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Written By Aurora

Sept. 18, 2016, 7:28 a.m.(8/10/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Hammar

Hammar is a simple minded sweetheart. He could easily crush my skull with a bare hand should he choose to, and yet his touch s gentle. I am not sure why he has a fascination with my hair, or it's color, but he seems to enjoy patting me on the head so why not let him. There are very few people in the city that don't have their own agenda, but Hammar is certainly one of them, it makes me almost jealous that he can keep his wonderment in life. I do try so hard to see the beauty in all things, but he does it effortlessly. I am going to make him clothing, he deserves nice things.

Written By Aurora

Sept. 18, 2016, 7:22 a.m.(8/10/1004 AR)

The Crafter's Guild is something that, while I certainly am a part of, I have not really spent much time focusing on. I do what I am good at for people, and that is that. Perhaps with the new leader, though I certainly have no idea who she is nor submitted her name for the position, I might become more involved. It does worry me that I do not know her, but I should fix that I suppose when I am not busy. We shall see what becomes of this, I can only imagine it is a thankless job for highly emotional artistic types.

Written By Kima

Sept. 18, 2016, 2:57 a.m.(8/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

Though this entry is late in coming, I should like it noted that it is only because I required adequate time to truly refine my appreciation for that glorious man, Prince Darren Redrain.

We first met, if only informally, upon the field of the melee hosted by Lady Dawn. I became so enchanted with him that I did the only thing I could: I mercilessly whacked the shit out of him with my sword.

What? Are you never overcome with urges so strong that you can do naught but revert to childish antics? Ah, but I suppose not. To continue:

Darren Redrain is the refined version of his younger brother, sporting a magnificent coif of red locks and excellent good looks.

What do you mean is that all I care about?

What else is there to care about, that's what I'd like to know. Well, actually, I can think of a few things, but I'll save those for the other journal. No need to have you whinging on about a new grey hair. Which I've yet to find, mind you. Yes, write that down, too. I've no fear and neither should you!


I drank with him, and do you know, I believe he came away knowing more of me than I of him. I really should remedy that.

Written By Kima

Sept. 18, 2016, 2:35 a.m.(8/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Archlector Orazio was once more commonly known as Orazio Saik. He was my uncle until he took his vows. As a young girl, I confess that I felt some slight resentment for the perceived abandonment of the family. In my childhood, he was a man that always had time for myself and my brother, was as quick with a joke as he was a sword. He was, I won't deny it, like a hero to me.

I understand it now, of course. Now better than ever. The courage and conviction he displayed when trading his blade for the amulet of Sentinel; the honor and dedication to a cause all should strive to uphold.

What I am saying is that the Archlector Orazio is still a hero to me.

Written By Eos

Sept. 17, 2016, 11:39 p.m.(8/9/1004 AR)

Some days, I wish that I associated only with soldiers. Soldiers have no choice but to take advisement. I would go so far as to say that soldiers have no choice but to take order. There is no end to the frustration of those counted close, bestowed with entirely free will and no obligation, in the glimpses of the threats they choose to dance with alone. They are coming up like weeds, those who would be wholly intent on imparting just enough to seed worry, but nothing with which I could actually provide aid by if it was needed. In most cases, they would be far beyond help by the time I learned anything had gone amiss at all.

What motivates this? Why say anything at all, if it is already known to them that they will accept no help, and will provide no more than phantoms to blame should something befall them? I did not take up a knighthood to be told by those with gentler hands than mine that they must protect me in the same breaths they speak of their own fears, of their impending dangerous endeavors. Maybe I've fallen under a curse, or maybe it is only the way of things in Arx. Maybe this is why whiskey seems so much more popular than wine in this city. I am certainly finding the wine lacking with each new instance of this scenario these past two weeks.

Written By Barric

Sept. 17, 2016, 11:10 p.m.(8/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Deva

The Voice of Redrain, and a victim of my mighty fists! Granted, I think I got lucky. It was a Redrain party, even if it was mid morning, and of course every Redrain party must involve a brawling after a suitable quantity of alcohol has been imbibed. Princess Deva is an interesting woman and seems to dislike politics and enjoy being out of the city as much as I do. I've made her promise to arrange a hunt and invite me and I intend to hold her to it. It will be good to track prey and see what we can hunt down.

