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Dam those beavers made a mess!

The Cathedral of the Waves in the Thrax District seems to have had some or maybe still have some guests. Unfortunately, said guests were a little messy and left things a little... sticky. This just won't do, and so there's a gathering to see to helping the waters run clean, the damn removed and when all the hard work is done everyone will have the opportunity to sit down and share a meal. Because what takes a beaver a few hours to make when they put their minds to it, takes a little longer to undo.


April 25, 2019, 7 p.m.

Hosted By



Vega Ailith Kaya Ian Ajax Sorrel



Arx - Ward of House Thrax - Confessional of the Waves

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Maxene, the steadfast ladies maid, Elegance, a Velenosian Greyhound, Pellinor, 4 Thrax Guards, Honey Snuggle, a Velenosian Angora cat arrive, following Alarissa.

Maxene, the steadfast ladies maid, Elegance, a Velenosian Greyhound, Pellinor, 4 Thrax Guards, Honey Snuggle, a Velenosian Angora cat leave, following Alarissa.

Maxene, the steadfast ladies maid, Elegance, a Velenosian Greyhound, Pellinor, 4 Thrax Guards, Honey Snuggle, a Velenosian Angora cat arrive, following Alarissa.


Not that there's any beavers here anymore.

But there's evidence that they were by the water that feeds the well having reduced to a trickle and the water backing up. It has been a slow clean up since it was discovered. Consultation with the faith and then engineers on how to best dissemble the dam without destroying things in the cathedral or the cathedral itself.

And thus far all day, people had been coming in and out in preparation and finally it was time to dissemble, take apart the creation of the creatures. Sticks as they were removed, teased from the mud that acted as glue, were passed over and gathered, to be carted off to the Lodge of Petichor and other places where they would be used to burn. Lines of people waiting to take a bundle of sticks off. Thralls, servants, commoners, some nobles and plenty of godsworn all getting elbow deep in restoring the cathedral to what it was.

For those less inclined to get dirty, there was nourishment to pass out, and towels so that those who were finished what they could do, could wash their hands and leave.

Dame Marra, a limping fennec fox, Disciple Ismay, Disciple Fulgence, 2 Templar Knight guards arrive, following Ailith.

Vega is there, elbow-deep into the mud and muck to help carefully disassemble the dam that's cropped up overnight. Her coat, thankfully, has been hung up neatly and her sleeves unbuttoned and rolled up. That hasn't prevented the mud from splattering across her hair, her face, or her gown. Still, the Thraxian Princess is there to show that royalty isn't afraid to get their hands dirty when called upon. She chats with some of the folk that are helping, passing off a bundle of sticks to someone with a smile before turning to go right back to it. A hand swiped across her forehead leaves a smear of mud in its wake.

Dressed in what can only be described as the dirtiest patchwork garments, the Legate of Concepts arrives prepared! And with shovel! She doesn't appear at all distressed by her attire, smiling and whistling a jaunty tune while her disciples, in relief, race off to assist with the refreshments. The tall woman strides forth and pauses nearby the Princess-Consort of Thrax, planting her shovel and leaning slightly against its handle. "Where do you need me? These arms have done more than carry stacks of papers," she jests.

Kaya enters silently taking in the what is happening. ?Greetings,? she says inclining her head politely to those there

Ian has been here all day, since the disassembly started. In boots, pants, and a loose linen shirt, he's pretty cheerful -- well, inasmuch as he's ever cheerful -- about diving in and getting dirty. Literally diving in, if need be. If the need crops up for someone to go into the water that's being held back by the dam, he's quick to volunteer and is able to hold his breath for minutes at a stretch. Otherwise, he goes where he's needed, and is just dirty.

Floofus, the fluffiest Graypeak Mountain Puppy, 2 Redwood Initiates arrive, following Ajax.

Lifting a hand towards Ailith, Vega calls out, "

Alarissa's one of those helping with refreshments and directing those who come to help. Ian has had no lack of being asked to go under the water, to ensure that where they work next will not collapse the whole thing.

Ajax checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 18 higher.

