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Written By Preston

May 22, 2019, 5:24 a.m.(2/23/1011 AR)

With all that has gone on with the Great Road and its problems, it has been busy. Beyond Mother Ailith and my brothers and sisters of the Templars, I have had limited opportunity to work with the other members of the Faith - we have been sent to all ends of Arvum on our missions to help.

It has been a delight then to have had a chance in the past few days to have messengers both from Father Aureth, who has long been a source of advice, and from my dearest sister of the Faith, Dame Thena. What we have to discuss may be troubling or difficult, but together I am confident that the Faith will find the path to preserve our people and our ways and, with others, will follow that path to its conclusion.

Written By Maja

May 22, 2019, 3:01 a.m.(2/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Braith

I don't need to be beloved by all -- I only care about one.

I'm sure whatever you write will be amazing. I cannot wait to hear it.

Written By Shard

May 22, 2019, 2:47 a.m.(2/23/1011 AR)

I understand the grieving. I sympathize with the grieving. I definitely understand, intimately, the desire for revenge.

But it's hard not to notice what is and isn't considered tragic and horrible when they keep following on each others' heels this way.

Written By Aureth

May 21, 2019, 7:19 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

I consider the gentleness of my silvering to its present state to be a fine gift from Lagoma, following the changes of my seasons.

Written By Lisebet

May 21, 2019, 7:19 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

I ran into Ryhalt, Clover, and Ronja the other day at Bold Espressions. It was lovely to meet Lady Umbroise, and visit with family. Mistress Petal was also there, and I was very pleased to be wearing a dress created by her.

I can report that so far, ginger cake is the one thing that does not upset my stomach. Coffee, on the other hand, not so much.

Written By Miranda

May 21, 2019, 7:11 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

I have a new cat.

It's my first cat.

I think, actually, she has me. I'm her first person.

Her name is Jewel. It's fitting. She is the jewel in my life.

Wouldn't trade her for anything!

Written By Corban

May 21, 2019, 4:03 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

Every man. Woman. And child in Highhill.


As Duke Arn says, these were Wyrmguard vassals, which brought them under the umbrella of the Telmarch, my ancestral home.

I weep for them. I pray to the Queen for them. Not just the nobles: Their mission is to rule and to sacrifice for their people, though any lost life is a tragedy. But for the common woman and man, who seek to do their duty and keep their families. They have no responsibility for these struggles. And yet they are casualties.

Beloved Queen of Beginning and Endings, see to these souls, shepherd them as is Your will, and with dear Lagoma, help us heal the rend in our hearts created by their passing.

Written By Monique

May 21, 2019, 3:31 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

I'm not sure I'll ever be able to use my arms again. They feel like rubber. Damn that Snowy Seas tournament! What clever torture! Thoroughly enjoyed myself, but am paying for it now. For those of you who threw snowballs at me, don't think revenge won't be swift when I regain the use of my arms!

Written By Ajax

May 21, 2019, 3:06 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowenova

Well won, Scout. I will strive to defeat you next year.

Written By Braden

May 21, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Fianna

Got invited to this thing at the Black Hall of Axes by Duchess Fianna. Should be a fantastic evening.

Written By Gunther

May 21, 2019, 1:22 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

Sally girl,

When I was just a pup I was beaten and made fun of onna account of bein' such a runt and not havin' a mug worth lookin' at. And it turned me sour all the times I was made to kiss the earth by some bigger bucko's fists and shove. My beak done kissed so many toes and shoes while my head was swimmin' and foggy I knew who was kick'n me by the feel of things.

Ain't nothin' left to wonder why I grew up so salty. I got in my cups and I took them beatings and turned them into a ball of anger and not so good feels about who and what I was. I balled up mah firsts and I started givin' them lumps back. It felt good at first. Givin' those that beat me their pain right back to them. But what was good soon turned to nothin' and it was just a void I could never fill. Ain't no small number of faces or wigs I punched out could make me feel better about myself. So I kept drankin' and I turned to bein' so sour I was not but hate and liquor inside. The liquor was the fuel for my fire and their faces was the kindlin' that kept me burnin'. And I was 'bout burned out when you found me in that gutter all swollen and bloated with death on the horizon.

When I woke up it was your mitt, worn... them textured fingers wiping down mah face. Then finally when my eyes opened and the swelling didn't keep them shut none I saw you for the first time. Must looked awful sorry coughin' up that blood and gurgling like I was. You shushed me and cleaned me up. Put mah head in your lap and you sung them songs until I went to sleep.

I ain't never lived none before I met you. Sure I was alive an' all but I wasn't, not really -- I was just existing from hurt to hurt. Either my hurt or someone else's hurt saw me through mah days. My first breath, the first day I lived was the moment I felt the kindness of your touch. Soon I was to know your love and I started breathin' just for you.

Them was the happiest days a fella could know. I went from breath to breath so full of love and wonder. I didn't feel like I was so worthless. Like I was just some runt reject that could take a punch and that was my only value. I felt like I was worthy of love. Ain't nothin' like goin' from that sorta black to the sort of light your love gave me. I was saved by you Sally and every breath while you was alive was yours.

