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End-of-Summer Beach Barbecue

Because she clearly has nothing better to do, Lady Brianna has dedicated her day to whipping up a party for this evening down at the beach. There will be whole pigs roasted, music, swimming, and a diving contest!


Aug. 14, 2019, 9 p.m.

Hosted By



Monique Alecstazi Wash Sabella Catalana Niklas(RIP) Saoirse Petal Peri Cillian(RIP)



Outside Arx - Eastern Approach - Beaches

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

It's a gorgeous late summer afternoon and the beach is abuzz with activity. Workers are putting the finishing touches on a tall wooden diving platform, pigs are roasting in barbecue pits, blankets are spread here and here over the strand, and musicians are finishing their warmups. The perimeter of the party area is dotted with torches, though they are not yet lit.

3 Thrax Guards, His Grace, a massive red roan Maelstrom destrier, Sednaya, a female Maelstrom Osprey, Xander, a complete asshole goose arrive, following Alecstazi.

Monique arrives down upon the beach, already barefoot, her honey-golden silk gown flowing around her as she buries her toes in the sand, blocking the pathway just for a few heartbeats to savor the moment. And then she continues on towards the divine scent of surf and roast, her crimson hair a beacon in the late afternoon.

Alecstazi is ambling about, being followed by a goose. Given that the Prince isn't running, it's probably okay. Right? Alec is sporting a black organza sleeveless tunic and a leather wrap skirt. His boots are on, but the laces are loosened for easy removal. He looks around and eventually just looks to his goose. "Go on Xander, find her." The goose honks and simply stands where he is. He is a goose afterall.

The Kennex barouche that arrives has seven occupants. Driver, groomsman, the titular Lord and Lady (Wash and Catalana) and two progeny, already squirming in the care of a nanny (arguably the most important passenger). Both are dressed in swimming outfits and the youngest has an inflated swimming belt tied around his waist. The groomsman brings a crate full of ice, in which fruit and vodka have been stored in equal measure. Wash offers Catalana his free arm, while the driver produces a blanket for the family outing. It may not be a Princely endeavor, but it's a stately lifestyle for a Kennex budget.

Sabella comes strolling down the beach arm in arm with Niklas, looking absolutely delighted to be attending a party in the city once again, "Well, not the city proper," she's chattering excitedly at Nik, "But right outside the gates seems close enough! Not that I didn't enjoy the parties in Bastion, I always thought they had an air of old fashionedness about them that made them somehow more wistful. Gave them a dreamy quality. And no, not just because they were slow and certain people would fall asleep," her husband gets a significant look then a smile, "But this is exciting, isn't it? I've made sure our schedule is packed for the next week!" good thing they have nannies. "Oh, look! It's Wash and Catalana! Cousins!" she calls out, waving her free hand, "Look at how big the children have gotten!"

Brianna hears the honk and climbs down from the top of the diving platform. She had been inspecting it. "Ah, I see my favorite goose is here!" she coos, crouching to give the goose a hug. "Oh, and his person," she says, grinning up at Alec. She rises, giving him a peck on the cheek before swishing along to greet other guests. "Lady Monique! Will you be diving this evening? And oh, it's an entire passel of Kennexes."

Lyle, 2 Redrain Guards arrive, following Kieran.

Alecstazi chuckles as Brianna gives him second billing to the goose. To be fair, the goose does make a bit of a spectacle when it spies Brianna, wings out, butt wiggling as the Northern redhead approaches. The hug is reciprocated and when Alec's cheek is kissed, he starts to follow Brianna through the party. Monique gets a smile, "Lady Greenmarch, how is your wrist?"

Monique waves a greeting to Brianna and Alecstazi, and her bandaged wrist is prominently displayed to the latter. "Sore, but I'm afraid I can't swim, anyway, so I'd be no use in diving. I'm merely here to cheer others on and dispel some of the gloom of these visions of late. Two in a row is too many for my meek heart," she says, teasing. There's a wave to Niklas and Sabella, and smile of greeting. "Good to see you two again, Your Highnesses. Looking stylish, as always."

