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Garden Party - Pravus

It's Spring! This means that once again it is not entirely too cold to have a party in the garden, and while it's still too cold to use the pools comfortably, that's not going to stop them from being opened up for the brave (and the Thraxian). There will be food, music, and plenty of alcohol. The year is already shaping up to be a hard one, so moments of enjoyment are important. This event is social in nature, and it is open to everyone who comes provided they don't look like somebody the guards should be stopping. If you're not sure, err on the side of showing up. If you'd like to come and don't have a reason, tag me and we'll figure something out.


Oct. 8, 2017, 6 p.m.

Hosted By



Ian Lucita Lethe Sebastian Talen Mydas(RIP) Reese Eleyna Luca(RIP) Jaenelle Carita Sabella Barric(RIP) Alaric Calista Ford(RIP) Corban



Arx - Ward of House Pravus - Palestone Manor - Adrienne's Chambers

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

    Carita arrives in the company of Ian Kennex, with her hand set carefully on the gentleman's arm as they enter the walled garden as a pair. The Darkwater lady garbed in deep blue and aquamarine that compliment the crisp white of Ian's clean white linen shirt. There is an understated elegance present, although, Carita glances sidelong at her company with the slightest of smiles. As though they had been sharing a joke before they had arrived. Tucked beneath Carita's other arm in a item - about the size of a medium canvas, wrapped in cloth.

10 King's Own Guardsmen, Zelda, the royal messenger arrive, following Alaric.

3 Fidante House Guards, Alejandro arrive, following Calista.

Ian comes into the garden with Carita more or less on his arm. He might have swapped out his battered leather coat out for a crisp white linen shirt, but there's not a lot of distinction that can be forced into someone who walks with that odd, mechanical gait, or has to keep all of his attention on his feet while he does so. But inasmuch as it's possible to make him look elegant, Carita is managing it.

Lethe arrives to the event alone. She has her hair up and wears blue. She takes a moment to look around and enjoy the view.

Jiacomo arrives, following Eleyna.

Sybilla, the Lenosian courtier, Eleyna arrive, following Talen.

Justice, an elegant hunting falcon, 1 Grayson Guardsmen, Peaches, a lovely white war filly with a peach saddle, Stormy, a silvery gray hunting hound, Baby Badger arrive, following Reese.

Peaches, a lovely white war filly with a peach saddle have been dismissed.

1 Grayson Guardsmen have been dismissed.

Baby Badger have been dismissed.

    "Introductions, then drink..." Carita inquires of Ian, head tilted slightly his way. As she lifts her hand from his arm to carefully tidy a wayward bit of white-gold hair. "If you like, my lord. Otherwise, I will follow as you are inclined to lead or otherwise seperate. Your choice."

Prince Barric and his most faithful companion, Synder, step into the garden and he immediately steps to the side to not block the way, but to let him pause and take his surroundings and who all has come. He lets a hand rest idly upon Elvesbane, just casually as if the Sword did not especially like the heirloom of his House to be out of hand at any time-- just in case.

Maxene, Olenna, Pellinor, Horse arrive, following Alarissa.

The barrels have already been lit for their warmth, for all that the sun's light hasn't quite disappeared entirely. Belladonna has stopped fussing over the last little bits of arrangements, staff have settled into their spots, all of that nonsense. The musicians are playing fairly quietly, and the Duchess Pravus is just finishing collecting herself a drink. She is at least not hiding in a corner, though with her position by the pool and between barrels as she is, it makes a receiving line awful difficult. As the staff begin leading people in she offers a quiet word of thanks to the dark haired Aida she's been talking to, turning her head enough to watch arrivals with a smile. She considers Ian and Carita only a moment before abandoning her safe spot and making to slip in their direction, pace just a bit more swift than her usual. "Lady Darkwater, Lord Kennex," she greets as she approaches. "I'm glad you could make it."

Ian stops walking before he looks around, taking in the faces of people arriving. "Maybe we'd better find someone you can hand your gift off to," he suggests to Carita. And here, on cue, is the hostess herself. Ian executes something that could charitably be called a bow over his cane. "Your Grace. We wouldn't have missed it. Thank you for the invitation."

Lots of elite knights begin to file in, signifying the entrance of the King of the Compact and his retinue, slightly bolstered by the guards and aide of Duchess and newly-minted Minister of Productivity Calista Fidante. Alaric laughs lightly at something she said upon in the immediate run-up to their arrival, having a look around the grounds for the hostess and turning back to Calista with a grin. "I'll look forward to it. Well then, let's go give our greetings to our gallant hostess tonight?" he suggests to her.

Sebastian has been present in the gardens for a while, watching the preparations and perhaps pre-gaming a little bit, as he already has a glass in one hand and has found himself a place to stand over near the pools, to watch as the guests begin to arrive, taking in each as they enter. He leans comfortably against one of the trees near the water's edge, dressed in his usual greys, blues, and white.

Reese arrives at the garden party while adorned in a pink gryphon shirt and oiled leather pants. The shirt is cut like a man's top, despite the color. She has a weapon at either hip and a bow strapped to her back. Pink ribbons are threaded through her golden curls. she glances over the party, getting her bearings. A smile of greeting is given to all those she knows.

Would you look at that? Ford Kennex has come out of his cave! Looking none the worse for wear, refined and dressed in his best. The lit pathways highlight the gold filigrees on his coat, making him sparkle and shimmer slightly as he makes his way into the garden, looking for familiar and non familiar faces all the same.

Maxene, Olenna, Pellinor, Horse leave, following Alarissa.

    Upon the call of her name - she turns her glance toward Belladonna. Her lips twitch, curl slightly at the edges. Carita dips a smooth, well-executed curtsy when Ian bows. "My Lady, Duchess Pravus, thank you ever so for personally welcoming us -- you are far too kind and thoughtful of a hostess. Is there a member of your staff that I might pass my gift along to for safekeeping until you have a moment to unwrap it?"

Upon seeing the arrival of his cousin and King, Barric turns to the monarch and bows to Alaric. "Majesty." he greets, flashing a smile, "It is good to see you come; I'm sure the Duchess will be thrilled." Not that he knows her very well, but still. He flicks his eyes around, seeing Reese and lifting a hand with another smile, and then a nod over towards Sebastian.

As Eleyna arrives on Talen's arm, she is hurriedly trying to tuck a few mussed curls into place. It appears as though her hair -was- styled properly at some point but has now been somehow rendered somewhat untidy. She stops just before the emerge into the throng of people crowding the Pravus garden to turn and look her husband in the eye, murmuring, "Is it any better?" Rather exaggeratedly, Talen wears an expression of injury to which the Velenosan princess rolls her eyes and hisses, "Oh, stop pouting. I didn't mean to bite down, but the carriage hit a bump. That's not my fault!" With an exasperated sigh she mutters as she drags Talen forward, "It could have ben worse, just three inches to the right and-" However that sentence was going to end is interrrupted by a glowing smile and greeting directed to Reese. "Cousin-in-law! How have you been? It's been ages."

While it was not planned to arrive together, it is certainly serendipitous to have impeccable timing. Along with the King's men, Fidante guards are near their lady as she crosses the threshold to the walled Garden. There is a warmth upon her bronzed cheeks evident of a bit of laughter shared between herself and Alaric. "I know you will." The Duchess replies. Resplendent in soft pink silks and dainty jewelry, Calista dazzles in her Spring attire. A sweep of emerald eyes takes a quick notice of the party's Who's Who and she turns to give Alaric a nod. "Yes. Let us say hello before she is completely inundated by party goers. I know how taxing hosting a party can be."

Reese turns her attention to Barric, having a warm smile of greeting for her cousin. "Prince Barric." She says in his direction. She then looks over to Eleyna and smiles toward her as well. "Princess Eleyna. It is nice to see you. You look lovely." She says, looking over her outfit and then lifting her gaze to her face. "It is nice to see you and it has been quite a while. Luca might come by if he wakes up. I left a note by his bed. "I like the colors." She adds of Eleyna's dress.

When Belladonna spots royal guards, well, they hold her attention for a long moment. Still, Ian and Carita regain her attention promptly, and she smiles again a bit more brightly. "You are most welcome. Let someone know if you need anything," she tells Ian, gesturing a servant over. "Thank you," she tells Carita, as the gift is taken and passed off. "It won't be long before I will steal a moment. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Please, I hope you both enjoy the evening." A tip of her head before she shifts back a couple of steps and turns, a few steps taken towards Alaric and Calista before she sinks into a deep curtsey and holds it, head bowed.

Lethe decides on a drink for herself. She then takes the time to see who is here.

As others begin to arrive, so does a slender slip of a young woman in a silvered gown, the soft sweep of its hem flowing softly behind Sabella's form in her wake. She moves gracefully, her hands slightly folded before the trim of her waist with the interlock of her fingertips. A number of familiar faces catch the vibrant cerulean hue of her gaze from her younger sister Reese who graces the party before her as well as to Barric as his larger form steps off to the side. A smile flickers at the corners of her lips.

Talen tips his chin up with an expression of ridicule, claiming of his wife, "Excuses, I don't want to hear them." The Sword is dressed down today, wearing finer leathers than he might when he was a ward, yet nevertheless simple in their blacknessa and only lightly touched by reds. It likely leaves the pink of the princess a beacon against his dark backdrop, the steady arm a presence to keep her upon while they walk. The call to Reese causes his eyes to glance over, surveying that to which she speaks. "Princess Reese, how do you do," he shares. At the mention of Luca, he is thoughtful a moment, before he adds: "It would be good to see him, in person. Our messengers are like ships in the night, at best." A hand is lifted across towards Calista as he spies the Fidante duchess, then he inclines his torso somewhat from afar, for Alaric. Perhaps a more official, formal introduction will come later. "Wine? You must be thirsty," he proposes to Eleyna.

Alaric grins personably to Barric. "Barric!" he declares pleasantly. "How nice to see you here. Come along, we're just on our way to go greet the Duchess. I'd be a little surprised if I needed to make introductions, but just in case. Duchess Calista Fidante," he says with a gesture to the lady accompanying him. "And my cousin, the Sword of Bastion, Prince Barric." Introductions thusly given, he leads the way to go close in on Belladonna with a bright grin. "Duchess Belldadonna, it's lovely to see you," he says with a little gesture to bid her to stand back up. "Thank you very much for hosting us all. I'm looking forward to a wonderful evening tonight."

Giuseppe, a kindly old man arrives, following Luca.

