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Salon Discussion: The Road

Another gathering at the Empirical to discuss with idle intentions a fresh topic. The Great Road: a series of roadways connecting some holdings of the Compact together. The effort has come with some heartaches and headaches, but most assuredly some merits. As per usual the Empirical is open to members who wish to partake in some leisurely discussion over a fulfilling drink.

Attack or defend the idea, not individuals involved or fellow bath-time thinkers. Those who consistently breach this simple protocol will find themselves asked to depart the Empirical for the duration of the discussion.


Jan. 21, 2019, 9 p.m.

Hosted By



Ysbail Bethany Sabella Ouida Selene Cambria Reese Sparte Rinel Niklas(RIP) Eilonwy



Arx - Ward of the Compact - The Empirical - The Salon

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

It's a dark evening outdoors, what with the moon tucked away behind the clouds. The occasional glimpse of the great orb in the sky can sometimes be caught as the clouds move across the expanse of the emptiness above.

The Empirical is not a dark place. And it's indoors! Members and guests alike congregate in the headquarters of the Arvum Philosophical Society (or the Salon) and the drinks are flowing. The discerning tastes of the Empirical have no doubt been dashed by the shortage of fine Lenosian red, but casks of Third Wall brandy hailing from Ostria. A light smoke fills the air, occasionally offering the delightful scent of blueberries to the main chamber. Already a few guests are discussing matters in hushed tones within the bounds of their own private debates or post-bath thoughts.

Marquis Hadrian Mazetti may be easily found occupying a sofa with one leg casually settled over the other at the knee, a glass of brandy held aloft at his side, and a silken smile decorating his sharp features. He does not stand to speak, as that would likely result in too much effort for the Lycene lord and he does look rather comfortable in his lounging position. Brandy held aloft he announces for the chamber to hear, the voice of an orator carrying easily through the confines of the salon, "Recently I held a discussion on walls. Little did I know that I would soon follow that with a discussion of roads and, in this case, the merits and flaws of them. Gather around with a drink and let us discuss this matter of civilization and the pains of growth they sometimes bring, shall we?"

Ysbail slips in quietly, a leather-bound volume under one of his arms. "It is a prudent topic Lord Hadrian, given the circumstances?"

Bethany's understated (but neat) attire, her sensible shoes, even the way that she wears her hair all contribute to an air of respectability -- no more, no less. This also makes her entrance unworthy of remark. She comes in and takes a seat a little out of the way. Here to listen more than to talk, probably.

1 Grayson House Guards, Peaches, a lovely white war filly with a peach saddle, Deliverance, an albino falcon, Stormy, a silvery gray hunting hound, Rascal, a hyper terrier, Rosalie, a lady in waiting arrive, following Reese.

"Very, I think," Sabella comments with a bright smile, taking a sip of the white wine that's been brought over, "As we are seeing several growing pains right now, I think. Though our foreign friends arrived by boat, so perhaps that could be the next discussion?" she offered Hadrian a smile.

Ouida enters quietly, her gangly red-headed squire at her side. She is dressed not in silk finery, but her house leathers, buffed to an understated glow, and not without the flash of brigher Harthall colors in what she wears beneath them. She murmurs a word to the young man, and he moves to a comfortable position on the sidelines to be seen and not heard, though not without taking a cup of refreshment with him. Ouida bows to the Marquessa and Marquis, her smile bright. "Thank you for the opportunity for this discussion, my lord," she murmurs to Hadrian, before moving to settle on the end of one of the counches after taking a glass of the brandy.

As a Whisper, Selene is not understated in any fashion. She glitters when she arrives and her simple hooded cape is whisked away to be carried somewhere else. The warm confines of the Empirical bring an immediate smile touched by considerable satisfaction. Something better than being outside is having good company and a lovely libation inside. So there she goes, walking over to a couch where she can pour herself and listen to the matters at hand. Too much trouble to stand indeed. Hadrian has the right of it. She dabbles her fingers in a wave to Sabella. "Roads have been the talk of the town, along with our guests."

Ouida has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Selene has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Cambria can be found at the cluster of couches, leaning back casually, one hand already holding a cup of brandy. She observes those who arrive, then shifts her attention to Hadrian when he speaks: the signal that the debate was soon to begin.

Cambria has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Hadrian has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Ysbail smiles at Sabella's addition nodding. "I mostly admit coming to learn about how this - event has impacted the Blackwood holdings and Vassals. There is much going on in the world, and with knowledge comes wisdom on occasion."

