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Written By Cufre

Oct. 21, 2023, 12:09 p.m.(1/18/1021 AR)

When I die, my black journal can be read by my siblings: Amantha Harrow, Valarian Harrow, Scipio Harrow, Skaldia Harrow, and Arion Harrow. It can be read by their children and their children's children.

Written By Mirari

Oct. 20, 2023, 4:39 p.m.(1/17/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ravana

Here we are, back in the city, my dearest friend. I have missed you.

The family is coming together. What to do, what to do. I think I have a few ideas.

Written By Ravana

Oct. 20, 2023, 3:21 p.m.(1/16/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

The king tells puns that'd make a bloodthirsty shark quiver in defeat, not a bad skill for someone whose head is literally weighed down with a babe's weight in gold. A quick wit, eclectic interests, and an air of mystery are all very good traits in a Sovereign, so his offer of patronage was accepted gladly and I look forward to using it as an excuse to escape the consequences of my actions.

Written By Ida

Oct. 20, 2023, 12:44 p.m.(1/16/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Noah

I have a new patron. If something unusual happens to him, I will have to suspect that I am bad luck.

Written By Ravana

Oct. 20, 2023, 5:37 a.m.(1/16/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Though the sea has its own call, drawing one out like the tide, so too does Arx seem to extend greedy tendrils, calling her own back to these shores. I'm back, Mirari is as well, and no doubt more of the Corsetinas will show their face in due course as this winter brings us all together once more. Best friend, employer, favorite drinking partner - there are so many titles Mirari holds in my eyes, it's great to see her again.

Written By Lyra

Oct. 20, 2023, 3:37 a.m.(1/15/1021 AR)

It's been a long year, much of which has been spent at home in Cedar Vale. I was fortunate enough to have the advice and support of one of my childhood friends whilst there, a friend whom I feel at times I'd have been utterly lost without. I recall my mother once telling me that strong people don't put others down -- they lift them up.

She could well have been speaking of Filip, it is him through and through.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 20, 2023, 12:10 a.m.(1/15/1021 AR)

A toast she gave at the Trader's Tavern, as recalled by Lady Eirene:

"To the death of Helena Thornweaver, and the victory of the living. May those she took from us be at peace, and may her master never sleep again in his life until we take his head from his fucking shoulders and put it on a spike on the palace bridge. To Arx, her people, and her allies. May we all be victorious in the days to come. To old friends, new faces, and the bonds we make in this life carrying us to the next. But may that day be a long fucking way off."

Written By Mirari

Oct. 19, 2023, 2:30 p.m.(1/14/1021 AR)

That sound. The first click. When your boot heel hits the stone, and you know you're home.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 19, 2023, 10:08 a.m.(1/14/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Zakhar

How did I miss Zakhar dying? He was eccentric. But my kind of eccentric. Some of my favorite objects in the world were crafted by him. I hope someone takes in the cats.

Written By Lucita

Oct. 19, 2023, 9:19 a.m.(1/14/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Cillian

Gunther and his pup will miss you, just as I will. We both enjoyed the guard dogs, conversations about explorations, shared goals of resisting the dark reflections... You will be missed.

Written By Elsbetta

Oct. 19, 2023, 7:21 a.m.(1/14/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

It was with a sadness in my heart that I learned of Sir Amund Monrosa's death. We had struck up a friendship of sorts, though perhaps it was more a mentor/pupil relationship. I'm sure he despaired of my lack of skill with a blade, but his patience was admirable. It's fitting that he died a hero's death, I don't think he'd have wanted it any other way. I'll visit each of the shrines this coming week and offer prayers to the gods in the hopes that we won't have to wait too long for the return of his soul.

Goodbye, Sir Amund, and thank you.

Written By Emmelline

Oct. 19, 2023, 6:23 a.m.(1/14/1021 AR)

I made a rather embarrassing social blunder the other day. Four-and-twenty, you'd think I'd have mastered the idea of not voicing whatever comes to my mind. And yet, I feel things, or think things, and off my mouth goes. Before my mind can control it. Luckily, no one took offense. Though of course, my face turned like five shades of vermillion. Any redder, and my face might as well have been on fire. But that is sometimes how it goes I suppose. I have never quite been able to keep from wearing my heart on my sleeve, or keeping my thoughts out of my mouth, no matter how I might try.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 18, 2023, 11:19 p.m.(1/13/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Cillian

Cillian was a complicated man haunted by his past and what he feared he might become. Well, scholar, he didn't become it. He died a hero, with a pure heart and soul. It's the smallest solace I can take in his passing.

Written By Raven

Oct. 18, 2023, 7:27 p.m.(1/13/1021 AR)

Received a messenger from someone unknown thanking those of us who stopped helena. I wonder if I should stop pondering my own mysteries and instead wonder what the Castle of Yesterday is, exactly?