Ian seems inclined to move on and stop monopolizing the hostess (especially when she has the King to greet). Unless Carita objects, his first instinct is going to be to move towards a place where he can get a drink. This he does slowly, carefully minding his steps on the uneven ground.

    Then, a gracefully pivot on her feel to drop another, deeper curtsy for the King, once Belladonna has completed her welcome and has moved away to tend to her other guests. Carita murmurs a soft greeting - for Alaric, and seemingly - for the others. She straightens up and proceeds to fetch refreshments. Something stronger than wine, thank you. After that, barring any further need to mingle - a place to sit. "My lord Ian, I do need to tell you about my meeting with the High Lord and his Lady. Ah, if only I had your advice before that meeting --"

At the invitation, Barric falls in line near to the King, grinning at his cousin. At the introduction, he offers a respectful bow to each of the introduced Duchesses, all proper and graceful, despite the fact that he's largely 'just' a warrior. "You have outdone yourself, Duchess Belladonna. It is true that the Lyceum can throw a festival as no other, and clearly Pravus excells at the art." He smiles to Calista, "Not that I would think to try to judge between what surely the Duchess of Roses could do." His grin brightens, "I'm sure I would declare each the winner in turn, and mean it each time."

Ford quietly moves his way through the throngs of people and servants alike, stopping his slow gait only when drinks are in front of him. He picks up one of the offered glasses and steps away from the station, sipping lightly as he puts his right arm behind his back and continues to watch.

Reese turns her attention to Sabella now and has a warm smile for her sister. "Oh, Saballa, wow, you look lovely." She say sand then turns her attention to Talen, giving him a nod at his words. "I'm pretty good. Getting ready to head north soon. I figure I should go to the parties tonight and have fun, before I leave. How are you, Prince Talen?"

Ian doesn't remark on what Carita said until they're in a place where they can get their hands on... yes, something stronger than wine. Ian's down for that, also, and not choosy, otherwise. Once he has a drink in his hand, he casts a look in her direction. "That sounds ominous." Not ominous enough to do anything to his usual calm, though. "Is there anyone you'd like to meet? Otherwise, we can probably find a place to sit down."

Calista catches a glimpse of Talen and Eleyna in her periphery and lifts a hand in greetings, waggling a few fingers just as she is met face to face with Barric, then Belladonna. "Of course I know the Sword of Bastion. We know each other of old. Such a nobleman needs no introduction." Her lips curl into a playful smile as she dips into a proper curtsey to greet the Grayson. "It has been quite sometime, Prince Barric. It is good to see you again after so long." Her greeting then turns to Belladonna with a practiced curtsey. "Duchess Belladonna, you have outdone yourself. The Garden looks beautiful."

Corban makes his way into the walled garden, looking around the tea party. He seems a bit out of sorts, being here on his own, and does the only thing what one does in these circumstances: Take a glass of drink and nurse it while figuring out his next move.

Jaenelle passes through the arches leading into the garden, blue eyes taking in those who've come before her without being in the way of those who may enter after. There might be someone she is looking for, perhaps not, but the Princess has come unescorted this time and doesn't seem to appear as if she is any worse for it. Seeing the other Velenosas, she wiggles her fingers towards Talen and Eleyna before seeking out Belladonna. Waiting her turn to greet the hostess, Jae dips her head politely with a smile, "I have never seen the garden before, it is lovely."

With a glance down at her dress in shades of pink and cream, Eleyna smiles fondly at Reese. "Thank you. I know this is a shade that you tend to prefer, but tonight, wearing this dress in public is something of a vitory for me. After many protests that he despises the shade, I think this dress has managed to convince Talen that the shade is perfectly becoming and should be worn as often as I like." She pauses just a moment before adding, "Not that his disapproval has ever stopped me before, but still. Anyway, I do hope Luca will join the party. I've not seen him in what seems like forever either." Her eyes fall on Talen and she nods slightly, "Wine would be wonderful." Pale blue eyes sweep over the crowd, pausing over familiar faces here and there, but lingering a bit longer on the King and the evening's hostess than others. In this perusal, she catches sight of Jaenelle slipping in and offers a waggle of fingers in return, seeming delighted at the sight of her fellow Velenosan princess in attendance.

Rising promptly when the gesutre is given for her to do so, Belladonna returns Alaric's bright grin with a warm smile. "It is lovely to see you as well, your majesty," she answers. "I am glad that you were able to make it. Duchess Calista, Prince Barric, it is good to see you both, as well." There's a nod for Barric's words, a low chuckle. "It would be hard to decide, at the end of the day," she agrees with him. "Thank you," she notes for Calista. "Please, enjoy yourselves. There's music -- if anyone wishes to dance, they'll play something appropriate. And, well. While the pools are open, I don't recommend the big one yet." There's a little melodramatic shiver there before she's smiling at Jaenelle. "Thank you," she says. "Welcome."

    "Too many," Carita tells Ian with a rueful smile, "I am -- ah, -- Princess Jaenelle, it's a pleasure to see you again -- " with a hand lifted in passing to greet the Velenosa. Then, as her cool blue gaze flicks around the other party-goers, she spies more familiar faces. "Good evening, Marquis Kennex." For now, that will do, as she bows her head back toward Ian. "Now, we sit, my lord. Lead on. For Setarco Fire will not drink itself," she murmurs with a hint of a grin.

Sebastian gives a nod in return to Prince Barric from where he stands beneath his tree, leaning comfortably against it. He lifts his glass and takes a swallow from its contents. Attention moves from one to the other, taking note of the array of people with interest. He seems content, however, to watch from the periphery for the time being.

Sabella brightens easily, her cheeks drawing a slight flush as Reese greets her. A soft chiming chuckle slips from her lips, "Thank you dear sister. A pleasure to see you in a far more social setting this time." A soft wink is given before she moves on through the gathering crowd, slipping gracefully. Her form draws towards the hostess, Belladonna as she dips formally to the woman. "I do not mean to interrupt any proceedings. I just wished to thank you Duchess for hosting such a wonderful Spring gathering." Her silk sweeps the ground before she draws back.

Ford offers Carita a small dip of his head and an even smaller hint of a smile.

Ian doesn't know Jaenelle well, but he does bow his head respectfully to Ford, when Carita greets him. "Marquis." Assuming Ford doesn't want to stop them to talk, he will, indeed, lead Carita to somewhere to sit, a little bit out of the way. He tends to avoid trying to thread through clumps of people if he can, so out of the way becomes a necessity.

"Injured, probably mortally, I'll maybe not even make it," drawls Talen mildly to Reese, looking toward Eleyna as she speaks, an accusing expression upon his otherwise normally brooding face. The wine is acquired, a goblet held by the bulb to allow the pale Velenosan the opportunity to take it by the stem. "I retain my rights to call it blinding if I like, but you have a point that it catches my attention, even if I maintain this," insists the dark prince. "Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. Very, very bad." There's gunmetal eyes tracking along Jaenelle as she goes to perform her niceties, which seems to have been caught by Eleyna too. "If Jaenelle's out, Luca probably will be too. It's almost as rare as the Eclipse."

Prince Luca the Lazy, Winged Fox of Grayson may have gotten talked into being dragged out to be social by his wife, Reese, by by the gods, he wasn't about to interrupt his nap for it to show up on time. Or at least, that's what the Velenosan-turned-Grayson Champion seems to be saying with his customary total lack of preparation and his sleep-drowsy eyes, his flowy white shirt tucked into black calfskin pants at the least of silk this evening and clean for once, but rumpled as clearly as his unruly mane of dark hair by sleep. Then again, in true Lycene style, he manages to make the overly casual look work for him as he's striding in with duelist's fluidity, alaericite Viper's Soul slung low at his hip and peacebound for the party. He's slipping through the crowd on spying his wife and cousin, appearing behind the beribboned pink warrior-princess as if summoned like a demon by Eleyna's words, his familiar lopsided smirk spreading a touch wider on hearing the last bit while he's slipping past Reese with a peck to her cheek to slide an arm behind Eleyna and give her cheek one in turn. "That's because Ribbons keeps me so bloody busy fighting wars, I spend all my excess time napping, El! Lovely in pink to match Tal's underthings I see, eh cuz?" Hopefully spoken loudly enough to carry widely enough for Talen and at least a few other guests to catch.

Ian has joined the admiring the view.

Carita has joined the admiring the view.

Sebastian has joined the among the trees.

Reese has a happy smile for Eleyna at her words. She glances down over the silk pink dress once again, seemingly quite admiring. "I am no sure how prince Talen could disapprove of anything you wear. Yow would make my stained fighting linens look great. Although, I like you in that dress best of all." She murmurs. She then hears the sound of Luca's voice and lifts her gaze in his direction. "Oh, sleepy prince, you woke up." She says, but but her blue eyes are warm and she has a smile for him. She doesn't seem truly annoyed.

Ian settles down on.. a bench or something, I guess, in a place where the party is easy to watch. He takes a sip of his drink, considers it, and then takes another sip. He CAN watch the party from here, but right now, all of that electric attention is on Carita as he asks her a question.

Alaric grins impishly at Belldonna's advice. "Well, as long as you keep moving, it can't be -that- cold," he suggests before laughing good-naturedly. "Well then, I'll leave you to hostessing, but I'd love to speak a little later when you've got a break in your hostessing duties. But until then, best to keep the line moving!" He dips a light, regal bow and moves along to not hold up the line. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but I haven't had the time to catch up with my cousin here lately and I don't want to trap you in a conversation about a bunch of things in Bastion that you've got no idea about. So if you want to make your escape, now's your chance," he tells Calista with a wink before glancing back at Barric. "Not that we're bad company if she wants to stay, of course."

Clearly someone should make a note of this then! With another dip of her head towards those she was speaking with Jaenelle collects a glass of wine from a passer by. Who knows if it was a servant with a tray or a poor guest who just had their wine stolen by the small woman. Its her's now, and she indicates that with a sip as her eyes focus in on Talen, perhaps due to a look given by the man himself. As she makes her way over to the growing circle. she lights up when Luca is found there, "you look wonderful. It has been forever. I would be chastising you on such if I were not so pleased to see you." Then she looks towards Reese, "Your Highness, lovely to see you again as well."