Sabella has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Ysbail has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Bethany has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Reese arrive at the gathering while moving with silent grace and while adorned in lots of pink. She peeks over the room, trying to get a feel for things here. She then goes to find a place to sit.

Reese has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Sparte makes a quiet entrance, finding a place to sit with a small nod for the others assembled.

Sparte has joined the a cluster of couches around a low table.

Rinel is sitting in a deep couch, hands curled around the handle of her cane. She is quiet, uncharacteristically, watching everyone in the room with calculating eyes.

Hadrian casts a glance toward Sabella and he offers a quiet chuckle, "One can only imagine here in a month or two, I'll have plenty to say on the importance of ports and shipyards". His fingers drum against the bowl of his glass before he nods to those who speak their tacit agreement on the topic. The arrival of Selene though draws Hadrian's eye and the smile which he wears only seems to grow wider, at least until it begins to withdraw to its usual good-natured casualness. He offers a properly deep bow of his head toward Selene, the former Radiant of the Whisper House, and then promptly returns his attention to the topic at hand, "Everyone, do remember we are hear to discuss the matter from a philosophical standpoint. This is not a debate intended to skewer your opponent with your words, but do please feel free to skewer their points if you so choose..." there is a brief pause and then Hadrian continues, "...change will sometimes bring with it pains. Growing pains, as I previously called them. The Great Road, as I've heard it called, was an ambitious project. One which has created many pains, but also one that will someday prove a boon to the Compact. We should not forget the costs of that boon, for if we do not respect the trials that we suffer to reach a point, then we are doomed to repeat them."

Some kind of pour will find its way to Selene sooner or later. It may even be her own. She dips her head and arranges her hands in her lap until such time they are occupied. Straight-backed and at ease, she exudes a pleased tranquility that only grows with the company. "My lady," she murmurs to Ouida. Her sapphire gaze moves among everyone with interest, bestowing a friendly nod here and there - to Reese and Sabella, Cambria learning the dip of her chin.

Reese peeks over to Rinel, having a warm smile for the woman. She then turns to Hadrian and listens to his words with close attention. "Well said Marquis." She says while perched on her seat. Reese then notices Selene and she gets a smile as well. "Oh, Whisper Selene, an honor to see you here."

Ouida raises her glass in both respect and intention to obey the guidelines set, it would seem, if her collegial nod and warm smile are any indication. And then she takes a sip, not without a flush of delight to warm her cheeks. She listens companionably for the moment, though her expression is keen and interested in each one of those gathered, even before there's anyone who speaks.

Reese is overheard praising Hadrian: Well said!

Sabella gives Reese a smile and a wave, along with Selene and Ouida. "I think the road has already proved itself to be a noon, at least when talking of trade. Food is able to move far more quickly even through weather that keeps ships in port, which benefits us all. Surely there are things we must learn so that we can do better in the future, but there are upsides even now that show the road was a grand and good idea."

Ysbail falls quiet to listen to points as they are presented.

"A good idea in the long run, yes," Rinel speaks up. "But in the short run? We have seen penitents slaughtered by shav'arani. Tensions between the lands of the Compact. War between lesser houses. All while Cardia, Jadairal, and Eurus watch."

Reese looks over to Sabella, listening to her sister words with close attention. She then has a smile for her that touches her blue eyes and brings her dimples to briefly bloom. She smiles to Ysbail and Ouida as well. The princess has yet to voice and opinion either way.

Bethany settles her hands in her lap and listens.

"So let's make this discussion a little more lively," Hadrian says with a glance around and his expression becomes a touch more inscrutable. "The Great Road, while it may prove a boon someday, was a failure in its infancy. Oh yes, there were increases in tax revenue from the increased trade. Gains were made, undoubtedly. The road has likewise, at least metaphorically, been laid with blood and lives as its mortar. The Compact given over to some measure of turmoil in places where the road travels. Who is to blame? Who should we level our self-righteous finger at and say 'you did this'?" Hadrian asks even as his free hand lifts and he gestures an index finger ahead of himself at nothing and no one in particular. "There certainly could have been more planning, greater degrees of effort, a titanic feat that should have been support on the shoulders of many. It is easy to blame mortal whims for such problems as the Compact has began to face thus far. Some will point their fingers toward visitors the harbor, suspecting treachery on their part. Have we considered those who serve the Reflections? To corrupt the advancement of civilization? To bring sow discord among society? I certainly do not speak for the Faiths, nor the Pantheon, but can we ignore the potential that the makings of this brewing civil war come from Ruin?"

