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Written By Mabelle

May 20, 2021, 10:02 a.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

I'm not good at saying goodbyes.
And this is not a goodbye anyway.
Take care of you and we will take care of yours.
The rest, I suppose, will remain unsaid until your return. And maybe even after.

Written By Raja

May 20, 2021, 9:59 a.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

I had an idea! Yes, it did hurt. Ha! Anyways, now that all the rubble has been cleared and the foundations laid down for Sina Plaza and the Library, I want a fountain. A nice fountain with a marvelous statue on top! Yes, it is fancy. Why can't the Lowers have something fancy? There needs to be more inspiration down here. So, I decided to host a competition! I want people to come from all over the city to bring their designs! Then, the people will cast their lots for their favorite design! The winner will have their work displayed forever and will earn some sort of reward. I haven't decided what the reward will be yet. I was thinking they could choose between some resources or silver. But, that sounds so mundane. I will have to think more on it.

Written By Evaristo

May 20, 2021, 8:56 a.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Valenzo

I remember a children's rhyme from when I grew up in the Lowers.

Apple papple, pirum parum
Crow sat on the aspen branch
He said one, he said two
The one to go is you!

I just remembered it. I don't even remember what exactly it was used for - I think it was some sort of elimination game.

Written By Kia

May 20, 2021, 2:03 a.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Valenzo

Your crow speaks my name? I am flattered, I think.

Written By Kia

May 20, 2021, 2 a.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Venturo

When I returned to Arx after much time spent in the Cyrto Archipelago, I had little thought to seeking a new patron for myself. Today that changed. I believe if something feels right in your heart that you should follow your instincts, thus am I now the protege of The Merchant Prince of Revelry. He has an open mind and listens when I speak, supports without judgement, and I am grateful fortune crossed our paths.

Written By Cambria

May 19, 2021, 11:11 p.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Well, here I am. Hiding under the bed, and from my own children, no less. Hadrian says he has hidden here before and that it always works, but I am not so sure. It’s difficult to write, since there is only one inkwell down here, and the Duke is terrible at sharing. Oh, he’ll deny it, but the proof is on the page. Everything I write is much lighter than his, and every time I attempt to dip my quill, he’s already beat me to it, dipping his in first and making it impossible for me to do the same, what with his big hand being in the way. He’s even looking right at me while doing so! He knows exactly what he’s doing, and I am going to make sure Vellichor and whomever else ever reads this does too.

One may ask why we are hiding from our own children. If you’re such a person, you either do not have children, or you’re abnormal.

I don’t know where they get it from - the questioning - but if I had to blame someone, I’d blame their father...or maybe the Mirrormask myself and the boys spoke with at the shrine last week. But mostly, I’d blame their father, and not myself at all. I’m their mother, responsible for nurturing them, and caring for them, and making certain they grow into adults capable of functioning in society, and I certainly don’t have any White Journals that encourage asking questions. That would be silly.

Of course, it’s not just the questions. Sometimes, you just want a little time to yourself. Or a little time to yourself and a certain other individual. See, we have come back to sharing. How are we supposed to teach our children the value of sharing when someone under this bed is hogging the ink? I, on the other hand, am a selfless individual that shares...perhaps too much. Maybe it’s time for me to start hogging the ink, and the pillows, and blankets, and whatever else I can think of. Because I also need to teach my children the importance of looking after their own needs as well. You can’t give and give until there’s nothing left! Then what good are you to anybody?

I wonder if Hadrian has accounted for the height of our youngest, when compared to the height of the bed. I am fairly positive that Damianos would have to duck, and possibly Verus, but Soteris? I think we are probably right within his line of vision. I want to tell Hadrian this, but he looks so focused right now. Still, if we’re quick, we might just make it to the ho-

Written By Hadrian

May 19, 2021, 11:08 p.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Dear journal,

Hello, it's me again. I recently came to the realization that I haven't hidden away under this bed while I got inside you for quite some time! So here we find ourselves now. Hiding in the gloom, stowed away under a bed with you, an inkwell, and a quill to offer my thoughts to Vellichor. There is obviously a reason that I'm hiding under this bed, but before I go into that I'm going to put some thoughts down that have been causing me some level of concern for a little time now.

