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Written By Serafine

Jan. 1, 2017, 6:56 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

I have never fussed over my appearance before in my life and here I am, staring at bolts of green fabric, trying to find the right shade from memory, testing how it fits and drapes, because yes, it needs to be right.

Yes, I'm commissioning a dress. From whom, I've no idea yet. Oy, youngin', I do enjoy dresses. Or, I have, I just don't need seven dozen of them. My favorite dress was stolen by my sister but it was a sound argument; blue is more her color than mine.

Know any good clothiers? I could use some help.

Written By Castor

Jan. 1, 2017, 6:46 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Valkieri soundly beats his opponents when sparring. He must be a terror on the battlefield.

Written By Morrighan

Jan. 1, 2017, 6:17 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Drea

Mother Bear never ceases to amaze me - she's wise and fierce, nothing seems to unnerve her. Even standing as strong and firm as an oak, Lady Drea has this poise and elegance that I've yet to see anyone come close to matching. Sometimes she has this ethereal way about her, - it's really fascinating. I simply adore this woman, she's the closest thing to a real Mother I've ever had.

Written By Kima

Jan. 1, 2017, 5:14 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Today I met with, for the first time, Fortunato Grayhope. We discussed a commission he has received, which, while informative and engaging, was not the sole virtue of the afternoon. He was absolutely nothing like I expected, which I confess I took to be a delight.

Having followed the work he sometimes puts forth within the white journals of Vellichor, I have long found myself an admirer. Thus, it was my great pleasure to host him and see first hand the early stages of one of his projects. In the future, I hope to speak more with him, though not only on the subject of business.

We are each more than our titles, are we not?

Written By Sylvie

Jan. 1, 2017, 4:30 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Gian

A loyal man is hard to come by. Being able to trust that loyalty is even harder still.

I will try. I will also try to be as deserving of it as my father was.

In times of change, an adaptable man is even more valuable. There has been much of that in Gemecitta, and will continue to be more. Much, as well, in the Compact itself.

Written By Anze

Jan. 1, 2017, 4:07 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

There is still a ways to go. I can see that every time I lose a fight.

Losing is good, teaches you humility, helps you know where you need to improve. Losing a fight in the training center means you get to walk away. There are a lot of benefits to losing a sparring match.

Still, a long long way to go.

Written By Anze

Jan. 1, 2017, 3:44 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I've been trying to get a hold of this southerner for weeks now. Finally get around to exchanging messengers with the lady, and I have to say I already think those that recommended me to her certainly seem to be on point.

proper fucking on point.

Written By Leta

Jan. 1, 2017, 3:24 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

I'm sober as a scholar so here's an accounting of things, as I see them, and that's good enough for Vellichor, or so I was told.

Things are going well enough, not counting what's going on beyond the walls. But I'm no knight, and it's none of my affair unless someone is paying.

I found paying work. I've a contract, at least, with the Valorous Few. It'll pay well enough and the Captain seems a reasonable, sensible sort.

Got enough coin to make something of the silk and leather I've bought. Should ask the Captain if we're leaving Arx any time soon, clothes for the north and clothes for the south aren't the same. Armor's armor, but I don't go to the market in steel like some.

I visited my folks, and things seem well enough, or not as bad as they were. I've the Mercier's and their wine to thank for that, I think.

I have been more fortunate on the training fields these days. But now I have work so I should find a proper trainer. There's a lesson in every beating, but I forget a good half of anything I learn at the hands of northern giants and shorter southerners.

There's a woman and my heart's a fool, but they say fools are the happiest of folk.

Written By Leola

Jan. 1, 2017, 3:09 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Things That Happened
- Hana made me a spear. Nature's Strength, she's a beauty. The spear is lovely, strong and firm and powerful. Dante taught me the basics of using her, and I hope to learn more, so as not to be a disgrace when I lead the hunts

- the Lodge proceeds. I'm looking for a good place to build. Lady Niamh gave me permission to build. I'm finding rangers and hunters amongst the city as well as patrons and others who will support us.

