Lady Ouida Harthall
Hold the line. And in it find the strength that pulls you from your fears and into courage.

Description: The statuesque Oathland lady could be called stoic save for that her noble features are often lit with a smile across her full lips. Almond shaped bright blue eyes hold a keen enjoyment of the world around her with the often open regard she offers it. Dark sable hair falls to past her shoulders, often plaited into a braid or several to keep it from her face. Her regal appearance is made more imposing by the toned frame she has come to know in her years of training though none should be surprised that she carries her own mother's subtle but noticeable womanly curves.
Personality: Ouida's smile is quick to appear, and slow to fade; she may act with carefully calculated decorum as would be expected of one charged to protect her brother and Marquessa, she hasn't lost the twinkle in her eye of her more carefree days spent wooing and enjoying the attentions of many a courtly lord or lady. Gently spoken and chivalrous to a high degree, it's hard to imagine her in the heat of battle and bloodlust and perhaps that is part of her rather unorthodox type of Valardin reserve. In the presence of a threat, however, the warmth and courtly grace evaporates into something far more... expedient.
Background: Born the youngest of the three children of Marquis Tibalt and Marquessa Owenna Harthall, Ouida as a spare of the spare was allowed to have her vocation molded to her inclinations, rather than the other way around. Close enough in age to have been more of a companion/partner in crime to Orvyn than annoying hanger on, the two siblings were very close growing up in the shadow of the heir Odhran. From the start she was much more inclined to athletic and adventurous pursuits than the intellectual. She may not have been able to argue her way out of anything, but that's what fists are for! Luckily her energies were quickly channeled into preparation to become a knight, and that finally gave quite a bit of discipline and structure (and infected her with quite a sense of courtly chivalry) before she became too much of a bully.
Her knighthood came on the field, and she has a strong reputation for seeing the objective completed and targets protected first and foremost above personal glory, eschewing the flashier trappings of knighthood. Until the untimely deaths of her eldest brother and her father, and Orvyn's rise to Marquis, she spent most of her teen and adult years in the company of knights and soldiers, highborn and commoner alike, fighting and learning from the many minor skirmishes on the mainland. When Orvyn called her to higher service, she answered, and later led some of Harthall's efforts in the Silent War, Gyre War, and the Defense of the Lodge, as well as putting down continuing shav'arvani, bandit, and pirate threats in Fair Harbour. When Orvyn and Sunniva established their household in Arx, she followed in service.
Once famed for her pursuit of courtly love in all forms, especially amongst a wide variety of ladies and a few lords, someone quick to carouse and laugh, the last few years of increased duties both within her family and outside of it, seem to have taken their toll, crafting someone far more deliberate and measured and calm. Surely that earlier fire still burns within, but it is kept very carefully under a shield of Valardin reserve.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adelphie | Another Lady knight of our proud brood. I pity anyone on the other side of a battlefield from her, least of all the both of us! |
Andry | Charming and sensible |
Apollo | It's always lovely to see her - she's got such a balanced head on her. |
Braden | A fellow Oathlander who seems to prefer armor over silks despite her last name. I respect this. |
Brigida | Perculiar. If complimentary. |
Brigida | Polite and Proper. Exactly how an Oathlander should be. Not that that is always a good thing. |
Charlotte | Courteous and radiant, and delightful company at the tearoom. Hopefully I'll see her again soon! |
Cristoph | It's not often that I run into a Harthall, sometimes it's very easy for me to get wrapped up in Laurent's dealings and not meet as many of the other voices and heads of houses that I should. I was impressed by her knowledge, temperment and eagerness to lend aid to the other houses tonight. I look forward to working with Lady Ouida in the future. |
Delilah | A woman every bit as honourable and upstanding as her reputation would have you believe. She embodies an earnest, realistic view of the world, tempered by a deep core of quiet belief. I would dtrust her in a difficult situation and welcome her company wherever we are. |
