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Written By Clara

June 14, 2018, 11 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

...oh rabbits!

Written By Eilonwy

June 14, 2018, 10:46 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

I do enjoy the day to day tasks of managing estate affairs for the family I serve. Writing letters, ensuring the house is kept clean and tidy, that people are paid. It's not a life I would have expected. Though I do miss the winter chill up north, it's cold here, but not overly cold, not cold enough for a proper winter.

There are so many healers in this city, it's good I have my duties to distract myself since there isn't a need for my training at the moment. I think that is a good thing, no massive amounts of bloodshed to call me away.

Written By Sina

June 14, 2018, 10:21 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

I have been accompanying the Thrax family on their tour of the Isles, as one of my last duties before I venture onto my new path. It feels so good to once again be on a ship, and to feel the wind of the sea, and smell the salt of the waters. It has been some time since my feet have touched the deck of a ship, but it is like slipping into an old and comfortable coat that I had forgotten, hidden in the back of the wardrobe.

The Isles are truly breathtaking, and there is much to love about each and every place we have visited. I was particularly enamored of the Academy of Art at Escuma, and their unique perspective on the worship of Jayus. Apparently they do not destroy their temple during His holiday, but rather, they simply rearrange the artwork in the gallery every three months. To meditate upon the concept of seeing things from a different perspective. The halls of the academy were filled with the most beautiful creations, some of them even worked with multiple media, which I appreciate in so many ways. The turtle sculpture was really quite something, and it still makes me feel as though I could do so much more with my artwork. Perspective indeed!

There was an old wood carver at Blackshore as well, who had such a wonderful skill with his carving knife as I watched him carve a new figurehead for a ship. I learned from him, I think, that which I have been missing in my artwork - trusting more to Jayus to guide my hand, and let the form take shape. Once I return, I shall attempt to put the old man's advice to good use with this sculpture I have been struggling with. I wanted it to be a mermaid, but every time I try to make it so, it doesn't want to be a mermaid. I suppose we'll see.

On a slightly more amusing note, we stopped at a beautiful shrine with a pool of serene water at Darkwater Watch, and while we were there, somehow Lillybelle managed to get dunked into the sacred pool. I am still not sure what happened, because I was too busy fussing with this armor I have been wearing lately, and next thing I know, the Claw of Arx is yowling and clawing her way up the High Lord (leaving a number of scars no doubt), only to land on Princess Alarissa's shoulder. I suspect the High Lord must have done something to miff her terribly, because she refused to look at him for the rest of the day. Somehow, I was able to coax the poor beast off the Princess' shoulder and onto mine. It was probably a risky thing to do, but someone had to do it. That poor cat has been through so much. I still wouldn't want to get snuggly with her or anything, but I think maybe she likes me a little better than she did before. Maybe. Or maybe she was just sticking it to him. It's hard to say.

Then we visited the place where the Pirate King met his end. Of that, I care not to speak, for it was ultimately difficult to set foot there. I will, however, speak to Seraph Ailith's rendering of the story of what happened there, which was moving and eye-opening. I will not forget the place soon, with its crumbled hall and broken down gate, and the knowledge that so many died there to save the Isles an the Compact. Whispers and echoes of the recent past.

Today, we arrived in Grihem, and we were greeted by Lord Valdemar and his family, and we were also greeted by the most beautiful singing. An old hymn of the seas, sung by so many voices. It was powerful and moving, and it was quite difficult to hold back my tears of joy in the eyes of these grim folk who seem not to appreciate any sign of too much weakness. It is always good to be aware of and follow the customs of a given place, I feel. Still, when Princess Sorrel went to join the choir, the experience was almost transcendent, given the perfect acoustics of that magnificent domed amphitheater. I couldn't help but smile, and be in awe of the majesty of that choir singing a hymn to Mangata. I will not soon forget this place, or that singing. Even now, as I write this, tears prick my eyes as I recall it.

Sometimes it is a little overwhelming being in the presence of so many great people. I am content to remain anonymous and silent in the background, while others discuss matters of importance or show such wondrous gifts. Still, sometimes I wish I was a little more talkative, or had more things to say. But what can I say, when the matters discussed are so often very far outside my area of expertise or power to do anything about? Perhaps someday, I will have more to say, more to do. But for now, silence is my most familiar and beloved cloak, which I wear every day. Perhaps some day I will find my voice, and a cause for which to speak. Perhaps my voice is, instead, the written word.

Next, we sail for Kennex. I shall write more of that journey once we are back on the ship headed to Maelstrom. I know I should be keeping up with my journal more, being a Scholar of Vellichor and all. But I have had difficulty finding the time. Once we reach Maelstrom, I doubt that will change, but I shall find the time if I am able. I have a promise to keep, and I mean to.

Written By Clara

June 14, 2018, 9:49 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

Arik, you look so good in abstract rainbows with fluffy white clouds! That was fun. Let's do it again sometime.

Written By Gwenna

June 14, 2018, 9:01 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Signe

Face-painting is great fun! Even if I did not hobby at art, I think I would still love it. The paint feels so cool on the skin and actually using it on someone else is so much different than on canvas. Thank you, Lady Signe! I very much enjoyed that.