Niklas sneaks in as quietly as he can, which is never all that quietly, and makes his way over to the bar. He orders himself up a snifter of the Ostrian cherry while listening to the others speak. To Rinel's point he says, "Tensions between the lands of the Compact always exist. Attacks by Abandoned always happen. Small border skirmishes are not infrequent. All the Great Road has done is give these people an excuse and give each and every one of us a sextant by which to follow the course of the violence that was always there, waiting to happen, but which we were previously capable of ignoring behind these walls." He dips a chin, eyes moving toward Rinel's leg. "Did those who did that to you need a Great Road to justify it?"

Ysbail frowns, "You speak of things Lord Hadrian that most of the compact would deny existing using words that wiser souls avoid." It isn't a barb so much as a caution. "I would tread carefully with what you choose to say of Reflections."

"Though I think there are some who might disagree," Ouida adds, "It seems to me that the Road has less caused anything to happen than to reveal and embolden fractures that already existed. And perhaps removed some of our ability to deny that such things exist. There are no new hatreds of animosities. There is a potential for greatness, and yes, some benefits already realized. But how quickly it becomes to be proud of will depend on how we choose to mend what has been revealed. And to be quite blunt, I do not know we can say that those that observe us now had no means to do so before, via spies or other tactics, nor do our quarrels surprise them. Perhaps we should attend to ourselves regardless of whom we fear watches us, rather than wish we could have kept things badly hidden."

"The road gives a permanent mode of transportation outlasting a season or a year. It is common for change to produce concern, especially among those who did not initially support the project." Selene speaks thoughtfully after the floor is opened. "In retrospect it may have been wise to have mapping or advance parties sent out to identify possible areas of difficulty. There may be some responsibility fallen upon the landholders in those areas who support it. Is the initiative one that requires a single planner to assume that duty on their shoulders? I don't believe we could have prevented the violence that happened. Too long, in some places, since a steady civilising presence came through. It was natural there would be some conflict. Is this a chance for growth or solutions that span beyond a regional concern? Not only the Knights of Solace can patrol there. I also see similarities to the Empyrean Trade Route, but differences too. Anyone with a cart or boots can use the road. The Empyrean is subject more to marine hazards, weather, and simple necessity of a boat."

Cambria listens as those gathered begin to expresse their thoughts, and offer opinions. As yet, she seems disinclined to offer anything herself. Instead, she prefers to sip from her drink, her expression pensive.

Reese seems thoughtful as she listens to the conversation at hand. "I personally have not decided if I believe the road is good or bad and I may never decide that for it seems to be both. I don't know who is really to blame and I instead have choose to focus on what I can do to help the situation. I reserve judgement about blame, but will do the best that I can to protect the road as a servant of my family and of Solace."

Rinel checked composure at difficulty 20, rolling 17 lower.

Rinel's eyes blaze as Niklas speaks to her. "I should very much hope that Your Highness does not require a crippling injury and a personal view of the slaughter of his wife in order to recognise the danger of blithely asserting the economic security of a road that allows shavs to conduct raids with impunity," she says, her voice taut and cold with barely concealed rage. Her hands are clenched so tightly on her cane that they appear bone-white.

Bethany loses a little bit of color when the Reflections are brought into it, but that's all. Her expression is parked in place of respectful neutrality. It's clear from the harsh light of her steel blue eyes, however, that her mind is working behind them.

As the discussion begins in earnest with seeds planted, Hadrian sips from his brandy. His eyes turn to each speaker and listens while they provide their respective points of view. He nods along at some points, such as when some speak of the conflicts that sprang up in time with the Great Road having been simply waiting for the opportunity to do so. Niklas' points earn a nod, whether in acknowledgement or agreement is much more difficult to discern. The question presented to Rinel though earns a glance from Hadrian toward her, and then back again to Niklas. An eyebrow ticks upward for a moment, but inevitably the Marquis' attention is drawn to regard Selene. He smiles upon seeing her and nods along readily with her words, presenting proper and undivided attention while she speaks her part, "Well said, Whisper Selene. I am in agreement that the violence could not have been prevented. It was going to happen. It was inevitably. Much like yourself I agree that greater diplomatic efforts may have been taken to alleviate some of those pending conflicts but..." his hand lifts and spreads aside from his body, "...there are only so many who could achieve those results. You are right in saying that conflict was inevitable". Again Hadrian goes silent as he settles into his seat to indulge himself in another sip of brandy while his gaze moves from one speaker to another.