Nodding his head to Belladonna, Barric smiles, "I shall attempt not to begger you out of house and home from eating, my lady, but I smell something that makes me famished." There's a flash of a wink. He grins over Alaric at mention of catching up and he nods with a smile, "When his Majesty releaes me, of course." Then he has to chuckle softly, "We are the soul of grace and charm, cousin. Well, you are; and if you're not, who is going to tell the king that?" There's a light teasing for his royal cousin.

Upon hearing Luca's familiar tones in her ear, Eleyna turns her head in his direction just after he presses a kiss to her cheek, a grin stealing over her lips as she murmurs, "You liked your naps even before you became Reese's war fox. Now you just have a reasonable excuse other than 'I had to speak to an actual person for ten minutes in a row and now I'm exhausted.' Also, Talen's lacy stockings are red and black, thank you very much. He might tolerate pink on me, but even he has limits." As Jaenelle approaches, Eleyna grins and says with upturned lips, "This is turning into a rare event. Both you and Luca, out and about." She sips from the glass of wine she's taken from Talen, eyes bright as they move between those with whom she speaks.

    Carita inclines her head slightly, watching the party from the bench that they settle on. After a sip of her drink, she rolls her shoulders back, perfects her posture. Speaking to Ian in soft tones.

"Why do I never get praised for sleeping all day, yet Luca is?" Talen asks suddenly, before he affixes a withering look upon his cousin and relinquishes his wife's arm to offer Luca a lewd configuration of his fingers. "Bite me," he throws, before a finger it put out, warning. "Don't you dare actually bite me, I will find something sharp." Then, a moment later, he steps forward and tries to grab the man by the back of his neck to shove a few words by his ear in a rough kind of embrace. Once theyre said, he looks over his shoulder at Eleyna's words, stepping back. "My secrets, betrayed. Look, sometimes leather gets too hot," he lies. He wears leather all the time, too often!

Reese turns her attention to Jaenelle as her greeting is given and she has a smile of greeting for the blonde princess. "Good evening." Her blue eyes bright as she listens to Eleyna. "Oh, I like that Reese's war fox. That is a great nickname." She says. She smiles once again toward her sister. "Remember to say high to my sister too, Luca." She murmurs, sounding a bit bossy.

Lethe has joined the among the trees.

There's laughter for Barric's words, and Bella dips her head to him. "I appreciate the attempt, at least," she tells him. "I will be sure to come and find you in a bit, your majesty," she answers Alaric. "Thank you, again." She smiles to Sabella for her words, tilting her head that way. "Thank you," she says. "And welcome." Once those immediately around her have moved on, she sends a quick glance around before starting in the direction of Reese, Eleyna, Talen, Luca, and whomever else might be standing nearby.

"Settling myself between two very handsome Grayson men?" Calista fans herself and takes a little step backwards. "Your Majesty, that is every girl's fantasy." With a little wink, the Duchess of Tor bows herself out of the conversation. "I am sure we will have time to catch up later, Prince Barric. Please keep His Majesty on his best behavior. He enjoys wine from exceptionally large vessels provided by...." Calista turns around and points Ian out. "Lord Kennex over there." She turns with a graceful pivot and sashays across the room towards Talen and Eleyna.

Reese has a gentle smile that touches her somber blue eyes for Belladonna as she draws near. "Duchess, this is a lovely party." She says in her direction.

"Hopefully -somebody- would. Lacking self-awareness isn't very regal," Alaric replies dryly to Barric before hmming speculatively. "Tell you what, I'll delegate that part to you, and conversely I'll let you know if you ever come up just a little short in the charming department, and everybody will have a fantastic time around us as is only proper." He gives Calista a friendly grin and a wave as she sashays away. "You're right, that -does- smell appetizing. And for our health we ought to fill our stomachs with something before Lord Kennex shows up with an enormous quantity of alcohol. Shall we? You can tell me all about what you've been busy with lately on the way."

Even as Sabella straightens, a hand drifts softly to soothe the drape of her dress. The curl of her fingertips curling into the side to lift the fabric from the brush of the ground with a silvered flick. A passing server is noted, her other hand lifting ever so slightly as they round until near enough to pluck a fluted glass. A soft murmured thank you slipped almost beneath her breath with a musical lilt of gratitude. She moves quietly then, letting her gaze slip over the walled garden and the pools within though a soft tilt of her head is turned towards a boisterous greeting or two. Not out of ear shot, Reese's words carry. A slight chuckle muffled by a sudden lift of her hand for a sip of her drink. She toasts it then towards him, "Prince Luca," she muses warmly with it to offer up her own greetings.

Luca slips away from one cousin with a smirking, oddly accusatory, glance given Talen's way, along with a manly shoulder thump in passing. After which point he's snagging Jaenelle up in a quick hug and peck on the cheek in turn, rolling his eyes a bit as he pulls back at both her and El's teasing. "Yes yes, marry out of the family and suddenly every Lycene gathering becomes a reminder I'm a terrible cousin. Lovely to see you all though." He slips free Jaenelle to slide up beside Reese, an arm going down around her hip comfortably, grinning down at her claiming of El's new title for him. At the talk of sister though, he's peering about in mock-suspicion while asking. "Which one? The arse-shooting Loulou, or the nice one?!" It's clearly fond joking for Lou, playing on a misplaced arrow once during battle. But on seeing Sabella, he's waving and cheerfully declaring. "Ah, there she is. Heya Sabs!" He really has social decorum. Shouting over partygoers indeed! And with customary mutilation of names. Belladonna's approach brings the cinnamon eyes off sister-in-law to the Duchess, grinning a relaxed, ever-present lopsided smile to the Duchess and declaring heartily. "Wonderfully Lycene party, Bella. Makes me miss my people now and then to see these soirees go all out." Titles? What titles? Was he ever close enough to the Pravus woman to talk like that? Abyss no, but when has that ever stopped him?

Eleyna winks at Reese and then directs her attention to Sabella as she's noted as Reese's sister. The Velenosan offers an incline of her head and murmurs, "It is a pleasure to meet any sister of Princess Reese. I am Eleyna Velenosa and this is Talen. We are Luca's cousins." She nudges the Prince affectionately in the ribs as she doesn't bother waiting for a polite introduction. At Belladonna's approach, Eleyna smiles and tips her chin in a nod, offering in a husky murmur, "Duchess Pravus, what a lovely party. Your gardens are exquisite."

Tipping his drink back far enough that the entire contents of the glass pour down into his mouth, Ford hands off the now empty container to a passing servant. Roaming, he heads over to hot pool and crouches down next to the edge, reaching down to wiggle his fingers in the water, testing the temperature.

Barric bows lightly to Alaric, grinning, "As you command, Majesty. I shall be Sword and Keeper of the Decorum. I'll make a point to whisper on the second duty, though." He nods to Calista, smiling, "The king has made that my duty now, so I shall do so, my lady." There's a quick wink, before nodding back to Alaric, gesturing and managing to follow-lead that one does with one's leige, towards food. He lowers his voice some, "Lately, mostly its been planning and practicing for the upcoming campaign, Alaric. Though my primary duty will be guarding Reese's back and inserting Elvesbane into the face of any demons we come across. Back home..." Because Bastion will always be home, "...there was some dispute between a pair of vassals that needed handling, and with Lark busy here? I'm running the errands needed." He eyes the food, and takes up a plate and makes a point of filling it, "I haven't had Lord Kennex's drink, is it as dangerous as suggested, cousin?"

Jaenelle giggles triumphantly when she is gathered for a hug and kiss, returning with her own kiss to his cheek as well. "Yes, horrible. Remember that. Though I am almost certain that my cousins think the same thing of me for not visiting the Thrax household as often as I one did. So we are equally as horrible, and I am almost certain we can live with that." Without a second thought, her movements quick though smooth, she leans over to where Talen stands and bites his arm, teeth imprinted into leather. Then with just as much grace, she settles herself back again, not even saying a single word in regards to her action. Even the smile she gives to Sabella is as if nothing just happened, "nice to meet you, I'm Jaenelle."

"Thank you; I'm glad you were able to make it," Belladonna replies to Reese, offering a warm smile as she draws up. "Thank you all for coming," she addresses the little group. Luca's words give her a moment's pause, but her smile recovers promptly. "I think we're all wearing too many clothes for it to be too terribly Lycene, but the food is good and I've poison tasters standing by, so it's close enough," is her answer, spoken conversationally. "It's good to see you." Eleyna's words have her nodding that way. "Thank you," she says. "I am pleased that you came." While the hot pool is not as warm as it's usually kept in the warmer months, it's certainly getting there. It is at least considerably warmer than the air. And, well, anything else is cut off when there is biting. She's startled by it, and there is staring for a moment before she sends a quick look to the others nearby with a 'did you see that?' sort of look on her face. She shifts back a step, glancing to see where the closest guards are.

Ian coughs out a sudden, surprised laugh at something that Carita says, utterly destroying the briefly serious mood between then.

Reese leans into Luca as she feels his arm about her hip. She blinks at his words about her sister and then smiles. "Oh, both of my sisters are amazing, but neither of them are nice exactly." She says and seems to mean not being nice as a compliment. She blushes as Luca calls out and uses such casual language. Her cheeks are pink and everything. She then turns to Barric, overhearing him maybe. "I feel much safer with you coming, cousin." She says in his direction. She then turns to Bella at her words about too many clothes, before looking over to Luca. "Don't tempt him." She says and watches to see if the nimble prince removes his shirt.

"Jaenelle, love, it's not that sort of party. Put your teeth away," Eleyna drawls without missing a beat once she sees Jaenelle bite Talen. She glances at Belladonna, her placid smile not flagging for a moment. "I'm glad I was able to make it as well."

    "That was the usual thing that I would do to anyone at the Murder that was too far into their cups, my lord Ian." Carita elaborates, smiling against the rim of her glass. She uses it as a prop to stave off any impolite laughter, merely taking a drink as she continues to listen.

Sabella moves closer to the small gathering about Reese and Luca even as the latter waves a hand and calls over the crowd. The smile upon her lips turns into a grin at his choice of greeting though thankfully her voice needn't raise as far as she closes the distance. "Prince Charming might be better," she remarks to Luca with a glint of mischief. Her countenance highly amiable even as Eleyna turns towards her. Her own head dips in turns, long golden tresses falling over one bared shoulder. "A pleasure indeed, Sabella Grayson," she chimes in turn graciously despite the nickname she's been given.

The Lycene gathering of Talen and Eleyna is joined by others, possibly still Reese and Luca and maybe Jaenelle? There might be others but for the moment Calista does not interrupt the exchange between the group and Belladonna. She waits until they have finished greeting one another to offer Eleyna a dainty kiss to each cheek and then the same to Talen. "I am glad to see you both here. I feel we have been playing a poor game of tag recently."