Catalana of course holds onto Wash's arm smiling easily at him. It's rare they get out as a family. She leans down and gives a few murmured words to her about not drowning her brother or the nanny before giving her a kiss on her head. Hearing Sabella, she turns towards the voice and immediately smiles and drags Wash to see his cousins. "When did you get back? It is so good to see you again."

Wash did bring a big blanket. And he doesn't encourage the Kennex liveried gentlemen to hang about. The children depart in the opposite direction of the groom and driver but at twice the speed. The nanny goes after them, thankless job really, that's if the children don't drown her. Wash straightens the blanket first and then is tugged by Catalana to greet the inverse half of his Kennex-Grayson union properly. "Come and join us Niklas, Sabella. Vodka? Watermelon?" He produces a shiny slim rubicund throwing blade to carve the melon with. The blade comes wiht grin attached.

Niklas has come dressed for a beach party in the most beach party attire of all. Shorts. Look at all that pasty leg he's showing off. Nothing quite conveys growing up in a place where it rains five days a week and is even worse on the other two as the cave-fish pale tone of that stretch of calf. Man oh man, he's gonna burn like a rasher of bacon left in the pan long enough to stick to the bottom. Fortunately Sabella's there, all radiant, to distract from legs that haven't seen the sweet kiss of the sun since that one day when he was six that the clouds broke in Stormward and everyone went outside to see what all the fuss was about. "If parties in Bastion have a dreamy quality it's because of the way everyone falls asleep," grumbles Niklas, though when he sees familiar faces he offers big smiles. "Lady Monique! Always a splash of color on a canvas in dire need. And Cat! Wash! Gods, it has been too damnably long." His expression ticks down, but only for a second. He hasn't seen them since the funeral. "We were just in Stormward a month gone. Auntie Vic is hale and still has a good aim with a spoon."

Brianna sashays over to Niklas and Sabella. "Your highnesses! What a pleasant surprise! Are either of you strong swimmers?" she asks, grinning. "I hope to see some excellent diving today."

"I'm sorry to hear you've been wounded, good Lady, but glad you are taking care of it." Alec replies with a smile, even as he loops an arm around Brianna's waist idly. Xander, the goose seems to take offense at this, barreling between them and nosing at Alec's arm and honking. Alec looks over to Niklas and Sabella as Brianna greets them, "Hello there. Prince Alecstazi Thrax."

Catalana gives Niklas a somber look for a moment before the prince, Brianna and the goose have joined them. "My gosh. Is that a goose?" Remembering her manners she adds herself and Wash to the conversation "I'm Lady Catalana Kennex and that is my husband Lord Wash." She gestured over to Wash, but seeing the knife she pauses and squints, "That's not the knife from the bath is it? Please tell me you washed it?"

"It was in a bath." Wash points out. "How much cleaner does it need to get?"

"You're too kind, Prince Niklas. And back just in time for the second annual Gilded Page Literary Competition! You've still got," Monique pauses momentarily in thought, "four days to submit your entry!"

"Lady Brianna, so good to see you again." Niklas asides to his wife, "See? After eight months of seeing the same drab faces over and over again it's nice to return to the city and get to meet our exciting friends all over again!" Then back to Brianna, "Gods no, I'm a terrible swimmer. My sister once dared me to swim across Stormtos't River, which was a very small, but impressively named, creek that went through the scrubland behind the keep. Most people could have walked across it. I nearly drowned. Then I panicked so much I nearly drowned the person who jumped in to save me." He grimaces, then says to Catalana, "I'm not sure Jan has ever forgiven me for all the screaming I did. But to be fair, I was but a child of nineteen." Turning to Alecstazi he extends a hand, "Prince Niklas Grayson, though once I was Lord Niklas Kennex. Wash and I traded off being a prince and I think we both found lives that suit us better." At Monique's comment he nudges Sabella. "I'm not the writing contest winner here. But perhaps I'll put something together."

