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Written By Sydney

June 19, 2020, 10:33 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

I don't need to convince those that know me, but many of you do not. Perhaps you've read me in the Whites, perhaps you had no cause to pay attention until this election for The Commoners' Council was announced.

There will, without doubt, be rousing speeches from those who are vying for the position, but I'll keep my own pitch concise:

If you wish to see the Lowers have an actual advocate who has put her money and actions where her mouth is, consider me.

I will not pretend that my words shall always be placed correctly, or in proper turn, as diplomacy is not my strength - but I have yet to balk from speaking truths that need to be spoken or putting forth proposals to better our situation.

Consider me.

Written By Piccola

June 19, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

I have taken a couple of days, after having spoken with a Princess of House Valardin, to think about honor.

All warfare is deception. A successful general has already won the battle before taking the field. Victory with ease is the acme of a general's skill.

I am electing to remain silent as to my thoughts on the truth of honor.

Written By Raziel

June 19, 2020, 9 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

Should I ever be challenged, I believe I will set for the Champions to fight with scraps. Rusted metal, damaged pelts, weapons and armour cobbled together. It sounds like fun. Or at the very least a change of pace.

Written By Esme

June 19, 2020, 5:13 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

What makes a life interesting?

Or when one talks about living life, what do they mean?

Written By Petal

June 19, 2020, 4:42 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

Lord Cillian has never been kept from his child and was welcomed to see her everyday with or without me present since day one of us parting ways. I believe he was aware of such since day one and he has been told such several times. It is true that I have not walked away from my daughter's life or given him full custody. I put some limits - such as not taking her to nighttime adult parties or keeping her from me for an extended time (she is still very young). However, he has never been kept away from his child.


Written By Hamish

June 19, 2020, 2:04 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

I'm not sure that pre-duel passive-aggressive sniping glorifies Gloria, but I suppose I'm not the Archlector of Gloria for a reason.

Written By Sydney

June 19, 2020, 12:52 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

The more that my life shifts to be involved with or adjacent to problems that are further-reaching than where to find my next meal or where to get my next drink, the more I wish for problems that I can solve on my own.

I don't miss it, but solutions were easier to come upon.

Written By Sunaia

June 19, 2020, 11:14 a.m.(7/4/1013 AR)

(Scholar, would you like to hear something interesting? Why, of course you do - unless you don't - and if so, please note that you'll humor me a bit.)

Eyes in the front, the animal hunts. Eyes on the side, the animal hides.

Eyes that face forward on a skull suggest a predator. Forward, which allows an animal to see and figure out distance. Predators need this to track and pursue prey. Cats, owls, wolves, and humans all have forward-facing eyes which means that they need this adaptation when they are hunting and seeking prey. All great examples of predators.

Eyes that are on the sides of an animal's head lean toward being a prey animal. Eyes that allow for a greater field of side vision. The prey animal can see a predator's approach from the sides and the back, so their peripheral sight is keen. This is especially important for when the prey animal is feeding or grazing. Like hare and deer.

I wonder if it makes it unfair for the prey animals when the danger is facing them directly. Hopefully not. Because the roasted squirrel was delicious.

Written By Lys

June 19, 2020, 12:18 a.m.(7/3/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Lady Brianna Halfshav continuing to take potshots at me after Champions have been called is a touch disgraceful. But I will endure until after the matter is settled with our Champions.

Written By Shard

June 18, 2020, 11:35 p.m.(7/3/1013 AR)

There are people that don't belong in the forest.

No, I shouldn't say that, more: there are people that don't know how to belong in the forest. They take the 'dominion' part of Petrichor and just...I suppose that's not all of Petrichor, right? The thing is, regardless, you can't civilize the whole damn continent. You can't turn everything into homesteads and neat little rows of bushes and trees, with clean paths and grass only in some places with only certain flowers in others. You can't put prey over here and predators over there and stick them in neat little pens where they can all get fed regularly out of a dish. You can't put leashes on everything. You cannot, ultimately, tell all of the wilds what to do.

And you shouldn't. There are always frightening things lurking in the dark. There are always things you don't quite understand. The world is vast, and ultimately strange, and that's fine. You can light a lantern in the forest, you just can't chase away every shadow. You might discover you don't even want to. Some shadows are kind.

There are people that don't know how to belong in the forest. But, the thing is, they live there anyway.

Written By Thea

June 18, 2020, 7:43 p.m.(7/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

I've been trying to ponder words while I was away. You were the poet you know. And all I can think of to say is one of my favorites..See you on the brighter side of gray...

Written By Catalana

June 18, 2020, 7:17 p.m.(7/2/1013 AR)

I was asked the other day if I believed I have led an interesting life. That when I am brought to the Queen of Endings, would I bore her with what I have done.