"I don't know if there's anything to blame--or praise--other than progress," Sabella says, leaning forward a bit in her seat, "Roads may allow raids to happen more easily, but they also let the knights of solace and mercies move more swiftly to those that need them. I was involved in the project, so I do know quite a bit of planning went into it. That's why it winds in parts to avoid dangerous, disputed territory. However, there are some that won't recognize Compact claims at all, but where the heads of houses indicated they wanted the road built on their lands. And of course, not all dangers were forseen and planned for, like anything."

"Perhaps that is our failing as well, my lord," Ouida says gently to Hadrien. "For I have spoken to many that speak of there not having been enough diplomats involved. They are important, to be sure, but they are not the only ones that can help to ease wounds old and new, or newly opened. We have all been witness to the truly awe-inspiring effect of the written and spoken word--not just to those in positions of power, though that is undeniably important, but to all who reside within the Compact. These conflicts I think will not only be lessened with those that we often look to to parley, but the involvement of those that we often dismiss as mere entertainment or a backdrop that is seldom seen."

"Another benefit of the roads permits us to travel in inclement weather. Should something befall a northern region in winter, we no longer have to negotiate iced in harbors or dangerous passes. It also offers a prospect for future growth." Selene adds this after Sabella, giving the princess a nod. "Thank you. I haven't heard how much planning went into the road. An excellent point from your experience. Was there something that you would do differently again?"

Reese listens to the conversation with close attention, but after her preciously comment she seems to be keeping her silence. She seems quite thoughtful.

Niklas gives Rinel an odd look, like someone might give a chicken that had demonstrated itself prone to laying square eggs. When he speaks his tone is mild and expression a quizzical little smile, like he didn't even notice her anger. "Scholar Rinel, while your statement is understood, it does not actually address the specific point I was making or the greater discussion here. Abandoned attacks happen. Struggles between houses happen. We look at our heroes in the Hall, men and women who, in many cases, earned their fame in blood and steel. And we revere their memory, but think ourselves so far divorced from what is, no doubt, a savage lifestyle. The reaver whose sword never thirsted for blood. The berserker who used a man's arm to defeat a room full of warriors. The poisoner who made his way down a list of enemies." Niklas shrugs. "The fact is, we aren't. We have always been on the edge of disaster. We have always been outnumbered by Abandoned. Our houses have always quietly seethed at one another over territory, politics and, in some cases, religious differences. The Road has made evident to all, to so many who are able to ignore these things from behind the secure walls of this great city, what many a head of house or voice has known for years." He nods to Sabella. "Diplomacy was a concern from the beginning."

Sparte takes a slow breath before speaking. "Roads connect pockets of civilization, but the spaces in between have long been wild and unknown." Sparte gives a small smile and a nod to Whisper Selene. "The Knights of Solace maintained maps of the roads in one of their holy texts in part because safe travel is so important to civilization." Sparte produces the text, setting it on the table. "I... Have my reservations about how the location for this new road was chosen by some, but the idea behind it is still one I praise. What I now question is how to match the grandeur of the road with equal safety, in the long term."

Sparte gets In Praise of Gild: A Guide Book from a waterproof brown canvas pouch.

Sparte drops In Praise of Gild: A Guide Book .

"A fair and reasonable piece of advice, Lady Ysbail," Hadrian concurs with a dip of his chin in acknowledgment. "Deep in the back of our minds though, it must surely be something to consider. To question is an important trait of the Mirrormasks. The balance has shifted, obviously. The scales tipped greatly in favor of civilizatiod and there had to be a response to it". Hadrian's attention drifts away and toward Sabella, a nod offered while he listens to her words. He nods again and again before he finally asks, "I am not trying to speak for you or assume what you've said, but simply rephrase it in my own words for my own understanding, your highness... are you saying that you feel that the losses and pains suffered so far have been a necessity to progress? Something something have to break a few eggs?" There does not seem to be accusation to the Marquis' words, but genuine interest in understanding the Grayson princess' stance. Ouida receives a smile from Hadrian and then he replies to her points as well, "Well said, Lady Ouida. I was born to Southport and carry within my heart its lessons in life and civilization. Sometimes those who are easily overlooked? Have the greatest merit. Merit, not circumstance, should always have a say in who is given opportunity."

1 Crimson Blades Lieutenant arrives, following Eilonwy.

Niklas adds, "I would ask if any of those complaining there wasn't enough diplomacy were actually part of the project. Sabella, myself, Lord Grady Deepwood and one of the finest diplomatic minds of the era, Marquessa Samantha Deepwood, were all part of the diplomatic core."

corps, not core

Ysbail sighs, "Not so wild or so unknown. There are - countless tribes who dwell in the wilderness, those who turned their backs to the compact, or whom the compact failed over the ages." She shrugs, "There are to my knowledge three things which stir now that should not - whether or not the road is to blame or simply a side effect I cannot say with certianty, save that we must proceed with caution."