"I am not a strong swimmer, you'll need to talk to Wash about that," Sabella replies to Brianna with a laugh, "I try to keep my head firmly on the ground since my head is often in the clouds," she grins at Nik's nudge, "I ought to try my hand at writing again, it's been so long! And lovely to meet you, Prince Alecstazi--is that your goose? And I shall have both watermelon and vodka, as it would be rude to turn down such hospitality!"

Alecstazi takes Niklas' hand and clasps it. "A pleasure to meet you, Prince Niklas, Princess Sabella." He looks to the goose and he replies, "I cannot pretend ownership of such a beast. Though I fear he has decided that he owns me instead. Though these days he vastly prefers the company of Lady Brianna. Not that I blame him." He looks back to Niklas and inclines his head, "Kennex, eh? Well moved, your Highness."

Wash hmms thoughtfully. "Back then Jan just laughed whenever I hurt myself." Wash says with a frown. "I think she likes you better than me twice-cousin Niklas." He gestures toward the large woven blanket stretched out on the beach. "Let me put my knife to use then. I've never carved a watermelon before, but how hard can it be?"

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Wash before departing.

"Well, if we don't have too many strong swimmers, I can save the diving contest for next summer," Brianna muses aloud, looking down at the possessive goose. "Don't you get like that," she chides Xander. She looks over at Wash. "What's this about a knife and a bath?" she asks.

Monique laughs to Niklas' quip and nods her crimson head. "Fair point well made. I do hope, Princess Sabella, that you'll enter to win again!" Whatever else the Minx might add is cut off by a messenger finding her in the sand and handing her something that has a frown appearing. "Ah, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay and cheer. Luck to whoever braves the waves! Good evening, all." And then she's slipping away, back toward the city lights.

Kit, the grey fox, Primus, First of Monique's Assistants, 1 Greenmarch Guard, Tertius, Third of Monique's Assistants, Quartus, Fourth of Monique's Assistants leave, following Monique.

Catalana teases Niklas with a groan, "I will never forgive you for all that screaming." She shakes her head as she settles next to Wash and eyes the watermelon and his knife.

"Prince Niklas once had a pelican that delivered his letters," Sabella shudders, "And whatever else was in his bill at the time." She moves over to sit with Wash and Catalana, clapping her hands together in delight, "I can't believe how big your children have gotten! They're like little people!" She marvels.

Wash sits down wiht a watermelon the size of a person's head and the short throwing knife. "It's clean." He promises, before digging into the watermelon. It's served in wedges. So he slices twice and cuts a smile out of the watermelon, sideways. Handing it off to the nearest person at hand preferably Catalana, he starts the next wedge next to the first. They will never come out anything near the same size with this technique. "Cirella definitely thinks she is more than just people. I had to convince her quite firmly that she had to do what the Crown Princess said, even if she was almost a year older."

Dreya, an older woman in Velenosan livery, 2 House Velenosa Guards, Ailfryd, a tall, thin man with a haugty air arrive, following Saoirse.

Fashionably late because it took her a hot minute to realize that the BARBECUE and the MURDER PARTY were not actually the same, Saoirse strides onto the beach wearing ..heels? Saoirse, why.

Petal arrives at the beach while adorned in a sunflower sundress. She carries along a basket that is filled with things. The girl peeks over the beach, trying to get a sense for things here. She seems to be in a cheerful mood.

"A pelican? Wouldn't everything be... well I suppose it did not carry the missives in its mouth, but on a leg, yes? Elsewise anything delivered would be sodden?" There is a laugh from Alec at the mental image provided and he too looks at Xander when the bird gets tempermental. He looks to Brianna and says, "At this rate, I am going to be forced to sleep in another room."