Ian flashes Carita a quick, sharp grin, and nods his agreement to her. Then something seems to occur to him, and he adds a question in a more serious tone.

"It never is" Jaenelle says with her own gentle smile towards Eleyna, a shrug of her delicate shoulders following.

Alaric picks out a fairly modest selection of fish and vegetables for his own plate, reflecting his leaner build in contrast to his cousin's broader one. "It's an excellent place to put Elvesbane," he agrees easily. "As far as the drink in question, it's not really the drink itself that's the dangerous part so much as the quantity of it. It's not a goblet so much as a small birdbath." He glances back to Barric with a roguish grin. "I wish you all the best in the field. I have no doubts you'll all perform admirably."

Talen looks to his arm as he's bitten, the kind of expression that one does when they double-take, trying to figure out what just happened. "What, why," he calls in accusation to Jaenelle as she goes to play princess a moment later as if none of that happened. "Did you see that? Jaenelle -bit- me," he informs Eleyna. The scene dies off when he watches Calista join their posse, "You saw that right, your grace? As for tag, sometimes that can be exhilerating, but I'll agree it hasn't been - it's just been entirely too boring without your company. Come for dinner sometime, bring Dante, I haven't seen him in a bit," he asks of Calista, even as Eleyna tells off the offending Thrax-come-Velenosa. "I know, right?" he shares with Belladonna, who is equally astonished. "Jaenelle! I will take back my trophies," he admonishes, playfully. "If they're not all melted."

Talen says, "Never say never, Jaenelle. You'll give her ideas."

Talen says, "Oh, I see what you did there."

Talen smort.

Luca jerks up from his smirking, weary-eyed sort of whispering with Talen near him when Eleyna digs elbow into his ribs, leaving him to jolt with a snort, look about, and then laugh a bit at his failing to introduce to Sabella. He gives her and his cousin's a faintly sorry-not-sorry sort of look with a rueful shrug, then murmurs. "I figured Ribbons would do all the introducing!" This blame-passing given with fingers on Reese's hips giving a little ticklish prodding at her side, apparently angling to get another elbow to the ribs. Belladonna's quip about clothes earns a laugh and nod of concession, though the overly-laid-back Champion can't help but quip back. "Give it time and enough alcohol and I'm sure there'll be some bets thrown down for who can last longest in a nude dive into the spring chill of the pools!" Then, sotto voce to Eleyna, he's offering. "I'm sure you'll manage to prick Tal's pride enough to get him to do it. Counting on you, cuz." Sabella's quip about yet another nickname for him earns a positively Lycene wink back, though he seems comfortably sprawled around Reese, so the flirting can't be all that much.

It's Talen's words that snap her out of the moment of staring, and Belladonna actually laughs. "I--am sorry, that that happened," she says, and leaves it at that. There is at least one more look at Jaenelle before she shakes her head and looks back to Luca. "I am counting on it," she agrees with him, winking. "Enjoy yourselves, please," she notes for the little group before she slips away from there as well, sending another look around before she starts towards Lethe, wherever the young woman has tucked herself.

That dip of Sabella's head including Luca's cousins, another smile an dip of her head given to Jaenelle as well. "So many faces, so long away," she chimes to her time traveling out of the city though it seems with less stories to tell than those of her sisters. Despite the warmth of the barrels, a slight flush remains upon her cheeks. It seems however more so for the excitement of the activity and the volley of verbal spars back and forth. "Please do start off the swimming competition," she offers though says nothing of the state of dress mentioned.

"Oh, maybe I should have done the introducing." Reese says with a touch of sheepishness, but just a touch. She then turns her attention to Calista and has a smile for her. "Duchess, it is lovely to see you." She murmurs. Reese then looks upon Luca and Sabella. "Well...I am the greatest swimmer in Arx. I have the medal from that race I beat you in, Luca and everything." She says regarding the pool, her competitive streak coming out.

    It's Carita's turn to laugh - short, sharp, and silvery. She immediately clasps a hand over her mouth, ducking her chin as she averts her eyes. Quickly casting Ian a icy-blue, dubious stare. "You aren't, my lord."

"Ah, well, as Keeper of Decorum, I will have to get a smaller cup to dip into the birdbath." Barric chuckles towards Alaric, though in truth the Sword has never been a deep drinker. At least, not since taking up Elvesbane. Before was another question entirely. He eats quietly for a few moments, his manners impeccable, "Oh! Cousin." He looks suddenly quite bright, his smile as bright as any could be, "I was in Bastion when the announcement came out so have not had yet the chance to congratulate you! A royal pregnancy. Wonderful news. I admit I am eager to begin training the little Crown Prince or Princess when they are old enough."

"She probably owes you like twenty more of those for as much trouble as you give her," Eleyna offers as Talen complains to her about Jaenelle. For the princess in question, Eleyna only grins and offers in a low tone, "Clearly, we need to arrange for a trip back to Lenosia if you think that, my dear." Briefly, as she hear Luca's 'plan' regarding the freezing pool, she lifts a brow skeptically and glances in the direction of the water before responding, "If he manages to annoy me enough, maybe. Then again, I have continued interest in certain parts that could be damaged during such a dare, so I'll have to think about it." Her eyes fall on Calista as Belladonna starts to move away and she offers the Duchess a brilliant smile before reaching out to take her arm companionably, "Motherhood. Who knew something so small could be so demanding of one's time. He's ony marginally less demanding that his father, though." Eleyna leans in to whisper to the Fidante, her lips near the Duchess' ear before she pulls back to look over the little crowd around them once again.

Barric lifts a hand in toast over to Reese, "And I you, cousin. I'll have your back and you'll have mine."

Ian raises his eyebrows to Carita. Sip. "I know." No doubt there. A hint of that dry humor again, though.

"If Luca couldn't...I just did not wish you to feel left out Talen. I was being a good friend" Jaenelle says with a beaming smile towards Talen. "Duchess Calista, it has been forever too" though its probably been forever with everyone in Jaenelle's mind. She gives the other woman a hug if she is agreeable to the contact. "Oh dinner! Yes, do come for dinner. And certainly bring Dante, I think I owe him a present." Then a pause, "I am sorry that he stole a vase of roses from your home to give me. He..means well?" Back to Talen, "I have not burnt most of them, I have the two swords from the thing that you won the swords from...whatever it was. I was going to just learn to stab people with them and blame you."

Lethe is standing near the trees talking with Sebastian. As Belladonna approaches she looks to the woman with a friendly smole.

Sebastian stands over by the trees with Lethe, speaking to her quietly and inclining his head to her over something that she's said. He follows her gaze when she looks over toward Belladonna and dips his head to his cousin as she approaches the pair, lifting his glass in greeting.

Mydas enters alone, and clad in umbra and gold, as befits the Marquis of Aviaron. He does not attempt to make an entrance, choosing instead to enter without drawing attention to himself, golden eyes sweeping over those gathered, stopping every now and then on those faces he knows, and those he does not. Still, he seems to have picked Calista out of the crowd, for he moves to join her group, nodding his head in greeting when he is closer. "It seems the party's yet starting. Though I've heard mention of a dare?" he arches a brow.

Reese peeks over to Mydas. "Oh, we are about to having a swimming race in the cold spring pool." She says in his direction. "Are you in?"

Talen checked composure + etiquette at difficulty 30, rolling 8 lower.

    "Truly, it's funny." Carita murmurs, biting on her lower lip. She shakes her head from side-to-side, takes a sip of her drink. "Besides, I have visual proof of it. One cannot deny it, either. I even went so far as to document it in the Blacks, Lord Ian." She deadpans, eyes full of mirth.

"Don't bother apologising on behalf of Velenosan princesses, they always do what they want and get what they want, by any means," Talen shares with Belladonna. "It's best just to accept that," he adds, blithely, as she turns to walk away. Then, cutting his attention back to the immediate group, but in particular to Jaenelle. "I think the Rose of Tor has many roses within her home, though why he'd have to steal them, I'll never know." Eleyna's commentary on how demanding he is gets a look that say 'really? Come on!' before he rolls his eyes. "Hardly. He occupied your tits way more than me," he says bluntly.

Ford rises and flicks the warm water from his fingers, drawing in a deep breath before looking around for the hostess.

Alaric laughs agreeably. "Keeper of Decorum, Royal Wooden Sword Trainer, you're stacking up the titles tonight," he tells Barric with a cheerful grin. "But thank you. We're all very happy about the coming arrival, the Queen not the least. She's been waiting five thousand years to have her first child," he notes. He looks over to Reese as Barric toasts here. More cousins! "Ah, cousin Reese, good to see you and Prince Luca as well tonight. How have the two of you been?"

"No." is Mydas's succinct and direct reply to Reese, though his amused smile lessens the blunt of his words. "Though I wish luck on those who would test themselves so. I was not under the impression cold baths were common in the south." He gives a shrug. "If I wish to bathe, I will do so without attempts to impress." The fact that the water is probably freezing cold doesn't seem to bother the Northman in the least.

A glance is given towards Reese's sheepish look though Sabella muses easily to her younger sister with a slight dip inwards, "Oh, it's far more fun to see how others might. You never know what delight name they might decide to give you." Her voice is as warm as honey though she laughs easily as she sees the gleam of competition in Reese's eye. Her gaze lifts towards Mydas at the question of racing comes into play.

Oh, perfect. Belladonna's smile warms when her target proves to be standing with her cousin, and she steps in to give his arm a squeeze as she looks to Lethe. "Hello," she greets. "Thank you, for coming. Lord Sebastian, thank you for being here. Would you introduce us?"

"Indeed, indeed. My warrior mermaid princess!" Luca concedes his defeat to Reese without any problem seemingly. Slipping free of her, he's puckishly quipping whilst hand ducks to an action likely to get him thumped by her. "Then again, who was it that took the gold in the melee portion untouched?" The competative back and forth seems to clearly be a pair of the married warriors nightly joys by the loving teasing tones of it, but he's still going to get in trouble for that pinching of her rear! He's off though quickly with a quipped. "Need liquor to wake up properly!" And heading the way of such, stopping in passing with the other Duchess being greeted by others, to kiss Calista on the cheek in passing and as informally as he seems to speak to everyone, declares in passing. "Gorgeous as ever, Cali. Good to see you!" And then he's off towards drinks, perhaps intent to bring some back for others, or maybe just to drink them all himself. He's managing a friendly, semi-familiar wave for Alaric just as he's slipped free, leaving Reese to respond, and thankfully not being QUITE so informal as to call the man Ric or something...yet.