Lifting a hand towards Ailith, Vega calls out, "We could use a hand over here! Some of the mud is starting to slop out, if you want to start scooping it out of the way so we keep as much out of the fountain as possible?" Turning back, she offers a faint smile towards Ian, "I am envious of your ability to stay underwater so long, Lord Kennex." Vega turns back to consult with the engineer, nodding and moving to start carefully pulling sticks and twigs from the dam and setting them aside.

Alarissa's one of those helping with refreshments and directing those who come to help. Ian has had no lack of being asked to go under the water, to ensure that where they work next will not collapse the whole thing. The animals made this thing in layers and so it has to be deconstructed in the same way. Vega calls out to Ailith and Alarissa gestures. "That way. As the Princess speaks, so it is needed." A look to what the woman is wearing and a shake of her head to the much taller woman. "You never cease to surprise me."

With a slow trudge, and being flanked by a pair of young men, Ajax makes his way towards the confessional proper, his head kept low as every so often he shoots the people with a look the type of look a father gives their child when they enter a sweets store, that just screams a warning of best behavior. As the the men draw closer a small look is short towards the mess following with an impressed whistle, "Alright, lads. You know what to do." he offers with a tilt of his head.

The men move off Ajax's flank and over towards the mess given, just picking up odds and ends at first as they look about for larger pieces. Though, a bit hesitant to go under the water with Ian just yet. At least not without being told the mercenary then moves towards Alarissa and Vega lowering his head respectively, "Yer Highnesses." he offers with a warm rumble, before his eyes moves to Kaya next nodding, "Runt." in brief greeting.

Quick at flashing a grin, Ailith dips her head respectfully to Alarissa, "That's because I purposely avoid your district after my work-off-stress-in-the-stables days. Ismay and Fulgence will happily oblige any of your requests, so long as they avoid mucking." A chuckle and she hoists the shovel over her shoulder to head over to Vega. "Princess," she intones. "I'm glad to see you have an architect on hand to decipher this puzzle of a dam. Beavers are quite ingenious with their builds." And down goes the shovel as the Legate focuses on the hard manual labor of muck the mud.

Ian rests on the edge of the water or in it, hanging onto something to stay up, when not actually diving; the long dives are physically taxing, and he doesn't seem at all steady on his feet with his braced boots off, anyway. "It's mostly a matter of practice," he calls down to Vega. "I was --" But an engineer is back over to talk with him again, and this cuts his attention from the conversation. There's some gesturing as the man explains something to Ian, and more gesturing from Ian as he asks questions.

Kaya seeing Ian, Kaya silently joins the man seeming comfortable in his pressance and also not afraid to get dirty. Her honey brown eyes are watchful, focused and curious as she mimics what she sees others are doing to help. She only mildly acknowledges Ajax before falling into following the directions of Ian with a focused discipline as if she respects the man.

Ian and the engineer are talking, debating the merits of taking this layer off, versus coming in from the side when there's a groan. Near the front of that damn - Ian and the engineer are on the back side of it - a thrall of Thrax's eyes widen as his hand is on a particualrly big stick he had been deciding to remove. One that it seems, did not want to be moved. Those on the back side of the damn can feel the shift, the promise of the damn to collapse forward if something's not done.

"So am I, Legate. While I am certain we could have muddled through, this would almost certainly have made a much larger mess and taken much longer to clean if we had none," Vega agrees with Ailith as she bundles up another batch of sticks to be handed off to someone for use elsewhere. Looking towards Alarissa briefly, she offers, "We should think about setting aside a portion of these to distribute in the Lowers. Help the folk there with keeping their homes heated in the colder months. Maybe one of the shelters or soup kitchens?" Its a brief mention, however, with Vega turning back to nod to Ian in the moments before he gets caught by one of the engineers. She smiles instead towards Kaya and dips her head, then lifts a filthy, muck-covered hand towards Ajax, "Master Ajax. Thank you for coming by. All help offered is appreciated." But then there's ominous noises coming from the dam and she's glancing around, "Oh no! We need braces!!"