Heels still beat Niklas' crime against fashion, especially for one so usually notable for his fashion, a pair of knee-length shorts that make him look like a divorced dad on his weekend with the kids. To Wash he says, "Relara is getting there. She learned some words, so she's decided that the best way to implement them is at maximum volume. And most of them aren't inherently offensive." Looking back to Alec he says, "Oh, no. Steve carried everything in her mouth. Messages and fish. She wasn't a good message delivery mechanism, but she got the job done. Sort of." When he espies the Sass of Upper Class, Niklas waves excitedly. "Princess Saoirse! So good to see you out and about. I'd heard you were doing poorly. I'd make a joke about your having been sick, but I haven't found medical humor all that funny since a Mercy told me I had an irony deficiency."

"Oooh, a spicy little lady, is she?" Brianna says with a grin in response to Wash's remark about Cirella. "I like her. If she ever wants to learn how to use an axe, send her to me." She rolls her eyes at Alec. "I don't know about all of you, but I think I'm going swimming, if no one is interested in diving. The little ones certainly look ready to get in the water." She frees herself from Alecstazi's embrace and unfastens her gown, revealing a perfectly sensible bathing costume. The gown and slippers are handed to a nearby attendant.

Sabella laughs, "Relara is going to be much the same I fear. She has more of Niklas' temperament than mine, it must be the hardy strength of the Mourning Isles, at least that's the poetic way I explain it to myself when she's in the middle of a tantrum," she takes an offered slice of watermelon and seems to savor each delicious bite, "If summer had a taste this would be it!" At Alecstazi's questions she grimaces, "If it was just sodden you were lucky. A Princess isn't exactly trained at picking fish bits out of her hair, but I suppose it was just training me for my marriage to an islander!" When Petal and Saoirse arrive they are given bright smiles and a sticky fingered wave, "You're just in time for watermelon and swimming! Though I'd suggest one before the other really. Not both at once."

Petal continues further onto the beach. She looks over those gathered here, having a smile of greeting that touches her brown eyes. She then goes to take a seat one of the tables. Th girl puts her heavy basket down. "Oh, I love watermelon. Hi Princess Sabella." She says warmly in her heavy accent.

There is a lift of his brow and Alec just laughs at Niklas' words, "Well, I shall remember that if ever I need to correspond with you and you put your pelican back to work. Steve." There is another chuckle and as Brianna moves away from him, he laughs, "Oh no you don't!" Kicking off his boots, Alec unfastens his skirt and he too has a swimsuit underneath. He rushes after Brianna and attempts to scoop her up into his arms. Let's see how that goes!

Wash continues mutilating a watermelon in the process of learning how best to cut one with a knife shorter than his hand. At least he's unlikely to cut himself. He knows how to handle a knife. Each wedge of watermelon he manages to sever from it's original home, however small or ungainly gets passed to the first person interested in it.

For a moment, or two or seven, Saoirse stares at Niklas blankly -- but when he finishes, with such a punny flourish, the princess finally emotes: she looks up to the sky as if examining the placement of the sun (OR MOON WHATEVER). "My word, Prince Niklas," she says in ... it has to be a jest, right? "That bit certainly took its sweet time." It's at this moment that Saoirse decides that heeled shoes are the stupidest and she reaches down, hurls them off her feet, and passes them to a servant. It seems the princess is partial to swimming for she's slowly plucking jewelry off her body to hand to her maid. "I'm sure a Velenosa can do both," as if that's some important point of pride.

Alecstazi checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 23 higher.

Brianna checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 33 higher.

Catalana stares at Niklas for a good moment and then murmurs loudly to Wash, probably in jest. "Kennex certainly got the better swap." Nibbling on the watermelon she watches as those make their way for the sea.

Eina, Soot, a ferret arrive, following Peri.

When Alec tries to pick up Brianna, she lets out a peal of laughter, twisting and tickling him just so to throw him off guard... and then she's on the ground, picking him up over her shoulder. "Aha, the tables have turned!" she crows, rushing into the waves and dumping him unceremoniously into the water.

