intercept the dogs, those without light your arrows... We are dissolving the no fire rule as it relates to those beasts." the Warlords voice is stern, perhaps the most stern anyone here has heard it, "Make no mistake, the archers accuracy decides what kind of day we are going to have." then to another unit leader, "You, get the siegewalls with Valardin and Velonsa block the flanks."

Regla orders her unit to action, "Calvary advance! Pick

Eleyna begins to issue orders for the House Velenosa army on the back of the scouts's reports. Archers armed with fire arrows and cobalt bows are ordered to set on the dogs. Cavalry is assigned to begin herding the enemies toward the northern plain chosen as the battleground along with shield walls to aid in the push.

"Fuck.." Thorley rumbles, turning his attention from the Archlector and shaking his head as he hears the commands and cries of battle. Glancing at the black blade in his hands, he gives a grunt. "Time to see if what Mae said about you is fact." comes the comment as he sets his feet and braces. "Aye! Holding!" he calls to Cristoph as he prepares.

"Oh. Oh, my," says Corban, shaking his head when his hunger clears down to merely peckish, no longer wonder if Kael might have a smoky oak flavor about him. He manages to to lift up his diamondplate sword, standing ready, holding fast to engage the incoming.

Madeleine offers her continued prayers underneath the choir's enchanting tone. "Goddess of sea and sky, be with your stalwart defenders." The hunger subsides and the Archlector can once more focus on being their moral support. She gives them a reassuring smile to let the trio know it's working.

Apollis gets his bow ready to fire upon the creatures that come for them. He licks his lips, still a little hungry despite his wartime snack.

Sparte shakes his head as he seems to clue into what just happened. "Well that is new." He gives a most likely unseen thumbs up towards the choir before grinning at the people near him. "So we're fighting murder dogs! Aim for the heads and the eyes, focus your attacks. They're savage but they can die like any other. Plus you can eat dogs if you're low on rations, I heard that once."

Norwood mutters something incomprehensible but sounds vaguely like 'shut up', before releasing Cristoph's sword and stepping away to get into his own position. "Dogs. Something that can be dealt with." He raises his voice to allow that to carry back to the band behind him. No false bravado, just stalwart GONNA FACE THIS.

Alessia rides through the ranks of the army as they begin to form up, and then dismounts, tossing her reins to... someone. "Let the Archduchess know what we've seen," she shouts to her team, unsheathing her glaive and shooing them toward the command tent, trusting those with better eyes from her team to relay the word. She turns back around then, and prepares to do what she does better... fighting. She moves quickly to where Theron is, sticking close to his side on his previous advice.

Demura stands tall, her eyes on the dogs charging at them. She raises her hand turning to gaze steadily at the army at her back. "Hold, stand your ground." She grips her spear with both hands, waiting for the dogs to reach the front lines.

Leta lays her hand for a moment on the quillions of Theron's sword. Another shiver goes through her as she shakes her head, face twisting into a nauseated look for a moment. "That better not happen again," she grunts, but turns as the line shifts and moves, announcing the arrival of the dogs even before she sets eyes on them. "What the shit are those?" she yells, then shifts in place. It's a sword she has, but she wields it like a spear now, and braces herself. "At least it ain't cats."

Serafine glances at Theron but it's to the Command tents she looks. She spins her blade idly, looking back out to the oncoming horde. And holds.

From the Comment Tents, plans start to trickle out. Alis gives her orders for the Valardin. "Valardin Knights, form a shield wall to block in their flanks and start pushing the east and west enemy towards the North to keep them at a distance; you will have support from Velenosan cavalry. We have murderdogs on the way. So, archers with cobalt weapons, that is your number one target. Other archers, get fire arrows to use. And ONLY use them on the dogs." she orders. "And finally, if there are scout volunteers we need you to sneak North to find out what is heading towards us in that cloud."

Alistair turns when that barking, yipping and cawling the Abyssal tainted mutts comes barrelling at Setarco in their large numbers. He glances across the battlements, looking to all the singers and specifically to Tikva. Recalling a battle before hand with similar creatures the man shudders. "Ready bows and crossbows." He calls out to the section of the wall where he finds himself, taking a bow that is offered by a Confessor and nocking an arrow.

Run? Something about run is funny to Orathy. He does try to keep up with the other scouts but he's turning to look back at the murderdogs with a raspy laugh. "Fuck..." is all he really has to say as he moves a little faster now, "Aye, come on old man, ya ain't want your ass bit off by them." He's telling himself while he tries not to gnaw on his own arm.

Talen relays his orders calmly to his troops, at least for now, from within the war pavilions. The Velenosa, Thrax and Valardin and their vassals hear from the respective generals; Eleyna, Galen and Alis. In addition, he calls to his Mirrorguard, "Get up the front, bolster the scouts, find out what that cloud is about."

"Hold this line! We can't let them get behind us! Let them come to you, and work together to bring them down!" Valdemar yells at the men once he sees the dogs, sounding very much as if he recognizes the things. For his own part, he holds his axe at the ready, waiting for one of those infernal beasts to come close enough.

Alis adds, too. "And don't let those dogs anywhere near you. Run, and let another archer get them if they are too close. They'll chew right through your armor. We need you -alive-."

"Let's teach these mutts to heel." Thorley rumbles quietly to Norwood as he prepares.

"These fuck dogs," Theron mutters.

As it seems a few other scouts have taken the job of informing the commanders, Amarantha sidles up to her brother. Her blade is drawn and ready, raised in the direction of the dogs. There is a tension in her body, as the blonde remembers the last time she faced these creatures. "Stay behind me, Apollis. Try and avoid shooting me in the back. " She calls, taking a protective stance in front of him.