The instructions Ian is getting seem to involve something under the water that needs checking out. With the muck and silt stirred up in the water by now, he's probably doing this by touch, which explains why he's down there so long every time he dives. But now he straightens at the sound of the groan, perceiving, perhaps, some vague shift in the water as well. "Shit." A look cast at the dam, and then up at the engineer. "What do you need me to do?" In the water is probably not a great place to be when the dam collapses, but he seems to be willing to risk it.

?How can I help,? Kaya questions Ian. She offers polite greetings but her main focus is helping and not just helping anyone, helping Ian

"What an intricate puzzle they weave." Ailith is on her next large flick-shovel of mucky mud when the wobbling gets noticed. Her eyes dart between Vega, Alarissa, and Ian, but round back to the engineer. There's a series of mutters beneath her breath and she races over to use her backside as a support against the wobbling -- a physical brace until the actual braces can be brought in.

"It's always a pleasure, I figured, some of my lads could use a bit of a work out an-" Ajax pauses, his eyes shifting towards the damn properly, "Shit!" his eyes widening a bit before he moves quickly without the trudge joining Ailith in using his own back as a brace against the damn properly as he tries to keep the damn up. The Initiates move to help Ajax which causes the man to growl, "Stay fokin' back lads." he shifts slowly to try and take as much of the weight as he can manage.

Ian is deferring to the engineer he's talking to. One of the two of them is an expert in fluid dynamics, and it's not Ian. He does tentatively propose finding a way to deflect the weight of the water away from the weak point in the dam, but it's clear in his tone of voice that he knows he has no idea what he's talking about.

Kaya is still following Ian and helping him. Even if he seems not to know what he is doing either Kaya is there to help if Ian gets in trouble or she just trusts him that much. She helps how she can, following the instructions given to her with a quiet focus

There's a mad scramble by others to join Ailith, Vega and Ajax, one of the thralls grabbing Kaya to come help as people line up to use their backs to shore up where the wrong stick was threatening to burst it all. "Wood!" calls the engineer, who looks to Ian. "The center top. WE need to tear some of it down and swiftly, to let water through and release the pressure some while the braces are put in place." They hadn't been ready to do such before, but now they were. Or more, there was no choice.

Still, it creeks.

Creek goes the dam. Creek goes her back. Ailith grunts, bracing herself against the wobbly tower pile of sticks and stones. "Let's hope these don't break our bones," she cheekily jokes to Ajax and Vega. Her chin juts toward the shovel at her feet. "Lord Ian, this may help you get the top layer or use rakes or pitchforks to stab and nudge the pieces." Hope fills her words, mindful to repeat the orders by the engineer.

Ajax checked strength + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 42 higher.

Vega flashes a brief grin towards Ailith, mud and Gods only know what else slipping and sliding around them, threatening to break free. "Lets hope it doesn't collapse and bury us all, too!" Despite the dire words, her tone is still cheerful as she braces her body up against the mass right next to the rest of the workers.

Sorrel heads up to see how things are progressing, dressed in some loose old clothes that used to be her husband's probably, considering that they billow on her. She stares curiously at the dam, glancing around hopefully for beavers but finding none, and so she goes to help the others with the clean up. Notably, she does it without saying a word; rather out of character for the princess.

"If the great road shavs, ain't doin' me in." Ajax offers with a matching grunt towards Ailith, grunting with a moment of pressure as he uses one foot to try to push some of the weight off the damn, with a rumbling growl he does push at it. The actions making his face grow a rage of red, perhaps, looking more akin towards a berserker beyond the effort with the vein alongside his neck grows thick from the effort.

"Are you much of a swimmer?" Ian asks Kaya. The question is rhetorical, though, because he plunges ahead with: "See if you can shorten the handles on a couple of shovels and bring them out. I should know how to take it apart by the time you get here."

Kaya checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 25 higher.

Mud oozes from the cracks in the dam, seeping down over those physically bracing with their bodies. Ailith closes her eyes and momentarily loses her footing when trickles of water pool about the floor. Between the mud facial, she spats out a rousing rendition, "One for the money," and PUSH! The Legate uses what little strength she has, pale in comparison to such warriors as Vega and Ajax, and attempts to provide enough support to prevent a complete avalanche-explosion of wood and mud.