- Lady Calypso gave me some armor. It's fitted and smooth. I need to get some matching gauntlets for it. It looks wonderful. Lady Juliet cooed over me the entire time I wore it.

- Saedrus hurt his leg. He looks wonderful injured and languishing. I wanted to brush his hair

- I've finished this bottle of wine and I am so drunk. SO drunk.

Written By Percephon

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:51 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

It has been a whirlwind of information the past handful of days, and so many memorable people I've gotten to meet -- or to be reunited with. While part of me brims with enthusiasm at the nearly limitless possibilities of being in this ancient city, filled with people with such different cultures, another part of me knows what is ahead of us appears like dark storm clouds on the horizon.

I must strive not to let myself get overly distracted by one or two things and people that keep gnawing at my curiosity, though I know I will be unable to resist. My focus must be sharp over the coming weeks in my research, and I look forward to the trip that is planned.

Written By Leola

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:39 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Business this week
- Looked at the mews for His Highness Edain. They're good enough, and he has a very impressive owl, Roland. Gave Roland some training in not eating Edain's ears. Not sure if I got paid for that. Must check. I was too busy sniggering.

- Trained a lovely hound called Alejandra for Prince Ainsley. Got paid five thousand silver and ten thousand's worth of military backing for pushing her training a little further than most. She'll be a good hound for a patrolling prince.

- Brier is coming along wonderfully. She's much faster, now! I really think her conditioning is paying off

Written By Cara

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:15 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

I am not comfortable sitting in a chair that once held Queen Alarice's bottom. I am certain the cushions are new, but nevertheless, it is a weighty thing to imagine; even in my capacity as a 'fill-in' Voice, I have a great responsibility to assist the House and to offer what guidance I can -- when the requests and tasks I deal with are simple and small, things like allocation of funds for the family or purchasing of goods for the households, it is no great trial. I've stood as chatelaine before, of course. But in larger things, such as managing and choosing when to ready armed response to potential threats, I am much less experienced. I can only pray to the Gods and seek the counsel of wiser and more experienced leaders, that I may make the right decisions and in so doing, protect the lives of those whose charge has been given to me.

Gods, I hope I do not foul it all up.

Written By Cara

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:10 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Killian

I wasn't sure what to think when Killian arrived in the city; his brother, my late husband, was a very different sort of man and not at all in a good way. But Lord Killian has surprised me by being thoughtful, kind, and devoted to his family. He is good company and I am glad to have his help and friendship in these challenging of days. I often wish things were different, but I am glad that I can call him family.

Written By Victus

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:02 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Erlend came with my first command. He was a veteran even back then. There were a dozen different stories about how he'd lost his eye, one more outrageous than the next, and I never learned which one was true.

He didn't much like being stuck taking orders from a bastard ten years his junior. Of all the men in that company, I swear he was the hardest one to win over. My first instinct was to kill him and throw him overboard, but I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad I took the time listen to him, to learn from him, and then to earn his respect and not just his fear. Mostly because Erlend never feared anything, and he might've gutted me just as easily as I might've gutted him.

Erlend wasn't a man you liked. He had a temper and he drank too fucking much, and when he drank he became as mean a man as I've ever known. There's a reason his wife left him for that fat Lycene merchant out of Tor. Even he didn't blame her, except when he was drunk. Then he blamed everybody for everything.

No, you didn't like Erlend. But you could respect and honor him. He had three traits that outweighed all of his deficiencies:

He knew how to fight.
He never showed an ounce of cowardice.
He was absolutely loyal.

So to you, Erlend. May the next stage be of less drink and more fucking happiness.

Written By Rowan

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:01 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

Here, try this, she says.

Why the fuck not, says I.

Come swim with us, says the mermaids.

Life's a shit show since the wife left, says Brother Mog the Sea Cow.

I woke up with a seagull trying to take strands of my beard and strange words in my head. Last night I learned: Beware accepting candy from Lycenes.

