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Written By Owain

Feb. 19, 2017, 5:23 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Met a bunch of Redrain people lately. What happens when you drink in their inn. I like them. It's comfortable there. It's like being among family even though they're not related. Not that I know of. I suppose there could be cousins there from Mother's side of the family.

Written By Silas

Feb. 19, 2017, 5:16 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

A choir is made up of many voices, including yours and mine. If one by one all go silent then all that will be left are the soloists.

Don't let a loud few determine the nature of the sound. It makes for poor harmony and diminishes the song.

Written By Victus

Feb. 19, 2017, 5:10 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calliope

Proving to be more useful than expected, even if she gulled me into dancing with her at the Masque. Though I'd met her in the past while doing business with her father, I'd never paid her much attention before. She is nothing like Duke Eugeine Grimhall, however. That is undeniably a compliment.

Not that, I'll admit, it takes much to improve on that standard.

She has my ear, for now.

Written By Victus

Feb. 19, 2017, 5:06 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Gabriel

We have a new Regent.

He was the safe choice, the proven and experienced choice. There's nothing wrong with being the safe fucking choice. When a storm is bearing down on you, its only rational to put the experienced hands on the tiller.

Here's to him living up to his fucking reputation.

Written By Sylvie

Feb. 19, 2017, 5:05 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

I persist, even through a broken heart. There is too much to be done, too much to protect, to wrap myself in mourning and never emerge, as I might want to do.

I smile, even as my blood drains from my body. As my fingers go numb, I will continue to politely converse and speak on the issues the Compact faces.

But I do remember everything that I have lost.

And I remember everything I still have.

Thank you, those who have reached out. Those that have helped me through. Those that would work with me to strengthen ourselves and face these coming dangers.

Written By Freja

Feb. 19, 2017, 4:36 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

The heart beats.

It races, ignited with the hunt and the impending battle.

Amid the clash of steel, the ringing of weapon against armor, arcing and singing through the air to cut through that deafening din.

Above all, it is the swift staccato I hear. The soldier's metronome to dictate the rhythm of my riposte and axe's rise.

I had once thought it imperative, vital that I find further use for it - but the song is false, the prose poison.

The blade is cunning, culling, and a straight a path as I'll ever need and I'll use it to carve out the fount of caustic cause if the beat ever skips to another's melody.

And thus, will vanish the thaw.

Written By Arcelia

Feb. 19, 2017, 4:14 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

My first days in Arx have been difficult only in that I must begin again. I must look inward now and determine how I can reflect myself upon the city. Where is my assistance most needed and how can I help? I am no warrior but that does not mean I will not fight for the people and attempt to send waves of Hope rippling outward. Without Hope how can we find courage in the dark?

Written By Fortunato

Feb. 19, 2017, 4:12 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

A painting, submitted. Messily. A gulf, an gorge splitting two sides. The gorge is an unsteady dark, a dark lit dimly down below with fire. A dark scattered along the torn edges with stars. On the right hand, blood and rubble in the grass, swords and staves fallen in the grass. Upon a fallen pillar, a scrap of cloth tied to a fragile twist of stone. The hint of a scaled tail drifting into the farthest right side of the painting. Left side. Architectural sketches that bleed into each other, an average commoner's house bleeding mid-roof into the wing of a great manor bleeding suddenly into a parapet with stained glass windows. Towers topped with light, walls shattered, yet held together and fragile with cord. On top of one of the light-topped towers, a figure sits, perilously comfortable, watching the viewer expectantly.

Written By Drea

Feb. 19, 2017, 4:06 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Sometimes, when I look into a person's eyes, I can see the very fiber of a person's being. When I see him, I see a jovial man, very gregarious as one would expect. When I look into his eyes though I see stone.

His otherself is a stoneman and I find that intriguing. There is an immense strength there, like that of a mountain.

Written By Orazio

Feb. 19, 2017, 3:55 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcelia

A niece from the branch family. It is good to have another Saik in the city, and I feel certain that she will be fine company for Kima. And, hopefully, a chance to make a marriage alliance for the family - the Saiks have experienced far too much loss, and I hope that the gods see fit to grant them abundance in the next generations. Of the lady herself, I have nothing but praise. She is young, and looking for a purpose; I think she will find one in her own time, and we will all be the better for it. She strikes me as kind and soft-spoken. I hope to spend more time with her in the future.

Written By Leola

Feb. 19, 2017, 3:45 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

The Lodge
- with armies advancing on Arx, for the moment, the physical construction of the Lodge must be placed on hold. It annoys me so, but I - we cannot allow the enemy a fortification within striking range of the city. The Legate spoke to me on this, and I agreed with him. He is an intelligent man, beyond my own powers, and I thank him for his insight.

Written By Uther

Feb. 19, 2017, 3:29 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Agnarr

I have encountered a kinsmen after strolling into the first big, stone building that I encountered. We were offered a drink by some of the local patrons, with the mention that we should also pour a drink for the honored dead.