Written By Violet

June 14, 2018, 8:29 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

That was messy. So very messy. But thanks to a joint effort we got the damned bugs swept up. And the floor mopped. Thank you to all those who helped in the cleanup at the Shrine of the Sentinel. In no particular order:

Jeffeth, Calaudrin, Daemon, Thorley, Aleksei, Jordan and Rinel all aided in the cleanup. Thanks to others who offered as well. Many hands make light work. If I could praise them all I would, but I'm just a simple mercenary commander.

Written By Lyiana

June 14, 2018, 8:20 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

After two years, I have come back to the city. I have not written in this journal for that long, and thus, an explanation is needed. When I left the city, it was under siege; the silence as nearly defeated, though I did not know it then. I moved to a new town, adopted Fraiya the little street urchin who came to me for fruit and sundries, her Mother not giving a damn about her, and grew up. Moving to a new city will harden someone like me, at least it did until I wanted to show some emotion. I heard about the deaths, I heard about those who were lost and wept for them. Then, I picked myself up when I would have fallen, and went to work at doing my craft. I raised Fraiya as my own, I took no lovers. I did not have time for emotional attachment. I thought about Simone Greenmarch quite a bit though. Not receiving a letter from her as I often did, I resigned myself to the thought that perhaps she forgot me. I am easily forgotten. It is not hard to forget the sweet little tailor you knew once upon a time, but I did not begrudge her. I would never begrudge her. She is a kind woman, at least she is to me, and so I can honestly say that I hope her life has been eventful the last years I have been away. I taught Fraiya to read during those two years, sewed her dresses, became her Mother. She is still rambunctious, precocious, and thirsts for knowledge more than any child I've ever seen, and she's mine. She is my little love and I would do whatever it took to protect her. She is a good girl and now she speaks properly, not that gutter speech she learned from the streets. Two years flew by and I cannot remember what happened in those two years, though I do know that I thought about acquaintances often and did not let myself dwell on the past. It has been a hard road, yet a good one, for I am wiser than before I left, and harder when I came back. Though I am still kind, never doubt it, but I am not so trusting. I am a woman grown.

Written By Elara

June 14, 2018, 8:18 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

I am both looking forward to spending time with my family in Stormward, again, as I am dreading it. For whatever reason ships have never agreed with me and I often find myself miserable till my feet are on land again. Still I miss watching the storms in the port. And Niklas is going too, so at least there will be amusement while I'm sick on deck.

Written By Lisebet

June 14, 2018, 8:17 p.m.(12/26/1008 AR)

Why is it that I feel that is only the beginning of the story?

Written By Daemon

June 14, 2018, 4:59 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

-This scholar reports to today having seen Sir Daemon rushing down the streets of Arx with a broomstick and bucket, yowling and yodeling at the top of his lungs with an irate duck keeping pace with him. They were running with purpose and vanished within the Shrine of the Sentinel soon after the messy report of vaporized bugs came through. No one has seen the adjutant officer outside of it for some time, but nobody seems all that concerned either.-

Written By Kenna

June 14, 2018, 4:08 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)


I promise to take care of all of your destiny you leave and the children.

But what Ida said is better. Just don't die and we won't have to worry about this.

Written By Ida

June 14, 2018, 4:05 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Austen

I'm not sure there is enough room for a lot of saved children at the forge. I mean, if they want to learn smithing I guess we could figure something out, but just, y'know. I have shelves in the back for destiny. Still, I think the world is surely a better place with Prince Ainsley Grayson in it, so do your best to make sure that continues.


Written By Riagnon

June 14, 2018, 3:55 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ainsley


Written By Ainsley

June 14, 2018, 3:51 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

Very well.

On the advent of my death I will to Kenna Whitehawk, Colander Estardes, Riagnon Acheron, Sparte Fatchforth, Austen Ferron, and Rymarr Deepwood all an equal share of my destiny and also my need to save all children, everywhere.

Written By Esoka

June 14, 2018, 3:46 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I love your name! Especially the over-complicated parts that sound like someone's coughing. Those are the BEST.

I'd never have married a Cauldron.

Written By Rymarr

June 14, 2018, 3:28 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Calm down, Deputy Commander Cardinal. I have it on good authority that some homeless guy with brain fever who we got along just fine without for a really long time, made it so that fate and destiny aren't a thing. You're safe from any such crazed ramblings or imaginary futures.

Written By Calaudrin

June 14, 2018, 3:15 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

I'm not making them die! I have specifically told them all NOT to die!

I didn't choose this name, someone else gave it to me.

Written By Esoka

June 14, 2018, 3:04 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Why are all these people forcing dead-person things on you? What are you making them do? And don’t let anyone foist saving the world on you without consulting me. I figure we could manage it but it’d have to be a joint adventure.

Also, don’t blame the poor people for the spellings of your name. It has many vowels in places where they seem of questionable necessity. Remind me to tell you sometime how it’d be pronounced in the tongue of the Crownlands shav’arvani. You’d have to roll one or two syllables in ways that would make the weak break into a coughing fit. It is not a name for the timid.

Another also. Congratulations on your promotion, it is correct and deserved.

Written By Riagnon

June 14, 2018, 2:47 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

You can have my destiny!

Written By Kenna

June 14, 2018, 2:37 p.m.(12/25/1008 AR)

Wait, this isn't fair.

Why does only Calaudrin get to inherit the need to save the world?!

I feel like this should be shared more evenly about.

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