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Written By Cambria

May 29, 2021, 6:11 p.m.(7/23/1015 AR)

Save the old stories, and the new ones, too. While you're at it, create some of your own.

Written By Lianne

May 29, 2021, 4:27 p.m.(7/23/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

What breaks your heart and what brightens your day.

Written By Giada

May 29, 2021, 11:18 a.m.(7/23/1015 AR)

It's an interesting thing comparing stasis and change. Some crave the unknown, and others need the past. The majority of people sit in the middle, stradling the line between the comfort of the familiar and the creative fuel of change. It's said, after all, that necessity is the mother of all inventions, and no change happens without reason.

The same is true of institutions. The most glorious and true of Arvum are lured into stasis, often in the form of honour or defense. The definition of role in and of itself is a position of latent stasis. If an entire life is dedicated to one pursuit, the refusal to waver represents an unwillingness to change. Of course, the abandoning of oaths are an affront to the gods, so even in devotion there is stasis used to entrench honour.

There is nothing without reflection, a second side to even our most noble actions. What is left but to find our Balance?

Written By Quenia

May 29, 2021, 11:04 a.m.(7/23/1015 AR)

There are strange things afoot that I wish I could talk about, but can't at the moment. Those things are accompanied by a longing and yearning for a particular thing and dreams which plague me night after night.

I'll be fine. I'll endure. I always do. But there's a certain frustration that accompanies a new puzzle to be solved, that doesn't want to be unlocked.

I did at least get to learn something about myself. There's always something to that; although I'm not sure how I feel about that either, and maybe makes me a bit wary of other things to come.

We shall see what will unfold and what that will mean moving forward.

Written By Clarisse

May 29, 2021, 11:02 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

For the longest time it has just been nightmares, memories of the past that has shaken me to my core, and then nightmares of my brother falling, just like mother had, but now it's all too real. Now Teague lays more helpless than I have ever seen him, and I am unsure what to do. He has always been my strength and now I must be his. Right before he was attacked, he had named me as Voice of our family. Did he see this coming? Was there something our family did. And now Teague is the only one who knows where Tigarus is, and he is fallen ill too? Could they both be afflicted by the same thing, and without being able to see Tigarus, I have no idea, how dire the situation is. I simply cannot loose Teague or Tigarus. They have been my life and protectors for so long, and now I must find a way to be their Voice, when they have been mine. I must be strong for them, and it is thanks to all the support of those lives we have touched, that I can take a breath and I can see the chance to find a cure and find the one responsible. I cannot thank everyone who has reached out to us enough, or express to each one, how much this means to me. I will graciously accept each suggestion and all the aid to help my brother.

Written By Amari

May 29, 2021, 10:04 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

I'm away soon, and shall be gone for the remainder of the summer and probably much of autumn. Maybe the beginning of winter too. Nothing ever goes smoothly or to schedule, does it?

Arx will surely be fine in my absence (unless it's burned down, or the Bay of Thrax boils away, or foreign legions lay siege). It'll be fine.

Written By Viviana

May 29, 2021, 9:38 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

... Oh dear. See what I mean.

What two questions would you ask in order to learn the most about someone?

Written By Viviana

May 29, 2021, 9:20 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

once you answer, I'll stop asking (so many) questions.

Written By Amari

May 29, 2021, 9:11 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

I've been collecting pebbles, rocks and small stones of all kinds. I nearly have enough now, but if you stumble over a curious one in your travels and read this, send it to me if you like. It needn't be precious, really.

Written By Claude

May 29, 2021, 4:14 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

The large commission has been completed. The client expressed his satisfaction therefore I am satisfied. Another small commission follows, but it will be seen by many more people so perhaps there is greater pressure. My personal project is nearing completion as well, finally, there is paint perpetually stuck beneath my finger nails. I need to meet with a representative of the Knights of Solace and proceed from there.

Written By Cesare

May 29, 2021, 2:13 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

It was a wonderful night! Apprentice Whisper Aconite's event was absolutely unrivalled in its magnificence. Those who missed out on this afternoon's performances were deprived of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sample some of the finest cultural fare that Arx has to offer. Lord Savio and Lord Orland's profoundly moving Arakkoan song of Tremorous brought tears - quite literally - to the eyes of onlookers. I was proud and honored to perform my own song, a tribute to my youth in Setarco, which I do not exaggerate when I say that I worked day and night for weeks on. As anyone who knows me well knows, my songs are by far what I consider the greatest gift I have to give to the world, and any opportunity I have to present them to an audience is an extremely important event for me. I'm so fortunate that my humble work was so graciously received and that I had such wonderful friends and support as Lord Savio and Lord Orland, and their very tall, beautiful, and kind cousin Lady Cassiopeia, as well as my fantastic and supportive patron Princess Graziella, to witness my performance. The Princess disappeared afterwards, but that's just how she is, she probably went looking for a shell she could hear the sea in. She does that, you know? Collects things. I think she collected me too, but she's lovely. Wait, what was I saying? Oh yes, I was also fortunate to speak with some interesting new people I had never met, to witness some incredible Eurusi dances, and then we all went back to Savio's place - Lord Savio's place, and we had some of the most astonishing whiskey. So if my diction is a bit less elaborate than usual you'll have to forgive me. Miss Petal of the Tangled Skein came to see us, too. What a sweet being. Have you ever noticed how many lovely people there are?