"Noooooooooooo!" SPLOOSH! How undignified! Alecstazi is hoisted up and then dumped in the water -- the precise move he had been intent on doing. He comes up sputtering, soaked hair strewn in his face, water dripping and an arm lifted in faux threat, "I'm going to get you for that, Brianna Halfshav!" Xander is pacing back and forth along the shoreline, honking and flapping his wings. Bird laughter? It seems like bird laughter.

Wash pops to his feet with the last bowl of watermelon. He slices that nearly perfectly in half, and quarters it. The smaller the remains, the easier it is for him to cut with a small knife. He hands one to petal, one to Catalana and lets out a piercing whistle that gets Cirella's attention. He holds up the last two slices for his children. Best get them fruit before the vodka starts flowing. "You wrestle a bear, you get the claws." Wash says about the dunking Alecstazi has just received.

Peri's hair could put an eye out when it gets wet and slapping in the wind from off the beach, and this is why it is currently peacebond with a bandana and a belaying hairpin. She's got options. She has a bag of books for beach reads, but is dressed for high contact beach combing - the beach fights back? or OOOOHHHHHH there's a diving board. That's where she goes.

Catalana snorts at the couple in the water and at the goose. Grasping the younger of the Kennex brood, she plops Rayne on her lap while he devours his watermelon, chunks and juice coating him and his mother. Thankfully, it's a beach picnic and she'll get up to swim before too long.

Petal is still here and perched at the table with her sewing basket nearby. She looks over to those in the water, seemingly amused. The girl waves in Peri's direction. She then smiles over to Catalana. Finally she gets up to find watermelon.

Peri has joined the a tall wooden diving platform.

Wash gets a watermelon out of the crate that appears to have an empty vodka bottle stuck in it. He lifts it partially out of said hole and then lowers it again. "Nope. Not ready yet." He explains. "When all the vodka leaves the bottle, this guy will be ready to slice."

Brianna points triumphantly at Wash. "Listen to that man. He knows what's what!" She climbs up on the diving platform. "Go on, Peri! You'll be the first one to use it! Just finished having it built today, and hopefully it will be good next summer, provided it survives the winter storms."

Niklas clucks his tongue at Saoirse and says to Sabella, "I think she liked the pun. Surely she'll be offering me her job any day now." True to his word, Niklas isn't about to to take anything off and go jump in the water. It looks cold! And wet! To his wife he says, "You should give it a go. You won a Lycene horse race against a half-dozen Lycene equestrians, you can win a swimming contest."

Sabella laughs and claps her hands at the hilarious turn of events down by the water, "It honestly looks like a lot of fun, but can you imagine how tangled my hair would get?" she grins at Niklas with his puns, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek before looking over to Wash with the vodka watermelon, "Goodness, is that how you make flavored vodka? How do you do it with smaller fruit? Or is that a trade secret?"

"This is how you make vodka flavored fruit." Wash opines. "Which is sweeter than any flavored vodka."

Peri checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 26 higher.

Saoirse plucks a watermelon -- an ENTIRE WATERMELON -- and starts to move toward the beaches, no intention of racing it seems. Also, what is she going to do with a whole, uncut watermelon.

Alecstazi stomps out of the water, charging for Brianna. Either by coincidence or some infernal training, Xander charges at Brianna's flank, wings flapping as if to get Brianna's attention and hold it while Alecstazi makes another attempt at grabbing Brianna.

Peri grins at Brianna and calls up, "It will be FINE in the winter. Just a little brisk!" She sees Petal and shouts HALLO with exuberance. She is sunnier than she has been for months. She kicks off her shoes, sheds her satchel, and climbs that platform. She says, "On three!" and then jumps. WOOOOOooo! She attempts to cannonball water on people, without slapping herself all red.

Petal looks over to Saorise and her eyes widen. She looks amused and doesn't comment. "Lady Peri, hi!" She says toward her. The girl then goes to sit on a table with her piece of water melon.