Belladonna has joined the among the trees.

The arch of her well defined brow is given to Talen when he tries to play the victim. "Sadly, Your Highness, I did not see Princess Jaenelle bite the leather of your arm." Calista feigns not knowing while actually saying what transpired. She turns to Eleyna again, giving the Princess' hand a little squeeze with her free hand. A rare and warm smile brushes across her lush lips when there is talk of the littlest Velenosa Prince and she leans into Eleyna then when hushed words lick upon the edge of her earlobe. "Oh, absolutely." Her grin darkens with only the best sort of mischief playing on her features. "It has been forever, Princess Jaenelle. You look beautiful in your silks. Those colors truly compliment your complexion and brighten your eyes." She laughs softly at mention of Dante's antics. "I am sure he did not steal them. Our roses are meant to be shared. And Princess Reese, it is wonderful to see you as well. I have heard you've been busy keeping us all safe. Thank you for your service to the Compact." Just over her shoulder, Calista hears a familiar voice. Her eyes widen a touch and she leans towards Mydas to inquire more about what he's just said. "A dare? Oh, you tease. What dare might this be?" Somewhere in the midst of all this chatter, she's received a kiss on the cheek from Luca! "Your Highness! I knew you could not be too far from your beautiful wife."

Ian breathes out a very soft laugh as he takes a sip from his glass. "I am never, ever living down that party, am I?" Not that he sounds distressed by this realization. He nods towards the trees. "Have you met Lord Sebastian Pravus or Lady Lethe Tyde?" Not even the vaguest attempt to hide the blatant subject change.

Alaric looks curiously at Sabella with a lightly surprised expression as if belatedly noticing her admist all his cousins around the garden. "And Sabella! Where did you come from?" he asks with a laugh. "Goodness, we're all coming out for the party tonight. Next thing you know, even the Master of Questions might stop working for ten minutes to come socialize." He regards her with a grin. "It's been positively ages since we talked, how are you?"

Reese seems a bit disappointed when Mydas' doesn't agree to a swim, but she still has a smile for him. "Nice to see you again, Lord Mydas." She then turns her focus to the king. "Your Majesty, a pleasure to see you as well and congrats on your expected little one." She adds. Reese actually pouts at Luca when he reminds her that he won the duel portion. "You did. One day, I will beat you in the dueling rink, Luca." She says. Reese turns her focus to Calista a moment later. "Oh, thank you for saying that. It is my pleasure to do what I can to keep compact safe."

Seeing that the Duchess is indisposed at the moment, Ford intercepts one of the servants he recognizes, perhaps even Aida herself, "If you could let the Duchess know I'm deeply sorry for having to abandon the party early. Thank you." With that, Ford takes his leave.

"I don't know about that. You've had nearly a two year head start on him," Eleyna murmurs dryly to Talen before she takes a sip of wine. As Mydas approaches, Eleyna offers the Northerner a faint smile as he approaches and glances between him and Calista, as if waiting for an introduction.

    "I won't ever allow you, my lord. Neither will the Mazettis. I think that you have more to fear from the Marquessa than I, of course." Carita takes that social cue, moving flawlessly onto the next subject that Ian presents, "No. I have not. I did ask Duchess Margot to introduce me to her cousins - Lord Acheron and Lady Lethe - as soon as she is able to." A tilt of her head, "As for Lord Pravus, no. I have not met him."

"If I have learned anything about Velenosan Princesses, often sorry is not taught to them until they are old enough to use it to their advantage to manipulate those around them and never because they truly mean it" Jaenelle says to Talen and Eleyna, though she has only been a Velenosa Princess for a blink in the greater scheme of things and might have gotten that lesson wrong. "Though is is often better to ask for forgiveness than permission in the first place." As Alaric approaches, she gives the King a proper curtsey before greeting, "Your Majesty." As she shifts back to Calista, "they are beautiful roses, silk I believe, and they live beside my bed, so I am grateful for your generosity.

"Majesty, one has to find *something* for the Sword to do when no one is fool enough to insult the honor of the whole of the Griffin, between demon slaying expeditions. It keeps me from being seen as a lazy prince." Barric grins at Alaric, but then coughs, choking briefly on a fruit. He was aware of course of the Queen's race and that elves are long-lives, but, "..Five thousand years." He manages to say carefully, "I.. Well, I'll make a point to ... offer extra special congratulations to the Queen when I see her next." That specific detail just slipped by his awareness somehow. When Luca is noticed by the King, Barric lifts whatever he's presently eating up in faux-toast with a grin over towards him.

"The dare of racing through cold waters." Mydas explains to Calista. "Icy baths are the norm for me, but I've no liking to be put on display." He inclines his head to Reese at her response. "Of course, and likewise, Your Highness." he tells the Ribboned Princess, till his attention shifts once more. Wolf eyes turn to Eleyna. "Ah, I've failed to introduce myself, haven't I? Marquis Mydas Nightgold, at your service." And he bows in a manner most befitting to old aristocracy, and with the casual grace that comes from decades of courtly life.

Sebastian smiles a little bit and dips his head to Belladonna, "Well, it was conveniently located and all." There's a light teasing in his tone as he greets her and offers her arm a light squeeze in return before turning to make the introductions, "Duchess Bellaonna Pravus, may I present the Lady Lethe Tyde." He then says to Lethe, "I found it interesting, and picked up one of the pamphlets there to read later."

Ian looks towards the trees. "I don't want to interrupt Duchess Belladonna's time with them, but I'll try to introduce you later. Lady Lethe had a drink or two with me when the lights went out, the other day."

Sabella looks as surprised as Alaric as he turns towards her as if popping into view. Ever the dramatic she lifts her hands, though one is still curled about the flute of her glass, the liquid swirling around in it a moment. "I was hiding in the shadows and just had to pounce upon the party!" she exclaims. With that she sweeps a flourish of a dip, far more gracious this time in greetings. Another chiming chuckle slipping from her lips. "I couldn't resist, your majesty. I've been quite well though I admit I am still coming back up to speed on the events but a most exquisite pleasure to see you indeed."

"Lies. It's a conspiracy," reports the dark prince while his grey-blue eyes flick in the direction of the king as his cousin and cousin-in-law migrates that way. His words are directed at Calista and Eleyna simultaneously, it seems. "The Grayson forces are mustering, maybe they're up to something," he says with mock paranoia that perfects the unspoken mental state of a southerner. "We should invade, at some point, to introduce some culture," he proposes to his wife, the far more diplomatic of the two, his words falling far short of his intent. Draining the last of his goblet of wine, he switches it out for a second and then watches Jaenelle move toward the royalty. When Mydas speaks to Eleyna, he focuses on the Mirrormask and bows his head, saying lowly: "8 out of 10, could've been a deeper bow," he appraises.

Calista gives Jaenelle a waggle of her brows at the knowledge that Fidante roses from Dante live beside her bedside. "That warms my heart, Princess." What doesn't warm her heart is running through cold waters. She scrunches her nose at Mydas and goes about to do some introductions. "Forgive me, I had a lapse in memory. Marquis Mydas Nightgold, may I introduce Princess Eleyna Velenosa and her husband Prince Talen." She then gestures to Jaenelle, "Princess Jaenelle Velenosa, Princess Reese and her husband Prince Luca Grayson." She then lifts her chin a little to explain. "Prince Luca is from House Velenosa as well. We are surrounded." She teases.

Lethe smiles as she looks to Belladonna. "It's very nice to meet you. The gardens here are beautiful." She looks to Sebastian. "They are very informative, but if you have any questions do let me know."

     Carita nods, turning to look toward the copse of trees and those gathered there. "I was at the Reach when the, the -- ah -- the event occurred. In my impulsive redesigning of the war room, I had the domed ceiling replaced with glass window panes so that one may see up as well as out. It was overcast, unfortunately, but it was still fascinating to watch the sky darken."

When Mydas introduces himself, Belladonna's attention turns that way. She watches him briefly, then turns her smile back towards Sebastian and Lethe. "Elysia help me if I try to throw one at the Botanical Gardens again, is that what you're telling me?" The question is playful though, humor wound through the words. "Thank you. I am fond of them. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Tyde. I am glad that you are here, and if there is anything that I can do for you, please let me know. We should have tea, some afternoon."

Calista also adds in a quick, "And this is Princess Sabella Grayson, whom I also have yet to meet, but I heard previous introductions." She tells Mydas as she goes through all the folks she believes are standing near by.

Jaenelle's remark regarding Velenosan princesses and their attitude toward apologies only prompt a grin from Eleyna which neither confirms nor denies whether she speaks the truth or not. Instead, she turns her head to watch Mydas bow as he introduces himself with a still expression, just the faintest shadow of a smile forming across the curve of her delicate lips as she bows as well, just as much as is polite befitting a princess to a marquis. "A pleasure, Marquis Nightgold. My mother was of that House, so I believe you and I might be cousins as I am also a cousin of Duke Cassius and Duchess Lydia." If there were more to say, it's lost as Talen snatches away her attention, one of his more infuriating habits, with indication of the King and his Grayson cousins. She reaches for his arm and says with a slight smirk, "Very well. Let's stage a Southern invasion. What could go wrong?"

"It was," Ian agrees with Carita. "I was outside when it happened. I decided that whatever was going on, I was probably better off inside than out." And better off in a bar than not in a bar.

"The nine is kept for my liege, the ten for the women I wish to bed. I fear your lovely wife fits neither categories, Your Highness." Mydas replies to Talen without skipping a beat, or for that matter, taking the time to blink. "A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." he tells Eleyna, before turning his gaze to the others. "As it is for Your Highnesses, or a repeated one in some cases." he adds, for Jaenelle, Reese, Luca and Sabella. Though his attention is upon his immediate vicinity, a glance is given in the direction of the hostess, though he does not move to speak to Belladonna just yet. "Then we are, Your Highness." he tells Jaenelle. "And here I thought I knew all my cousins." he smiles.

