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Written By Valdemar

Jan. 7, 2024, 10:57 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

Only zealots could speak of breaking the world and sound so self-righteous about doing it. I'd warn against breaking your own arms patting yourselves on the backs, but it seems like it won't matter much longer anyway.

Written By Jan

Jan. 7, 2024, 9:58 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

I must say that marriage still agrees with me. We shall see if that is still the case when eventually that includes motherhood

Written By Raven

Jan. 7, 2024, 9:57 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

I have never truly been alone. Not really. Soon there will be at least two trials I must face which some part of it I must do on my own-but I am glad even so I won't have to do either alone.

Written By Rosalind

Jan. 7, 2024, 9:13 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

I have fought too hard to just allow someone to make me forget. I refuse!

Written By Rosalind

Jan. 7, 2024, 9:12 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

Saik. I always said I wouldn't go South because it's too stinkin hot. Now look at me. I just can't wait to bring them all home. To the beautiful winters.

Written By Rosalind

Jan. 7, 2024, 9:11 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

I sit and reflect on how far I've come since coming here. I came here, following my sister, unsure of everything, but having faith in Aella and my family. Now I feel as if I've come into my own. I'm married now. Stop looking at me like that, scholar! It sounds strange to me too! I helped break a family cure that was generations old. The moon is now something to be admired for beauty, not to be feared as we once did. It's a large relief and I can breathe easier. I've been watching my nieces and nephews grow, their excitement at discovering new things. They remind me of me and Triton. I should apologize to Elora. Which speaking of Triton, he's grown too. He's a father now, and I think our papa would be proud of him. He's a lot more like him than any of us. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of how far family as come since coming here. We've made Stormheart and our people proud. I can feel it.

Written By Fairen

Jan. 7, 2024, 8:11 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

No matter the weight of the issues presented before me, I shall look upon them clearly, until I am satisfied I have understood them as well as I can in the time that I have, then I will act boldly.

I will not falter for fear of losing that which I hold the dearest, nor let a lack of perfect understanding stay my hand.

Written By Jeffeth

Jan. 7, 2024, 7:44 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mattheu

I finally got my rematch against Mattheu in the mud puts. And I won. The Rivenshari gifted me a scarf and I love it. I mean, it's hot as the abyss right now, but I am still wearing it because the colors are so great. Next I need some of those bells. To act as musical accompaniment for the next time I serenade Eirene.

Written By Jeffeth

Jan. 7, 2024, 7:42 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

It was High Sun / Silver Day today and Princess Sabella asked me to give a speech. I think I did very well. Gild is worthy of celebration and I was happy to go.

Written By Jeffeth

Jan. 7, 2024, 7:41 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ian

Lord Ian is a constant presence when it comes to things that need doing. Also very helpful. One day, I will make him belly laugh and my life will be complete.

Written By Titania

Jan. 7, 2024, 4:51 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

Oh, radiant Mangata, Goddess of the Waters,
In this high summer's embrace, we offer our gratitude.

Bless us with the gentle caress of your waves,
As the sun dances upon the shimmering surface.

May your tranquil currents wash away our worries,
And bring forth the coolness of your liquid blessings.

As the days unfold in warmth and brilliance,
Guide us through the tides of life with serenity.

Mangata, Lady of the Waters, hear our prayer,
In this season of abundance and vibrant light.

Written By Valencia

Jan. 7, 2024, 3:41 p.m.(7/7/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Patrizio

The Archduke of Pravus possesses many admirable qualities that make him an exceptional leader. His honorable and generous spirit, strong moral character, and commitment to his people are evident in his words and deeds.

Though confident in his abilities, he remains open-minded, carefully weighing options before making decisions. He listens thoughtfully when others share perspectives, even if differing from his own.

The Archduke's modesty belies his remarkable talents and virtues. His integrity, wisdom and compassion set a shining example of principled leadership.

I am grateful for his trust and inspired to serve his house faithfully.

Though he insists he is but a man of this season, the Archduke's noble conduct improves our world.


Written By Mattheu

Jan. 6, 2024, 2 a.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

I found myself writing letters to my children before embarking to a point of where distance will be a factor. It was something which I only started recently in doing. As before. Before we took land we would be upon ships. There would be times where we would board different ships to sail in opposite directions though we always knew the wind would carry our thoughts to each other. We would see each other again soon enough.

Now those days are not as sure the wind will be there to always carry the letters and thoughts as freely. Thus, I have written them down this time. There are two sets. Ima has the ones for them to read and hold dear.

To my Courageous Son, Sil,

Sil, my adventurous spirit, as the waves carry me further from home, my heart swells with pride for the incredible young man you've become. Your crown of flowers and kelp, mud-streaked hair, and stories of escapades remind me that life is a grand adventure. Be a guiding light for your siblings, and continue to infuse our home with your boundless curiosity and zest for life.

To my Fearless Princess, Raya,

Raya, regal and strong, your insistence on being a princess is a testament to the royalty that resides within you. Stand tall, my daughter, and let your strength be a beacon for your siblings. Lead with courage, and I trust that you will nurture the unity that defines our family in my absence.

To my Shy Little Star, Ilan,

Ilan, my gentle daughter, your quiet strength and whispered conversations hold a special place in my heart. Be a source of comfort for your siblings, and remember that your shy nature is a beautiful light that guides us through the darker days. Your resilience will be a comforting presence for your mother and brothers.