Written By Isolde

Sept. 17, 2016, 10:09 p.m.(8/8/1004 AR)

    Well, wasn't I the busy little be these past few days.
    The Velenosa dinner was delightful, fantastic company, even if I was a bit of a flurry of introductions and didn't spend time with anyone as much as I should have. I should have something nice commissioned for Prince Darren. He was kind and kept me entertained at the least. So many new faces! And many new faces I will have to get to know better, I think. Definitely.
    The Invocation was far more successful than I anticipated. I'm pleased so many asked for blessings, and seemed responsive to the rituals. The Pantheon is a beautiful thing. I always find a touch of drama lends itself well to keeping their greatness in the minds of the Faithful. I'll have to speak with the Dominus to discuss what our next move is.
    And oh... the North. How delightful the North is. I don't understand them nearly as well as I should, but they -are- entertaining. And Prince Barric showed up! I still have his shirt. Don't tell anyone. I'm undecided if I shall keep it, hold it ransom, or submit it to the Art Gallery. It is a rather fine shirt. But the fighting was exciting, and that Prodigal sort that seems besotted with Lady Dawn won. He seemed shocked I'd actually make good on my bet, but, Prince Darren is a formidible man. The winnings were well deserved.
    I feel fairly accomplished this week, though I am looking forward to peace, quiet, and smaller gatherings, private conversations, and all the situations I thrive in. If that shy girl I used to be lingered, I'd hide away for a month. Perhaps I am spoiled, but I do not take it for granted that I earn the invitations I do.

Written By Darren

Sept. 17, 2016, 9:04 p.m.(8/8/1004 AR)

The brunch brawl was a glorious success. There were people from almost all Houses in attendance, and there was much drink and food to be had. Most importantly, there were quite a few contenders for the brawl. Many punches were thrown, and while I didn't end up being the last man standing, I got quite a few hits into the giant protector of Lady Dawn. Can't be too upset about my ability to go toe-to-toe with a man like that, who so easily wiped the floor of the remaining opponents once I was down for the count.

Of course, I took note of who was there. Among them being Princess Donella Thrax, Princess Isolde Velenosa, and Lady Dawn. No one from the Valardian House though, notably. But maybe they just don't like whiskey and fighting. That's just unfortunate for them, though.

Written By Darren

Sept. 17, 2016, 8:35 p.m.(8/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

There is quite a lot one could say about Princess Isolde. A better man would wax poetic - but I'm fairly sure there've been plenty of songs and poems written on her behalf. I may be quite the storyteller, especially when boasting about my many feats, but poetry and songs were never my forte.

So instead, I will simply say this: Princess Isolde carries with her a strength that you don't find in many Southern women. It's undeniably impressive, and I look forward to each and every meeting I have with her. I am not quite sure if I can call her yet a close friend, but at the very least, I am enjoying having someone to go on adventures with. Even if one of those adventures is to a secret room behind a secret door that doesn't actually exist.

Written By Darren

Sept. 17, 2016, 8:19 p.m.(8/8/1004 AR)

On a side note, the mirror thing at the Invocation? That was really creepy.

Written By Darren

Sept. 17, 2016, 8:18 p.m.(8/8/1004 AR)

I doubt anyone expected a strong showing from the Redrains at the Princess Isolde's invocation; there's still so much insinuation that we're nothing but vicious savages. But came we went, me and Lady Lydia and Duchess Nadia as well, sitting in the front pews to bear witness and hope for the King to be returned to good health.

In all honesty, I felt a great bit of unease with how strongly the Acolyte spoke of the Thirteenth. I'm surprised there weren't more asses shifting on those damn uncomfortable pews. But there was something undeniably powerful in the way the Acolyte stood up there, so comfortable and content in her Faith, so adament about it all. I don't know if prayer can heal the King, but I know she thinks it can.

I took the blessing. I can only hope it does some good.

Written By Orazio

Sept. 17, 2016, 7:15 p.m.(8/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Fawkuhl

The closest to the gods. This has a different weight than many imagine, who are most familiar with a liege of secular power; to be Dominus is bear not just power and responsibility, but the prayers of many thousands in your hands. A careless man or woman can crush them without a thought. Thankfully, Dominus Fawkuhl is not a careless man.

Written By Anastasio

Sept. 17, 2016, 8:53 a.m.(8/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Signe

Vidar's pet. I owe her a trip into the woods to gather herbs. Once I determine what will work best for her request I'll get that on the calendar.

