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Written By Wynna

May 7, 2018, 5:15 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lisebet

A land that has forgotten its past is doomed to repeat it.

So they'd better not forget us, just as we strive not to forget ours.

Written By Tikva

May 7, 2018, 5:13 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Should I challenge Lord Niklas to a banjo-off?

Written By Tessa

May 7, 2018, 5:11 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

As everyone seems to be having very deep thinking thoughts about marriage these days I have come to the following conclusions:

1. I think wedding rings ought to be made of cold, hard iron, with rough edges. Maybe they soften over time, maybe you get used to the weight, but they shouldn't be easy things, they shouldn't be pretty things.

2. A spouse should chafe a bit in the beginning, to rub away your own rough edges. There needs to be friction to wear a groove in each other's lives to make room for one another. Brittle things break easily, lots of people are brittle.

3. I think people lie too much about who and what they are, they shouldn't do that.

4. If I ever have to marry someone (which is still a big IF, I really rather like the idea of having a long string of paramours and giving Countess Kennex grey hairs with new dinner dates every gathering), I want it to be someone greater than me, not less. Not in status, or wealth (though those things are fabulous if they can be had!) but in person. I think too many are looking for a puppy in a spouse, someone they can leash and train and control, who will protect and serve and comfort them on their own terms. Which is stupid!

I want a piece of the sun. I want a mountain. I want someone even I can't move or contain. I want a man that will never be afraid of my own shine, who will never feel like he has to keep me small so I 'need' him, who will never feel intimidated when I succeed. And very most of all, one who knows sometimes I'll throw things at him but that doesn't mean I don't like him any more and is okay with that.

Written By Lisebet

May 7, 2018, 5:09 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

So I went to the Hall of Heroes today after an acquaintance mentioned it to me yesterday. That is - something. I really am not sure what to say, except that there really are a lot of very courageous and brave people who have managed to do spectacular things, even allowing for the hyperbole the scholars say we should. I went to all the halls, but spent most of my time in the main hall, and at the oldest of the statues, marvelling at how little we know of what went on a thousand years ago. It makes me wonder if in a thousand years anyone will even think about us at all.

Written By Aleksei

May 7, 2018, 5:09 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Matters of commerce and charity fall into Gild's domain, actually, not Skald's. People criticizing choices isn't actually the same thing as taking choices away from them.

Written By Wash

May 7, 2018, 5:09 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I have on occasion been accused of shirking my duty. And my accusers were probably right. These days I take my duties more seriously. I may have wedded for love, but that does not mean I am any less committed, in this life, and hopefully every life after, to the one I married. I may have married into a March, but I owe that March my fealty. That doesn't change because I have difficulty 'getting on' with anyone in it, if such occurs.

I owe the people of Stormward, the sailors of Kennex, the noble and common members of my house my support, my knowledge, my loyalty and my faith. Faith that they will, if they are shirking their duty, come around one day to uphold it, the same way King Alaric showed his faith in me and granted me a marriage that did not serve my house well at the time. I hope they have come to appreciate our family ties better now. At the very least it has helped me be a better man.

To this end, as I've learned to teach the sailors under my command, and when asked, shared that information with noble members of my house, Thrax, and others. I've been told that I am a very good teacher actually. But, as many have pointed out, there are a limited number of hours in the day. If I am asked to dedicate resources (my teaching) to individuals or houses outside my own, should not my duty be to ensure that doing so serves my house in some way? After all, when I am not available to them, I am shirking my duty to them on some level.

As a child I shirked my duty. And as a young adult I ran from it. Today, as a father and husband I have accepted my duty to my house. If that means I ask for your support in exchange for sharing my time that otherwise would have gone to those whom I swore to support, I know you will understand, because if I wanted to share it with you in the first place, you've demonstrated reason and intuition above and beyond the ordinary mien.

Written By Malesh

May 7, 2018, 5:04 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I think, as a long time member of The Arvum Philosophical Society for the Empowerment and Enlightenment of Curious Minds, that I may have discovered the next topic of debate amongst the idle and curious of The Salon! By Vellichor we have a duty to spread knowledge, and that seems to be a popular position at the moment. Do we not also recognize Skald? Exactly how much mentoring and teaching might we do before it so overwhelms and occupies our time that we do a disservice to Skald's teachings? Certainly a person possessing a singular knowledge might do Vellichor's work by writing it down to preserve it, but how much debt do they owe to teach this knowledge in person with no compensation (to themselves or charities) for their time? How must we act when all gods are equal in our hearts, but do not amongst themselves always agree?