Alaric raises a (normal-sized) wine goblet to Jaenelle. "Princess Jaenelle, how nice to see you. I trust by the lack of concerned messages Zelda brings me all goes well in the Ministry of Infrastructure?" he asks amiably before turning to Reese with a bright grin. "Thank you. And I wish you good fortune in the upcoming Gray Forest manuevers. I'm sure you'll all make the Compact proud out in the field." He side-eyes Barric's cough with a grin before regarding Sabella. "Likewise, Sabella, we've missed you here in the capital while you were back at Bastion. I hope you enjoy the party tonight."

Sebastian inclines his head to Lethe and says, "I do owe you some time to view those pieces, and perhaps we might discuss it at greater length then. I will admit curiosity." He gives her another smile before chuckling and answering Belladonna, "You know that gardens and pools seem to be my weakness. I would be there, likely before the party starts and after it ends."

"Hey! No claiming my 'lazy' title, Barri!" Luca calls out from a drink table, apparently hearing Barric's talk with bat-like ears or something. or maybe he's just supernaturally attuned to the word 'Lazy'. He's coming back bearing two glasses of wine, offering one out for Reese as he settles that easy, lopsided grin on Alaric to declare. "And congrats on the expecting, Ri...your majesty." Apparently Luca _can_ be trained to use a title, close a thing as it may have been! Reese is training her war fox well apparently.

Lucita steps into the area, her gaze sweeping over those present and her surroundings. Should she be close enough for it to be appropriate, a curtsy is given. She waits for a moment trying to assess the various groupings of people and flow of conversations before joining in.

Reese seems to have fallen a bit more quite for the moment, but it seems to be a gentle sort of silence. She leans in a bit against Luca. She then turns back to Mydas, giving him a nod at his words. She looks upon the king next. "Thank you, your majesty." She then turns to Luca. "Hmmms..sounds like a reason to duel. Someone stealing your title." Reese says, but she seems to be simply teasing. She gives Lucita a smile of greeting when she arrives.

Lethe nods to Belladonna. "I am happy to be here, and I would enjoy having tea. Thank you." She speaks to Sebastian. "I can see why you enjoy it here. Perhaps we can do that when I get back."

    "Mmhm," she hums easy agreement, perhaps perceptively so - for Carita adds, "All soothed away by seeing an increase in profits due to increasing trade and rum. More of one than the other, my lord Ian." She gently informs Ian with a quirk of a smirk. It's fleeting, soon smoothed over into a very mild expression. As serene as a wintry landscape. "Although, goodness, the Setarco Fire burns with a quickness that Maelstrom lacks. I might have developed a tolerance for rum." Faintly, "How lamentable."

"Thank you kindly, Prince Luca," Alaric replies personably, turning a look back at Barric with a lightly chiding nod. "It's true, you are kind of encroaching on Luca's territory there. Maybe you could try out an alternative, like the 'unhurried' Prince?" he suggests expansively.

"Good; I'll send an invitation along soon," Belladonna tells Lethe, tilting her head to the young woman. "I look forward to it." Sebastian's words have her offering him another warm smile, and she steps in to brush a kiss against his cheek. There's a few quiet words offered to him before she steps back again. "At least I know how to keep you," she teases him. "I will let you two get back to it. Enjoy." She smiles brightly, then turns and moves to step away, back to scanning the party.

Reese turns her focus Lethe. "It is nice to see you, Lady Lethe is it?" She says in her direction. "Thank you for coming with us a healer. We are so desperate. I have only one other healer going."

"'Southern invasion' has a very different meaning to me and you know it, my love," Talen drawls to Eleyna, his gaze upon Mydas for a moment before he offers a pointed finger, admitting, "Smooth," in recognition. As they drift up to follow Jaenelle, they do as is only polite, moving to acknowledge the king in brief. Since a gathering crowd is about, Talen does momentarily divert them so they can wait aside. In that time, Talen's hands find the princess' hips, wrapping there and he lets his mouth speak down against her ear from behind, eyes flicking up from time to time to watch people flit to and from their destination.

"Thank you," Sabella muses softly, "It is good to be missed." Truth is there ever was, her voice gracious for it even as she turns towards Calista and Mydas. "Surrounded by lovely people," she adds in turn to Calista's tease, a warm smile alighting upon her lips. She drains the last of her glass with that. "Though I admit I'm still waiting for the swimming competition to start. Then it shall be a night to remember," she teases even as she replaces her glass for another as a server passes.

"Fear not, cousin Luca." Barric calls back, chuckling, "I avoid it like a plague." He harumphs towards Alaric, pointing a seafood something at the King with narrowed eyes, "Now you take that back, Majesty. You might be King but I'll, I'll... Okay so I have absolutely no recourse at all but I will eat this fish in your general direction while looking peeved. Lazy. Unhurried. I feel a need to challenege someone to a duel." The grin cracks his features a moment later: he jests.

"Nothing ever goes well, Your Majesty, which means that I stay busy and keep from trouble." She leans foward a touch, voice dropping slightly in a mock whisper, "its a good thing. I promise." Then she straightens slightly, offering a grin "everything is running smoothly as far as I am aware. Though I would like to speak with you at another time about concerns I have if you would not mind a meeting in a more proper setting." Her brows lift as if she doesn't really expect him to say no to her.

Ian looks down at his drink. "I'll admit, I don't really chase after that burn. But if I did..." They call it fire for a reason. Seeing Belladonna leave the area around the trees, he stirs, probably getting ready to stand.

Lucita notes the smile offered her direction and drifts that direction, using care not to intrude. A smile is given in return.

Luca couldn't help but flash bright teeth in huge grin to Alaric's support of his claim, holding up his wineglass in silent toast and then another to Barric for his gracious concession of the claim. He then goes about asking in faux-whisper of any near him with a delighted sort of air. "Does this mean my Lazy title is official by royal decree?"

Ian looks to Carita, a little surprised by something that she says. He nods to her. "I can't stay too much later, myself. Have a good evening."

    "I think that I do. It's an intriguing part of the taste, for me," Carita notes with a slow hitch of her shoulders. She finishes her own drink and prepares to stand up as well, skirts gathered in a hand to avoid tripping over them.

Sebastian inclines his head to Belladonna with a little smile and says, "As though keeping me were a challenge." He chuckles just a little bit and returns the kiss to her cheek and murmurs something in return before she slips away. He then leans back up against the tree that he seems to have claimed for the evening.

Belladonna has left the among the trees.

Lethe watches Belladonna go and looks to Reese. "That is my name. I am glad to be coming along."

Ian is slower to rise than Carita. It takes him some effort (and the help of his cane) to push himself to his feet. But he gets there.

Lucita spots Calista in the gathering and heads her direction, again waiting a moment to make sure she does not interrupt.

Reese peeks up to Luca at this words. "Oh, it sounds like it is." She murmurs softly in his direction. She then turns her focus back to Lethe, giving her a gentle smile. "Thank you, we really need you."

Rather than heading towards a person right at the moment, Belladonna slips over and takes up a tumbler that's been set off and aside from the rest, for all that she's still got a glass of Fire in hand. It's studied for just a moment before she turns and slips away from the party with it towards a particular corner with some trees. The tumbler is poured out and she turns back, setting it on the first table she passes as she returns to the brighter areas where people gather.

"Eat that fish? I take back everything up to even just tepidly complimentary I ever said in your general direction," Alaric deadpans to Barric with badly-emoted alarm before grinning and turning back to Luca. "I think I can give it the royal imprimatur," he agrees confidently. "If there's ever a Ministry of Laziness I promise you'll be the first person I send Zelda to." He glances to Jaenelle with a thoughtful look. "Would the hot pool count as a 'proper setting'? I've got something of an ongoing question as to whether meetings would be more or less productive in hot water. I've gotten a variety of opinions on the subject but not a lot of field testing."

    "I will." Carita responds, before she slowly drifts down into a curtsy. Timing her rise back up to her perfect posture the moment that Ian is back onto his feet. It's purposeful choreography that causes the edges of her lips to tick upward again, "In complement and counterpoint, my lord Ian. Be well and enjoy the evening." She turns about, lifting a hand toward Lucita -- "My lady, it's such a pleasure to see you again. Although, just as I was leaving. I would love to entertain you at Darkwater Reach one day soon. You and your liege."

On his own now that Carita is getting ready to head off to parts unknown, Ian nods a greeting to Lucita. He looks around while he takes the time to finish his drink, and takes in the various knots of talking people with those impossibly blue eyes.

Lethe smiles to Reese. "I have a few things I need to do, but it is nice to meet you here. I am sure we will be seeing more of each other soon." She tuurns to Sebastian. "It was good to see you again."

    "It was a pleasure to see all new faces, and I regret not having the opportunity to meet all." Carita offers as politely as she can, concluding with, "Thank for for the kindness of your hospitality, Duchess Pravus. Have a good evening." Then, she takes her leave.

Sebastian looks over toward Reese as Lethe turns to address her and discuss the healing. He smiles to her and dips his head, then says quietly to Lethe, "I will let you speak with the Princess." He then takes a few steps away, finally making his way to circulate the area a bit more, or at least stretch his legs.

Sebastian has left the among the trees.

Carita has left the admiring the view.

Calista excuses herself quickly to fetch a glass of wine. She finds Lucita in her travels and steals the young noblewoman on her travels. "I thought I saw you briefly lingering among my roses." She arches a brow and takes one, then a second glass of wine offering it to the woman beside her. "Come, have you met the rest of the Lycene gathering?"

Lucita replies to Carita. 'Thank you for the invitation. I was hoping we could visit again under less stressful circumstances. May we contact each other later to see what we can arrange, that does sound like something would quite enjoy.'

Jaenelle hms softly, her brows pulling together as if she is giving Alaric's question her enitre focus. "Why does it need to be hot though? I think any sort of water would do just fine, as long as you are able to swim. You /do/ know how to swim, do you not? I would hate for our meeting to be called short because my sister had to drag you from the water because you were a bit blue." She sighs deeply, as if this is quite a tragic set of events that have not even happened. "Your Majesty, our meeting will only be in hot water up to your knees, for your own sake." Because she has decide he cant swim without waiting for an answer. "Unless you allow me to teach you."

After the exchange with Talen, Mydas excuses himself as well, heading for the drinks table. There, he doesn't hesitate long, wine tonight. After all, when among the Lycene, do as they do, yes?