Serafine tugs on Leta. "C'mon," she encourages her partner, moving to follow Talen's orders and bolster the scouts.

The Marquis Dario makes his way quickly down the line of Pravus and he moves to the command structure of The Pravus forces. He sends the order to the arches to prepar. And he makes his way back up to the commander of the siege weaponry. He orders them to load and to prepare to fire. He stays up there, slightly winded, to relay the orders and the best place to aim.

Regla calls her unit to action, "Archers! Loose!" She yells out. "Loose! At will! Hold this line! Shields, pikes ready, form ranks!"

"You heard the woman! Form a shield wall! Lets move!" Cristoph calls out to the rest of the troops around them, gathering himself up and moving to the indicated locations. He tries very, very hard to look brave and not like he'd rather be going in the exact opposite direction.

Talen yells, "Archers on the dogs, shieldwalls -hold our flanks-, infantry stand still and await the enemy. Do not engage the dogs in melee! They'll rip you to shreds."

Ignacio widens his stance, bringing an extra hand onto the hilt of his gleaming blade, Ardor out in front of him as others scream out commands. The only thing that comes from this man is, a muffled grunt as he watches the beginning of the battle unfold in front of him.

"It is an honor," Kael rumbles to those near him -- and probably the peculiar Corban as well, even if he shoots him a wary look. He is drawing his blade and turning to encourage his troops. When Alis calls forth orders, Kael is bellowing them down the line as reinforcement before taking his place with his unit!

Regla checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 1 higher.

Eleyna checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 14 higher.

Eleyna checked command at difficulty 20, rolling 1 higher.

Demura checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 11 lower.

Alis checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Regla checked command at difficulty 20, rolling 6 lower.

Alis checked command at difficulty 20, rolling 9 lower.

Galen checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 8 lower.

Norwood stays on Cristoph's flank, slapping a soldier who freezes in place as he goes. "Steady up man, it hasn't even started yet." Once the man starts running Norwood steps back into his place behind his duke with his eyes fixed on the oncoming horde.

Ian checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 2 lower.

Juliana stands watching for a moment as the dogs appear and the world around her erupts into the chaos of battle. It is perhaps as if she is wating on something as the arrows strike and shields crash with the murderous animals throwing themselves at the wall. It's no loud for anyone to hear the single word that comes from her lips, a name really as she lifts the slim sword she carries to the ready.

Luis checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 28 lower.

Cristoph checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 18 higher.

Cristoph checked command + leadership at difficulty 20, rolling 30 higher.

Kael checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 19 higher.

Kael has rolled a critical success!
Kael checked command at difficulty 20, rolling 1 higher.

Cristoph checked command at difficulty 20, rolling 4 higher.

Standing still, Theron waits, rejoining with the rank and file. He watches as the pikemen advance, staring at his broadsword for a moment. "Alright, all of you fuckers start touching the hilt of the blade, one at a time! No more than twelve! First come, first serve, go!" He barks out his commands like a drill sergeant, at least. And that moment, the stomach-wrenching moment where he's about to engage into something far deadlier than he's able to fathom at present, grips him in the situation. His entire focus turned to it.

Dario checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 17 lower.

Dario orders the archers to fire and holds on the siege weapons given the quickness of the beasts. The man squints and watches the field.

Once the Fidante Lord soaks in enough of what is going on in the battle, Ignacio returns to the unit he is commanding of the Torean Infantry, preparing to lead his men when the order arises.

Cadenza has left the Command Tents.

Cadenza has joined the Outside the Gates.

After making her way from that command tent, Cadenza looks around for the rest of her Vanguard but remembered....something else. So back to where she started to gather some info.

Alistair raises his bow up high to prepare to arc the shot into the rushing dogs. Although he called for bows and crossbows, he does not direct the troops around him directly. Instead he leads by example as he prepares his shot.

Orathy was trying to head back to the army, although the thing about being a scout, is sometimes you get stuck in no-man's land. Best thing he can do is to slip behind something sturdy enough for cover, a rock, a hollow in the hill, something! "Shit--" he pulls out a flask from his jacket and starts to drink, looking over the little rise he tucked in behind, peering back to see where those murder dogs were and then how many leagues he's got to sprint back to the army between their archery fire. A gulp. Two. Then he pushes up and starts heading that way - zig zagging the friendly fire. Hopefully.

Alessia moves to stand next to Theron, and reaches out to touch the cobalt sword in his hands. She gives him a nod then, the hungry look disappearing from her amber gaze, which now merely glitters with ferocity, though her visor down so it's hard to read her expression. Then she turns to join the ranks of the fighters, glaive in hand, its diamondplate blade glittering silvery blue. She does not go with the scouts. Her job was to patrol, and relay word back. Now, she sticks by Theron's side while others do the scouting to the north.

As his spears and foot close ranks and ready themselves, Luis holds his cavalry in reserve. It is the archers that line up, readying with flame set to their arrows, to loose into the incoming demon hounds. They will wait till range is good, Luis attempting to send the commands down the line, but it does not appear as though his words are really being as effective as they should be. He stomps his foot a little winged long-rapier in his hand lifted as he readies for the time to call the attack, though it is quite plausible that he may be late, or call it too early, making the first volley rather ineffective. The Igniseri Lord is learning.

"Hold steady, cousin. We're Guardians. We protect." Theron tells Alessia, raising his broadsword with determination as he waits for enemy contact. When it comes, it comes. "If something comes bounding at us really fast, roll aside, don't let them catch you," he informs his cousin, glancing sidelong to her. "It's an honor to have a glaivedancer serving beside me," he states with some feeling in his voice, one that conveys the sincerity.

Orathy checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 8 lower.