Brianna starts her way up the ladder, but between the flapping and the charging, Alec manages to grab Brianna by the leg and get her off balance. She falls directly onto him.

Niklas heads over to collect some of the vodka soaked watermelon. This is how to get a Niklas to eat his fruits and veggies. Saoirse hefting up a whole watermelon and wandering off with it gets a dubious look. "I'm not sure I think there's a good end to what's about to happen."

Catalana watches Saoirse too, "I'm glad I'm not her target." Lifting Rayne from her knee, she begins to remove the simple silk dress she wore down here. Free and I'm her bathing costume, she heads towards the diving board "Now I know it won't fall over, I can have a turn."

Alecstazi checked strength + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 2 lower.

Alecstazi oophs as Brianna lands squarely atop him, his laughter going breathless. "Once... I... can.. breathe..." Alecstazi pops up, grabs Brianna and promptly falls back down. "The sand is everywhere!"

Brianna rolls off of Alec and dusts herself off. "Serves you right, you brute." She cheers for Peri and her cannonball!

Saoirse decides the watermelon is too heavy for her, so she drops it on the ground and lets it rolllllll toward the beach. Perfect. She looks very pleased with herself ...until the melon rolls into the water. Shoot. Damn. Rats.

Sabella whistles, not quite as loudly as Wash did earlier or as sharply, when Peri makes her jump, "Great splash!" She calls out, then laugh again at Brianna and Alecstazi, "It looks like someone's met their match. So tell me everything that you've been up to, don't leave out any details, and maybe hurry before Princess Saoirse conjures up some horrible Velenosan ghost using a watermelon, high heels, and some stern looks."

Catalana checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 23 higher.

Catalana easily ascends the stairs up to the board. Knowing at least Wash and her kids are watching she steps to the end letting her toes curl over the edge. Taking on jump on the end, she leaps into the air and turns herself in a loop before entering the water in a swan dive. No where near as mighty a splash as Peri's

"I am going to develop a complex." Mutters Alecstazi grumpily. He gets out from under Brianna and head off towards the water. "How does sand get *everywhere* so *fast*??"

Wash follows Catalana toward the stairs, stripping his tunic off along the way. Kids are a nanny's problem and they've got watermelon to occupy them at the moment. He whistles appreciatively at Catalana's dive. "Gorgeous! And so was dive!" He stops at the floating watermelon. He looks at it, he follows the trail up the beach to Saoirse. He points at the watermelon and looks at her quizzically.

Niklas watches Saoirse and the melon like he very much believes she is Up To Some Shit, but can't figure it out. Turning his attention back to all the jumping he says sidelong to Sabella, "Perhaps I should try a dive. I did once tilt with the king, you know. Came in third place!"

Petal looks over to Niklas. "You could try, what could possibly go wrong, Your Highness." She says, but her tone is gentle. The girl seems content with her watermelon.

Why would Saoirse Velenosa be Up to Something?! How very dare-- oh. Hang on. She is. The princess spares a quick glance of faux exasperation with Wash than runs after the melon. She straddles it, holding it still, reaches her hand for Dreya, and takes her heel back. The princess then suddenly and violently RAMS the pointy heel into the melon -- the predictable reaction to this action comes forth. The watermelon virtually explodes into a sugary, frothy, seawatery mess.

Peri checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 10 higher.

Wash jumps away from all that before the smashing commences. If the princess of Velenosa loses her balance in the shallow water, Wash isn't going to risk his well-being and seed-free complexion to save her. He strides through the water toward the diving platform, eager to meet Catalana at least halfway out there before he climbs up.

Wash has joined the a tall wooden diving platform.

Catalana laughs and shakes the droplets of seawater from her hair. She moves back to the line, eyeing Wash with a touch of mischief, "Are you going to dive?"