Emilia | The lovely lady is so straightforward, honest and polite. A great warrior too! It's been a long time since I've felt the sting of a sword wielded with such duty and honor! |
Evelynn | A well spoken and clearly intelligent woman with many insightful viewpoints. |
Gianna | A rather sensible-seeming knight who asks the right questions. |
Harlex | In her eyes--the color of the unobstructed skies of the Oathlands, clear and blue and honest--I see all that they dream when they talk of knights, I see the fierce and driven bulwark defendin' all that is held dear, I see the best qualities of a warrior. So it would be my pleasure to fight at her side, whenever she should ask. |
Isabeau | Quiet, kind, generous, formidable. Lady Ouida is all of these things and more. I do hope that I'll have the chance to get to know her better. |
Jacali | Eager, that one, in all the right ways. Seems a sturdy sword, that one does, with an appetite for a great many thing. Could well be friends, we could, were it not for the silk caught between the plates. |
Jordan | Good competitive spirit. I see a good future for her in the martial field. |
Kenna | Her devotion to her lands is clear. She is one I would have as an ally in matters of trade. |
Mabelle | A playful, funloving Lady. It was a pleasure seeing her enjoy herself. |
Maja | She is very kind! And knows how to throw a party .. I think. I just showed up at the end, just as things were winding down. But it looked like everyone had a good time and she let me take a bunch of food home with me so that was great! |
Martino | The young Lady is wonderfully proud of her House and her home. One knows that she will be leading, supporting them, with her all |
Miranda | She thought ahead! Foodstuffs! Snacks! A girl who eats! Will wonders never cease? Now... how to get her to part with them.. And did she bring wine? |
Niklas | A well spoken lady of Fair Harbor. Quite capable of having a point and making it clear. |
Norwood | She has a, um, ah... words. She has the ability to say words dramatically. |
Orrin | She knows leadership - the way she speaks about it suggests she lives it. |
Orvyn | Ah, my sister, she has yet to change and yet shows some small measures of restraint amidst her desire to torment me, all in fun of course. It is good to have her back and I do hope that she will not mind me asking much of her in the coming days. |
Oswyn | A formidable warrior woman with a hearty laugh and a kind smile. |
Pharamond | She is a busy woman but I look forward to helping her further with the Academy. She is gracious to allow my aid! |
Reese | Welcoming, friendly, well spoken. She also seems to have a confident energy about her. |
Reigna | A sweet and gracious hostess and forgiving of my lapses. She is the embodiment of Oathlands honor and charm and does a service to Harthall as an amassador of their House. In time I hope to know her better. |
Rukhnis | She seems an interesting woman -- well-traveled, thoughtful, and deeply kind in her courtesy towards a stranger. I would be glad to speak with her more one day. |
Rysen | A skilled sword fighter, and an intelligent, chivalrous knight. |
Sabella | She is very well spoken and sharply clever! I do not run into her as often as I would like and should very clearly remedy that! |
Sabine | Where did the girl with hungry eyes and a laughing smile go? Oh, what a sin courtly lacquer can be. |
Selene | Lady Ouida is a puzzle box for me. A Sword and peacemaker, the dichotomy is a surprise. She writes with the hand of an erudite academic and speaks as gracefully as any stoic orator, yet depricates upon the limited experience of the Oathlands when I could not name many able to show the signature self-awareness she possesses. Who /is/ she? I am not sure, but she is laying groundwork for me to make it my mission to solve the mystery. |
Sunniva | I have gained a dear soul and true sister in my marriage. Ouida is a smart and quick witted leader and no one else could hold the position of sword as she does. Gild be praised she has come to join us. |
Thorley | The Sword of Harthall - I look forward to fighting pirates and gargantuans with her. |
Vandred | Was friendly with Jacali. Honestly, this means quite a bit to me. |
Venturo | A beautiful and sharp oathlander, one who has clearly taken the best bits across the five fealties and made them her own compass to live by. A refreshing shared moment after a tiring week, just what was needed. |
Violet | I've got to admit, I find the sword of Harthall a warm and personable sort. But she is -mean- with a blade. That must be where any meaness went. I think I've had enough whiskey now... |
Vitalis | A wonderfully nuanced position on the relationship between diplomacy and war with a clear understanding of the costs of both. Well said! |
Willow | Must have exquisite taste. I have never seen a more beautiful gown. |