Apollis checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Cadenza checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Amarantha checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 13 lower.

Sparte calls to the people around him. He isn't down there on the front lines with the others right now, instead with the men he was issued at the start of this whole mess up on the walls. "Rally and focus! Hear the song, echo it if want! Music is our weapon and the enemy can't have it, but each and every one of us can sing if we want." Sparte grins. "Whether a true voice or a true arrow, we'll carry the day together."

Isabetta checked perception + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 2 higher.

Cadenza has left the Outside the Gates.

Cristoph checked dexterity + ride at difficulty 40, rolling 4 lower.

"I don't believe this one," Apollis says from his scouting position next to his sister, Amarantha. "Do you see what I see?" he asks before rubbing his eyes. "We could go tell them but will they believe it? The cloud from the north is filled with monsters too insane to describe." He turns back toward the front lines and for the command to report on the insanity anyway. "Monsters. Mixtures of beasts, monstrosities of animal kinds mixed in an unearthly manner. They head for us."

Cadenza looks to the Torean infantry leader as he turns but moves to leave. Off she was to do her job. With the others scouts and support they had, she heads north to see what was in that cloud of dust. Sticking to her job of just scouting and making sure to do just her job: scouting. After a bit and she sees whats in the dust, her eyes go wide. Looking to the others, she nods. "WE gotta get back...." And with that....she makes her way to those in charge. The raven haired princess was getting a working out today. Monsters....the lot of them. And they're coming.

Norwood checked dexterity + ride at difficulty 40, rolling 20 higher.

Cadenza has joined the Command Tents.

Cristoph checked stamina, willpower + survival at difficulty 45, rolling 31 higher.

Cristoph remains capable of fighting.

Merek remains behind the cavalry and the spearmen, as part of their shield wall with his rubicund mirror shield and a blade shifted above it. He waits, watching the field from his glassed orange visor the black fox helmet.

Alis's voice is carried away on the wind, but Kael reinforces her orders and carries them along in a big, booming voice. It's probably all that saves the melee - as the murderdogs start charging the infantry holds the line and the Valardin cavalry comes thundering in.

The charge of the Valardin Knights is something that will be remembered for a great many years. While the archers' arrows arc over the people on the ground and the shield wall holds firm and prays, that elite cavalry comes galloping out in perfect formation. While the song of the Choir arcs overhead, keeping them steady and holding the fear of the abyss at bay, they set their lances and ride at the pack of murderdogs.

They do not destroy them unscathed. The dogs' thick skin shrugs off all but the most direct arrows, but the cavalry spears them with lances and then works, as one with their mounts as they hack and slash at the dangerous creatures. Duke Cristoph Laurent, leading the charge, goes down - unhorsed as he slashes at the dogs with his brethren, but he keeps his feet and his sword at the ready, praying to whatever gods will listen that they see his duty done this day. Those waiting at the gates to defend it are lucky - many of them now owe their lives to the Valardin cavalry. The murderdogs exact a fearsome price - fully half the cavalry lies dead or dying - but the dogs are dead, and the scouts are returning from their look at the cloud of evil approaching.

"Didn't see it and don't want to see it." Amarantha quips, keeping a running pace with her brother. Blue eyes look over her shoulders, nervous and wary. "Just tell them what you saw--no matter how crazy it sounds." And with that, she too is headed towards the command tents.

Apollis has left the Outside the Gates.

Apollis has joined the Command Tents.

Amarantha has left the Outside the Gates.

Amarantha has joined the Command Tents.

Luis let's up a cheer as his spearmen and footsoldiers breathe a sigh of relief, having not wished to encounter the dogs, but now they see they do not have to. For now, they can breathe again, and as their commander cheers, so down the rank the nervous anxiety dissipates with a rousing praise for the cavalry and their valiant efforts.

Alis pops her head out of the tent after hearing of what happens to the cavalry; "Get Duke Laurent off the field!" she calls out, looking for the team that was put together to do exactly that. "Bring him back here to be looked at!"

Ianna has left the Along the Towers.

Ianna has joined the Command Tents.

"Cristoph!" Poor Thistle gets turned about as Norwood brings Queensguard to bear. "Here!" He stretched out his hand towards his Duke to try to pull him from the field.

The clash of ragged dog led lines against the wall of shields and charging cavalry causes Alistair to let out a frustrated growl as he is barely able to get off any arrows in time. He reaches down to snatch up Watcher and starts making his way down the walls and through the gates that are packed with soldiers rushing back and forth as the cloud of evil continues to encroach.

Between the hunger games and the drinking of the flask... and the zig zagging.. Orathy doesn't see shit in the clouds, maybe because he's too busy doing something else. He does pause to look at the murderdogs with a tilt of his head, watching the gruesome clash between horsemen and dog. "Fuckin hungry..." he complains, looking eagerly toward the pile of carnage because he doesn't have a cobalt weapon, but at least the singing helps lessen the need. His axe is at the ready.

Between Jael and Cristoph, Jael is the far better rider. As can be witnessed by Cristoph toppling off of his horse in a great show of flashy armor and nearly dying. Somehow, he the Duke of Artshall gets to his feet, but he's staggering and bleeding badly. He stands dazed as murderous abyssal dogs are shot down by arrows around him and it's only Norwood's voice that snaps him back to reality. With slow steps, he clasps Norwood's hand and uses what strength he has left to get himself off the field.

Tikva's fist is a tight ball over her armored chest as she keeps singing, her eyes as full as her voice as she belts out the notes of their stalwart song. "For the fallen, for the standing--" Her shoulders tremble a little with the force of her effort, and she stops petting her bow so that she can reach out to her sister singers and hold their hands while they sing out. Just in case it helps.