Let's start with the matter of Pieros. I've spent some time now brushing up on the matters of battle, war, tactics, and all the rest. I've been fortunate to learn from a number of people over my lifetime, most recently being those who truly helped me knock the proverbial rust off of the intermediate learning that I was privileged to receive during my mandatory service to the people and city of Southport. Count Domonico Magnotta and Princess Reese Grayson were instrumental in helping me to achieve my desired level of competence. However, on a battlefield it isn't exclusively knowledge and scholarly competence that is fit to lead. Experience is a substantial component to the strategies one employs on a battlefield. It is for that reason that myself and the Third Hydra were kept in reserve in the event there was a substantial break in the lines; only a limited amount of direct experience commanding on that scale. I, nor my people, were sent forward to fight as a result of our placement. This has weighed heavily on my mind since the battle, because we were not called to the front while others fought and died to preserve us and the Compact as we know it. Everyone who fought and especially those who fell have my gratitude and appreciation.

The subject of Pieros turns my mind to another subject. I have noticed something amidst all the celebrations, ceremonies, and other observations of that battle. There has been little to no mention that I've heard of those who stepped forward to lend us aid, who are not part of the Compact. While I did not see them myself, I'm told that there were Cardians among our people during the frenzy of battle. People of another land who stepped forward during a pivotal moment in the Compact's modern history to lend us their aid. Our honor should demand of us that we acknowledge those lives lost alongside our own and metaphorically hoist them up to a place of honor as we would our own. We can disagree on this detail or that regarding another nation's customs, but the fact is that when steel was in hand and the threat of our lands being outright invaded was staring us in the eye? Those who believe in our potential stepped forward to stand and give their lives with us to safeguard our path into the future; even if for one more day.

It is for these reasons that I look to these foreign representatives and offer my gratitude. It is not because I believe we could not have carried the day without their aid or that we would have soon found ourselves bound by decree and chain without them, because to think otherwise would be to dishonor the legacy and efforts of our own people who were lost. I express my condolences and my appreciation because I recognize that they could have simply stood aside and let things unravel as they may. I choose to honor the lives that were given by people not born and raised on this land, who died fighting in support of those who were. They chose to give us their help and that is something that I believe warrants recognition, because it is the right and honorable thing to do. I'm at greater personal ease respecting someone who has fought and fallen beside my people, than spitting in their face in disrespect after the battle has only recently ended.

This is why I am seeking a sculptor to create the memorial I envision. It is to be an acknowledgement of that cooperation between our people.

In other news! The renovations of the Salon continue, but a good deal of it has been completed through the fashionable and extremely talented efforts of (the now) Guildmaster of the Crafter's Guild, Caprice Artiglio! I could not be more pleased with the results that we've had thus far and have truly come to appreciate the Guildmaster's extremely creative and industrious mind. While it's not our first time working together on some project or another? It is the first time in recent history and I foresee my seeking to enlist her talents whenever she will permit me, because she's just that impressive. While I will not go into detail regarding the letter that I wrote to her upon her being named the new Crafter's Guildmaster? I will echo a small portion of it here: she has joined a legacy of great names, but I am optimistic hers will climb to those same heights by the end of her tenure - if not before.

The renovations were made possible by a charitable donation by Duchess Cambria Mazetti. Her generosity has granted us the means to update and, dare I say, refine the furnishings and decor that it may hopefully provide greater comfort to the Empirical’s guests. Because the Salon does not charge membership fees in the interest of creating an environment where ideas can be freely exchanged, it’s often considered a hindrance to the potential for that dialogue. As a result the Salon continues to thrive from the generosity of its friends and patrons, so that we may keep the place functional and the conversations flowing. We should consider commemorating those who give freely; perhaps a statue? Too expensive, I think. Maybe a small bust or plaque somewhere within the Empirical itself? We’ll think of something.

Another matter that I wish to write about is my excitement for the expedition that I am arranging in support of Lady Mabelle Laurent's effort to create a new cultural dist

They've come. I can hear them. Seeking us, with their grubby hands and uncouth manner. The children.

Cambria is hiding here with me, journal. I hope that she will not give away our position. If we are discovered because of her? The Sentinel, Gloria, all of the Pantheon, please, forgive me for what I must do.

I should stop writing now, they may hear the scratching and then it will be an endless flurry of question upon question upon question upon question if we're discovered.

I've enjoyed being inside you,

((The journal ends abruptly. A portion of it has been saturated with dark ink, while the edges of it seem to feature inky finger marks, as though someone was trying to grab it.))

Written By Haakon

May 19, 2021, 5:44 p.m.(7/3/1015 AR)

I'll soon be calling ships and spears for a reaving into the waters of the Lang Drager.

Scouts have found a knot of Arvani renegades and Abandoned tribes stirring up shit. Best cut the lot out now, ere their trouble grows.

Written By Viviana

May 19, 2021, 10:01 a.m.(7/2/1015 AR)

A passionate heart with deep pockets and a pretty face -

or, alternatively, someone coldly ambitious (isn't that what all Pravus want, Scholar?)

