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Written By Ida

Oct. 27, 2023, 11:09 p.m.(2/3/1021 AR)

I want to create something epic. The sketch I'm working on for an alaricite sword...isn't quite that. Yet? Maybe it won't ever be, but I like the idea of an emerald green dragon as part of its inspiration. I guess we'll see. It may end up as a very expensive dustable on the shop shelves.

Written By Lucita

Oct. 27, 2023, 6:20 p.m.(2/3/1021 AR)

For the first time I felt the potential of a song without winding up feeling like I was going to die.

Written By Sydney

Oct. 27, 2023, 3:27 p.m.(2/2/1021 AR)

I pen a new chapter entire, looking fondly upon the last, and knowing it has ended.

I am not yet grown, for is my belief that no one ever is. We simply continue to grow, to blossom.

Nourished by warm conversations, by evening strolls, by warm blankets and delicious pies.

By sudden rainstorms, beating against the rooftops, by the silence of snow that piles up in blankets, and the rink-a-tink of each snowflake as each one finds its place.

By the sound of the ocean, beating against the shore in rhythmic tumbles and scrapes. The sound of the leaves rustling in the trees on an autumn afternoon, the crunch of dried maples underfoot. The wind in our hair, a lover's touch and comfort.

Through adversity, through pain. Through deception, through absence, and through loss.

We all grow, just a little bit better, just a little bit more broken, just a little bit stronger, just a little weaker, and there's beauty in that.

Grow until you can grow no more. It is only upon Death's embrace that we can truly say we were an adult.

For there is so room for us yet, child, time for us yet.

And we must grow.

Written By Sydney

Oct. 27, 2023, 3:20 p.m.(2/2/1021 AR)

I find solace in the snow, in these burned out lands.

I find solace in the company of friends, marveling that I can still enjoy life.

I find solace in my newfound resolve, a purpose that I hope my enemies will come to regret planting inside of me.

Written By Miraya

Oct. 25, 2023, 10:24 a.m.(1/26/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Sister! I have returned home. I cannot say for how long as the sea, it calls to me. But for now, rejoice and celebrate. I know you've missed me!

Written By Miraya

Oct. 25, 2023, 10:10 a.m.(1/26/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Caspian

We share an appreciation for the cider at the Trader's Tavern and interesting conversation by the hearth. The man is well acquainted with my cousins, Mailys and Beatrix and he told tall tales of how young girls of the Lowers chase away would be assailants with sticks like the Swashbuckler of Corsetina. Even if it -isnt'- true, I lavished in the story for a moment. It was all around a good time well spent.

Written By Triton

Oct. 25, 2023, 9:52 a.m.(1/26/1021 AR)

Nothing much new since the seige axcept I have been working out with the dogs lately. Animals require a different approach than human warriors! Elora has trained this to a fault, too, making them extremely effective even against armored men.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 25, 2023, 8:41 a.m.(1/26/1021 AR)

Trust is not just providing someone a key to your home, it is providing them enough flint and tinder to burn it down around you. May the people you trust always love you more than they love their pyromania.

Written By Umbroise

Oct. 25, 2023, 12:15 a.m.(1/25/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Radhilde

My sweet, beautiful, charming little sister. I am so glad that you survived the fall of Cliffmore. I am equally glad that you have found a place with the Tydes. May you ever prosper.

Written By Umbroise

Oct. 25, 2023, 12:07 a.m.(1/25/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

Marquessa Rhea Acheron. She rescued me and my sister from the ruins of Cliffmore. Moreso my sister. I was married off before the fall of the Barony, but she took me back in when I had nowhere else to go after my husband died. I owe her everything.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 24, 2023, 1:06 p.m.(1/24/1021 AR)

For those of you who were wondering why I call a memorial a Vulture's Feast, here's a little cultural lesson for you.

In times of war, in the Malvici tradition, a deceased soldier's arms, armor, and kit are divided up among their mates and friends, with the most personal of mementos going to the family. These folk rarely have elaborate wills like us silks do. Maybe a piece of jewelry is instructed to go to a loved one, or a lock of hair. But the rest? No plans.