Shard nocks another arrow and draws it back to her ear, holding her shot in order to cover for those going to help get Cristoph to safety.

Alessia remains at Theron's side, her glaive in her hands. She glances around, listening to the sounds around her, the fighting with the dogs and the song of the Choir. She doesn't seem to have any words for the moment. She's grimly silent, waiting with the rest of the infantry now.

There is a brief moment of hope when Caspian sees the battle going down, watching as the calvery charge the wardogs and slay them. But then he takes stock of the dead, and winces. He opens his mouth to say something, but the words don't come out. That hope is gone for now. He grips his dagger tighter. He's going to need it!

Sorrel takes hands with Tikva and Lucita, singing with her all. "For those who protect our home..." she sings, and the three of the choir sound beautiful together, the music floating over the field of battle protectively.

Dario orders the siege weapons to hold. He orders the large siege weapons to mark out a distant position in approach to the walls just shy of their maximum range and he has them hold their fire and use the extra time from not firing on the canines to make sure they can fire more accurately at a more viable target. He makes his way to the archers to give them words of encouragement while watching the fighting below. He does not cheer, he does not call out, or hoot and holler at the successes. He stands ready, watches, and broods.

Norwood checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 12 lower.

Cristoph has left the Outside the Gates.

The Thraxians give a cheer when the cavalry stops the charge of those corrupted hounds. Half of them may have gone down doing it, but they are undoubtedly heroes for charging at those things. Valdemar quiets them quickly, though, his voice harsh, "Keep an eye out! Those damned dogs are just the beginning! More will be on the way!"

With some infantry guarding them, Ianna's stretcher teams book it out into the field, scooping up those who can possibly be treated and dashing back into the city walls.

"Brave men. Crazy, too, but brave," Theron states grimly to his cousin, readying himself. He'll wait, infantryman that he is, monster killer-squad-member that he is, for the orders to march out.

Madeleine prays for the souls of the poor riders, asking the Gods in their grace to see fit these heroes are given proper due in the next life. She eyes the clouds on the horizon and continues asking Mangata to be with them. "You told me to have faith in you," she says gently, staring to the sea. "I do. Be with us. Show the others what I have seen. Give them the same reassurances I have you stand alongside your servants."

"Archers, cover the Calvary and healers!" barks Regla to her men. "Fire only if you have to!" Pause, beat, "Hold this line!" She exhales and closes her eyes a moment to pray and let the song wash over her.

Thorley moves from behind the shield wall to assist Ianna with clearing who they can, holding his blade at the ready to protect the mercy as she works. "Be quick, my Lady. No telling what's coming next."

Merek observes as the battle happens with the dogs, and soon Cristoph is being ridden back. He looks along his shield and remains with the spearmen at the more back of the defensive lines, and shifts a bit, swallowing.

Lucita links hands with Tikva, letting fingers lace together, seeking her gaze as she continues to sing. Her other hand extends to grip Sorrel's in the same way. "Stand strong sisters, sing true, sing sisters, sing. Let our sung prayers be a shield, tis later the grief we can feel, for now we must sing and hope and pray, sing steady paced to last through the day."

Apollis has left the Command Tents.

Apollis has joined the Outside the Gates.

Amarantha has left the Command Tents.

Amarantha has joined the Outside the Gates.

Apollis leaves the command tents with Amarantha heading back for their scouting positions. He rubs his tummy as he looks over at her. "Funny that seeing those monsters didn't really curb this appetite," he says.

Once the wounded have been gathered up, the dead and the dying are next, hurriedly piled onto carts as the army advances. Ianna stays at the rear, overseeing treatment and triage.

Norwood ALMOST had Cristoph, but all of it goes wrong when the man's weight pulls Norwood from his horse to the ground next to his Duke. Damage gets taken but his armor takes all the blow. He won't stay down for long, but pushes himself to his feet. "Get up Cristoph, we will walk our way back." Determination.

Cadenza has left the Command Tents.

"We need to get you... some lessons... weight lifting..." Cristoph manages through gritted teeth. And then instead, they will begin the walk back through the chaos to get off of the field instead, making their way to where Ianna is leading the wounded and dying off of the field. One dying man, on his way!

Seeing Norwood pulled from the horse, Luis makes a command, rushing out with several dozen spear and foot to form an honorguard for the fallen Duke and now walking Knight. He'll stay with them till they are reabsorbed in the ranks of the army.

Alis is by all appearances grave, when the next set of orders is relayed through the Valardin chain of command. "If you have Cobalt weapons, Diamondplate, or Alaricite we need you in front for what is coming from the North. Abyssal creatures, so steel yourselves." she both orders and warns at the same time. "Pikemen and Knights with shields you will make a V formation alongside our allies with the point of it towards the enemy. Hook and hold the line, and have our infantry dcapitate and dismember every one of the enemy that falls. Hold firm at the sides, and let our cavalry sweep back and forth, to wheel around and thin out the herd. Archers, hold for now."

The cloud of dust comes closer, and now the rest of the fighters see what the scouts have brought word of - it is filled with monsters - strange mixes of things that should never be on land - and should never exist at all. Squid and horse? Duck and bear? Octopus and... what /was/ that poor creature mixed with? It is the stuff of nightmares, and it too heads for the defenders at the gates of Setarco even as part of the Gyre's army marches in from the East.

Ignacio waits with the Torean infantry line as his emerald eyes shift from the battle going on, back to the command tent. Not noticing any signal given, his attention returns to the battlefield, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Eleyna Velenosa sends out the next wave of orders in an echo of the other Generals. Pike and shields joining in the V formation. Infantry with alaricite, diamondplate, and Cobalt weapons, then regular Infantry. Archers holding.

