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Written By Niklas

July 5, 2018, 8:44 a.m.(2/19/1009 AR)

Lot of people posting they were bored yesterday. Lot of people posting they were interested.

So is it more likely that the bored people sat with the interested people?

Or is it more likely that the bored people all sat together?

Written By Cambria

July 5, 2018, 12:31 a.m.(2/19/1009 AR)

There are few things worse in a social setting than being stuck in a conversation with a boring person. I’m not talking about quiet people. A person who keeps their own confidence is often thought of as mysterious or complex. Their silence makes people curious about what they may be hiding. No, a boring person is almost always someone who talks a lot, revealing that they are not very interesting. Boring people are such a menace, that there is a whole area of etiquette about politely getting away from the boring one at a social event.

Therefore, rather than rehash what is already known, I will endeavor to write a future journal on how to (hopefully) avoid ending up that boring person.

Written By Faye

July 5, 2018, 12:13 a.m.(2/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

Maybe it serves me right for not checking the Whites often enough, but I was surprised to see my new, perfect dagger mentioned here, when I only received it a day or two ago. Truly, I received compliments on it within hours of beginning to wear it. Dame Ida's skill is truly amazing. Of course, there are many skilled weaponsmiths in Arx, but I'd recommend her work to anyone. I only wish I remembered how to use a knife! Skill in using small weapons is something I knew once, years ago, but I've somehow forgotten. Skill in a weapon of last resort seems useful, and now I have the perfect weapon to motivate me to relearn.

Written By Karadoc

July 4, 2018, 10:55 p.m.(2/19/1009 AR)

I am just SO bored.

I should have stayed at that little meeting of like minds -- the alcoholic book club, that. Good bit of fun. Then, business had to go and drag me away again. What am I supposed to do when I'm working now?

I was spending some of these idle moments, you see, drawing terrible designs in the margins. Some were less terrible. Which gave me the greatest idea, of course, and that lead to my extremely short run as a clothing designer. Mystery designer, right.

Messere Petal is a gem to have cooperated with me and humored me for that long, and I donated so, so much of that money to the people of the Greens and I have seen that the messere herself will be recognized in this entry -- and will receive enough writs to convey my thanks.

Written By Tikva

July 4, 2018, 9:16 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

I'm absolutely delighted to congratulate my dearest friends and family, Cara and Laric, on their birth of their new baby boy, Prince Arcander Grayson. He's a very healthy boy and, if not _quite_ as loud to hear as my dear Asharion, one with very healthy lungs.

I look forward to watching all our beautiful children growing up together.

Written By Soren

July 4, 2018, 8:53 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Got a new writing pad from the boss today. She says I need to write down my thoughts more often So I don't do what happened last month. Not quite sure why, the vendor didn't need that finger. Not like I'm going to have anything note-worthy to put down.

Would be good for supply lists, but I figure that's not what she meant when she said 'put your thoughts down'.

I need to put the company through check ups. Check'em over for any marks or lesions or infections. Should make that bi-annual.

Need to replace my satchel, eventually. Strap broke. Gave it a temp fix, but it won't stay.

What else?

Nope, feel like that's it.

Written By Gianna

July 4, 2018, 8:02 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

A lovely evening. I spoke to several interesting people, found some useful reading material, and gave out two copies of the Nightingale's Guide to Music.

Written By Kenna

July 4, 2018, 7:56 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Arx is full of the most amazing, wonderful, and creative people.

Written By Merek

July 4, 2018, 7:39 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

(_It has been a while since I've hunted. I should look into getting a new permit and gathering some food to cook. It's much better to make your own sometimes.

Written By Merek

July 4, 2018, 7:18 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

I don't know that much about him, but he is a General. He asked about a spar, and I think it would be interesting.

Written By Khanne

July 4, 2018, 7:17 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Percephon


It's one of my favorite words. And for us, it says everything we ever need it to say between us.


Written By Coraline

July 4, 2018, 3:49 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

Happy birthday dear sister, may this next year be even better than the last.

Written By Caith

July 4, 2018, 2:21 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

Dearest, darlingest Sabella --

They /are/ better. But thank you for the birthday wishes!

Kisskiss, hughug!

^ the BEST hughugs

Written By Carissa

July 4, 2018, 1:57 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

I learn so much when I let my anger subside a bit.

Written By Ann

July 4, 2018, 1:28 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Geralt

Uncle G,

Its just baby weight it goes away in a few months I hear.

Written By Geralt

July 4, 2018, 1:20 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Asger

I've arrived during the joke that they call winter here in the City. The snow is pitiful and I'm probably going to sweat to death before spring, but a man's got to do his duty, I suppose. I don't blame you too much, boy, but enough that I'll likely hold this over your head until the rest of your days. And yes, I did say /your/ days. I might be twenty-odd years your senior, but I'll likely still outlive you because of how damn portly you've gotten since you've become Duke.

Written By Oliver

July 4, 2018, 1 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

I much prefer leatherworking over tailoring. I suppose there are a lot of similarities - it is why I started taking lessons on how to work with more delicate fabrics in the first place - but even now that I'm far proficient at the craft, I still consider myself only a hobbyist tailor. There's just something about working with leather that I've always liked better; maybe it has something to do with all the different hides you can tan and work with? Or maybe the oils. Who knows.

But every so often, I get to sewing something for somebody and it turns out to be more extravagent than anything I've ever made with pelts - and I've worked with some pretty damn exotic leathers over my days. But there is that moment, after you've taken a shapeless sheet of fabric and turned it into something that someone's going to wear and hopefully remember for the rest of their days, and you just feel /good/. Accomplished, maybe. Yeah, that's definitely how I feel today. Accomplished.

Written By Avaline

July 4, 2018, 12:34 p.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

I have once again returned to Arx and it is mostly as I remember. I've met new people, learned new games, and had a chance to catch up with my family. It has been a good return, and I view it less as a visit to the city. I do still need to commission dresses and jewelry, but I am certain I will have those started soon. I've also considered writing stories for my children, but I've yet to start. I look forward to what the future will bring.

Written By Sabella

July 4, 2018, 10:40 a.m.(2/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! For today and only today I will tell people you are the better hugger!

Written By Cirroch

July 4, 2018, 3:26 a.m.(2/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

Happy birthday. Any plans for a party? I would be shocked if there was none. You seem to be a party person. The kind that would have a giant cake and some kind of game.

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