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Written By Roland

March 26, 2017, 5:17 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Gisele

Mistress Aurum sent me a messenger asking questions about my recent travels, and, upon learning that I had visited her bookshop, lent me two histories to help occupy the time between battle and rest. They're very good books, and t'was most generous of her! And recently, I encountered her at the fight to defend the Lower Boroughs, and escorted her to her grandfather's house after. She seems like a very kind lady, and I hope that all remains well with her, and that she does not find herself in too many scrapes in the near future.

Written By Magpie

March 26, 2017, 5:15 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Acacia paid me five hundred silver today to sit on her man-servant. (Don't read too much into that, he's no Calaudrin Estardes.)

Easiest money I've ever made.

Well, except for that princess.

Maybe I shouldn't be writing about this in my white journal. Oh well!

Written By Magpie

March 26, 2017, 4:50 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Free soup at the Commons Medical Clinic right now! FREE. SOUP.



Written By Magpie

March 26, 2017, 4:47 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Dear diary,

Today I can't stop thinking about that strapping guardsman, Calaudrin Estardes. I didn't pay much mind to him, but when I saw him mention me in his journal it just set my heart to pumping in unbridled excitement. Could this be the start of something amazing? Can I find true love in this dark time of shav attacks and Bringers?

Oh, I do hope, dear journal. I do.

Written By Isolde

March 26, 2017, 4:45 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

A bond forged, a hope renewed.
This is a strange world we live in right now.
Back to the medical center. I have more work to do.

Written By Isolde

March 26, 2017, 4:44 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Their end, our beginning.
I do so like that warcry.
May the Thirteen gods strengthen us in the days to come.

Written By Isolde

March 26, 2017, 4:43 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

The how is as much as the what sometimes.
Trust, but verify.
We've lost too much to take things at face value in a random conversation.
I trust very little these days.

Written By Anze

March 26, 2017, 4:35 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Darrow

Mind boggling. Almost impressive in a weird way, still mind boggling.

Written By Anze

March 26, 2017, 4:31 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

It is a remarkable thing about humanity, that even in our darkest moments and worst times that we still manage to create bright lights for ourselves. There is a reason that I view life the way I do. Those moments we have outside of the life and death struggle on the battlefield are moments to enjoy and to love. There is so much terrible going on, and at the same time one of my best friends is about to get married and I have the best fiance in the history of the world, these points of light are awfully bright indeed.

Written By Valencia

March 26, 2017, 4:22 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

It occurs to me that perhaps I may be too private with my feelings. Though I can hear some already laughing at the notion. But with the coming threat I am finding more clarity in how I truly feel about certain people. And, while I will may never find my way to openly speak of them here in these journals where everyone can brazenly see the workings of my heart and mind, it does not mean that my feelings are not there for good or ill.

Perhaps I should be more bold and speak openly of this impression or that. But I sometimes find my first impressions are not my second or even my last and while I do have thoughts I cannot seem to share all of them openly even when I want to. Not yet. Though I try.

As we find ourselves closer to danger and possible death more than ever before I have been trying to keep my head and my hope up. Fear of losing people I love is tearing my guts to pieces. I am sick with it. I am made even more ill knowing that I cannot always say what I wish to say.

And, though I want to believe in my heart of hearts all will be well, there is a part of me that feels I must speak now or never. But despite struggle I still far too often remain silent. I suppose what adds salt to the wound is that time is running out for such things and yet here I am, struggling and still too silent.

But I am trying. Though likely it is not enough.

But the fact remains true, though I may not always be able to say so, that does not mean I do not wish I could.


Written By Esoka

March 26, 2017, 4:22 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

In bloodshed and chaos, Marquessa Samantha Deepwood finds strength through unity and respect. It is no wonder 30,000 Abandoned turned to follow her. I often feel odd among Compact nobility, but I'm proud to be sworn to House Riven, and prouder that we follow this lady of the Deepwood in whatever she shall make of the world.

Written By Valery

March 26, 2017, 4:09 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Gavin

Lady Valencia says in the Redrain Villa is safer than in the city.
I should try to convince him to stay with me...

Written By Valery

March 26, 2017, 4:08 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

It's getting so scary...
They say they entered the city.
I'm not sure if I should leave the house or not...

