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Written By Harper

May 26, 2017, 1:18 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

You don't sound like you suck. We'll drink sometime. You're buyin' though, for that limerick.

I hate to complain or to scarper,
About liquor it’s rare that I harp(er).
But in a fleet blink,
I'll down any drink.
With zeal, enthusiasm, and ardor.

Written By Harper

May 26, 2017, 1:09 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

I'm thinking about naming my war-wiener Dorothy. Dot.

Written By Merek

May 26, 2017, 12:56 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

You should find something to cheer you up in the meantime, is all I am going to write. I'd suggest you tend to some birds, and relax. Doing what you love can really help.

Written By Merek

May 26, 2017, 12:52 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

7/13/1006 AR, it's afternoon. Still working on the salaries as well as training for the Iron Guard. What with recent news coming to the city, it seems that our work is nowhere near over. I had hoped we would have more time to recover before anything else happened. I'm not sure what is going on, but we must be ready for it at all costs. I'm wondering if the Crown is going to put restrictions on travel near the Forest. Unfortunately, there are no rumors of survival, which means we know little to nothing. I'm going to train these Guardsmen as best I can, teach them what I know about not just combat, but survival. It's our duty to protect.

Written By Cara

May 26, 2017, 12:51 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Steadfast has somehow managed to drool all over half of my notes on the prospective new trade routes west. I can't really hold it against him, though, as it was my fault for falling asleep and dropping them on the floor.

The poor pup looked so dismayed, too, with them stuck to his fur like that. Oh well. Back to the drawing board.

Written By Gisele

May 26, 2017, 12:36 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Mathias

When the knight of the Abyss stalked the city during the siege, Mathias Coaldust was there for the survivors. He sat with me while I spoke of my own pain and fears. He sat with the Grandmaster while he recovered. He reached out to the others. He wanted to help. He wanted to heal. It hurt him, I think, that he couldn't do more, though he did everything he could and beyond, for those of us who lived.

I was supposed to meet with him, later this week, to sit down with my books and his smile, and help him become more comfortable with letters. I wish I had set other duties aside, and met with him first. I wish I'd made the time to speak with him, before he went out to do his duty. I wish I could have given back to him what he gave to me.

He was a Champion of Solace, a servant of Gild, and I hope his soul is safe in Death's keeping. May he walk in the light in other lifetimes.

Written By Carita

May 26, 2017, 12:19 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

What is the cost of being curious? I might be more than willing to pay that price.

Written By Estaban

May 26, 2017, 12:16 p.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Gods help me through this, I feel as if the weight of the word is on my chest and I suffocate under her weight. I feel as if I am clawing my way to breath and yet I make no progress. I have lost some one dear to me, even if I did not know him but for a memory that I dream every night. How could I have let you go so easy? And now I lose yet another I am close to due to trying to help and a misunderstanding? When will this weight on my chest leave and I can breath again? Perhaps I will find the answer at the bottom of the bottle.

Written By Belladonna

May 26, 2017, 10:51 a.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Abbas

I knew that I would like the man, but I did not realize just how much. I should have reached out sooner.

I am not entirely sure how I feel about war being planned for my pool, but I admit that it does sound fun. To watch.

Written By Harper

May 26, 2017, 9:29 a.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

I got a dog. Yeah, Scholar, this is important t'me and worth puttin' in here. She's kinda ginger and sorta half a'regular dog high while almost bein' double-dog long. Yeah, like a sausage. But with these drop-down ears and --

I need help namin' her. Otherwise I'm callin' her Halfpinta Ale or Bacon and beans.

Sorry, Scholar, forgot breakfast.

Written By Edward

May 26, 2017, 7:05 a.m.(7/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

And for the pleasure of the priests and those who read, a collab of a horrible sea shanty by myself and the wonderful Sword of Sanctum. Each verse created and sung either horribly by me or wonderfully by her;

Captain Jack liked to prance
In frilly ladies gowns
But on the seas, nobody teased
Caused he'd bury them in the ground.

His men were a loyal bunch.
Who didn't care about the fuss.
They just cared about their gold
That the Captain stole from ships abroad..."

First Mate Buck liked to write,
In secret he'd record the sight
Captain Jack in a corset too
And stockings with a little flair.

Sell his stories at the when in a rut,
Captain Jack was first rate smut!
But low betide the man who'd dare,
Describe Captain Jack's underwear

Cookie was the ship cook and medic
Stitching legs while serving shanties
If something fell into his spicy stew
He added more pepper and rue.

When ship came to port from sea.
Rats, dogs and cats were nary to see
Cause Cookie wasn't picky about his stew.
Damn that shit is one hell of a brew.

Old Gus was the meanest cuss,
a deckmaster who gave no fuss;
He'd whip your ass into a shape or two;
Not a single man was left to do;

Captain's men were a loyal bunch;
He knew they'd keep without a hunch;
Meanest 'rats who ever stole,
they'd piss in your eye and eat your roll.

......and while following verses were to be about specific members of the crew. We invite any who want to add their own verse to feel free to do so.

Written By Agnarr

May 26, 2017, 4:31 a.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Got a horse. It stinks, but the thing's pretty. Hope it doesn't kick me.

