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Written By Desiree

May 23, 2021, 5:50 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

What a fun few days! Bit if a bar fly but can you blame me. So many fun spots in the city to visit and enjoy. Shame though about the few of my things broken on route here.

Written By Tanith

May 23, 2021, 5:48 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

I only seem to get black-out drunk with Sydney, and I suspect it's because we mix our booze with the eating of cake and pie. We over indulge and love everything until the next morning, when we curse our life choices and each other. But only for a minute. Or ten. I regret nothing, though, and look forward to more such occurrences.

But I still can't find where I put my knife, dammit, and I've searched everywhere. Also ... I think I hid a waterskin of milk in Evaristo's store. Maybe in the rafters? Or the floorboards? Shit, I really need to remember-

Ev, if you read this, it wasn't my idea. It was Sydney's.

Written By Cufre

May 23, 2021, 5:38 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

Ever since the thing with Felicia, I've been feeling bad. Guilty. Jealous. New things to me. It's less than it was, and I know it will go, but for now it's just difficult. I sit at my worktable, and I just can't. I haven't fired the kiln in over a week. I haven't made jewelry in that long, either. I'm trying to push myself to, but I just can't see anything new in front of me, and I don't want to revisit old designs. I've had awful conversations with visitors to the shop. Accusations. I closed it for a few days, but money is food, so I reopened. The emptiness of most of the cases is just one more thing for me to feel bad about.

Written By Valencia

May 23, 2021, 4:54 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

It has been lovely to spend time with people I enjoy. Even more so when good things befall them.

Life is not always kind or fair. Good people are often overlooked for what they have done to help or the good things they bring to our world. So, when things blossom in the right ways it makes me smile all the more.

It is nice to know that, despite all the awful, good things can still happen to good people.


Written By Aslaug

May 23, 2021, 4:05 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

Long I've listened.

The echoing sounds that rush from all directions, from before until now, are howling like a tumultuous wind in my head. The wild speaks its own tongue too; much of the meaning is lost as I climb back up to the surface to this place once more. But this is where I must walk and listen now to clear my head. Just so I can fill it back up again with new noises.

Eadwacer remains a constant companion. Despite missing an ear, he hears more than I do. No surprise. He is a clever rat.


Written By Nina

May 23, 2021, 3:41 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

I've been thinking lately about the art of writing music.

It seems like happy songs can be quite simple. A happy song is one that simply inspires people to get up and dance and revel in joy.

Those songs are always my favorite because I love to see people smile and move!

But where a happy song can be general, a sad song is always personal. To be really sad, a song must be about something that impacts your memory in particular.

So it would be much harder to write a song that made everyone sad... don't you think?

Written By Lisebet

May 23, 2021, 12:54 p.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

I love when the work I put into improving our lands and the lives of our people comes to fruition. It's always a lovely thing to witness.

Written By Evaristo

May 23, 2021, 11:18 a.m.(7/11/1015 AR)

I have started working on the big act to be presented later in the summer. At least in my head. I mean, how hard can it be?

My garden is quite lovely this summer, after the work that was done on it last year. There are a lot of roses, a flower one can not get too many of.

Now fully recovered I am getting restless and long for travel and exploring again. But I have a few such fun times coming up, two opposing directions.

Written By Raja

May 23, 2021, 10:13 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

A Primer for Survival in the Lowers

The people of the Lowers are a tough and hardy people. We have seen a thing or two in their day. We are crude at times, rough around the edges. We love a good rowdy party. We love our booze. We love our haze. We laugh loudly, cry deeply, scream angrily. The vast majority of us leave the masks of niceities behind, revealing who we truely are as people. In all that, there are two primary virtues that we hold onto. They are our guiding principles. Those virtues are discretion and respect.

First, what is discretion? I found the meaning to basically mean the ability to use good judgement. It pertains to being discreet or being able to hold your tongue, hold your secrets. The people of the Lowers are a private people. We do not like our business being exposed by loose lips. Ever hear the phrase loose lips sink ships? It is literally true down here. In all honesty, it is not that much different than the folk on top of the hill. I mean, look upon the Silent Reflections. Holding people's secrets is a sacred duty.

Equally important is the virtue of respect. This basically means that you treat others how you want to be treated. If you walk into someone's home with foul words upon your lips, you can damn well expect retaliation. Sometimes that retaliation is in the form of a fist in your mouth. Sometimes it is slow burning as elaborate schemes are hatched. So, how does one show respect in the Lowers? The easiest way is to just leave us alone. Talk to us like people, not like the dirt beneath your feet. Be genuine. Listen and heed warnings. This does not mean that you have to spill forth flowery compliments. You will get odd looks for that. Just watch what you say.