Merek checked willpower at difficulty 15, rolling 4 higher.

The Warlord of Thrax echos the same commands as Alis, "Stand with Valardin, fall in with our own cobalt, diamondplate and alacrite, prepare for things you have never before seen." Galen commanded, his stormy eyes reaching out toward the cloud briefl,y "Pikemen match theirs, hold the line and let the glory of Thrax be known in the defeat of our enemies!"

Shard wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Alistair grips his sword tight, peering forward as the abominations spill forward, flopping, crawling, galloping, sprinting, charging. "This is the truth of the world! See now the Abyss spilling forth to greet you and know every nightmare that has lurked in the shadow is true. But know the other truth. You can fight it. You can kill it." Hes already striding forth with the diamondplate sword, Watcher. Finally he has a foe that is the raw personification of everything he stands against. Chaos incarnate.

Norwood walks one small step at a time with Cristoph's arm over his shoulder. When Luis rallies around them the older knight nods his head towards the man but keeps shifting forward to the command tent to deliver his Duke to whatever safety can be found anywhere here.

Orathy looks down at his black diamondplate axe... and is sort of there too.

Alessia relaxes a little when the orders come for those with Cobalt, Diamondplate and Alaricite weapons to get ready. She is in the right place. She looks to Theron, giving him a nod to his comment about the brave cavalrymen who fought the dogs. She tightens her grip around her glaive with its runed handle and diamondplate blade, leather gauntlet creaking slightly. She focuses her attention on the singing of the choir.

When orders are given, Theron joins the V formation, carrying the broadsword. He readies himself for the cloud, and... is that laughter? Why is he laughing? "Alessia, do exactly as they instructed." He'll be marching out, and finally he lets his cloak billow unbidden, the deep blue that lines the hem all the more apparent. "Steady."

Merek looks forward towards the cretures, even as it seems that other forces are coming for them. While the pikemen and spears march forward, he remains with the line, along with Aneka and three guards specifically chosen who assist him, while he remains waiting for his orders, or for any stragglers that get by the main forces, sword still hefted above his shield. He wants to run so much, more than he really ever has, with the mix of dark magic and monsters, but he refuses to back down, "AND KNOW THAT THE GODS STAND WITH YOU. ONCE BEFORE, AND ONCE AGAIN!" he calls out. "Breath each breath as a prayer to life, strike each blow as a prayer to defend another," he tries to give some of the troops some morale.

Demura is without any of the aformentioned weapons. She forms a line behind the vanguard, sending orders through her army to hold the line. They are silent as they wait for action.

From the top of the lighthouse comes, along with the singing, a rhythmic chant, along with the beat of men hitting their shields. "Grim! Grim! Grim! Grim!" With the abyssal threat almost upon the defenders, Ian's men, every one of them handpicked from the Grim Legion, are cheering on their brothers in arms.

Kael turns from his orders bellowed, blade drawn to face what foe might come. When the Valardin Knights charge forward, he raises an arm to let out a battle cry. It's too soon though, entirely too soon, for when the Laurent Duke falls he looks stricken. Nonetheless new orders come and he grips the blade he carries, calls forth a prayer to his soldiers -- relays the next move, and goes to join in the thick of it. Additional prayers are cast to steel himself. Double so when he sees what marches forward.

Madeleine prays more fervently. "Goddess of grace and purity, stand with us against these unholy abominations. Let the rage of the storm and fury of the tempest stand with us. May the blades of the faithful strike true. May the courage of the faithful never falter." She raises her voice to carry alongside the Singers. "We who fight in your name, who fight your fight along with you- be our shield and our shelter and grant we may carry out your will against your ancient foe."

Driskell wields a black obsidian blade.

Talen watches his generals relay his orders for an adjusted formation, even as the herd of abyssal-tainted creatures from the north, and the army marches in from the east. The arrow formation is to slowly drift, tackling both sides, steadily evolving. "Those infantry need to support the shieldwalls and pikes that hook them or we're going to breach," he is heard calling, "decapitate and dismember. Keep them in the modified terrain so we have something to fall back from and aren't pressed against the walls!"

"Marines, you have your orders and I am with you! Pikes to wedge! Archers ready! Shields!" Her orders relayed, Regla walks to and stands with her marines at the shield wall, placing a hand on one and smiling at the rest. "Tears in our wake, never at our wake!"

Cristoph is led by Norwood to the edges of the battlefield where the medics are. He takes the cobalt cutlass and hands it over to Norwood. "Get this to Kael." He tells him through gritted teeth. "Stay by him. If I don't survive these wounds-" He takes a deep staggering breath and whispers something closely to the Sword of Artshall before leaving with the healers.

"From bad to worse.." Thorley gives a worried glance to where Norwood and Cristoph are withdrawing, able to assist where he can. "You able to continue?" he asks Norwood, a frown creasing his features as Cristoph continues towards the healers. "Because we're about to be fighting the whole damned Menagerie."

Shard slips her bow over her head and one arm as the orders come in, then draws the old cutlass before she takes a slow, steadying breath. "Valorous Few!" she barks to the mercenaries around her. "This is what you're getting /paid/ for, time to earn it."

Kael wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Norwood leaves, following Cristoph.

As the command from Alis and Eleyna goes through the ranks, Luis looks to his dark rapier and then out towards the on-rushing horde, "Twas why you were forged," he tells the blade, lifting it to kiss the phoenix's head just above the basket hilt. He turns to his second in command, "You've got the ranks, fall in and listen to the commanders, I'm needed ahead," he shares with the man, and then he moves, riding up to the forward ranks before handing the reins off to one of his pages to lead it away. As he forms in with those whom have the weapons made to fell such foes, Luis begins to pray once again, his baritone ringing steady and true,

"Bright Lagoma to you we pray, let us be the change we want to see in the world. We know we stand on the cusp of battle for survival, and humanity stands on the brink of being wiped out completely. Alarice had called us before and we had answered then as we answer the call now, to continue the fight for what is ours and to build a future of strength for our children.