Written By Anastasio

Sept. 17, 2016, 8:51 a.m.(8/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

1 gram sea salts
5 drops oil of starfish
3 windstones, ground fine
2 vials of manticore poison

Maybe an ambergris base? Sea lion might work too if I can get it.

Written By Anastasio

Sept. 17, 2016, 8:48 a.m.(8/7/1004 AR)

It has been an eventful week. I have not yet met with Lady Dawn or Princess Isolde regarding the medical conference from last week, nor have I been provided samples to study. That may be a lost cause, either a bit of political necessity in offering to help or the Highborn have found a more promising route. I cannot say.

The week hasn't entirely been a loss. There's at least some interest, in the form of Mistress Joscelin, for a new Guildmaster. I have not heard anyone object to her interest, and I've provided her my feedback, certainly. I doubt it was what she wanted to hear. If we can get the Silks to push for her, at least the Guild might have some voice to speak for us.

Benjamin and I were able to get the Saving Grace opened. I want to expand it when we can, adding in a proper wing for convalescence, and perhaps some personal rooms so I need to traipse half the city to get to my work. I can see the Temple of Lagoma from the front door and that brings me some peace.

And then there are the Nightgolds. They have made me feel quite welcome lately, and the Duchess has taken me as her protégé. I'll have to find a way to repay them for that kindness. I suspect it'll come in the form of patching up soldiers after Shav raids.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 17, 2016, 2:54 a.m.(8/6/1004 AR)

Tell me, scholar:

Do you think 'Lagoma's labia' a suitable replacement for 'Tehom's tits'?

Perhaps, 'Gild's gonads!' then.

Or 'Petrichor's pecker!'

'Mangata's magnanimous mammaries!

-oh, no worries, scholar, I can do this all day.

'Sentinel's scapulae!'

'Gloria's gall bladder!'

'Limerance's legs!'

'Vellichor's vagina!'

...well -of course- I'm going to keep Jayus out of that bit. I'm not a -complete- heathen, thank you.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 17, 2016, 2:47 a.m.(8/6/1004 AR)

... suppose I should stop using 'Tehom's tits!' as my favorite expletive, now.

Written By Isolde

Sept. 17, 2016, 1:25 a.m.(8/6/1004 AR)

I write this as the Acolyte, Favored of the Thirteenth.

Glory unto the Completed Pantheon, revered by all Faithful. May the Divine Thirteen bless our people, and may we restore the Compact to Faith.

The Invocation humbled even I, and opened my eyes to just how blind I had been. The people are hungry, from High Lords to low born, hungry for hope and Faith, and I am to reflect the Light into the Darkness to guide their way. The Thirteenth has been invoked, and no longer shall he remain outside his place amongst the Pantheon. Blessed be his Name, which we are not worthy to speak.

Through the Strength given to me, by the Triads and the Reflection, I offered blessing, in the sight of the Most Holy, Voice of the Pantheon, illuminated in divine light, amplified by reflections in mirrors. I weep in the memory, for never before have I seen anything so beautiful. Most came forth, proud and reluctant, bold and shy, and all received a blessing, guided from divine inspiriation. May the Invoked lend strength.

It is through Faith, and the Inspiration of the Completed Pantheon that our King may be healed. May Glory be to thee, oh Pantheon of Thirteen, and may the Compact and its people know greatness through you.

I am humbled to serve in such a capacity, and may I be a shepherd to the flock of the lost, that they may know Faith.

And so it is.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 16, 2016, 9:36 p.m.(8/5/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Prospero

Having only spoken to the man via messenger, I didn't recognize Litigator Fidante until he introduced himself in person.

Eloquent, polite, gentile, but not pretentious, which I greatly appreciate. Our conversation was pleasant, I was actually disappointed to see him leave so soon.

Written By Silas

Sept. 16, 2016, 8:34 p.m.(8/5/1004 AR)

Jayus seems to have smited me today. I noticed many tiny flaws in my ship figurines I hadn't noticed before, and my later attempts were only marginally better. I've picked the four best out of the bunch to send to Admiral Alrec; I can only pray they are sufficient for whatever purpose he intends to use them for. I confess they're designed in a uniform manner with only a few differences between each.

I need a drink.

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