Kaya is thankfully wearing clothes and not armor today she quietly nods at Ian and follows his instructions carefully and precisely with a graceful ease about her movements.

Ian has an interesting habit of mostly swimming under the surface of the water rather than the usual breast stroke or doggie paddle that you'd normally see someone do. As such, he disappears under the surface, and comes up at the center of the dam. When Kaya shows up a moment later with shovels, he's worked a couple of larger sticks and branches loose, and points out where to start, then starts attacking the mud around another branch with the second shovel, loosening up the mud so it'll be easier for Kaya to get through. He works fast, but still with a sense of calm precision. Getting any kind of leverage in the water is tricky, but Ian doesn't seem willing to risk climbing out of the water and putting his weight on the already tottering dam.

Kaya quickly and precisely follows Ian?s instructions. She seem at ease and relaxed in his presence, a comfortable silence shared as she focuses on her work and his instructions

Alarissa has rolled 1 10-sided dice: 5

Kaya checked dexterity at difficulty 7, rolling 13 higher.

Ian checked dexterity at difficulty 7, rolling 3 lower.

Ajax checked strength + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

There is a sense of urgency in the room, someonr unning outside to call for more hands to come and quickly. People pilingin with both the long beams and footers to start putting bracers up while people press backs, sticks digging into them, poking at ribs as they strive to keep that dam up and all that water behind it. Vega, Ailith, Ajax, Sorrel, dozens of others lined up, and keeping things up. Barely. There's still creaks, though those around Ajax can feel the sheer strength of the former thrall as he really puts his back into it.

Behidn the dam, Kaya, Ian and the engineer are wading into the water and onto the back side of that dam and work. Mud dirties the water, stirs up sediment and makes it hard to see when they go underwater. They can feel the vibration of the wall and all the others who are holding it up, of the braces when they are presses against it and someone has to move to make room for it.

Fingers tear at the sticks, twigs, grass and every manner of nature used by the creatures to build the dam. Kaya feels it first, where she tears at the wall, and Vega and Ailith can feel that trickle of water running down their collars, and not mud. But without the creak that warns of collapse. Kaya's finding success. Ian dips under the water, prepared to grab at one branch that seems like it will be the best to remove and give him what he needs. He does suceed, Ajax and Sorrel can feel the water now, the creaking dying down. But something keeps Ian from going up, his pants snagged on a thick branch, trapping him below.

"What I wouldn't give for Aethan's blasted ax right now," Ian mutters before slipping under the water.

Success! He gets the branch out and... well, crap. He doesn't treat this as an emergency, probably because of how long he knows he can stay underwater. Once he realizes he's stuck, and it does take him a moment, he twists around to feel with his hands what he can't feel with his feet, working out where he's stuck and how. Depending on the situation, he'll use his work knife to cut the branch, or his pants.

Ian wields Useful Knife.

At the Legate's command to push, Ajax continues to drive his feet into the ground before pushes his back into the the dam itself. His face growing redder from the exertion, brown eyes falling to Ailith his eyes leveling to her as his brow furrowing as a grumbling roar comes from the man he's giving it all he's got in him likely. His chest swelling with heavy breathing as he keeps pushing his feet against the ground trying to make up for the slack that the non-warrior can bring towards keeping the damn back. The Initiates just gawk Ajax for a moment seemingly lost perhaps just seeing their boss as a usually slow moving and relaxed bear.

Kaya is still there helping where needed and ready to jump in and save Ian if he gets in too much trouble. Kaya follows instructions with a clear focus

Ian doesn't come up right away, but that's nothing new. In the churned up, muddy waters, it's impossible to know why.

Eyebrows leap -- an arch lift in acknowledgment of Ajax predominantly holding up the structure. Ailith whispers low beneath her breath, then grunts while her feet re-attempt at steeling their footing. The water isn't helping with grounding. The cold trickle down her neck adds to a shiver. "Princess, if we can twist a bit, I think we can prop ourselves against that part of the framework so the others can keep doing what they're doing."