We pray for your blessing on our battle, that we may defend our homes and our family, but always remembering that sometimes it is time for ways of life to come to an end that they may be reborn stronger."
He falls silent afterwards, head bowed in prayer as his eyes look through the visor, focused upon the coming horde.

Luis wields Ascension, a dark rapier.

Ignacio standing with his infantry, once the order from the Archduchess is issued, he lifts his diamondplated sword, arcing it forward as he calls out to his men, "Forward march!" as the order gets disseminated through the ranks to advance behind, advancing with them.

Ianna spots Duke Cristoph and gets him on a stretcher. "We're taking you to the main hospital. Now." This is as much an order to the medics as it is reassurance for the Duke.

"Your heard our Warlord, get into your positions! For Thrax and the Isles!" Valdemar barks at the men under his command, who echo his battle cry. With great cobalt axe in his hands, he moves to the front of the line, taking up a ready stance. Hearing the chants come from the tower, there is a mad grin on the face of the Grimhall heir that those closest to him might be able to see beneath his helm. Soon, he joins them, as do those Grim Legionnaires behind him in the line of shields and pikes, "Grim! Grim! Grim!"

"Oh my honor." Norwood says harshly as Cristoph hands over his sword. Taking up the sword Norwood is going to do what his Duke has said and runs to Kael's side. "KAEL, TAKETHIS." Hopefully Kael is ready for a sharp thing to be thrust at him as Norwood lines back up. To Thorley, "Always. It'll take more than some damn dogs to pull me down." Hey, is that more up there? That looks like more. "I'm on your flank Kael.

Following quickly after Apollis, Amarantha grits her teeth. She can now see what her brother and fellow scouts reported--the mess of monsters. they drive a shudder down her spine. "He sang the words to rouse his beasts: "Come, fearsome forms from east and west." The blonde mutters, half singing the words to her on-the-spot poem. "We're fucked." She adds, as an afterthought.

All throughout, Leta leans on her sword and sings under her breath, of ladies from one southern city or another, and wine, and improbable uses for a peg leg. She watches with quiet eyes as the cavalry clashes with the horde of dogs. As the cloud of beasts comes swirling up, she shakes her head. "That's just wrong, now. Funny lookin', if it was smaller, but -" she straightens herself and looks back over at Serafine and smiles faintly. "Not just seafood this time, is it?"

Making her way from delivering her message, she looks around as she pushes her loose hair from her face. Now...she waits for her order. Cadenza grips the handle of her sword as she stares out....worry upon her face.

Orathy isn't a military man. He's not marching out in the uniformed numbers as the others were. He overhears someone familiar and turns up heading their way. Upon Amarantha's words that they're fucked, he grunts, "Ya think?"

"You said it, sweet sister," Apollis says staring on as the pikes and infantry line up. The Lycene rogue comes up from their position to keep his eyes peeled for more fucked up shit.

Talen calls for his father, the Archduke Widower Niccolo Velenosa, as the troops adapt to face the remaining two fronts with their angled formation. "Father," is heard bellowed. "It's time. Meet our people on the field, show them to not be afraid of death when it is for such a cause; that -we all- fight for our homes and for the Compact and -we all- shed blood just as well as they do." Given a horse to catch up with infantry falling in line behind the pikemen to hold that line, he lifts his chin just a touch higher, lips pursed.

Tikva has left the Along the Towers.

Confessor Imori have been dismissed.

2 Grayson Guardsmen have been dismissed.

Confessor Warren have been dismissed.

5 Armed Confessors have been dismissed.

Making her way back the rest of the Vanguard, she sighs a bit. Glancing to Orathy, Amarantha and Apollis. Catching the tail end of it she just shakes her head. "...fucking hell..." Cadens just shakes her head then.

Serafine makes a face at Leta because ew. Pegleg? But stays silent as the blonde sings. She watches with quiet calm at the disturbing rush of dogs and cavalry, a muscle ticking in her jaw as she waits for their commands. "Let's just eat cake. I'm alright with getting fat in my old age." She readjusts her helmet. She hip checks Leta. "If we get there, aye?"

Orathy history

When Norwood approaches him with the blade, Kael's lower lip trembles, but he holds it back. "How is he?" he hisses, taking the blade offered and nodding sharply to the man. He moves to grip Stinger, swiftly, turning to look to his fellow Valardin commanders. "Marquessa Lyonesse!" he calls, hopefully before the engagement comes. The only question is if she gets there in time.

Lucita sings the words to the other singers. "Do you think we can hold the song shield and encourage the beasts to attack each other instead of us?" she drops back into the melody they are currently singing, glance skittering around the tower in which they stand and sing then back out at the approaching foul creatures.

Tikva shakes her head. "Keep to what works," she says between bars. "We risk too much by getting cute now." And then inhales deeply and lets out another full-bore blast of song; it's barely even a pause before she is back to the exhortation at hand.

Theron wields Adamant, an alaricite longsword with patterns on the blade.

Spotting Demura on the line, Theron considers his blade and then the woman, and hands over the broadsword to her, unceremoniously. "Return it to me after the engagement." He tells her, before drawing his alaricite sword, Adamant, and then pulling his shield from his back. "Time to play infantryman."

Leta wields a great two-handed sword of shiny diamondplate.

"Not well." Norwood grits out as he falls into place beside Kael. "If he lives I'm going to flay him for falling off that horse like when he was younger." Y'know, because that goes over well.