Now, there are times that these virtues do not matter. Those times are rare, but they do happen. This is where you need to be able to defend yourself. Get skills. Stay armed. Don't walk around flaunting your silks and jewelry. Sadly, in spite of our unique culture, there is desperation out there. So, you have to be able to back yourself up or at least have backup. Sadly, when desperation takes hold of an individual, they will forget those virtues. They will have to be reminded of our guiding tennants.

In conclusion, it is basically your mouth that keeps you alive down here. Be discreet and hold your tongue and speak respectfully.

Written By Raja

May 23, 2021, 9:24 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

I typically avoid fancy balls and rich parties. However, I found that the Celestial Ball was quite nice! I must admit that I enjoyed dressing up. I actually /felt/ pretty. It was good to see familiar faces there as well! Marquessa Quenia Igniseri did a fantastic job.

Written By Raja

May 23, 2021, 9:22 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

You know, people do not like the taste of their own medicine. Especially members of the peerage. Just hearing him growl and get his heckles up was almost satisfying enough to not need that apology I was seeking.

Written By Lisebet

May 23, 2021, 9:17 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

We are going exploring in the Ashford forests. I'm quite excited about it!

I do hope we find something interesting, but perhaps not too dangerous. I'd much prefer to come home in one piece, especially since the children still like to play with their parents.

Written By Cesare

May 23, 2021, 7:03 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

I haven't slept. I need to know who the women with the golden eyes are. Woman? Is she one woman, wearing two guises? How does she bring so much to a room with her presence, and then disappear so thoroughly? And why do I see her in my dreams?

Written By Malcolm

May 23, 2021, 6:40 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

Saw to the new bunch of pups that came to the manor from Graypeak Aerie. They're just grand and I hope that they'll do just fine in their new homes and with their new families. I think they'll be fine. Mostly. I had a worry that they may not really understand how big they get -- it's fine. It's fine.

I'm feeling a lot better about going out and about in the city. Meeting more people. Having connections now to other Houses (especially those of my proteges) has been -- good. Good experiences. Good learning.

Then, right, I attended the Celestial Ball as Marquessa Quenia's escort.

I tried.

I wasn't terribly charming.

Sorry, Marquessa.

( The Graypeak Mountain mastiff ...?

Highpeak? Grayhill? Shepherd's Heart?

I'm no good at this naming of things. )

Written By Isabeau

May 23, 2021, 12:18 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Malcolm

Duke Shepherd became my patron recently. I find his personality thoroughly enjoyable and he is just the sort of person one always wants to be friends with. Indeed, his Lordship gifted me one of his dogs, my little (but also very big) jewel, Bijou. She is well trained already, for she doesn't even nip at Sophia when the little girl decides to try to pull ears or tails or even ride her. But now, what to do for Duke Shepherd as an answering gift. Hmmm....

Written By Jamie

May 22, 2021, 11:54 p.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

A wonderful Celestial Ball thrown by Marquessa Quenia Igniseri - I find I am still terribly out of place among my noble peers. You can take a soldier out of the Greenwood, but he's still a soldier. Still, if it hadn't been for the lovely conversation between Princess Kace and Princess Graziella, I might have stuck out like a sore thumb. Thank all the Gods for the company of those two esteemed ladies this evening.

Written By Medeia

May 22, 2021, 11:42 p.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

Duke Malcolm sent a dog. A puppy, actually. Her name is Butterpup. The cat is very displeased with this development; however, she seems to have a grudging truce as Butterpup is already fiercely loyal and protective of me and the twins. My children have a nanny cat and a guard dog. There is a cow in the courtyard.

How's that saying go? You can take the lady out of the pastoral farming barony, but you can't take the pastoral farming barony out of the lady? Surely that's how the saying goes.

No. My husband hasn't met the dog yet. I've been busy with several expectant mothers all expecting. Imminently. Klavdiya and Loryk have been minding her and the twins and the cat so we can do our duty to House and Compact. I certainly haven't been hiding a gift from his patron from him. That would be ridiculous.

Written By Ryhalt

May 22, 2021, 11:22 p.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

The Aerie sounds so much better with the voices of Clover, Ivy, and Ryland bouncing off the walls. It sounds like home again.

I even caught Palamon puffing up in pleasure when he saw Clover.

Written By Caprice

May 22, 2021, 10:49 p.m.(7/9/1015 AR)

The Celestial Ball at Domus Igniseri was beautiful, from the refreshments to the guests to every twinkling detail in the decor. Brava, Marquessa! And applause for everyone who helped to make the night shine so bright.

Written By Kace

May 22, 2021, 7:31 p.m.(7/9/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Raimon

Of astounding intellect, yet there is a friendly warmth about him that makes you feel comfortable to be in his presence. Like we'd been friends for years. We had a lovely talk with Lord Jamie as well, I'd like to think the trio of us would make good friends. I'm excited to see where this new blossoming friendship goes.

Keep on dazzling the world with your affable nature Prince Raimon! I look forward to many stories together.

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