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Written By Thea

Oct. 22, 2023, 9:50 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Auda

Sorries are necessary for you. So many. You weren't what anyone thought, and you--your bravery in that end, is the last thing I remember and will forever be in my memory.

Written By Thea

Oct. 22, 2023, 9:47 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Cillian

Thank you.

Written By Isolde

Oct. 22, 2023, 8:02 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

How does one avoid feeling like another brick in the wall?

Written By Valencia

Oct. 22, 2023, 4:50 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

Winter has returned and with it so so many familiar faces who have long been gone from our city. It feels like something building.

I know things are dire, but I have faith in our people. It will not be easy, but I know we will prevail. There is no other choice.

My Hart stands ready to help as we can. We will never shirk our duty to serve our people. We stand strong with all of Arvani.

I hope a hundred years from now they speak of us and what we did and smile proudly. I hope my Hart still stands for all those who will come after us long after we return to the wheel. That is my hope. That is my work. Of this, I am sure.


Written By Mabelle

Oct. 22, 2023, 4:23 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

Watch out for the Swarm.
I like that.

Written By Caspian

Oct. 22, 2023, 3:29 p.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

while somethings are hard to find silver linings in, despite the horror this city endured during the attack, its been a blessing to see so many familiar faces coming to the compact when its needed.

Written By Raven

Oct. 22, 2023, 2:56 p.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

Had a lovely chat with Princess Sabella about Valencia. We're lucky to have such friends as she and such a place as the Golden Hart. I should host something there some day soon while things are relatively calm.

Written By Tyrval

Oct. 22, 2023, 1:03 p.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

As the Compact nears important decisions, it behooves us to offer some sage counsel from the Twilight Court, so one might hope to mimic the wisdom of the Nox'alfar. When in need of a robust set of differing opinions, there's a tradition in the Court to gather a group of crickets. Their chirping advice can be quite profound, afterall, and one should listen to the little warbles carefully. But if a cricket should provei itself to be particularly hostile, and give a frank assessment of one's shortcomings, then take that advice to heart.

For you must never ignore one's harshest cricket.

Written By Valencia

Oct. 22, 2023, 12:23 p.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

We have lost so many already and now more. I fear our loses will only continue as we face the foe.

I am grateful to those who seek to protect us in whatever way they can. As soldiers, strategists, scholars, seafarers, diplomats, crafters, merchants, farmers, healers and leaders of men.

So many, too many, to mention them all. All playing their part, all playing their role. Those who put their shoulder to the wheel as we push on together into what we pray will be a bright new future for us all.

I miss many who are gone deeply. I hope we do them proud and win the day so that their sacrifices will not be in vain.


Written By Avita

Oct. 22, 2023, 12:05 p.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

Dear Diary,

Today I had reason to return to Seraceni Manor, rather than warming myself by the fire in my own assuredly very humble abode.

Upon arriving, and making my way to the main chamber where I keep a spare bed on the off chance that I should -have- to remain overnight, I found that my wardrobe had been RANSACKED.

Outraged, I made my way back out into the Manor proper, following a trail of my carefully curated clothing all the way down the hall and out into the water garden.

Have a guess at what I found, Diary, do.

Go on.


... No.

Gods, how I wish that was what I found.

What I found, darling, was my husband.

Unconcious, spilled into the pool-drowned map of this place, REEKING OF MY GOOD WINE, AND WEARING MY FAVOURITE STARLIGHT SILK NIGHTROBE!

He had the BARE AUDACITY to look GOOD in it!

Gods damn his skintone.

... mm?

... No, I didn't help him out of the water!

We do not award criminal behaviour in Ischia.

... What do you mean that's not illegal?!

It was blatant highway robery!

Written By Avita

Oct. 22, 2023, 11:51 a.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

Dear Diary,

Do you know what I miss when I'm here in this frozen hellscape, watching the creeping chill all but consume the view from my window in its frosty, greedy little grip?

My well-oiled smooth-chested frond fanning followers.

I can't exactly make them strip down, oil up and go about their usual business knee deep in snow.

... could I?

... no...


That would be cruel.

... Then again ...

If I were to have them first build great blazes by which to stand as they fanned me -- given I refuse to be fanned when I've not cause to be fanned, even though it should rile my flames all the hotter than they normally are -- I suppose it would be more than fair to have their resume their duties.

Besides, it would make the oil shine so beautifully.

I am, above all else, an aesthete.

Written By Avita

Oct. 22, 2023, 11:34 a.m.(1/20/1021 AR)

If ever you have asked yourself if you were worthy of wonder, if you were destined for distinction, you must only know one thing:

You are all that you believe you are.

... Two things:

You are all that you believe you are, but I am better.

I am always better.


Wasn't that inspiring?

