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Written By Aureth

June 28, 2018, 12:36 p.m.(2/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

He's also fun at parties.

Written By Reigna

June 28, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(2/6/1009 AR)

I got a hug from Skald!! Well, alright, so perhaps it was more that I threw myself at him and he picked me up out of reflex as one might a charging chicken. But STILL. I got to hug Skald! And I got to say hello to Shard, who I had not seen in ages, which was also fantastic. I do so enjoy reading her journals, as I often find myself inspired by her words. Thought provoking, certainly, and in good ways. But I digress, SKALD!

I feel tingly at the memory. It is like the best part of praying. When you open up your heart and you pour yourself into the songs and you feel so close to them. Magic. That is truly magic. Meeting Prism was awe inspiring. Skald was awesome in a fully different and yet fundamentally similar way. Prism was made of light and joy and laughter. There was something ephemeral and other about her that was exquisite. Skald seemed to be formed of the very bones of Aion. He was hyper real. Solid and comprised of all that is real and tangible and true. And he was funny. I adore that.

I love this world. I love this city. I love the fact that for once I was true to my desires and I approached the god of Freedom as I wished to and I held nothing back. I was me. I was, in that moment, utterly, unrestrainedly, free.

Written By Saedrus

June 28, 2018, 9:16 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

And she remains to be the bearer of gifts, only that Mistress Joscelin somehow manages to outdo the exquisite design one after another.

Talent unrivalled -- and I do adore presents that glitter.

Written By Lisebet

June 28, 2018, 8:27 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

And now, Bold Espressions is open. This is very exciting to me personally, and also to the people of Westrock Isle! I do think we still need to find a full time manager for the place, or maybe promote one of our people already working there. Quite a few people came by to try the various coffees and confections, and it was very nice to see everyone.

In addition, I have learned that it is not always so easy as might be assumed to be hosting such a crush. Ah well, I shall think on it, and work on it, and next time, do a better job.

I hope everyone who came by had a great time and will come back for more coffee. Or maybe the ginger cake.

Written By Duarte

June 28, 2018, 3:42 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alayne

To be fair, you did act as an inveterate provocateur and incorrigible heckler. I am fairly surprised only one amongst the crowd thought to charge. It took an act of God (quite factually) to stop your would-be battery - which is a sort of irony unto itself.

Written By Audric

June 28, 2018, 3:35 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Oh. Aw. I have like four more shelves I need to fill up before my collection's complete, I got all excited for a second. I'm sure there'll be some war or something soon and I can get more.

Written By Shard

June 28, 2018, 3:30 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

We really aren't.

Written By Audric

June 28, 2018, 3:27 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Are we putting more heads on spikes?! I haven't done that in a minute, let's put some heads on spikes! They make such great decorations! And then you can pickle them afterwards and keep them on a shelf.

Written By Shard

June 28, 2018, 3:22 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alayne

If I stuck heads on pikes over people being loud idiots, I'd never get any actual work done. I did consider punching you in the nose. Don't worry, I asked the leaves and the stones first, they said it was okay.

Written By Leta

June 28, 2018, 3:15 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

At times I dream that Aion's dream's the lesser
when measured 'gainst these dreams of mine,
for in my dreams I touch her face and kiss her,
and so my dreams the very stars outshine.
Let kings, then, have Aion's world,
Let me, 'til sleep, have wine.

Written By Lys

June 28, 2018, 3:10 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

I dreamt I swallowed nothing but ashes. Every sip of wine that past my lips turned to ash on my tongue. Every bite of bread I chewed turned to dust against my gums. I dreamt that I ate and drank only ash until I withered and was ash myself.

Written By Alayne

June 28, 2018, 3:01 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Perhaps I was right, perhaps I was wrong; perhaps Skald was truly Skald, perhaps it was just a fake; a mummer's show.