But now, without you -- I'm breathin' and it's my own breath. And cuz of your light all I want to do is spread that light and love you gave me. Ain't never gonna care for someone and nurse them and nurtures them likes you done to me. That ain't me. But I got value too. I can care and give all my coins. I can train them that's doin' good to be better so they can do more good. And soon I'll be a knight on them Roads and I'll be makin' them safe that is on their paths and ain't got no Sally to draw them from them dark places.

I'm living and breathin' my own breaths now. But I'll always be takin' them thankful of you and your love. And I hope to breathe life into others like you done for me.

I know I ain't no worthless cur.

I'm Gunther, loved by Sally... and I'm a good man for it.

I love you baby girl.
Ain't never gonna stop.


Written By Gunther

May 21, 2019, 12:48 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

My Sally,

Ain't it funny been now so long since you been gone. Ain't sure how long exactly onna account I don't do calendars and keep track of them dates so well.

But I could still tell you all them details about every one of them wrinkles that spread out from your sweet lovin' eyes. They was six on the left and the middle one was always my favorite. It started out straight and got all wavy on the end 'cept when you smiled and then it was straight as an arrow. I always knew where you was in your day and mood when I saw that line.

If it was wavy I'd do whatever I could. Make you some vittles. Get flowers. Or just hold your hand and take you out to the see the sunset. The best part of my day was taking that wavy line and by the time we was knackered out and sleepy layin' down 'side you and seein' it straight again.

I still love you with every bump of my ol' ticker...

Written By Brigida

May 21, 2019, 12:19 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

It's nice to have someone to talk to who's got a little more life experience than most of those running around the city and the house is nice and warm too so that's a welcome addition.

Written By Domonico

May 21, 2019, 12:12 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

I fail to see how looking forward to facing a formidable opponent for a challenging Game of Stones makes me an unpleasant person.

Written By Gregory

May 21, 2019, 11:59 a.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

I in no way encourage or endorse the sending of messangers to Archscholar Sina, asking her about rumors of a teahouse on academy grounds, nor do I recommend suggesting your favorite flavours of tea to her. I will not recommend that you ask how to donate towards this allegedy amazing idea.

However, I am reminded that Skald encourages us to be free in our choices, so you could just do it anyway, I can't stop you.

Written By Gregory

May 21, 2019, 10:48 a.m.(2/21/1011 AR)

I have finally had a change to speak to Archlector Sina about taking my scholars vows and moving up the ranks to being an actual scholar. We agreed on a private ceremony sometime in the coming week. I don't see the need to make a big deal about what is an oath between me and Vellichor, I had one of those when I became a Godsworn, and I don't need another.
I also spoke to her about my senior scholar project, and we agreed that I could look into the Crusade of Shattered Mirrors. We don't know a lot about that time, and with the Thirteenth now being a member of the pantheon, it is a lot less contraversial than it used to be.
Finally, I suggested the opening of a teashop in the academy, the working title is "A Cup of Teaology". Teaology is the kind of priestly duties I enjoy the most. Sitting down with people over a cup of tea and talkin about them and the gods. I get tea, and I seem much less imposing. Plus, I get to sit down, so its always nice. Archscholar Sina said that she would look into finances to see if such a thing was viable. I've offered what little resources I have towards the cost, and offered to drum up support, but I truly do not know how much it will cost to build. I should start gathering donations...

Written By Ajax

May 21, 2019, 10:08 a.m.(2/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Seth

I never thought you were a bright lad, but I never thought you meant ill will towards anyone.

I still remember you offering to assist my Redwoods with war hounds, I had meant to follow up on that offer before you left town. A pity now, it'd be a thing if I gotten the last of their kind. But whatever you did and the burdens you beat yourself up by carrying, lad. You didn't deserve what happened to you and your family.

I hope when they track down the bastards that did this to your family they have the same mind as me. They don't deserve to go quickly. That would be all too easy. You deserve that much in retribution at least.

Written By Ishmael

May 21, 2019, 8:25 a.m.(2/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Meesha

With all of the work I have on my plate ahead of me, at least I know that I have a friend.

Written By Raimon

May 21, 2019, 7:58 a.m.(2/21/1011 AR)

I have participated in the Snow Run. I placed 4th overall. I am told for a land based warrior that it is very impressive. I still feel I could do better.

Written By Ronja

May 21, 2019, 4:56 a.m.(2/21/1011 AR)

One thing, Journal, before I go seek out whatever's going on today -- I was at a tea house in Arx the other day, surrounded by royalty, when the news of Highhill being sacked came through. I believe Lord Braden was there to first receive word, and Sir Jeffeth, Princess Marisol, Princess Reese...? It was grim, I can't lie. It put to light for me something that I knew, but didn't KNOW, if that makes sense, my Journal: these people have not lived lives like mine. In the pirates, ships got sacked. You would hear about it, pour a drink in their name (or utter a particularly vile curse on them), and move on, learning from their failure to avoid getting sacked yourself. I figure it's the same way for career soldiers -- other soldiers die! But for nobles, to find out about other nobles' death... no, MASSACRE... These noble families build everything they know about themselves on the idea that their families will continue forever. To hear of another family so completely snuffed out is to remind them that history will continue on without them, if it so chooses. I found my heart going out to them, but I couldn't find the words to try and soothe them.

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