Written By Titus

Oct. 21, 2023, 8:05 p.m.(1/19/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Petraea

You have died, but your legacy endures, Tribune.

You and I were similar in that we were from other places, representatives of different cultures but you were far better navigating society here in Arx than I. You soared but your passing has made me think about yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. Of legacy, choices and destiny.

Legacy, much like the ember's fading glow from Yesterdays, stands as a silent testament to the unyielding spirit of those who came before us. It carries the weight of their struggles and the brilliance of their wisdom. The Code, a guiding flame, compels us to shield and eternally preserve the memory of Yesterdays, for it is the very foundation upon which our Today stands, defiantly burning amidst the encroaching darkness and cold.

In contrast, Destiny, akin to sparks ascending toward the night sky, beckons to us from the uncharted expanse of Tomorrows. Of what might be, what could be, not what will be. It is the canvas upon which our choices and intentions vividly paint the future. Destiny is not an unchangeable decree, but a realm shaped by the conscious choices of mortals—a reflection of the sparks we send aloft.

Amidst this reflection, I am reminded of our sacred duty, akin to tending to cooling embers, to preserve the memory of Yesterdays. Yet, our purpose transcends mere preservation; it impels us to fuel the fires that burn within us, urging us toward perpetual growth. Stagnation, the enemy of life's gift, must be vanquished as we fan the flames of progress, molding a Destiny that radiates ever brighter.

As I write these thoughts, I reaffirm that our existence embodies the intricate dance of Fire. Let us, therefore, stand as custodians of the legacy of Yesterdays, for it is the enduring ember. Through our actions, we shape the Destiny of generations, sending sparks of hope and illumination to light the path toward radiant Tomorrows. I will miss in this lifetime the discussions we had, but I will look up to the new star and reflect on the whispers from yesterday that we shared and strive to be better. In my own culture, the dead Vaevici are burned at the Temple of Pyros at night so that our pyros can be returned to Sangris and strengthen those who live after us. You live on through others, your death has made us stronger.

Tribune, though you have passed from this realm, your memory remains, for I choose that you have not been forgotten.

Written By Emmelline

Oct. 21, 2023, 5:20 p.m.(1/19/1021 AR)

I wish I had a confidante. Back when I first arrived in the city, I had so many friends and acquaintances. Or at least so it seemed. People with whom I could be wholely familiar with, and with whom I could confide in my most inner thoughts. Here and now, I do not have such. And while things weigh on my mind, and when I have questions that need answering, or at least mulling over, I find myself utterly lacking in a confidante. Especially with the winter chill, I find myself feeling more lonely than ever. I have never been one to hold back my thoughts. I have usually, spoken my mind. But when I cannot, for whatever reason, I always wish to speak to someone about just such. Only now, it is not possible. I only have myself, and my own thoughts to keep me company.

Written By Cufre

Oct. 21, 2023, 12:09 p.m.(1/18/1021 AR)

When I die, my black journal can be read by my siblings: Amantha Harrow, Valarian Harrow, Scipio Harrow, Skaldia Harrow, and Arion Harrow. It can be read by their children and their children's children.

Written By Mirari

Oct. 20, 2023, 4:39 p.m.(1/17/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ravana

Here we are, back in the city, my dearest friend. I have missed you.

The family is coming together. What to do, what to do. I think I have a few ideas.

Written By Ravana

Oct. 20, 2023, 3:21 p.m.(1/16/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

The king tells puns that'd make a bloodthirsty shark quiver in defeat, not a bad skill for someone whose head is literally weighed down with a babe's weight in gold. A quick wit, eclectic interests, and an air of mystery are all very good traits in a Sovereign, so his offer of patronage was accepted gladly and I look forward to using it as an excuse to escape the consequences of my actions.

Written By Ida

Oct. 20, 2023, 12:44 p.m.(1/16/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Noah

I have a new patron. If something unusual happens to him, I will have to suspect that I am bad luck.

Written By Ravana

Oct. 20, 2023, 5:37 a.m.(1/16/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Though the sea has its own call, drawing one out like the tide, so too does Arx seem to extend greedy tendrils, calling her own back to these shores. I'm back, Mirari is as well, and no doubt more of the Corsetinas will show their face in due course as this winter brings us all together once more. Best friend, employer, favorite drinking partner - there are so many titles Mirari holds in my eyes, it's great to see her again.

Written By Lyra

Oct. 20, 2023, 3:37 a.m.(1/15/1021 AR)

It's been a long year, much of which has been spent at home in Cedar Vale. I was fortunate enough to have the advice and support of one of my childhood friends whilst there, a friend whom I feel at times I'd have been utterly lost without. I recall my mother once telling me that strong people don't put others down -- they lift them up.

She could well have been speaking of Filip, it is him through and through.

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