"Prince Niklas: perhaps greater diplomacy should have been exerted in convincing those on the fence in providing themselves to that cause?" Hadrian asks with a tilt of his head as his brandy is brought again his to his lips.

Reese rises after getting a message and quietly slips out.

Reese has left the a cluster of couches around a low table.

"I think, your highness, that it is evident that the diplomatic efforts were not enought." Ouida replies gently. "But that is no discredit to you, your beloved, Lord Grady, or Lady Samantha. Nor will the actions of a few of the most talented be enough, I think. It is why we must think beyond our own instincts and what we think 'obviously' should be done, and involve more. Many more. From various vocations. It is easy for me, as an Oathlander by blood and oath to cling tight to the notion that there is a one true way to handle this. Perhaps if the only people involved were the nobility, it would be. But we overlook multiple avenues of outreach at all of our peril. It is something that I am grateful that Juniper Whisper and Natalia Whisper were able to get through my hard head and somewhat blinded heart."

Slipping in, Eilonwy finds a place near Ysbail where she can listen in ideally.

Ysbail nods in agreement to Ouida, "We focus too much on pricked pride and it will be our downfall, you speak wisely Lady Ouida."

"I don't know that I would say a necessity," Sabella replies to Hadrian thoughtfully, "But I don't know that I would lay the blame for all the unrest at the feet of the Great Road. It is certainly a useful excuse for those who wanted to commit attrocities, in some cases I believe they would have just found another to do what they intended regardless of if the road were built or not. And I certainly do not condone the horrific actions that we have heard of on either side. But when it comes to the Abandoned, is conflict not inevitable? So, to be even more long winded in my answer, I will say that I don't think it's a matter of breaking eggs, but perhaps realizing that the milk we are trying to work with has already curdled."

Rinel bares her teeth at Niklas. "I am no Scholar, Prince Grayson," she says, in something not quite a snarl. "Merely a commoner who has witnessed firsthand the failure of nobility to protect those crossing on their desmesnes. Nor do I require a lecture on the frequency of shav attacks. But it is one thing to see a grease fire and another entirely to throw water on it. This project, no matter how noble its intentiosn has caused a conflagration. There are priests dead because of this. You cannot throw stones at a hornet's nest and blame the insects when you are stung."

Sparte glances over to Rinel, "The loss you experienced is terrible Rinel, and everyone who knew Wynna misses her... But you must keep your head. That happened before this project even began."

"I am certain that Marquis Volkov is equally aggrieved for the loss of faithful, and few realms would welcome the suffering or disquiet this spring, Mistress Tern," says Selene. Her voice is calm and composed, the dead opposite of the snarl. "When there is a fire, as you say, many things happen. Quenching the fire, alleviating the damage. A phase for learning its cause and spreading those lessons follows. I have heard nothing here to suggest that Prince Niklas is ignorant or uncaring about consequences. But let's not cast aspersions."

"I would, respectfully, like to object to the characterization of the Abandoned as insects." Bethany's voice, when she speaks, is clear and concise. "Everyone involved with this project and its consequences is capable of reasoned choices." She bows her head to Hadrian. "My Lord, maybe you could clarify for me -- is the intended topic this evening a quest for someone to blame?"

Niklas gives Hadrian a mild shrug. "Certainly, however what I see over and over is people falling back into two false positions. The first is that the road sprang into existence overnight. It took more than a year to build up to the point it is at now, and during that time there were not problems. So there's only so much anyone could do when from all appearances the project was going swimmingly. The second is this idea that the Road is what set this conflagration to burning, as if we do not live in a nation that is held together by tooth and nail." He turns a bland smile on Rinel. "Well, at least you acknowledge that the hornets were there to begin with. That's a step in the right direction."

1 Crimson Blades Lieutenant leaves, following Eilonwy.

Ysbail shakes her head, "There I'm afraid prince Niklas, I would have to disagree - the road is the spark. That set light to what was already oil soaked tinder." She shifts her attention around the room. "To deny that fact is to deny several things which may be inherent to the problem that cannot be openly spoken of. Why this event particularly sparked it in the advent of Copper's death is perhaps the better question."

Rinel checked composure at difficulty 20, rolling 15 higher.