Eleyna chuckles at Mydas' clever response before she is led away. "I would hope you don't have such designs on the King, my darling. I mean, I wouldn't mind, I can refuse the King nothing, but you don't seem his type," she quips. As Talen murmurs to her, she offers one of her own, a lazy smile clinging to her lips even as she pulls away and leads the Dark Prince to the King. She curtsies just as gracefully as one might expect of a Lycene. "A thousand pardons for the interruption, your Highness, but I was torn between whether I should be rude in interrupting or rude in forgetting to greet you. I decided to err on the side of being friendly." A dazzling smile is on offer before she nudges an elbow into Talen's ribs in effort to turn on his 'court manners' switch.

Reese has a gentle smile for those gathered here, but her eyes seek out Belladonna first. "This was a wonderful party. I fear that I must take my leave now." She says in the Duchess' direction. She then looks toward the king next. "And it was a pleasure to see you, Your Majesty and well to see all my many cousins and family and friends." She says looking over the room. Her gaze lingers for a moment upon Sabella, Eleyna and Barric.

"Who haven't you been introduced to that you'd like me to?" Belladonna asks of Ian as she slips up beside him, offering up a briefly impish smile sidelong his way. Her much more usual pleasant smile of course replaces it a moment later, but it was there. "I'm glad you came, Princess Reese," she calls back, lifting her glass that way. As Mydas moves for drinks her attention follows him briefly, but she does look back to Ian for his answer.

One could have offered Luca all the gold in Arx or the best forged blade on the planet and it very well may not have resulted in as big a smile on the Lycene duelist's face as when Alaric proclaimed his royal imprimatur to the Lazy title. He's positively floating as he once more raises toast to the man and tosses back the drink. When Reese makes apologies for exit, he's passing off empty drink and waving out as well, kissing cousin's on the cheeks, thumping Talen on the back, and once more giving Alaric a huge adoring grin and a wave in parting. Luca the Lazy officially! Best. King. Ever!

Alaric touches his chest in gentle mock outrage. "I'll have you know, I am a perfectly competent swimmer. But if you've got some sort of secret insights to better fail at drowning, I can't say I'm not interested," he observes wryly to Jaenelle.

Lethe has left the among the trees.

His honor satisfied, Barric nods soberly to Alaric, before grinning, and going forward with eating his fish. "You once again have my loyalty, cousin. It was a near thing. I was thinking very seriously of handing writing 'the king smells of fish poo' on a pamphlet and passing it out to air my greivances." He grins, "But since I have once again been proven true, will you excuse me, Majesty? I must mingle."

10 King's Own Guardsmen have been dismissed.

Zelda, the royal messenger have been dismissed.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Reese before departing.

Ian manages to deposit his now empty glass on one of the drinks trays that are making the rounds through the garden. Hands thus freed, he turns his attention -- all of his attention, with that overwhelming focus that's uniquely his -- to Belladonna. "I think I know almost everyone here, Your Grace, at least in passing." He pauses, and then after a beat thinks to add: "Congratulations on the party, by the way. It seems to be a success."

Lucita chuckles softly, too much innocence to hold true showing in her eyes as she replies to Calista. "Beautiful gardens. I enjoyed the tour of them and hope you will not mind the loss of the few roses I was given. You can hardly tell they are gone." She glances over the gathering once more. "Most are ones I have had the pleasure of meeting but those..." She nods politely in the direction of Luca, Mydas, Sabella and Jaenelle..." I have not."

Talen's switch doesn't seem to be located in his ribs, as indicated by his sudden grunt as he feels bony womanly arm jabbing. Still, the effort to make his introduction and greeting is apparently without too much drama, because by the time Talen and Eleyna have finished saying their niceties to the king, he's then refocused upon Jaenelle and reaches out with his wine-wielding arm to loop it with hers. Attaching another Velenosa princess to their daisy chain, as it were, before they're adrift. "Find a bench with us?" he pesters? "No biting."

Reese receives a message that seems that seems to please her. She even shows the message to Luca. "Oh, the Kings Own Commander looks forward to fighting me again." She says, sounding all flattered. She apparently likes to fight. She has one last smile for everyone. "Take care." She adds again and then slips out.

It seems that, with the pause afforded taking a glass of wine, Mydas has decided now was the time to greet the hostess. "It does indeed seem to be a rather successful event, by the size and quality of the people assembled here tonight. Well done." he remarks to Belladonna, offering the woman a polite bow. His eyes then turn to Ian, adding. "I don't think we've met. Marquis Mydas Nightgold, a pleasure."

Justice, an elegant hunting falcon, Stormy, a silvery gray hunting hound leave, following Reese.

Sabella returns Reese's gentle smile with a soft one of her own. "Be well my dear sister. I shall hope to see you again soon." With so much going on in the gathering, small groups and people moving about, she dips to her own small party even as Reese looks to take her leave before turning in a sea of silvered silk towards the food that is set out an about. She shifts easily, the silvered hem of her gown trailing behind her though her own vibrant gaze slips about the others. Her honeyed tresses cascade over her shoulder even as she glances over her shoulder towards the nearby jests. A delicate piece of cheese snicked between the fingertips of her hand unburden by drink. Her gaze slipping to Lucita with a smile as the woman nods politely. The piece of cheese pausing halfway to the breadth of her lips to give a soft dip of her head even as she moves back.

Giuseppe, a kindly old man leaves, following Luca.

Belladonna checked composure + etiquette at difficulty 15, rolling 24 higher.

Calista slips her free arm into Lucita's and drags the woman back to the gathering of Lycene folks. "Princess Jaenelle, have you met Lady Lucita Igniseri? She too has stolen roses from my garden." Though it's clear from her expression she is not upset at all. "The Fidante men are fierce fighters but they are also known to be quite chivalrous."

"It does seem to be that way," Belladonna agrees mildly, seeming thoroughly undaunted by the force of Ian's focus. Mydas's approach and his initial words have her turning her smile his way, though his words to Ian do have her eyes widening a touch. She brings her glass up and takes a quick drink, enough of a swallow that she has to clear her throat as she lowers it. "This is Lord Ian Kennex," she introduces. "Vanora's husband's cousin." There's an eye kept on the others, making sure to keep an eye out for people who don't seem to be talking to other people.

Ian nods to Mydas. "Lord Ian Kennex." That dry recitation of his name is probably an introduction. For his part he doesn't seem to have caught the irony of the situation. Certainly if he did, he would have been able to summon up so much of that dry humor that was on display when he talked with Carita. To Belladonna, he adds: "I have yet to meet the Marquessa. We seem to keep missing each other."

Jaenelle shifts away from the King as he was swept up in other things just in time to feel Talen's arm through her's. She beams once more at the man, "a bench sounds wonderful. I am taking the King swimming. I'm almost positive Leona will be ok with that." She won't. "I dont bite people, Talen. I was making a point that you should watch what you say and if you did not want a lesson learned, you should not have warned someone not to bite you. You are a father now, you must learn these things." She is easily manipulated towards the direction of a bench though stops when Calista and Lucita approach. "Lady Lucite it is wonderful to meet you! I would agree, Lord Dante saved me from a rather unpleasant afternoon when we first met, he was truly a gentleman."

Lucita gives a little curtsy. "Princess Jaenelle. A pleasure to meet you." There is the focus in her expression of one making mental notes in an effort for remembering names. To Calista she murmurs, humor laced in her words. "Was not I who stole them, just receiving the stolen property." To Jaenelle she says. "Very courtly indeed, though have not met Lord Dante.

There's little the wolf eyes miss, and there's a slight tug at his lips, amusement kept repressed, as the situation unfolds. "Ah yes, another member of Kennex. I fear I've only met the Marquis before, on matters of business. And when he sought his beloved at the Shrine of the Thirteenth. Well met, milord." Mydas takes a sip of the dark red wine he chose before adding. "Busy with the affairs of Tehom, I suspect. Her new position no doubt keeps her suitably occupied."

Eleyna nods to something that Talen murmurs to her and allows herself to be tugged in the direction of the benches. She listens with interest at thi talk of stolen roses between Calista, Jaenelle, and Lucita then slants a glance at Talen as she murmurs, "You never steal anything for me. You haven't killed anything for me since the war either. I'm starting to feel neglected."

"And I don't spend a lot of time at home," Ian allows to Mydas. "I'm usually out before dawn and home after dark." He looks up at the sky. "Although speaking of home, I think I'd better get going. I've got a full dance card this evening, and I need to stop by there to change shirts."

"I'm a fantastic father," says Talen, "I started a fad as any good southerner should and now baby Donato has a knife," is uttered. "It's fox-themed," he reveals, like a simpleton, as if this comment makes it better that his five month old son owns a dagger. "Is that what you royal ministers do, just go swimming, relax with the king? I thought there was actual work to be done," he tells her, as they're soon sat at the bench, leaving Talen to unlink so he can drink. Lucita and Calista's presence nearby for the introduction is considered silently, only a simple nod given, no words of his own. Perhaps because he's left looking at his wife with an expression that says 'Error 404, excuse not found'. Then, after a reboot, he adds: "I'll something for you before the week is out." That's all he says, leaving it like that. "I'll make it spontaneous, it'll be a surprise." How romantic. Or worrying.

With glass empty, Sebastian sets it down as he makes his slow circuit through the gardens, hands folded behind him. There's a smile given to those he recognizes -- Calista, Lucita, Ian, whom he had not yet greeted. He seems disinclined, however to step in and interrupt ongoing conversations, and so he gradually makes his way once more to the periphery before turning his steps toward the house proper.

Synder The Wolfhound leaves, following Barric.

Talen has joined the a shadowy corner.

Eleyna has joined the a shadowy corner.

It seems the man with the cane hasn't gone unnoticed as Sabella's gaze shifts in his direction, settling upon Ian for a moment as Belladonna speaks with him while Mydas approaches. Curiosity alights in her gaze though her focus turns once more as Calista draws another in arm, the flush of her cheeks for the spring's air high upon her cheeks even as another smile graces her features towards Lucita. She gives time for the other woman's offer introductions, a sip of her glass taken as they speak. It is only in between, when no words pass that her voice lilts towards Lucita, "If I may, I am Sabella Grayson. I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting though I have been away for some time."

Jaenelle has joined the a shadowy corner.

Eleyna is overheard praising Belladonna for: Lovely garden. Lovely party.

"Hopefully you will soon," Belladonna tells Ian with a smile. "She seems to be settling in quite well." Her attention shifts back to Mydas as he speaks, and then Ian is excusing himself. "Thank you for joining us tonight, Lord Ian. Perhaps we'll see one another again soon." She tilts her head his way before looking back to Mydas. "I hope that you are well," she tells him, voice lowering a touch. There is a glance after Sebastian when she notices him going, but it's a brief thing.