Written By Eirlys

May 26, 2017, 1:38 a.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Today was the ceremony to give medals to those under the Valardin banner. I went to support those I knew would be getting a medal or at least those I suspected would be getting a medal. I never for a moment considered that my name would be called. I have to say I was so incredibly shocked and honored to receive a medal from Edain, Alis and Marian (They were on the dais giving out the medals).

It equally filled me with joy to hear my brother's name, my cousin Marian's name as well as Percy, Ansel and Sophie! I know I am probably forgetting others that I should be mentioning but I am still in shock a little bit. I have slowly been getting a chance to get to know my cousin Marian and I hope that we will continue to get to know one another.

Written By Eirlys

May 26, 2017, 1:30 a.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

I have been going with the other delegates to help those outside the wall, those who have suffered so much but are not bound by oath to those within the city. It fills me with a sense of purpose to do this even when I am being snipped at by Asper of Oakentree. I knew not everyone there was going to like me being that I am a Greenmarcher but also that we knelt and took oath. It doesn't matter. None of that does. What matters is helping them. To make sure they have the items they need, the medicine and healing they need and that they can bury their dead.

Our first trip out there I learned that Whiskey is a fantastic way to get someone to talk to you. Well if they don't hate your guts anyway. I also am starting to find my footing as a shamaness I think. It's a rough start and I am still learning so much but I am learning.

Our second trip was to be there to observe the rituals of mourning. We were allowed to be there and their shamaness even allowed me to say a prayer for those who passed away. Something happened though that I don't know how to deal with. It pains me to think of it. There before us was such a young man. I want to say boy he is only thirteen summers old but he is also the leader of the Iron Foot clan. We were told that he and his sisters who are eleven and six were the only living left.

This is where I backtrack some so that all of this makes sense. When we got there about two or three people from what I could hear were saying things about us. They were speaking in Oathlands Abandoned instead of Arvani. So only four of us really could tell what was being said. That was enough though, we understood they they were trying to stir up the crowd. I am so proud of my brother, he really is so incredibly intuitive and smart. He was able to blend into the crowd and let one of the leaders of the larger clans know what was happen. The people making the trouble were dressed in clothing that didn't have them belonging to any one clan. So he knew something was up. They were detained while Prince Edain, Princess Sasha and I were on the dais speaking to the crowd, speaking to the shamaness and then speak to the new chief of the Iron Foot clan. I showed him the signs of respect that I learned as a child. I didn't want to ignore him because of his age. During the exchange, I was explaining to Prince Edain what I was doing and why.

While up there we realized that the three children smelled like the oils and flora that were used in the funeral pyres. We managed to stop the young man from going through with the plan. It turns out his uncle who has sons wanted to get rid of the three younger children so he could be the chief. He convinced this poor young man that it was not just a way to make a 'statement' but that it was the only way to see his parents again. His sisters were so young and so impressionable. This person was supposed to be someone they trusted. They used the children. It makes me angry to think about it. We brought them back with us. To keep them safe, we also brought the prisoners (the uncle and his cronies, likely his sons). My heart hurts for those children. I look at them and I see Fia and I. I plan to help with the children as much as I can.

Also I have always known that Edain is a great leader, he is someone worth following into battle for and with. He just proved again that night what a great leader he is. He managed to gain command of that crowd and he kept them from rioting when they thought we were trying to hurt the children because they didn't know what was happening. Just like Fia kept those men from stirring the crowd up to begin with!

There is so much more that needs to be done but there are people willing to help do it. That is all we can ask for. I am thankful that those that were hurt outside the walls are being helped as well. It lets me know that the Valardin house is one that I am proud to be a part of.

Written By Calaudrin

May 26, 2017, 12:31 a.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Well, that was a pleasant change of pace.

Written By Malena

May 25, 2017, 11:04 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Prayer to Petrichor

I am the feet that walk along your trails. I am the gentle hand that collects the herbs from your ground. My belly is filled by your bounty. Your grass feeds my livestock. I quench my thirst from your creek that runs through your hills. I build my houses from your timber. Thank you the Patron of Farmers who shepherd me. Let me find a remedy to fix what ails thee. Help me heal your children...your forest that once stood green.

Written By Fergus

May 25, 2017, 10:53 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

First person to beat me in a spar in years. We've since become fast friends, one of the few I got.

Reminds me of me, been through shit, came out the other end different for it. Not going to say better, but different. She's got a good head on her shoulders. Can't remember the last time I respected anyone like that. Could be she just gets me. Easy to talk to her.

Hard to really describe how I feel about it. I just know if she ever asked me to help her out, I'd do it. Though she could stand to learn to drink a little better. Take lessons from Freja.

Good swordswoman, better friend. Can't ask for much more than that.

Written By Sameera

May 25, 2017, 10:46 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Merek

He likes to talk. Difficult. I am not good at such things.

Written By Sameera

May 25, 2017, 10:45 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Ariel

You are a difficult person. Always making me go to parties and wear worm poop. Now sea worm poop for your wedding? Few an get me to wear worm poop, you know.

Written By Valery

May 25, 2017, 10:41 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

It's not what I had in mind when I visited... But I have a new bracelet now.
It looks likes interwoven flowers and it had glass violets.
It's really really beautiful.

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