"As all can acknowledge, the road is here, and it is unlikely to simply be removed brick by brick any time soon," Cambria finally speaks. "I believe a more positive direction to take this debate is towards that of what can be /done/ concerning all that is now happening. To be sure, much that is regional must be handled by those so effected, but given the spirit of these social events, we can certainly agree that there is merit in learning and growing."

"Mm, I like that analogy," Hadrian offers as an answer to Sabella. He nods once or twice, lips pursed for a moment in consideration of Princess Sabella's answer. Finally he nods again and seems satisfied with his own thoughts on the exchange, "Well said, your highness. A sentiment I believe is shared by many of the thoughtful minds here this evening," he adds with a nod around the room. Bethany's question though earns a glance from Hadrian and a flash of a smile before he offers a shake of his head, "This is how people discuss things. Tensions can run high sometimes. Where we begin, isn't always where we end. But I believe the discussion is following a meandering course along the roadway that is the topic. The merits and flaws of the road are a piece of the overall discussion of it. To answer your question more directly though? No, we are not seeking to find a singular party to blame. Everyone is to blame. Even me. Whether through action or inaction, everyone can take a sip of the blame in the grand scheme of things. I'm to blame because, as Prince Niklas has pointed out without pointing a finger my way or the way of any others present.." Hadrian nods toward Niklas before he continues, "...I didn't offer my aid to the project".

Hadrian goes quiet when Cambria speaks. He does not look to her. He does not regard his wife and fawn. He simply listens and watches the contents of his glass lazily swirl. Then he offers a nod at the conclusion of her words and turns his attention to Niklas, "Prince Niklas," and then to Sabella, "Princess Sabella. If there comes a time that you seek to put diplomats and negotiators to work in further alleviating tensions along the road? I will help. I should have helped before, but hindsight often has the greatest clarity. Too late for that now, so if either of you are planning some endeavor going forward? Call upon me and I will answer."

Rinel curls her lip. "It is increasingly clear why we were attacked on Grayson land," she says. "Not only is the nobility blind to vermin--they accept them willingly into their lands." She redirects her attention to Cambria. "There will have to be fortifications established at critical points along the road," she says. "The Knights of Solace are brave, without doubt, but they simply do not have the numbers to sufficiently guard such an undertaking. It is possible, I suppose, that there might be waystations established at certain intervals... but manpower will remain an issue."

"By all appearances is a very tricky thing," Ouida comments, in sympathy. "It can catch many a commander or leader unaware. But it is important to let that go in the quest to regroup. I do not believe it is humanly possible even to keep from repeating all mistakes, if it were I daresay not a few of us would be leading different lives, and our collective history would not be what it is." She listens to Cambria, and then bows her head again in respect. "Whisper House and the Academy of War are currently collaborating on many projects to aid in local areas of high conflict--and those near to them where the fire has not yet spread. We will welcome those with high diplomatic skills of course, though they may be more strategicly employed at higher level negotiation. But it is bards and storytellers and helping hands to safeguard the vulnerable areas, where they are invited to come, that we hope may change more hearts and give breath enough for people to think before they act."

Sparte checked charm + intimidation at difficulty 15, rolling 5 higher.

Sparte gives Rinel a look. He just looks at her. It is somwhere between judging and pleading. With a long, slow, shake of his head.

Ysbail checked composure + diplomacy at difficulty 15, rolling 6 higher.

Rinel checked willpower + etiquette at difficulty 20, rolling 30 higher.

Ysbail just looks at Rinel. Saying nothing.

Rinel looks at Sparte and thins her mouth. She takes a deep breath before looking at Niklas. "My apologies, Your Highness," she says coldly. "I am unaccustomed to people using personal tragedy as ammunition for a debate. My response to Your Highness' comments were inappropriate for a woman of my birth and station."

Cambria offers Rinel a nod, lifting a hand to her chin that a single finger might tap-tap upon her lower lip. "It may be that at the waystations, the local lord will have to be responsible for helping to man them, in addition to what the Knights of Solace can provide." Then she lifts her glass and says, "Of course, that is but one possible course of action, for one particular circumstance." Tension in the air? Surely not.

As the the tension rises in the room, and at Rinel's snarl and the mention of vermin, Ouida's hands go very still, decidedly not at all moving towards her peacebound weapon. She does, however look towards her prodigal squire, and gives him a nod. He comes to stand closer to where the couches are, within her peripheral vision at all times, but still out of the way.