- seeking same. Must be good with being second to the sea.

No - /third/ to the sea. That sounds right. Second to me.

That's the right order

Me, the sea, and you.

Written By Valenzo

May 19, 2021, 6:13 a.m.(7/2/1015 AR)

Things that Corbin the Crow keeps repeating or has learned to say:

"Go away! Go away!" Spoken by yours truly.
"He was a prince there." - Ev
"Yours?" some scarred fellow I came across in the Black Crow.
"Kia..." - Lord Domonico.
"HA!" Don't recognise this one. Some crew member, maybe?

Ev's right. It's just a silly bird. I've got more important things to worry about that thinking some crow is out to get me.

Written By Raimon

May 19, 2021, 3:57 a.m.(7/2/1015 AR)

Another year passes!
A toast with wine glasses!
A bobbing for apples
with good friends of yore!

Most excellent Hosting!
The laughing; the boasting!
The joy seen in every
new face at the door!

I do think I'd rather,
The next time we gather,
Be older and wiser
from all that's in store

But as for -this- moment
accept this bestowment
In thankful remembrance
of what's come before . . .

Best Wishes for -this- year
with Good Times and Good Cheer
And I'll hope to wish you
a great many more!

Written By Desiree

May 19, 2021, 1:36 a.m.(7/2/1015 AR)

Into the city once more, I'll miss Blancbier while I am away though. I expect with all the parties, fun and even work it won't take long until I forget all about missing home.

Written By Erasmus

May 19, 2021, 12:38 a.m.(7/2/1015 AR)

I awoke under the trick of my mind. Light flooded my vision and forced me to shield my eyes, attempting to find support to stand as I was laid upon the floor. It found the railing closest to me, offering me support as I pushed myself up. I was on the Nightingale, the morning after the storm on my now empty vessel. My throat was hoarse and despite calling out to my crew - my freemen - none answered. I was alone, left to wander aimlessly throughout my ship in hopes of finding another like myself, one who had succumbed to the storm and was unconscious, but there was no one, just a mess of supplies that lay in the lower decks bereft of people.

I'm not sure how long I was stood there on the prow, simply watching, scanning the horizon for any sign of movement that could of been my crew or the other galley. Nothing. It wasn't until the knock on my door came that my mind ceased playing its tricks. I found myself stood next to the window, not on my ship at all, the sensations all vanishing within the single moment my mind was interrupted. Such a jarring thing, to have been so focused on the past it almost seemed real, I'm uncertain how to feel about it.

I cleaned myself up and afforded myself enough time to catch my breath and gather a cup of dark coffee, something to stimulate my mind and hopefully keep it within the now, not the past. Along I went, to answer the summons and to speak with my Niece. A conversation long in the waiting, one which wracked my mind with so much information I felt my head spin, but I would not be done in so easily by merely talking. I know where my duty lies now, my oaths had been kept and my word upheld. Now, my focus turns itself entirely to my family once more, this one of distant blood and barely familiar features.

I have much work ahead of me.

Written By Cambria

May 19, 2021, 12:20 a.m.(7/2/1015 AR)

You will often find that no one is more often wrong than the individual who refuses to admit that they are ever wrong.

Written By Bran

May 18, 2021, 9:28 p.m.(7/1/1015 AR)

Stormheart's Unkindness shattered into pieces this morning, when I was merely striking a practice target. Perhaps I should have known that such an old weapon, probably made by smiths who have never seen the sea, would not stand up to the hail of salt and rain that tend to accompany any moderately long voyage. The blade which fought beside me through a dozen battles will be fondly remembered - I could still remember its proudest day, when we were marching near the foothills of the Galefont. It proved its worth in an ambush of my retinue, when the main body of troops was already ahead of us...

The legendary smith of Arx, Archlector Felix Meadson, agreed to forge a new blade in the likeness of Stormheart's Unkindness. At an exceedingly generous price no less. So there is reason for his garnering of my Rosalind's favor; his kindness is especially felt by one such as I, still unfamiliar with many customs of the compact.

Arx has changed indeed. Perhaps not noticed by those who have lived here their entire lives, but I feel that it has become kinder to the kin of Ravenseye. Perhaps we are more appreciated by virtue of our naval efforts supporting the Redrain fleet.

Written By Viviana

May 18, 2021, 8:34 p.m.(7/1/1015 AR)

I still have sand in my boots.