Demura wields Intricately forged ancient steel broadsword.

At Setarco, the news from the navy is grim. What was one fleet has split into four prongs, and three are being engaged by Compact forces, but the fourth seems to be sending its crews at the gates of Setarco, making an end run around the port to come from the side of land. Meanwhile, forces at the gates seem to be dealing with monsters. Half the Valardin cavalry is dead, having faced and with much difficulty mowed down a pack of the same creatures that killed Lord Killian and Zhayla, Sword of Deepwood. Word has is that Duke Cristoph Laurent led the valiant charge, but he has been taken to the Mercies in critical condition, barely clinging to life.

Taking up Norwood's other flank, Thorley snorts. "You expect him to listen to you?" he asks as the knight snorts. "And you with the fancy trying to sweep him up on charging horse." he points out.

Demura is quite confused why a man would hand her a broadsword, but at this point, any port in a storm. She wields the strange blade and faces the coming threat with staunch determination. The men at her back raise the banner of the Firebird, chanting as they wait for the fight to start.

Juliana hasn't moved, not really.. the girl stand back watching without much expression at all as if what she is seeing is apart from herself. As the dogs are defeated, the injured pulled from the field.. even the movement of those with who are needed towards the front of the lines, the Pravus simply watches as if its all some opera that is playing out before her.

As she hears the order to march, Alessia finds her place in that V formation, glaive at the ready. She gives a final nod to Theron, watching as he hands off his blade to Demura and unsheaths another, before focusing her full attention on the approaching monster army with its dark cloud. The Glaivedancer prepares to meet the oncoming foe, marching with the rest of the infantry. She is silent, grimly so, and focused on what lies ahead.

Norwood is overheard praising Cristoph for: For leading the cavalry and not dying!

And out Niccolo comes with the banner, as an army drawn from nightmares charges them. The banner of the Lyceum puts heart into the people and they let out a cheer before readying to shoulder the charge and stop it where it stands. "HOLD THE LINE," Niccolo shouts, and they grit their teeth and set their shoulders to their shields and absorb the charge even as horror comes to Setarco.

"When you look like man's father, anything can happen." Norwood says grimly, glancing at the other sword before settling into his place in the V, Queensguard held at the ready. ABSORB THE HORROR GO.

"For Ostria!" Theron calls out to other Mazetti bannermen that may be here, and the Prodigals that have joined with them. He remembers, he fought them for the right to have them here. "For House Mazetti! For our lieges! For the Lyceum! SHIELD WALL!"

"For humanity!" Merek exclaims, while he lifts his blade, and then shifts his blade to above his shield, and prepares to assist with the meeting of the charge, should such be needed.

Cadenza has joined the Outside the Gates.

Waldemai crowds forward, shield to shield, twirling his hammer for some skull-crushing action.

Orathy grumbles, "Don't fucking know about youz..." This to Apollis, Amarantha, and Cadenza, "But I ain't dying here..." He starts to walk toward the city, maybe to get to the walls.

Orathy has left the Outside the Gates.

Shard has no shield, and is certainly not the sort to be bracing against a charging crush. She slips her red blade free now, holding it in her off hand as she stands with the other infantry that aren't part of the shield wall, knees slightly bent, waiting. Waiting. Her lips move for a moment, but whatever she's saying, it's inaudible even to those closest to her.

From his belt, Luis pulls forth a string of prayer beeds dedicated and blessed to the Pantheon, wrapping those around his free hand he ties the knot and flexes his guantleted fingers around them. A lock of hair glints with a golden toggle, drawn from its chain around his neck and he kisses it in quiet contemplation before tucking it away. It is then that he looks forward, towards the horde and his lips pull into the darkest of smiles, "Gloria guide my weapon. Gloria shield me. Yours the glory, ours the victory," he begins, a small repetitive chant that will reach the ears of those nearby.

Orathy has joined the On the Battlements.

Caspian checked dexterity + legerdemain at difficulty 15, rolling 23 higher.

"Marines! Shields! Hold this line and dig your feet in! Let none pass! Shelbacks, we WILL hold!" bellows Regla as she takes place in the shield wall with her men and women. The few hundred she commands responding to her orders with a thrice yelled cheer. With her orders given, and her unit ready, she closes her eyes but a moment, "Gloria, you sung to me when I fought. I miss your voice, and if I am to join you on this day, please at least sing me to my final slumber." With that prayer given, she readies herself.

Not much of a shield man, Caspian is forced to wait along the wall, wait for whatever might try to breach it, gripping his knife in hand; a duelist playing soldier. He twirls his knife in hand, the weapon spinning between his fingers.

Apollis looks from Orathy to Amarantha and then back toward Orathy as he walks away to the city. "Fuckin

From his place in the line Norwood catches a random woman's eye - Serafine. Queensguard gets lifted in a salute to the woman.

Sparte grabs Caspian's shoulder, pulling him along. "We're joining the line. They'll make gaps in the wall to let one in at a time, our job is to kill it." Sparte gestures to the three guardsmen with him. "Standard funnel formation, I've got pike position and Caspian runs the flank. Keep your shields steady."

"You know, I think Rath made his first clever decision." Amarantha comments dryly, gaze flickering from Apollis to Cadenza. "We're really fucked now. That's a world ending omen, right there." But the blonde doesn't leave the battle, standing by her fellow scouts. For better or worse. "Princess, stand behind me if any of them get near."

Sparte has left the On the Battlements.

As twisted horrors out of nightmare storm the beach, Tikva stands and sings her heart out, putting the full force of her will in her voice to guard her comrades against the madness and the grotesquerie. With a quiver full of arrows at her back, her voice remains the only weapon she brings to bear for this fight.