It's an interesting question. On the surface I have. I have helped aid in the abolition of Thralldom. I have worked to see my family grow from a poorly viewed Marche to a respected Duchy. I have seen countless political upheaval and support for new and controversial policies in the isles but also for the compact. But none of these are my stories. None can I take credit for.

I look to my own personal life. One where I have been married for ten years and have had three beautiful children. But yet again, it is not my story. The stories of my marriage and children feature around the love my husband has for me. His pursuit. His choices. When he goes before the Queen he will speak of his choices and his love. My story will be one of being wooed and one of waiting.

This doesn't mean I have not enjoyed my life thus far, nor found it uninteresting.The opposite really. But I now do wonder when my time comes, will she find my life interesting, or one insufficient of my own actions?

Written By Petal

June 18, 2020, 6:55 p.m.(7/2/1013 AR)

Calla Lily (My Daughter and Lord Cillian's daughter) is welcome to see Lord Cillian and the other Blackwoods often (everyday) if they so wish. I do have a few limits in place to be sure she is safe. I completely support her father being part of her life and a part of her life on a daily basis if he wishes for such.


Written By Sapphira

June 18, 2020, 4:07 p.m.(7/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Oddmun

I returned to the city after a long absence, and thankfully it was to a family dinner. I've missed those occasions. They are a merry, fun time, spent with loved ones. Still, it was a little bit overwhelming, and after the last dishes had been cleared away, I found it necessary to seek out a bit of solitude and inspiration elsewhere.

My journey took me to the grove in the Lodge. However, I found I was not alone. There was a great bay courser, and her keeper with her--Lord Oddmun Sanna by name. He was playing a glass flute. I would guess his skill to be that of a beginner, but he played with great heart all the same. I couldn't help but accompany him on my gittern, in hopes of encouraging him. We spoke for a time after, and I had a chance to conquer an ancient fear. You see, I was not very fond of horses, having been thrown from one in an attempt to learn riding as a small child. However, with some coaxing and encouragement, Oddmun had me astride Umber, the courser in his care. It felt wonderful to cast off fear, and to meet someone new.

He seems better acquainted with the ways of the woods and wilds, preferring the simpler company of animals to the intrigues of the city. It was refreshing to be in his company. I find myself smiling, and wishing to seek him out again, in the hopes of more pleasant times to come.

Written By Oddmun

June 18, 2020, 12:27 p.m.(7/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sapphira

I recently returned to the city after a long absence. I went to visit the grove in the Lodge and while I was there, I heard a voice that had joined in with my admittedly - terrible - flute playing. I did not realize I had attracted the song of a virtuoso, Sapphira.

Her company has been most pleasant. I know she was fearful of Umber at first - but after some coaxing, I took her for a brief ride around the grove before we were interrupted by the Archlector.

But we made plans to meet again. Perhaps this is the company I had mentioned some months back.

Written By Rosalind

June 18, 2020, 11:45 a.m.(7/2/1013 AR)

I'm awake, scholar. Which is a good thing from the sounds of it. The numerous letters told me so! I think I'll stay in bed a bit longer, so visitors welcome! Or know. Try.

Written By Hamish

June 18, 2020, 8:58 a.m.(7/1/1013 AR)

The Festival of Death has launched and is going along nicely.

Sister Abby Laurent has arrived in the city to join her Harlequins.

And the Queen (of the Compact) has joined as well.

So this has been a pretty good week for Hamish Farmers!

Written By Amieli

June 18, 2020, 5:35 a.m.(7/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

There are very few things more sturdy than your memories, as preserved in three feet of worked steel. Thank you.

Written By Katryn

June 18, 2020, 3:29 a.m.(7/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Drake

I have thought up a song for Lord Drake Wyrmguard after his recent bouts of glory among the Champions. I believe I'll sing it to him when I get the chance. It goes something like...

Lord Drake, of Wyrmguard, a Champion fair
Drake Wyrmguard, a hero, sunkissed with brown hair
He fights for the people, he settles with lords
The fight meets swift end when he draws 'pon his sword
A hero to all who call 'pon his name
Lord Drake, of Wyrmguard, pop'lar with the dames
He marched off to Highhill, fought demons in Thrax
No fool's guard resists when Lord Drake attacks
His auburn eyes smoulder with glory's desire
The crowds sing his name when he sets them afire

If satisfaction 'fore all is what honor demands
Seek Lord Drake, of Wyrmguard, skilled with blade in hand!

Written By Abby

June 17, 2020, 11:42 p.m.(7/1/1013 AR)

I haven't been to the city of Arx proper since I was small. It's a very loud city, bustling from top to bottom. Literally that is. On arrival I made a beeline for Death's shrine. Lovely place. The iconography being so macabre yet inspiring was more than I could have hoped for. I think I'll take a run to the market sometime soon. Gather painting supplies to add my own tributes to the wall. If permissable. That's a goal for another time, when I've settled. The Rectory is very nice also. Homely and communal.

I need to talk to somebody about spiders. I'd like to make friends with some spiders.

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