The water does indeed churn, Kaya ca't see anything, and then there's ian popping up. Success on many front as the braces are put in place to alleviate. one by one they are in place and people step back cautiously. water trickles forward more and more into the well and for a moment the engineer looks worried.

But everything holds.

Vega nods to Ailith's suggestion, grunting slightly as she shifts, trying to keep her feet dug in. One foot slips, sending her scrambling to right herself, her fingers gripping at wet sticks and leaves. Letting out a shaky breath, she nods against to Ailith and shifts as told, propping herself against the part mentioned so they can try to bolster the others' efforts. "Good.. plan!" The Princess sounds out of breath, physical effort of this magnitude taking a lot out of her.

Ian is still re-sheathing his knife as he breaks the surface and takes a breath. Pushing his wet hair out of his face and blinking the worst of the silt from his eyes, he asks: "What's next?" Still prepared to keep working.

Kaya keeps close to Ian, listening for the next instructions. She is still mainly silent but helpful where needed

Ajax's eyes shift between Vega and Ailith, his cheeks still coloring red, but his breathing evens out slightly, as the pair adjust themselves the man stops trying to press more against it keeping up the constant movement against the damn, like a soldier getting into the motions of a siege itself.

"we carry on" The engineer states. "But more carefully...." The man states, looking relieved that it didn't come crashing all down on them.

And this is precisely the plan of action for the rest of the day. Those who bolstered the dam wall while braces were put in place are pattedon the back for their bravery and soon enough, everyone is getting back to careflly dismantling the rest of the damn till eventually, water flows freely once more into the well.

Ian is somehow simultaneously soaking wet and also covered in mud by the time the water is flowing enough that he can get out of the water. On land, he inspects the cuts and scrapes that he's picked up on his lower legs to see if any of them merit immediate attention. Without his braced boots on, his legs and feet are oddly thin, especially when compared to his developed upper body. Once he's satisfied that he's not going to bleed out anytime soon, he puts his boots back on.

Damp and a bit muddy herself from helping, Sorrel swipes her hands on the back of her pants to clean them off and continues to say nothing. It's really a bit uncanny, especially since the princess is usually singing some sort of appropriate song at times like these. Nonetheless, she admires the flowing water.

"Getting too ol' for this." Ajax mutters, lowly enough that Ailith and Vega can hear as the engineers move to put the last of the braces that cause the man to lean off of it he heads away from the damn now, slowly trudging in the direction of the snacks now. His fingers moving to rub at his shoulder.

The Initiates however are still just staring at Ajax and the Mercenary looks at his men skeptically before shaking his head and muttering something about kids. His brown eyes shifting to the water underneath

Sorrel drifts off, because she is satisfied that the dam is in good shape, and she has nothing to say, it seems. She offers a warm smile to those present and a little bow before she slips away.

Marquessa Pudding, a doughy dog, 3 Thrax Guards, 2 Thrax Elite Guards, Aryka Wyrmfang, Teonia Redreef leave, following Sorrel.

Vega slumps away from the dam once its in place, nodding to Ajax with a tired smile and stepping away to take a well-needed break. Letting out a heavy breath as she moves to find a seat out of the way where she can settle down and rest for a bit. Someone brings her a cup of water and she offers a grateful smile, sipping carefully from the cup. "By the Gods.. let us hope that something like this does not happen again. That was close!" Still jovial, it seems, able to smile at others.

It takes Ian a couple of tries to stand up, and once on his feet, he seems to really need that cane. He makes his way to where he left his shirt and tugs it on, then goes in search of a place to sit down and rest for a few minutes.

Ajax's fingers move to press against his back as several small pops can be heard as he trudges in the direction of the exit. The two Initiates following after him with a worried look, "I'll visit a bit later." he offers with a grunt.

Floofus, the fluffiest Graypeak Mountain Puppy, 2 Redwood Initiates leave, following Ajax.

Dame Marra, a limping fennec fox have been dismissed.

Disciple Ismay have been dismissed.

Disciple Fulgence have been dismissed.

2 Templar Knight guards have been dismissed.

Ian having taken a moment to rest, Ian heads off to clean the drying mud off of himself.

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