Written By Rowan

Jan. 1, 2017, 1:57 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Blood begets more blood.

There is nothing good in this world that bargains on blood. There is no answer that is not extortion that marks its price in blood.

The person who would trust the men with the daggers to their throat, assuring them that they are the only ones that can keep them safe, is a fool. Simple acceptance makes us complicit in our own demise, in the poisoning of our guardians.

Don't look behind you. Don't look at what you've left behind. Don't look at what we're killing, that could threaten us, that could give you another option if only it were sought and strengthened.

If they were not forgotten.

It is in our blood. It is our birthright. It is ours.

Written By Valkieri

Jan. 1, 2017, 11:14 a.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

There is very little to say about the Nox'alfar, because there are few words I can even find in our language to adequately describe the madness and insanity that is the Twilight Court.

The spider was three hundred feet high, I swear to the gods. /Three hundred feet/. I am not a coward, and when I was slaying mindless shavs to protect our journey there I did not falter.

But the Twilight Court simply does not bend to the laws of nature. I cannot find it in myself to be ashamed when I say I experienced moments of true terror within its bounds.

However, I also experienced moments of truly wishing to punch some elves in the face.

*released black journal as stipulated by the will of the deceased*

Written By Jaenelle

Jan. 1, 2017, 10:50 a.m.(7/16/1005 AR)

I need to find a better balance between socializing for enjoyment and duty. I have been within the season for quite some time already and I have yet to steal a ship!

Written By Gisele

Jan. 1, 2017, 10:35 a.m.(7/16/1005 AR)

Vellichor, in your enlightened name I pray:
Enlarge my understanding of this world;
Let me see it.
Steady me when I stand before the unknown;
Let me know it.
Edify my mind, my heart, my wits;
Let me remember it.

I bend my knee and receive your truth,
I open my ears and receive your counsel,
I open my eyes an receive your words.
I open my heart and receive your wisdom.

I have seen horrors these past months. I walked through darkness and saw it claim a life, and animate the dead. I stood in moonlight and fog, and watched evil tear the life from two novices. I faced the unknown and witnessed it trying to turn the minds of good people against themselves. I have seen all of this and watched those who stood with me forget, the knowledge of it all stripped from their minds while I was left to remember every terrifying detail.

But... I have seen the best of people these past months. They stood for those around them, they raised their weapons against darkness and fear and death, they held against the whispering placed in their minds. They have counselled and comforted. They have persevered. They have defied. They have gone on. Even when they didn't remember, they steeled themselves and have gone on.

I'm not a brave woman. The world assaults me every time I step out of my door, every detail, every secret, forced into my mind and senses.

I can't do any less than those who walk ahead of me. I can't be brave, not truly brave, but I can go on and I can offer to others what has helped me go on.

The gods exist. Their servants are in this world, fighting for us. They are real and they touch our lives every day without us seeing or realizing or knowing. They are true. We carry their blessings. We carry their hopes. We are theirs even when we doubt, or fear, or turn from them. They want us to succeed.

I think, maybe, some of them might even pray for us the way we pray for the people in our lives.

Written By Julea

Jan. 1, 2017, 10:34 a.m.(7/16/1005 AR)

So, I finally got a chance to catch up with Anaconda a couple of days ago. And although I didn't realise I missed them till I saw them once more, and found myself taking a long hard look at them, drinking in the sight.

We had a lot to catch up on, and discussed the ins-and-outs of society in Arx over the last couple of weeks, and the general principals at the root of some of Arx's deeper social class problems, as you do. It was a hard topic to stay on top of, and while there's no hard and fast rules, when it comes to etiquette, I find myself fumbling with words all the same. However, it was quickly obvious he was better linguist and was able to penetrate the topic to a much greater depth than I could ever hope to achieve. But still, between the both of us, we were able to eventually get to the root of the problem and work out a way forward to help breach that divide while enjoying a couple of cinnamon buns.

The reunion was all the sweeter, even with the intensity of our discussions, and I found myself savouring the taste for quite some time after.

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