Sabella gives a deep nod of her head to Hadrian, followed by a bright smile, "My thanks for your offer of support. There will surely be diplomatic endeavors into the more troubled areas--those that we believe can be swayed by a kind word and listening ear." Until now she hadn't looked Rinel's way, but at the comment about Grayson she does. She keeps smiling, "Princess Tikva was very clear in her intention that at least upon the roads in Grayson and the Crownlands that there would be way stations where alarms might be raised should issues arise. It's something we might think of expanding into other areas as well. As for some of the other disagreements that are happening, I am quite sure that our vassals--and those of other houses--are quite capable and experienced in settling matters before they get completely out of hand."

"The Road is an excuse. One would have been found eventually. One generally is. People associate the growing unease between the North and the Isles, including the mass murder that left a Crownlander Marquessa dead, with the road. But no Road was laid between Farhaven and Maelstrom. It may be a spark, but when you say 'a spark' you are making it clear that there are many." He gives Hadrian a grimace and shakes his head. "Marquis, I would never blame those who did not involve themselves. There were many reasons to stay out. And obviously there continue to be." He turns an indulgent smile. "You are, of course, forgiven, friend. Though there are others in this room who may be more deserving of your apologies. And you may wish to walk back some of what you said about the Grayson demesne. Its minister of coin and seneschal do sit in this room." He nods to Cambria. "Already we hear of a dozen plans for people to bring order back to their fealties. It may be that an effort like this was always going to be prone to this sort of trouble because nothing like it has been attempted since before recorded history, so there was nothing against which one could compare a project of its scope."

Ysbail raises a hand. "I would like to point out that there is no proof that Islanders were the result of the poison from the Crackneck wedding and that the matter is being investigated quite thoroughly. Throwing blame around for these events where it does not belong also solves nothing. Prince Niklas."

Hadrian considers Rinel for a moment, his mouth shifting from left to right, back and forth. He seems to be coming to some decision before finally he speaks, "On that note, you may stay then. I'm willing to accept my being blind to your staying, if you wish to. But do please refrain from offer tacit insult to Prince Niklas and the Great House of Grayson? Please and thank you". Hadrian's attention drifts easily back to Niklas and his chin dips softly. Then onward his focus returns to the gathering as a whole, "I believe the greatest hurdle will come in the form of a rulers sovereignty over their own lands. It is left to their own decision in how they enforce the peace of their lands. Therefore it is imperative that specific symptom is addressed through diplomacy and..." Hadrian's hand lifts and waves into the air. If he'd had a handful of something, it would be sailing into the air. Glitter. He needs glitter. "The Pantheon. Dishonorable slaughter is not the way of Gloria," Hadrian pauses for a moment, as though the Lycene lord were trying to determine if that was said correctly, "and should no doubt be a focal point in initial negotations. The dishonorable violence... note that I do not say all violence... must be drawn to a close. No member of the Peerage, let alone one who oversees lands as a head of house, should be so callous with their name that they dishonor it for the generations which will follow them."

"Prince Niklas is an Islander," Sabella points out to Ysbail with a laugh, "So I think you misunderstood him if you think he is casting an accusation that way."

Niklas looks confused. "I'm sorry? What did I say that suggested I blamed the Islanders? The house who ate vassals to Navegant, themselves vassals to my own brother, Marquis Ford? No. I made no such statement. Nor even a suggestion. In fact, statement of fault did not figure a whit into what I was saying."

Sparte keeps looking at Rinel as he speaks. Yes, he is staring at her. "I recognize I could not have helped the original effort had I wanted to, my skills are just not there. Safe roads is something that I might be able to contribute towards, and safe not just for those I like. Safe for all those who would travel the roads with peaceful intent. Be they pilgrims, merchants, those seeking safety, those after adventure, or those who simply wanted to travel. As Gild and Gloria would want of us, I believe. Those who brought violence to the roads, however, should be met in kind as justice demands. Once we have evidence of who that was... Something I trust the houses involved are working on already."

Selene contains herself largely to listening to the discussion rather than showing her hand. She watches the participants in the conversation, the warm smile not about to waver. Perhaps there might be an option to search for a drink, but the challenging opinions are enough to suffice in the meantime.

Ysbail nods, "I believe that perhaps the first recourse of action then would be to openly discuss all the fall out, as aside from what is widely known throughout the compact, there are many smaller events which those involved may as yet be unaware, I apologize for my misunderstanding Prince Niklas."

"I never had a head for politics, as a girl. I prefered the simple task of slapping people who offended my sensibilities with a large stick, after a rough shove," Ouida observes. "But I also engaged in enough harrying of my brothers to know that one of the most satisfying ways of sowing chaos is to turn two parties to blaming each other when it was in fact a third that was the culprit. Is that the case here, i do not know, and I am not entirely sure it matters in the grand scheme of things." She nods in agreement to Hadrian, then. "It is a difficult dance, at times, to call out dishonorable behavior and yet still respect sovereignty."