It was a temporary crater did Peri make and the water flowed back in right away. She bellows happily when she breaks the surface and swims back towards the shore. She safely dodges the fruit shrapnel. She laughs at Saoirse and considers the uses to which one can put a heel.

Sabella reaches out to snake an arm around one of Niklas', "Please don't for I have a very active imagination and unlike what Mistress Petal just said as encouragement I can imagine a great many things that could go wrong and I really don't want to be a widow at this age." She looks over to those that are jumping, seemingly quite happy to sit and watch, "Do you really think I should enter Lady Monique's contest again?"

Petal looks over to Sabella, giving her a sheepish smile. "Maybe you shouldn't jump, Prince Niklas." She says changing course and agreeing with her. "Also it is very nice to see both in town. I look forward to pumpkin outfits and all sorts of fun clothing being worn about." She murmurs in her heavy accent.

"I'm certainly going to try. It's no cliffs of Tssau, but I think the lack of rocks at the bottom is a good thing, right?" Wash settles in line behind Catalana. "I'll let you go up first." He promises his wife.

Catalana shakes her head immediately "Oh no. Age before beauty love." She shifts aside to let Wash up first.

Catalana has joined the a tall wooden diving platform.

At first it looks like the Velenosan just silently made an insane mess. For no reason.


But then.

If anyone glances in her direction, pays a little attention, the sea seems to be frothing not just watermelon pink...

But sea-blue-green, glittering, a bioluminescence that starts just where Saoirse exploded the watermelon and then begins to sparkle all over the sea around where the juices ran. Then, slowly, the lights blink out further... and further...

"Of course you should write something for Monique," says Niklas, like Sabella asked if she should keep breathing. When Saoirse does her watermelon trick he gives a slow, perplexed nod. "Well. That's not how I thought that would end, but if I'm being honest I had no idea how it would end." Petal's comment yields a look of chagrin. "I lost much of my wardrobe at sea, unfortunately. Aeterna may not stain, but you can never get out that seawater smell." Things with Saoirse just get weirder and weirder. "Huh."

Wash pauses at the top of the climbing tower and looks down at the frothing colored water. "Sparkle gas?" He wonders out loud.

Saoirse turns and gestures to the now lit sea. "I read about it in a book once." Of course she did. "It will come to the surface for sugar, or come inland, I can't quite remember which. I just thought it would be pretty. For everyone." And it is. "I don't think anyone really knows what it is, but sailors find it fascinating."

"Hey!" Alecstazi had been trying to subtly rid his trunks of sand, and suddenly there is a spray of watermelon juice and THEN there is glowy sparkle stuff. "Hey! Is this poison!? Are you poisoning people again, Princess?" He rapidly tries to swim away from the luminescent stuff.

Catalana comes up quickly behind Wash. Looking over his shoulder she murmurs "Oh pretty."

"Oh! That's completely gorgeous!" Sabella gasps as the sea starts to light and glitter, "Princess Saoirse, I never knew you had an interest in alchemy!" Because surely that's what that is, right? "Mistress Petal, do you see that?" She asks, pointing in case the seamstress hasn't yet noticed the very noticeable thing. "And what Prince Niklas says is true, but it is to your fortune for he will soon need fashionable clothing and we always head to your shop for that!"

Petal look over to Niklas, nodding in response his words. "That is a shame, but I guess that just means more excuses to get more clothing." She says and then looks to the water all wide eyed. "Wow..." She says. The girl then smiles. "I would be honored to help either of you with clothing."

Peri's eyes widen at the plume of light and steps closer to Saoirse to watch the colors eddie around her. "That is amazing."

Saoirse checked intellect at difficulty 10, rolling 17 higher.

"Well, I'm a Velenosa," Saoirse says to Sabella. "Of course I dabble. But --" The princess turns back to the waters. "I'm really not sure that this is quite that. There's no mixing of potions; it seems more like when -- I don't know, when you feed an animal." But of course, that's not what this is either - could it be? Saoirse's expression drifts into vague puzzlement, certain interest, and entire enthrallment. "It doesn't often come to the beach - that's why sailors see the lights more than we do. Favors deep ocean, so say some reports."