Written By Nix

March 26, 2017, 3:14 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

I stretched my legs, finally, and headed down into the Lowers to investigate the wreckage following the battle. Bodies were lined up along the docks so they could be claimed by superiors or family. The ground was still sticky with the blood, not entirely dry.

I hate that I was unable to participate. That I am stuck with this cane and ruined leg.

I feel useless, and it infuriates me.

Written By Caelis

March 26, 2017, 3:10 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

It amazes me how even when the world should feel so dark that there is still so much hope. When I was a little girl ready fairy tales I always wondered how the heroes keep going. It seemed so idealistic. Now, where we are, I feel I understand my childhood heroes a little better.

Written By Khanne

March 26, 2017, 3:09 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Sometimes, life gets away from us. We get caught up in our daily tasks, our duties to family, to fealty, to crown. We are in constant pursuit of answers, of succeeding, of protecting, defending, preparing, learning, knowing, understanding... that we lose sight of other things that are -just- as important. We take for granted moments with those we love and care about; family, friends, lovers. It is easy to do, and most of us aren't even aware we are doing it, and certainly did not intend to... but it happens.

We are in a flux at the moment. We have seen small victories, balanced by too many deaths. We have heard them knocking at our proverbial door. We know that there will likely be more victories, but we too know there will be more deaths. It is in these times of flux when we are not only reminded of our own mortality... but that of those we love. It is in these times many of us will stop and reflect on their lives, things we are proud of, things we miss, people close to us who have been gone for far too long, worry about who we may lose next.... worry about if it will be ourselves.

Someone very dear to me once told me it was important to have no regrets. I wonder, sometimes, if that is even a possibility. It is one thing to know where you are standing is where you are meant to be. But does that mean you got there with no regrets? Is anyone able to look at where they are and not think 'I wish I had...' or 'I wish I had not...'? Not even once? Or is living with no regrets simply accepting that what choices we made led us to where we are, and whether proud of them, or not, realizing they were made with reason. And, for whatever that reason, it was the right thing to do in that moment, or at least felt like it was. Is it accepting that we made mistakes in our lives, but knowing none of us, not a one, is infallible? All we can do is live each day trying to be a better person than we were the day before, and as long as we do that, learn from our mistakes, there is no regretting making them? We may stumble sometimes... but we are human. All we can do is stand up straight again, and try to be better the next day.

May we all be granted many next days.

Written By Leola

March 26, 2017, 2:57 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

"Everything ends in the dark. Everything ends in Silence. Everything, Daughter of the Wood."

These words were spoken to me over a year ago, before I ever came to Arx. More and more, they seem like prophecy. When I consider their source, I wonder if they are. Still. It is the right of all living beings to attempt to defy fate. Everything will not end. Even if I will, this world will not.

I gave my word to my Baroness, and her liege. I gave my word to Petrichor. I will do everything I might. Everything I must. Lest everything end in the dark, in the silence.

Written By Gisele

March 26, 2017, 2:27 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

By Vellichor's will I record that the Bringers can move invisibly, unseen by those around them, cloaked not by the environment but by some working of their own. But those that were discovered in the graveyard were unmasked by unexpected collision with a thrown handful of dirt. Let us pray that dirt or rocks or the sweep of a staff are enough to expose any others that lurk among us, I cannot record with absolute certainty that it will always work. But it is enough to know and try. We must be vigilant.

Written By Aureth

March 26, 2017, 1:51 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

In a moment there was nothing and in the next they were there.

It was a horror. And even with all of us standing ready to fight, I felt nothing, nothing but pure terror. It was a living nightmare. They didn't have to breach the walls. They just had to stroll past my home--

This was just the beginning.

Guard her city, people of the Compact. We must. We have to. Stand for life.

Written By Margot

March 26, 2017, 1:32 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Wilhem

The people of the isles told me I would be hurt by freeing so many Thralls but I have learned to trust my knowledge humanity. Some will leave. Others will stay and those who are very ambitious will like Master Wilhem embrace the opportunity to thrive and grow. What was an unhappy thrall, toiling away on order is now a Whisper and artist able to create freely and bring renown to the Tyde family.

When war is passed, if it is ever passed, I shall have a most glorious wardrobe I have no doubt.

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