Rinel lapses into a brooding silence, her face burning with either embarrassment or rage. Or both. She picks her feet up and tucks them under her as she curls up into her chair, every bit the petulant child.

Selene has left the a cluster of couches around a low table.

"Yes, it would be a difficult dance, Lady Ouida," Hadrian answers with a shallow nod of his head in return, "that just means that it's a challenge that must be overcome. What's a life worth living if we do not embrace challenges? Doing otherwise just sounds... boring," and the Marquis' lip practically curls at such a notion. He passes his glass of brandy off and aside to Cambria, then resumes his focus on the gathered group, "I think that the discussion has drawn on long and it has certainly been interesting, a compilation of many points of view and stances, some very important points - and facts - have been provided. I implore to each of those gathered that they offer their aid, in some way, to the efforts at stamping out these fires. We've only one Compact for the time being and, really? Going down in some barely remembered history a few centuries from now as those who caused their civilization to crumble like sand through fingers? Doesn't sound very great. So if any of you present have some task you are undertaking for the betterment of these situations which have arisen? Do not hesitate to reach out to me. I will provide myself wherever I am able."

Hadrian then looks to the various faces among the gathering and an eyebrow ticks upward, "If no one has anything further they wish to add? I think we can call this most interesting and entertaining discussion to a close."

Cambria accepts that brandy glass as if it were a coordinated effort. Her eyes roam over all those present, her expression having returned to something best described as contemplative.

Sparte checked luck at difficulty 10, rolling 13 higher.

"And if there are any who would be interested in becoming involved with the joint project with the Academy of War and Whisper House, please do not hesitate to contact me, or Juniper Whisper if that is more comfortable. We have roles for many, and a suprising array of skills that we seek." Ouida says quietly. "Thank you again, for an illuminating discussion, my lord."

Sparte reaches to pick up the book he brought, eyes still on Rinel. There is a bit of grasping at the table - he nearly knocks over a drink - and then he has the book. He tucks it away without another word said.

Sparte picks up In Praise of Gild: A Guide Book .

Niklas gives Hadrian a nod and lifts his glass. "Much less heated than the time Prince Ainsley and Lady Kenna held a debate on whether or not coronets and tiaras were the same thing. Swords were drawn, blood was shed. It was a situation."

Ysbail blinks, "Are you serious prince Niklas?:

"Thank you for hosting us, my lord," Bethany says to Hadrian with another respectful bow of her head. She stirs like she's getting ready to go, but doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

Sparte carefully rises up, walking around the table to Rinel. He leans down, saying something quietly to her... And at that point he looks back to the rest of the table with a smile. "I'm glad this talk happened, I should adjourn. Thank you to the host."

Ouida doesn't seem to be in a great rush to depart either, unhurriedly taking more sips of her brandy, her expression pleasant but also one of lingering inward thoughts.

Hadrian flashes a grin toward Niklas and rises up to his feet to address the gathering as a whole as his hand lifts to press against his heart, atop his umbra vest, "Then please allow me to thank each and every one of you for not drawing blood this evening. Discussions are best held with words, not blades. Thank you all for your time, interest, and willingness to put your thoughts before a group of friends and strangers". Hadrian offers a elegant bow to the gathering as one arm drapes over his abdomen and the other moves to rest at his back. When he corrects his posture he gestures toward the bar with a flick of long, spindly fingers, "Oh, yes, if one prepares to depart?" There's a glance toward Niklas and then onward his attention goes to the collective gathering again, "Any casks of Third Wall which remain are free to be taken and enjoyed further. A gift from the Salon to whomever claims them first."

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Ouida before departing.

Hadrian drops Third Wall, an aged cask of Ostrian cherry brandy.

Rinel abruptly gets up and storms out, her face contorted with rage.

Atreke, a severe-looking scribe leaves, following Rinel.

Hadrian is overheard praising Selene.

Hadrian is overheard praising Sabella.

Hadrian is overheard praising Niklas.

Hadrian is overheard praising Rinel.

Hadrian is overheard praising Ouida.

Hadrian is overheard praising Ysbail.

Bethany rises and brushes off her skirts twice, a crisp, practiced motion. She then curtsies to Hadrian and the rest of the remaining nobles, and this, too, is practiced and picture perfect, graceful, neither too shallow nor too deep, taking exactly as long as it ought to take. Then she heads out.

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