Catalana has come all the way to the edge of the board with her husband, all the while offering murmurs words and some appreciative looks at his butt. But not now. Now that they're at the edge it's trouble making time. Giving him a honey and milk smile, she leans in and whispers something as she gives Wash a good shove! Hopefully sending him into the water.

Wash shakes his head. "I must take a watermelon with me next time I visit the deep ocean. I don't think I could repeat this light show however." Then he turns his back to the ocean to do his dive just in time to see his dear, beloved, charming, not-so-harmless wife shove him off the platform. "Aaaas.... you.... wish....!" He glubs before he hits the water. Not a good dive. Not at all.

Peri says, "You can see the light in wakes not too far from shore." She scratches at some sand in her hair. "When I was a child I looked at our wake when we'd sail back in from a day of fishing."

Catalana cackles with glee as Wash goes splash into the ocean. After he surfaces she jumps too, coming down to splash Wash.

Enthralled, Brianna wades out into the glowing surf. "Oh, this is marvelous," she coos to anyone within earshot.

Peri checked dexterity + artwork at difficulty 9, rolling 7 higher.

"Yes, well, I imagine that for every beautiful natural phenomenon there's probably twelve murder sharks or fire-whip octopuses or death wizard squids." Niklas eyes the glowing waters suspiciously, as if there may already be death wizard squid swimming around in the constellation of bio-luminescence. Just in case he takes a prim step back from the waters.

Saoirse shrugs a little at Niklas, turns, and launches herself into the sea. Hope there're no sharks. After a moment, she bobs up to report - nope. No sharks.

Alecstazi watches the bioluminescent water suspiciously, though as Brianna wades into it, he frowns more deeply, moving over towards her to stand there protectively. Despite, you know, having been publicly bested by her twice.

1 Crimson Blades Sergeant, 1 Crimson Blades Lieutenant, 1 Crimson Blades Private arrive, following Cillian.

"It's all so magical!" Sabella enthuses, leaning into Nik's side and giving a dreamy sigh that turns into a laugh, "You definitely have the better imagination of the two of us. Well, maybe better isn't the right word. More...vivid?" She watches Wash and Catalana jump in and does a 'woo!' Then continues to Nik, "Since we aren't swimming I think we ought to start heading back. The girls will want to eat before bed and as good as Mean Nanny is, she can't do that."

Petal is perched on the picnic table while adorned in her sunflower sundress. She has her large sewing basket nearby and she also watermelon.

"We should try skipping some shells," Peri says. "I gave all my good ones away." She wanders down the beach to comb for shells to skip on the water.

Wash backstrokes toward the shore, towing Catalana after him, her arms wrapped around his neck.

After considering the implications of Sabella's words Niklas makes a very dramatic grimace, gives a nod and offers a wave to the others at the beach. "Good evening, all. It's back into the fray with babies that outnumber parents." As if he ever really has to do much beyond tell the nannies to put them to bed.

Peri has left the a tall wooden diving platform.

Eina, Soot, a ferret leave, following Peri.

2 Grayson House Guards, Elizabetta, a disapproving lady-in-waiting, Lily, an aloof lady-in-waiting, Clark, an exasperated guard leave, following Sabella.

Sam, who is a boy and definitely not a princess in disguise, Sabella leave, following Niklas.

Cillian comes walking down onto the beach it seems the man is looking for someone, his eyes scanning the beach as he heads for the small gathering.

Catalana lets Wash pull her along, all the while cooing and loudly proclaiming how masculine he is. Coming to the shore she tells Wash, "Go dive. I'll watch from the shore."

"Watermelon first." Wash promises. "And pork. There's pork cooking in one of those firepits." Wash returns to the blanket, his children and nanny in toe, collects his knives and heads off to forage for dinner for his family.

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