Sebastian catches Belladonna's eye and gives her a little wink and mouths, "I will be back," knowing she knows he will return. He then slips back into the house.

"Princess Sabella, we have not been formally introduced, though by now we know each other's names. I am Duchess Calista Fidante. I have heard many wonderful things about you. It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." Calista extends her hand to the Grayson Princess in greetings. "If I seem paranoid, well, I am afraid Marquis Mydas is going to toss me into frigid waters."

Lucita says, "Lord Sebastian, It is so lovely here. Just the right mix of grass and the flowers. If I were able to paint as you do, would find it a lovely subject to try. To Sabella she replies in kind. "Lucita Igniseri. Welcome back, Princess . It is a pleasure to meet you!""

Ian gives Belladonna a last "bow" over his cane. Then he takes his leave, albeit at what could normally be called a leisurely pace. Not that the kind of concentration he has to direct to his feet as he walks could be called leisurely.

Ian has left the admiring the view.

"Ah, the woes of a busy schedule. Of course milord, we shall not keep you." Mydas tells Ian, inclining his head to the man. "Until we meet again." And then his attention shifts to Belladonna. "I have, kept busy by the improvements upon my March, among other things. You look well yourself, no doubt the benefits of fulfilling married life, and motherhood." he remarks, smiling. Though his focus does not seem entirely on his cousin-in-law, for he's quick to raise his voice to easily reach Calista's group. "It builds character, toughens the soul and the body. Really, I'd be doing you a service." he so helpfully replies.

"The very best" Jaenelle tells Talen, nodding with conviction. "I am sure the knife is a work of beauty and that Donato is going to be a force to be reckoned with by his first year. As for ministers, yes, thats exactly what we do." She settles herself down on the bench that has been selected, finally taking a break to sip the wine she stole a life time ago.

Sabella dips her head graciously to Calista, "Duchess, it is my pleasure and for only good things to be heard.." (so far) she smiles. "Well, I do try. A pleasure to make your own finally." The piece of cheese between her fingertips of her left hand never did make it to her lips though she switches her glass into that hand to free up her right to curl her fingertips about Calista's own, flesh warm to the touch despite the cooling air of the Spring night. "To you as well, Lady Lucita. I've been quite admiring the gardens myself aside from the flow of guests," she chimes softly.

Eleyna flutters her pale blue eye skyward as she murmurs, "He only just learned to roll over. He can't even crawl yet. Donato doesn't need a -knife-. You could buy him a rattle or perhaps a stuffed toy. But a knife?" She scoffs and takes a sip from her wine glass, eyes moving over the crowd as she murmurs in quieter conversation with those nearest her on the bench.

There's a moment of stillness on Belladonna's part after Mydas has spoken, a moment those lashes stay down. It's a brief little pause chased away by another swallow of Fire, and then she's lifting her glass to him. "No doubt," she agrees. "Excuse me." A quick bow of her head is given in his direction before she's turning to cross the garden in the direction of the gazebo.

Lucita says, "Each of the gardens I have seen around our district have their own special charm, some with little, or not so little surprises." She speaks to Sabella. "Warning though, if you are as good at finding your way through mazes, visit the hedge one by our home with a ball of string in hand to find your way out."

"The knife is adorable," Talen says, of the murderous weapon, while his attention flits to Belladonna and Mydas as they separate with some degree of notable tells. There's a tilt of his head is given, then his gunmetal gaze turns onto Mydas' golden. When they flit over towards the rest of the crowd for a moment, he speaks but it's to Eleyna and Jaenelle where they're sat, his smirk broadening. "You always get your way," he tells the former, while he looks to the latter and says, "until she doesn't, but I'm not allowed to admit how good she sounds when she begs."

Calista gives Mydas a pointed look. "I was unaware this was a part of character building." She lowers her gaze a touch and allows her lips to curve into a surreptitious grin. Her glass of wine comes to her lips and she falls silent for a moment or two while her attention flits across the garden, taking in the others who have gathered to party this evening.

"Mm, challenge accepted. Sounds lovely," Sabella lilts in returns to Lucita. "Perhaps I'll bring a picnic as well for the other lost souls that I might find in there." Her smile sparkles for that even as she finally nips that bit of cheese from between her fingers as if in emphasis, leaving only her glass in her left hand and nearly drained at that. "As for myself, I should perhaps be off as well." Her gaze lifts, taking in Calista before slipping towards the hostess, a soft dip of her head given towards the strikingly lovely woman across the way and in the midst of her own conversation. "I am due elsewhere for a time, I do apologize so though it has been an excellent evening."

Jaenelle lets out a soft pffting sound, "he could certainly have been given a wrapped, dulled, practice sword. But still, a knife he could grow into. Not into, that would be bad, we'd not wish for impalment on knives. Stop making people beg, Talen, its unbecoming. I am sure its not really begging, as much as a level headed desire not to stab you in the face. Its for your best interest that she keeps begging, clearly."

"But of course." Mydas answers Belladonna as she steps away. His wolf eyes sweep over those assembled, meeting the Dark Prince's, which causes him to arch a brow, before they resume their trip. It's then he moves towards Calista's group, leaving his glass of wine on a nearby table. Oh dear, two hands free. Is he going to throw the Duchess in the water? Surely not. Surely. "Why yes. It takes discipline to stay in the water, and more so to actually return to the icy river once you know how it feels. A fine lesson I learned as a boy." he remarks. "If it reassures you, you get used to it. I'd say after the... hundredth time?"

"Princess Sabella, have a wonderful evening. Hopefully we will run into one another again soon. Safe travels." Calista gives the Grayson Princess a bow of her head and curtsey before the young woman departs from the party. She turns to Mydas now, eyeing up his free hands and can sense her body stiffening. "If I go in, you go in."

Lucita's gaze lowers shielding the glint of mirth in her eyes at the comments regarding the character building. At the approach of Mydas, she lays one hand on Calista's forearm as her glance goes to her lovely outfit. "A chilling experience for such a warm gathering. Surely character building can be delayed long enough to enjoy the company here, yes?

Eleyna turns her head to look at Jaenelle and Talen, her eyes moving between the two as she says slowly, trying to make sure the two understand her words. "He's -five months- old. He can't eat with a spoon yet. How's he supposed to grasp a knife? I suppose it can sit in a box, but that seems a waste. What if he's a pacifist?" She's says this as if there is even the most remote chance that any child born of the Dark Prince and the Black Widow of Lenosia would turn into such.

Stepping up to where the musicians are playing, Belladonna slips in to murmur a few quiet words to one of them. As she slips back, the volume they play at lowers just a touch. She sends a quick look over those still present, then moves to replace the drink she finishes as she heads to pick up the new one. It's taken to a bench close to one of the fires to sip on as she warms up.

The grin Mydas gives Calista is more than a match for his eyes. "Tempting, but I wouldn't wish to ruin good silk." And then his attention shifts to Lucita, and he chuckles. "How can you appreciate the warmth without the cold? Indeed, you would certainly favour hot baths all the more after the experience."

"I think we've our signal," Talen murmurs lightly to those he's sat with as the music winds down, his eyes turning towards the hostess, thoughtful. After a time, he rises and then rolls his shoulders, stepping toward her. "I'll catch up," he calls to Eleyna, "don't leave without me." Then, he steps across the way, moving to pause not far from the duchess. His words are quiet, a small motion made, indicating the west. Then with a nod, he waits a second for a response, before readying his departure.

Talen has left the a shadowy corner.

Lucita says, "To we, from the south, our definition of cold is really rather mild." She smiles. " and there was enough cold remaining in memory from winter just past to last till the next."

Eleyna rises from the bench when Talen does as brushes some invisible specks off her pink dress. Her eyes follow Talen as he approaches Belladonna, curiosity alight within pale blue depths before she glances to Jaenelle and holds an arm out in invitation. "Are you headed for home as well or do you plan to stay a little longer?"

Whatever it is Talen says, Belladonna closes her eyes and tilts her head down. It takes her a moment to reply, but she does, her own words spoken quietly. Her chin lifts again a moment after, a smile offered up his way that's pleasant enough.

Jaenelle nods at whatever was shared between the trio in that shadowy corner, standing once Talen does as the party seems to have come to its natural end. She reaches over to hug Eleyna gently, telling her "a spoon then. He can stab people with spoons. We'll work up to it. It'll be fine." She optimistic. "Get home safely, I wish to say my goodbyes and then I will be along." As she passes the other remaining party goers, "Duchess Calista, we should meet soon to talk. Marquis Mydas, it was nice to see you...again? I feel as if we've met once before, though if we had not it was magical to finally do so. Lady Lucita, I do not know you but would like to. Perhaps we can have wine in the hundred cities and share stories?"

Calista finishes her glass of wine and makes a move to bid the hostess adieu. "I'm sorry to have to start making my leave but there are a few things I need to tend to at home. Thank you so much for hosting this party. Everything was wonderful. The food and drink were divine and the ambiance was exquisite. Let us meet again soon and I can bring Inigo with me so that you can meet him if you've not been acquainted yet." The party is winding down but it was certainly a successful gathering. Jaenelle is met with a soft smile and gracious bow of her head. "Yes, Your Highness. I look forward to meeting with you again."

"We had, your Highness. Though it wasn't for long. Business called me away shortly after introductions were exchanged, I believe." Mydas answers Jaenelle, offering a smile and a nod of farewell. "Mm... I suppose with that in mind, the freezing waters will be left alone." he tells Lucita. "But alas, I must likewise take my leave. Until we meet again, Highnesses and Ladies." And he bows then, an eight, and with that, the umbra-clad northman takes his leave.

Talen bows his head, offers a parting comment to Belladonna, then returns to his wife's side. "Come, you need to inspect my injuries, maybe kiss them better. Duchess Calista, Marquis Mydas; farewell. Jaenelle, see you at breakfast."

Eleyna has left the a shadowy corner.

Jiacomo leaves, following Eleyna.

Sybilla, the Lenosian courtier, Eleyna leave, following Talen.

Lucita nods quite amicably to Jaenelle and the warmth in her smile that adds to that. "I'd be delighted. If we have met, I do apologize. When we first came here, so many people at one time to meet prevented me from remembering some. Let me know when to meet and will do my best to be there!"

Jaenelle dips her head politely in the group's general direction and slip out towards home.

Jaenelle has left the a shadowy corner.

3 Fidante House Guards, Alejandro leave, following Calista.

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