Therefore, I poured half my drink on the ground as that is where the honored dead go, an act which apparantly surprised most of the locals.

Written By Simone

Feb. 19, 2017, 3:04 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

From what I have always heard in my lessons on the Faith:

The stewardship of knowledge is sacred. It shouldn't be lorded over anyone that has the desire to learn.

Teaching without expectation is a way to honor Vellichor.

Written By Valery

Feb. 19, 2017, 3:02 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Things are weird...
I've been asked by a man to write some names on his skin to not forget them. With a knife. It was pretty scary... And really really weird.

The Duchess is dead. And it still feels irreal.

People is angry. And easy to upset.
People is sad.
And half of the time, people is drunk, trying to kill the other two feelings.

Written By Zhayla

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:38 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Percephon

I trust Percephon enough to help me out when I get lost in the library ... BUT (And this is underlined, and written with a bold line of link:) I DEFINITELY DON'T TRUST HIM NOT TO TEASE ME ABOUT IT.

Written By Lailah

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:33 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

I hope he realizes my anger lies not with him, but in whom sent him to me. He's a poor, naive fool, and for his own sake I hope he learns quickly that nothing is free, and all must be earned.

Written By Acacia

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:32 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

I'd heard Mistress Julea Sanguine's name more than a time or two. Given that she's Prince Darren Redrain's protege, a known member of the Commoner's Council, and a worthy one to remember in the Valorous Few. Heard a couple other things too - that she was a bit crass and that fiery temper of hers made her seem impatient. It was a lot of words for someone I'd never crossed paths with. As such, I didn't know what to expect at the Assembly when it was her turn to speak on the Borough's situation.

Frankly, she was brilliant.

It takes a lot of guts and particular strong beliefs to stand up among a multitude of peers and denizens, silence bits of old habits and keep a list of etiquette rules at mind. It's harder when you haven't grown up around it and you find yourself utilizing that survival instinct to adapt to any situation instead. Many people can recognize this.

But she spoke words that even I had heard ushered from the lips of the Borough citizens that were frank and passionate.

The Iron Guard went through hard times. Their numbers may have been cut, but the process of getting to this point has left a bad taste from years of suffering through certain incidents in the Lower Boroughs. The Lord Commander Silas was one of those people who took up an early stance to try to stomp out the corruption that existed -- but the issue is - that it did exist and isn't something so easily stomped out.

With threats at the walls and soldiers needed more than ever, issues that are harsh at the backs of the people do little to ease minds. No one wants to have to worry about both their enemies in front of them, and unrest behind them.

It's a noble idea, that concept that the Iron Guard of the people shouldn't have a separate division that relies on castes or particular areas to be watched over. That concept of non-bias is certainly something that perhaps should ever be worked for. But the fact of the matter is, it does exist. It exists even in that same Assembly Hall which is separated by Great Houses, into the seating arrangements at the Black Rose Theatre and how the quadrants of Arx itself has grown to be overtime.

I don't think anyone is seeking to alter the status quo, to rise people up when they haven't been properly educated or guided by blood by this new concept of having a separate division for a Borough Guard. It certainly isn't for the sake of being unruly or breaking off to further add division. It's only a matter of trying to settle minds, ease tensions, and perhaps bring a greater sense of peace and unity to the common people. That also, is a noble idea.

There's no guarantee that it'll work. That's true. But there's a number of common people, who have proved themselves adept, who would fight for such an opportunity and crave it even now. Try something new, ease tensions, reduce the hardship to the Guard who already needs new recruits, and allow them to step forth so that the Compact can focus on more important things. Is that so terrible?

Written By Lailah

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:26 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

There are some things about me that I feel have been made unclear, and to all that find this I would like to remind you that my time as a Prelate and a Scholar is valuable, as is my personal and family business. If you wish my assistance, please be assured that you are not wasting my time first. I am not unreasonable, but one thing I am not is a charity, and I'm not in the business of issuing loans of silver. If you want my help, I am prepared to give it, but see to it that you have something OF VALUE to offer in return.

I am always available to be reached by messenger should anybody need help, just don't waste my time.

Written By Acacia

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:13 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Garza

I like the man. I don't know him well enough for hate to come into play. Not yet. He's possessed of a witty tongue, a capable hand, and the ability to keep silent when it's good for his health. Those are all excellent characteristics for keeping one alive, don't you think? I told him that I'd want to pry through his mind at some point, and I imagine I'll make good on that.

That said. You know, there's nothing wrong with fat people, Garza. Or the vast majority of devious birds.

Written By Ford

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:04 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Abbas

I've seen some shit.

No, not the horrors of battle. Not the shocking and stomach churning viscera that streaks battlefields red.


I watched a man, and his skeleton crew, lure out six ships into a storm. I watched that man send those six ships to the depths without so much as a scratch, all while the storm threw his ship to and fro.

Mangata smiles down on Abbas Thrax. And that scares the shit out of me.

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