A soldier's boots, or dice, or cards, or even armor help keep their memory alive when given to their friends and kinfolk. Much as an ancestral sword is passed down, simple things like a pipe or a belt buckle may help keep them in our thoughts and find good use for something made to be used. More importantly a sword, bow, or armor may keep someone alive - and what better tribute to a deceased soldier than saving a life of someone they fought with or loved or died for?

Much as a vulture makes life from death, so do we find life and love in the distribution of the fallen's things.

Until we see our loved ones again beyond this life - may that day be a long fucking way off.

Written By Miraya

Oct. 24, 2023, 9:24 a.m.(1/24/1021 AR)

A brief sojourn on the seas is required every few months or so, I think. Nothing like setting your eyes on the horizon and seeing nothing but crystal blue waters in the distance. There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise from the prow. Same can be said about watching sunsets. Generally, I enjoy those from high above. My sisters will be happy to see me, I hope! I've been kept up to date with all that has been happening in the city and I'm disappointed I did not return in time to be a part of the battle that ended Helena Thornweave. Alas. There will be other battles, I am sure.

Now I know what most are thinking when they see me on the Hope of Miraya. Who can be this vain to name a boat after herself? Well, it was not I who named the the caravel, but even if I had, there is no greater honor to our mother, THE Miraya Corsetina. I just happen to be named after her.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 24, 2023, 7:34 a.m.(1/24/1021 AR)

It is always wonderful to have guests at the tower. Recently, I decided to open the snow-covered gardens to the public for ice skating upon our frozen pond. I know, some might be surprised that a southern house hosted a wintry event, but as much as I dislike the winter - I do, I believe that the seasons are a vital part of our world. And so, I do try to embrace what joy I can in the icy months. This usually comes from having wonderful company. The guests for the evening represented, in various ways, all the parts of the Compact - from north to south and from sea to mountain. These are the moments I treasure.

Also? I still cannot ice skate without falling.

Written By Ilmia

Oct. 23, 2023, 10:54 p.m.(1/23/1021 AR)

I hosted my first dinner since returning from the Leaholdt. Princess Sabella and Lord Jasper were kind enough to attend and I think that it was good to just have a moment Not to talk on monsters or anything like that. Just to share food and drink and company.

Written By Ida

Oct. 23, 2023, 6:21 p.m.(1/23/1021 AR)

I'm in the process of cleaning out my stores. Some of these materials were bought at the market 'for a rainy day' or 'just in case' and have been gathering dust ever since. Others were impulse buys when I happened to save enough coin to splurge a bit. So instead of waiting for a rainy day, I'm putting them all into one thing or another. I have plans for a diamondplate bow with ephiphanite. The seraphinite...maybe some meadow themed somethings-or-other. I have enough alaricite for a sword and am thinking of doing something really creative, except I have no idea what that might be. You'd think after all the traveling I've done the last few of months, I might have returned inspired. No such luck.

Written By Jasper

Oct. 23, 2023, 6:20 p.m.(1/23/1021 AR)

Should I perish in an untimely fashion, Her Highness, Most Excellent Princess Fatima Thrax will inherit my armor and sword so that I may fulfill my word.

Written By Titus

Oct. 23, 2023, 3:45 p.m.(1/22/1021 AR)

Tomorrow's promises are but whispers in the wind. Embrace today's actions, for they carve the path to your destiny. Have you used today to accomplish everything you can?

Written By Sanya

Oct. 23, 2023, 12:05 a.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

I have found myself back in Arx.

It is almost like that is all the entry needs to compose all the thoughts and feelings that lie within me. For how do you put all of that into words? We must now prepare for what we must do. I am here to do my part.

Written By Jan

Oct. 22, 2023, 10:42 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

It still seems strange that Lord Cillian is gone. I should go pay my respects. I wonder if I should pay a visit to his companion.

Written By Emmelline

Oct. 22, 2023, 10:03 p.m.(1/21/1021 AR)

Some people have told me in the past, that it is a good thing, that I should wear my heart on my sleeve. They have called it honesty and perhaps bluntness. However, I curse it, now more than ever. For when I cannot share what is on my mind, for when I cannot share what is on my heart, those thoughts and feelings haunt me endlessly. I am unable to get them off my mind, and I lack a confidante, with whom I could share everything. I can only hope, that this too shall pass.

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