I don't think I'll ever sing that song again. Some songs are only meant to be sung once. Especially when they're written to serve a particular purpose. I got it out of me just as sure as you rip out a tooth, and now I just have to wait for the next one to take its place. Whoever missed it, it's gone! Really, the whole process is painful, so the tooth metaphor is apt. The only time it doesn't hurt is when it's in my mouth.

Oh, maybe scratch that out. No, never mind, I'm going to sleep. It doesn't matter.

Written By Raimon

May 29, 2021, 1:46 a.m.(7/22/1015 AR)

A triptych of Haiku occurred at the Zen Garden:

"The cloying moist heat;
It sticks even to fingers . . .
Wash insides with Tea!"

One moonbeam beckons;
Summer insects pause, quiet . . .
Make Still, the Waters

A long way from home;
Forty long years of learning . . .
What treasures, betimes!

Written By Rosalind

May 28, 2021, 5:38 p.m.(7/21/1015 AR)

No one can't say that my family isn't welcoming. It was nice to have a gathering in our home. Drinking, friends, uh----splits? Anyway! So much fun!

Written By Sydney

May 28, 2021, 4:05 p.m.(7/21/1015 AR)

Getting my hands dirty again feels good. That's not to say I've managed to yank my nose out from my stack of dry-as-thrice-picked-bones annals and records, but the occasional change of pace to keep myself limber is welcome indeed.

My thanks to Lords Kennex and Clearlake for indulging me.

Written By Medeia

May 28, 2021, 3:08 p.m.(7/21/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

I like the idea of aggressive gift giving. It does not work well when the gift is a bottle of wine, as my gifts so often are. However, I think this fits well into my general belief that sometimes nice things should be done as surprisingly as possible to brighten someone's day.

I do hope whoever I next gift a knife has good reflexes.

Written By Malcolm

May 27, 2021, 10:54 p.m.(7/19/1015 AR)

If you're gonna drink, drink. Don't drink and do dumb things like trying to do the splits on a dare. You're going to have a bad time.

Written By Viviana

May 27, 2021, 6:47 p.m.(7/19/1015 AR)

Scholar, I'm going to write this down. You're not going to comment on it or I'll probably have to serve some kind of years-long penance for what may happen afterward.

I love love stories. I read the epilogue to the Salacious Series. I cried.

I love that I love love stories. However, it doesn't mean I want one of my own. Gross.

Written By Viviana

May 27, 2021, 6:18 p.m.(7/19/1015 AR)

Suggestion: aggressive gift-giving - throw the present. Run.

Written By Savio

May 27, 2021, 10:39 a.m.(7/18/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

Orland does not read the white journals, and so I can safely praise him here -- to love in happiness, all sweet feelings and affection and lust, this is a fine thing. But to love in despair, with tenacity and commitment, this is the true face of devotion. When it is no longer easy, that is the point at which it becomes real.

It hasn't been easy. All the time I have known him, without me being aware, he has taught me how to persist. Now it comes to the test, and I would be lost if not for him. How fine a thing, to know someone who will walk with you in darkness, no matter how bitter the path. All should be so lucky.

Written By Savio

May 27, 2021, 10:33 a.m.(7/18/1015 AR)

I used to enjoy the familiar ritual of committing my thoughts, songs, and poems to the keepers of the white journals. Now, I can't say how many times I've meant to do so, and come away with nothing to show for it. My thoughts are now best committed to secrecy. Grief writes black.

But I will do my best.

Strangers have been cruel. Commoners and nobles do not agree on much, but they certainly can agree on their contempt for prodigal neo-nobles.

Friends have been kind. Moreso than I deserve, as lately they never know if I'm going to be in pieces when they see me.

A mystery has twice given me joy and warmth that seems the light of Jayus itself. So much deeper the darkness, when it's gone.

I have filled the Lonely Cloud with beautiful things, just as I have filled my life with beautiful people, trying to make a new way forward into whoever I am now. Perhaps you will visit. You would be welcome if you do.

My name is still an epitaph to the dead. Congratulations, Lord Proscipi.

I have been to islands far from home and have seen what I expected to see. I hoped it wouldn't be so. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

I am not ashamed.

I am still here.

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