Those are all uncertainties, questions to which I have no true answers for, but I do know a thing with absolute - without refutable certainty - and that is that at those benches, I was thrown back fifteen years of my existence. I've lived my life devoted to my craft and my desires; I've reached expertise in my prefered, original field, and handled myself professional- imperially, confidence borrowed from my skill, and thus was fuelled irrevocably with a melange of pride and virtue that often times takes me to speak my mind vocally, and loudly. With little regard for my surroundings.

Had a certain prodigal woman threaten violence upon me the late night of yesterday, and it was then I learned that before I was an apothecarian; before I was a healer, and self-proclaimed idealist, I was a woman. I was man. I was a mammal, a particularly tiny one at that - however tall mine height is - compared to this girl; this creature of the long, lost woods of the cold North that now narrowed her eyes at me, and wanted mine head on a spike. And yes; yes, of course- of course, /Alayne/, there were over thirty people between you and her, but what does it matter? If there weren't, I would've died- I'd be dead. I tempted fate; fate tempted by voicing my opinion, to which many - if not all - disagreed to.

Perhaps I am being dramatic; perhaps this woman isn't one to let bloodletting take over her; perhaps she sought violent delights, by punching a selection of teeth out my jaw's clutch, but that is all conjecture. That is all a digress- all nonsense. The point is that, in any other situation, I would've been at someone else's mercy, and that is perhaps the most terrifying thing I could ever imagine.

Humans are not to be trusted. After all, they're only humans.

Written By Aiden

June 28, 2018, 1:35 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Grazia

While our marriage was dutifully arranged for political ties between our houses, I have come to know this woman now, as my wife. House Grayson honored me more than I ever knew by delivering me into this marriage contract, a Blessing by the Gods I swear it. I will always be a Prince of the GraySon by blood, but now I'm rising to be a Duke of the Falcons and feeling the Rubino pride swelling in me, and GODS it feels so good to SOAR!! It is a strange happy feeling that someone trusts in my decisions and opinions, acknowledges my ideas and wants to implement them! It's incredible what it does to my confidence to be asked how I would handle a situation or what I would do and then be allowed to handle it. Grazia, I couldn't ask for a better wife - how did I get so lucky to marry such a woman? I'm at a loss why the whole of Arx wasn't fighting for your hand? BUT their LOSS and my eternal gain! My brother chose well for me and making father proud will be an easy task with you at my side. Our future looks truly golden. I am so glad you chose to fly with me.

Written By Aleksei

June 28, 2018, 12:30 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caspian

Until a new Archlector is appointed, can still talk to our ever-beloved Legate of Concepts, Father Orazio!

Written By Thesarin

June 28, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

The legends and the living of them don't often have much to do with each other, how I've found.

Written By Sorrel

June 28, 2018, 12:12 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Skald liked my song! He liked it! I'm so excited.

I should write him a new one. Here's my new draft:

Even without nice options, not choosing's a choice:
Whether keeping one's silence or raising one's voice.
Not doing's like doing, though it may cause one strife:
Freedom's not easy, when each choice changes one's life.
Fight for freedom for all men with one's hands unbound
Fear not the poor choices and let freedom resound!

First draft. Still needs some tweaking!

Written By Caspian

June 28, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

I forgot to add this to my previous journal entry, allow me to here:

Fuck Thralldom.

I'm also wondering if I should join the Discipleship of Skald. I had considered it way back, but I ended up working as an academy teacher and that was a lot of work. Still is a lot of work. But now I'm starting to consider it again, especially after that duel.

But who would I even talk to about it now?

Written By Bashira

June 27, 2018, 11:16 p.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

When I went to see Prince Luca and Sir Aleksei duel tonight, I was surprised that there was actually Skald in attendance. More to the that, I was seated next to him for a bit. We had a discussion about the lovely hairpins that he was wearing as I have a love for butterflies. He dropped his hairpins when he ran out. Someone picked them up, hopefully they will make it back to him.

Written By Merek

June 27, 2018, 10:50 p.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Interesting day.

Written By Philippe

June 27, 2018, 9:09 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Why is a Prince Laric fighting a sick homeless man?

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