To My Little Explorer, Danior,

Danior, too young to understand the reasons for my departure, I leave you with a promise of love that transcends distance. Your siblings and your amazing mother will be your guides, playmates, and storytellers. Embrace the joy they bring, and know that my heart is woven into the fabric of our family's love.

Written By Lys

Jan. 5, 2024, 11:49 p.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

[This is more wine on this page than there is actual writing. And yet it has been submitted to the archives anyway.]

Why is everything spinning so fast? i'm so damned dizzy.

Written By Fairen

Jan. 5, 2024, 7:02 p.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

I cannot recall a single week in which I have both slept so poorly on some days and slept so well on others as this one in my entire life.

Written By Ann

Jan. 5, 2024, 6:47 p.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mattheu

As I sit down to write, my heart is filled with warmth and gratitude for the incredible journey I've shared with Mattheu. Our love story began like a gentle melody, slowly building into a symphony that continues to play in the background of our lives.

Mattheu entered my life like a burst of sunshine, bringing laughter and joy with him wherever he went. His kindness and gentle spirit immediately drew me in, and as our friendship deepened, I found myself falling in love with the wonderful person he is. From the early days of stolen glances to the sweet moments of shared dreams, our love story has unfolded in the most beautiful way.

Our journey together took an exciting turn when we welcomed our first child into the world. Yes, Matti has been a good father to the three I brought in our relationship but to see him with Danior that was a profound and transformative experience for me. Mattheu embraced fatherhood with a tenderness that melted my heart, and watching him bond with our little one was a sight to behold.

Our four children bring so much joy and laughter into our lives. Each one is a unique melody, creating a harmonious blend of personalities that make our family complete. Mattheu's role as a father is nothing short of extraordinary. He's not just a provider; he's the steady rock, the playful companion, and the wise guide our children look up to.

From the bedtime stories he reads to the way he patiently helps with questions, Mattheu's love for our children knows no bounds. I am endlessly grateful for the beautiful family we've built together, a testament to the love that continues to grow with each passing day.

As I reflect on the journey we've shared, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and companionship Mattheu brings into my life. Our love story is a tapestry woven with moments of laughter, shared dreams, and unwavering support. I look forward to the many chapters still unwritten, knowing that with Mattheu by my side, our love will continue to flourish and inspire for a lifetime.

I can only imagine that the Lovers of Riva shine upon us and the choices we are making in how we live our life.

Written By Ann

Jan. 5, 2024, 6:39 p.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

It is interesting to go down your personal history and find things you had forgotten about. It is as if a new light has been shed on them. Food for thought in how much a person can change and not even be aware of it.

Written By Iliana

Jan. 5, 2024, 2:57 p.m.(7/2/1021 AR)

While plans are being made there are always those things that are unpleasant to consider but must be dealt with.

Should I not survive my chosen path, my husband, Marquis Fairen Leary, is to see to my things as he sees fit. It will give him a much needed distraction when I do not return home that I believe will be important to see that he is able to process my death in only the way he does. My only requests are as followed: If my armor is recovered that it be given to my daughter Valitina, so even in death I am able to protect her as I have always done in life. Daybreak, my shortspear, is to be left at the Seawatch Gate lodged within unmoveable, unbreakable, rubble if the Crown approves of such memorial to remind those left after I am gone that I was here. I did not bend, I did not break, and my will was of Steel.

Written By Titus

Jan. 5, 2024, 1:57 p.m.(7/2/1021 AR)

The last thing I did at Vaevici Compound was to visit the observatory and look up. The night sky grows darker, stars fleeing and being blotted out with an ever increasing void. That one constellation seems brighter. But those are things to think about for another night, not now.

The chest was small with my personal effects, and the other cases and chests filled with books and other articles. And slowly the next day, the wagon made way through the city of Arx to Halfshav Hall where I was greeted by my new family. Things are quite different than my old home, but I suppose that is the nature of moving isn't it. If we wanted what we had, why even step foot out of our front door?

I don't know what the future holds except that there will be far more struggles, challenges, hurts, tests, sorrows. And in between all of those negatives, there will also be moments where people will shine as they rise to the occasion whether that be to help others, fight common threats and perform any one of those tiny miracles that happen in daily life which might not be costly to the one performing but can be a life-changer to the receiver. That's life, isn't it.

I unpacked my simple belongings and began receiving messages of well-wishing and gifts from friends and allies. They all marked the change that was to happen, but that change wouldn't be on a path being walked alone. Even a rabbit appeared, a special one that apparently calls itself Joy. I hope Joy stays in this world.

With this new life as Titus Halfshav, the world changes and yet it does not. I might be a Loreweaver to collect and share stories so that no story is lost, I might be a Warmonger doing what that entails. I'm hated and despised, I'm loved and cherished. But my world grows larger, my view is bigger. No longer to a great isle in the farthest southern part of the Compact trying to keep the great Blood Beast slumbering in dreams so vivid and grand that it will not be woken, and I look to Whitehold guiding me for the future where bridges are built to the farthest ideas and places to connect us rather than divide.

And so to the unknowable future I say to any listening or reading:

Protect those who follow, assist those alongside, and be steadfast against any who oppose you.

To The Last.

Written By Aconite

Jan. 5, 2024, 1:48 p.m.(7/2/1021 AR)

Deep Personal Harm, physical, mental and emotional is on the horizon.

Can we hold together when the truth is held up before the light?

I'm not scared of it anymore.

Not after these last few years...

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