Written By Raimon

May 18, 2021, 12:04 p.m.(7/1/1015 AR)


Nordstjernen guider båter og
håp stiger som bølgene gjør.
Snart vil soloppgangen skinne,
på et lyst sverd oppvokst på høyt!

Gudene som det er så mange,
med tanker alle sine egne,
En sannhet som hver må erkjenne
er ses som sollys treff hjertet:

Hele av virkeligheten er funnet,
helt innenfor dette øyeblikket.
Pust havluften og kjenne den!
Kjenn sannheten før du død! 8lgene%20gj%C3 8r.%0ASnart%20vil%20soloppgangen%20skinne%2C%0Ap%C3%A5%20et%20lyst%20sverd%20oppvokst%20p%C3%A5%20h%C3 8yt!%0A%20%0AGudene%20som%20det%20er%20s%C3%A5%20mange%2C%0Amed%20tanker%20alle%20sine%20egne%2C%0AEn%20sannhet%20som%20hver%20m%C3%A5%20erkjenne%0Aer%20ses%20som%20sollys%20treff%20hjertet%3A%0A%20%0AHele%20av%20virkeligheten%20er%20funnet%2C%0Ahelt%20innenfor%20dette%20%C3 8yeblikket.%0APust%20havluften%20og%20kjenne%20den!%0AKjenn%20sannheten%20f%C3 8r%20du%20d%C3 8d!&op=translate

Rhyming Translation: ( my own )


One star now guides our hawkwinged boats.
Our hopes rise, soaring, with the waves.
Soon dawn's bright rays will shine upon
bright silver steel of swords upraised!

However many gods there are,
whatever viewpoints there may be,
The Truth that all must recognize
will warm hearts of those who See

That All Existence now is found,
within -this- very moment, aye.
As every breath of Sea - air sings:
Learn this Truth before you die.

Written By Vitalis

May 18, 2021, 9:28 a.m.(6/28/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

I have been given a most remarkable gift. A reminder that the purpose of something is not fixed.

It is easy to forget this, to regard the acorn and not recognize the oak. To regard the oak and not recognize the acorn. That forget that growth and change, to grow big and small and big again, all happens in its time. Is happening all the time.

We are all both oak and acorn. The slow growth of our choices, and the small, quiet potential of what we will become.

Shade, strength, shelter, sustenance.

I never told you this, Apollo, but I always thought the name Oakhide was so limiting. So specific. Had so little to do with leather. In a manner of speaking, I was right. Oakhide has nothing at all to do with leather.

It is the spirit of transformation itself.

You always knew.

I am the acorn today. And the oak standing sentinel. I am the whisper of wind in the leaves and shelter from the sun. I am the axe and the artisan. I am the page to remember and the oath to ensure. I am the fire leaping on logs and smoke rising to the stars above.

And I have only just begun.

Written By Yvette

May 18, 2021, 4:35 a.m.(6/28/1015 AR)

Days seem to get busier and my head grows increasingly cluttered; new names, new places and new memories. Very good memories, ones that I will cherish. I've made lots of friends and acquaintances thus far; from a highly skilled carpenter, exquisite master tailor, a beautiful Princess whom is an excellent artist, a sweet and reserved Lord, surprisingly mischievous! One that might even be on par with my own and a heart made of gold, a quiet woman who has a cute possum, a princess who doesn't like eating meat nor hunting, a prince whom probably knows every wine ever made and any others whom I met along my way.

Despite the differing of personalities I can't help to think that each person I meet in my time here in Arx will teach me something; a valuable lesson or something more... but never something less.

Every drop of water in the sea causing a ripple no matter how small and every crashing wave along the shore shaping it. Yet things come and go like the ebb and flow of the tides.

Written By Raimon

May 18, 2021, 12:30 a.m.(6/28/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Natasha


When Thrax men die, we're put to Sea in boats then set aflame.
And all that will remain of us are Stories and our Name.

Each life thus given to the waves shall to grey dust return.
And all a man thinks that he owns will one day slowly burn.

For in the end, the sea or grave will claim us one and all.
It's up to -us- to thus decide our fates -before- we fall:

To fade into obscurity, or live on in the Songs.
To bow down under this world's weight, or -try- to right its wrongs!

To face one's fear and do what's -right-, or meekly look aside.
To struggle for what's true and good, or wallow in our pride.

Whatever paths we choose in life, the ending's all the same.
Why not then strive for righteousness, instead of wealth or fame?

Fine, fancy cloaks and gilded shields will burn up just as well
As humbler clothes and wooden boards -- From ashes, who can tell?

If all's to end in ashes, then, Ensure your _Flame_ is bright!
And Light the way for others 'fore you sail off in the night . . .

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