Sparte has joined the Outside the Gates.

Apollis looks from Orathy to Amarantha and then back toward Orathy as he walks away to the city. "Fucking 'Rath," he mutters under his breath to Amarantha and Cadenza. "Yeah, he might have the right idea," he adds but doesn't follow him. "I mean, for the Compact and all that..."

Cadenza watches Orathy leaves, chuckling a bit. Sighing softy she looks back to Apollis and his sister. "We are supposed to be scouts....." Pursing her lips she looks back out. " we want to be a last line of defense at the wall? It might be smart than just waiting here...."

"Hold up, we might be needed here," Caspian says after a moment to Sparte, shaking his head to the man. "They are coming from two directions. They may breach the wall. We should probably head to the portion where their soldiers are coming. They'll probably have scalling ladders."

Though there's a sword at her side, Sorrel joins Tikva's voice in song, desperate to keep as many of the Compact's troops alive as possible. The choir stands together even as the soldiers stand together. They harmonize together, even as the troops fight together.

Ian is possibly the only person present who isn't watching the Army of Nope as it meets with the shield wall. He watches the approach to the lighthouse, scans the port, looks to the horizon. Always expecting another shoe. Possibly a sneaky shoe.

Kael puts Stinger back, safe and sound, and grits his teeth as he clutches the cutlass in hand. "House Keaton keeps its oaths," he murmurs, voice low, talking to himself. Maybe talking to Norwood. He looks sidelong to the other fellow, sets his jaw, and mutters, "You were supposed to be at Southport, you know. Maybe Name Witness to my second." That's the last of his words now, however, he waits.

Sparte looks at Caspian, then at the guards with them, then back as Caspian. With a slow nod Sparte relents. "Alright, we move in that direction then." Sparte shifts pace. "But if you've time to juggle we've time to find a better position."

Sparte has left the Outside the Gates.

Sparte has joined the On the Battlements.

Norwood snorts and will manage one more reply to Kael - "The honor is mine - but where Cristoph goes, so go I. And right now he's ordered me to make sure you make it home to //your// unborn child." So there Kael.

Doing as she was told, she stands behind Amarantha then frowns. "'re right. I know Lady Alessia is off fighting....but maybe we should find a better spot to keep an eye out." Cadenza looks between the two then nods. "Keep an eye out for the other directions?"

Lucita keeps pace with her fellow singers, notes, voices blending together adding her effort whole-heartedly, fervently, voice projecting as she was taught to carry it further with strength rather than straining. Each note bearing the attempt to shield and bolster the ground troops.

Alistair has left the On the Battlements.

Alistair has joined the Outside the Gates.

Alessia holds her glaive in a firm grip in her leather gauntlets, bracing herself for the impact of battle, staying somewhat behind Theron to serve as the deadly prong upon which the enemy may die, should they breach the shield wall. Her lips whisper a silent prayer, though it's lost in the rush of battle. Her weapon has no name, but it is a magnificent thing nonetheless as she holds it ready to behead or dismember the foul creatures as they search forth.

Amarantha gives a short nod, biting her lower lip. The blonde still looks unnervingly hungry. "I think you're a little better at scouting than me. Apollis too, more of a city scout I'd say." Glancing around, she tilts her head towards the princess. "Best you lead and we protect you."

"Give me balance, that I might find success without vainglory, that I might find true justice, that I might find wisdom without arrogance, that I might make choices unselfishly." Theron prays -- apparently to the Thirteenth. "That I might accept change with coherence, that I might obey my liege with both of my eyes open and learn to safeguard the land with moderation. That I might see the end of this war as victor and survivor. That my blade always strikes true." He kisses the pommel of his blade as he waits. And the waiting is unnerving.

And like that, the crash comes. Horror into the determined wall of the Compact. For Setarco, for the Lyceum, for the Compact. For the Valardin and the Thrax and for Redrain and Grayson, for every heart that beats true - the line holds together, shoulder to shoulder and one by one. The crash of horror is stopped there at the gates, and they hold and hold and hold. A keening wail comes over the battlefield, hunger denied its victims, and it is countered by the song of the Choir as they keep their singing.

And then something pushes out from Setarco, a prayer and strength, reinforcement of purpose. Something strong and light and good. Those who were struggling to free themselves from the effects of the Gyre's forces are suddenly strong of purpose and they strike back at these horrors who would lay the Compact low. "FOR THE COMPACT!" They hold. Against all odds, the line holds.

And then the thud of the marching army arrives from the east, and the line is going to have to hold against monsters and men both.

Orathy has left the On the Battlements.

Cyrus have been dismissed.

2 Culler Brutes have been dismissed.

3 Culler Hoodlums have been dismissed.

Alis has left the Command Tents.

Sir Rhys, a Valardin Knight have been dismissed.

Laurene, a military adjutant have been dismissed.

Cyrus have been dismissed.

2 Culler Brutes have been dismissed.

3 Culler Hoodlums have been dismissed.

Demura has left the Outside the Gates.

2 Lyonesse Trained Guards have been dismissed.

Amarantha has left the Outside the Gates.

1 Igniseri scarlet phoenix guards have been dismissed.

Ianna has left the Command Tents.

Driskell has left the Along the Towers.

Roran has left the Along the Towers.

a black robed Silent Reflection, Roran leave, following Driskell.

Apollis has left the Outside the Gates.

Caspian has left the On the Battlements.

Anya, the cool as an ice cube Champion apprentice have been dismissed.

Confessor Imori have been dismissed.

2 Grayson Guardsmen have been dismissed.

Confessor Warren have been dismissed.

5 Armed Confessors have been dismissed.

Madeleine has left the Along the Towers.

Corban has left the Outside the Gates.

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