Written By Magpie

May 7, 2018, 4:57 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I grew up without a dad. I turned out okay.

Well, I mean, my mom wasn't around that much either cause she was busting her ass keeping food on our table. And we were grateful we had a table, damnit! Not everyone did!!

It was actually a really nice table that we snagged when a neighbors house went down to some sickness. It was all polished and smooth, with all these beautiful ripples in the wood grain that looked like rollers on the sea. I loved that table. I would lay my head on it and just feel the thickness of the wood, the weight of it's construction. It was so solid. I had my first experience of love on that table. She was a few years older than me but she liked my hair and my blue eyes. She was pretty too. We would have rolled in the hay but I had forgotten to get fresh hay and what was in the bed was infested with fleas. The table was a much better choice.

Where was I going with this? Oh, right. Just. Fun.
Leave Ford Kennex's motherless child out of this!! Is the kid a bastard now? How does that work? I'm sure it's super-fun being a bastard not-bastard. The kid will be okay.

Written By Caith

May 7, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

They might not appeal as much but they would be much more appropriately named.

Written By Ford

May 7, 2018, 4:45 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

It's one thing to voice your opinion on a public matter.

It's one thing to get nasty about it.

But it's well and truly another matter entirely to drag someone not even involved into your mudslinging.

Leave my fucking son out of it.

Written By Niklas

May 7, 2018, 4:43 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I will teach anyone the basics of banjology for a mere 100,000 silver.

Written By Aureth

May 7, 2018, 4:42 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Gabriel

Yeah, that's pretty much bullshit and socially ludicrous. If the Bisland coffers are that depleted, it seems altogether bizarre that his grace would feel like advertising it to the Compact is remotely appropriate.

That said, I personally trained Duke Gabriel in instruction so I'm sure someone got their penny's worth out of that if anyone took him up.

Written By Belladonna

May 7, 2018, 4:32 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Duke Gabriel Bisland charged the sum of 50,000 silver for training in War. There was no mention of the funds being donated to charity. If I remember correctly, someone even took him up on the offer.

Written By Itzal

May 7, 2018, 4:32 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

The Brown and Black journals don't really appeal as much.

Written By Caith

May 7, 2018, 4:29 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I'm not sure how the whites got their name with all the mud being slung in them all the time.


Written By Magpie

May 7, 2018, 4:27 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I've charged 50,000 silver for lessons before.

There's also no way I could have afforded 4500 silver for lessons for the majority of my life. Without the generosity of the city (and it's princesses) buying so many of my shop wares, I had a very meager savings.

All that said, I will happily charge people lots of silver for my excellent lessons on educating others. My methods are guaranteed, and highly efficient. Ask any of my happy customers!


In other news, all this tension really points out how much the people of Arx *need* the Hazy Days Picnic that's coming up and it's free sampling of herbs and smokes that will help everyone relax and feel better. (Have you ever wanted to try Haze? This is your chance!)

Written By Mirari

May 7, 2018, 4:21 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

War, and a few other things, possibly economics?

His name is Duke Gabriel Bisland.

Written By Aureth

May 7, 2018, 4:16 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

It requires no lack of critical thinking to point out that a snob is a snob. It is merely a statement of the obvious.

It may be as pointless as pointing out that an orange is an orange, but only in so far as there is no way it will change the subject matter.

Written By Mae

May 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I need to write the Commoner's Bulletin today. It's admittedly been a hard week, and despite having plenty of time to read, I couldn't get up to the Archives to read the journals. So what did I find today, when I could finally make it? Talk of oath breaking and princesses charging for tutoring. What an exciting world we live in!

If I missed any other spats in the whites over the past week could someone please send me a summary? I'm too slow a reader to go through these all.

<3 Mae

Written By Rook

May 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I will put this very, very simply. If one does not see the prospect of saving for weeks as sufficiently acceptable for time spent under the direct tutelage of a Princess-Consort of House Thrax, one of the Great Houses of the Compact, it is insulting. It should be something one aspires to, and if one does not, they needn't save their silver for such.

Placing a constraint on accessibility to such rare opportunities in the name of charity is reasonable. The decision to not participate is equally so. The disparaging of another's choice to value their time so highly shows thought lacking in critical thinking.

I worry for Marquis Fairen Leary and Lord Tomwell Leary, I truly do.

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