Written By Triton

Oct. 18, 2023, 10:45 a.m.(1/12/1021 AR)

I am going to be focusing on improving my speed and reflexes, I think. Elora's dogs and those damn seige warriors were pretty slick at getting to em a bit too often. I need to be quicker to dodge and quicker to hit.

Written By Emmelline

Oct. 17, 2023, 10:30 p.m.(1/11/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Bridget

Met the princess Bridget today. She is quite different from the Prince Patrizio, and the Princess Gabriella. I rather like her. Though we have only met but once, she already treats me with the familiarity of an old friend. I rather admire that about her. It is something I've always done with people. And so it is lovely to see that in others. A princess no less. I hope we will have plenty of opportunities in future to meet.

Written By Sira

Oct. 17, 2023, 9:11 p.m.(1/11/1021 AR)

No two journeys are alike, and most will take you to places you never could have imagined. Mine started in Bastion, twice, the first time when I was born and the second time when the city fell and I survived.

I came to Arx a refugee with only patchwork memories - my first name, my skill with needle and numbers, a deep fear of bodies of water. I had been here once before, for a short while, before my mother fell ill and I returned to Bastion to care for her and run her shop. Suddenly, I was back, and I knew my shop but not fully who I was. So I started sewing.

I was Tehom's favored at the Blood Moon masquerade shortly after. Eventually, my memories came back, and I knew I had lost my mother and brother in Bastion. I knew I had lost my father years before. I knew, too, that letting people get close would mean losing them. I tried not to. Some of you were just too stubborn and insisted on being in my life. Thank you.

If this has been released, it means something has come to pass that will prevent my return to the sales counter at the shop. My journey has come to an end. I hope, whatever it was, that it was a good end. A fitting end.

And I hope you aim higher. Reach further. Determine what you want and get it. Then keep going. Shed what doesn't serve you. You deserve better.

Written By Fatima

Oct. 17, 2023, 4:18 p.m.(1/11/1021 AR)

After many months away at sea, I have finally returned to Arx. Where was I, you may ask, dear Scholar? After the Civil War, I took the fleet of the Isles Canines, and some time to reflect. We roved our way through numerous slaver fleets in the name of House Thrax. Never let it be said that I am not devoted to the safety of the Isles. While my family and I may not be on the best of terms these days, we do agree on one thing - slavery has no place in Arvum.

From what I understand, I just missed a rather brazen attack on Arx. Well, I am glad to see that the city still stands. I doubt anyone will be welcoming me back with open arms, but I am at least going to try to repair what damage has been done to my reputation due to past errors in judgment. Perhaps I may even put my Sea Dogs to use for the good of the Compact. I suppose we shall see what unfolds in the coming days.

Written By Zara

Oct. 17, 2023, 3:41 p.m.(1/10/1021 AR)

It's hard to believe that so long has passed since I was last in the capital, but the work I have been doing on behalf of Valardin has been important. With so many of the houses sworn to us, and to our subjects in turn, having real concerns about the war in the Mourning Isles and the threat of Helena Thornweave, I set out to tour the Oathlands. I have put many miles behind me. And I have visited all of our lands in the years that have passed. The conversations have not always been easy; many have been some of the hardest conversations I can remember. When I returned to Sanctum recently, it was with a renewed understanding of the people of the Oathlands.

It was also just in time to see my cousin wed. It was a beautiful ceremony! And we are all lucky to welcome Prince-consort Edris to the family. Congratulations, Alis.

Now, I am here and have been able to share pleasant moments with family. Additionally, I spent some time at the Shrine of Lagoma and spoke with Archlector Roran on the nature of change. He put a kitten in my hands. I have a kitten now; his name is Purrince Catrick. It is true: Change happens in a moment.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 17, 2023, 10:03 a.m.(1/10/1021 AR)

It feels odd to embrace the normalcy of winter routine and talking about the upcoming Blood Moon masquerade at the Velenosa estate. I realized that I had not attended one since before I was married! That is not so strange, I suppose, to have missed two, but I am struck by just how long it has been given the nature of the eclipses. I still remember that night, quite vividly. I wonder if I would only feel haunted by those that have been lost since? It is hard to walk a path strewn with so many memories.

And yet? Walking that path is how we are able to learn and grow, to do and be better. Without our memories, we are unable to compare where we have been to where we are and where we are going. Without our memories, our goals have less meaning, as they often are built upon a want to achieve more than what we had. How can we achieve more if we do not remember what there was?

But now, I think, I am rambling. I was talking about winter. And routine. Yes, it is nice to have the routine back, even in winter.

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