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Written By Kima

Feb. 7, 2017, 7:15 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

I took a nap, and when I awoke, it was dark.

I thought I had vastly overslept, but apparently there has been some sort of confusion between the day and night of the sort one finds in fables for children.

We live in interesting times, of that, no one can doubt.

Written By Orathy

Feb. 7, 2017, 7:09 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

*About How the Sky Went Dark and Night took hold of the Day*

As the screams descended upon the city and the noise of panic arose, I was within the Beauty In You. I felt... calm. I felt at ease, even with the panic of other citizens mounting, I merely closed the door to ensure that none would harm the woman I was with. She works at the shop, she was upset, but there I was, calm. I really wanted to be out in the darkness. I felt some urge to be out there with my brothers and sisters, to absorb the fear that others bellowed out. A strange thing, to long for the shadows and hope it would happen again. I'm ready for it.

Written By Jasher

Feb. 7, 2017, 7:03 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerius

There's more to my cousin than meets the eye. Much makes sense now.

Written By Anabelle

Feb. 7, 2017, 6:26 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

I had a talk today with a Scholar. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do.

I feel like I'm on the cusp of another world, and I stand at this precipice not knowing what lies below. Do I step forward and put myself in the hands of the Gods, Gods who might very well have left us for another place, another time? Or do I step back and close the door, never to look at it again for fear of having to always look back?

Rymarr, she said that you sent her. I don't know if I can trust that, but I don't have any reason to not believe it. To write some of this in a message though, it could be worse for me to write it down. It might be best to just forget about it all, forget about the conversation, move forward with something else - something safer. Will I regret that choice if I make it? Will I regret no matter what I choose?

Why did I stop to talk to you? Why didn't I just continue on and not look back? Am I losing my mind or will I if I keep looking through this door? Did she lose her mind? I need to know. I need to understand. I won't believe it unless I see it, even if she says its true - I need to see it before I'll trust it.

Written By Eirene

Feb. 7, 2017, 5:42 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

**As reported by Eirene's aide Carissa, shortly after the sun went black behind a cloud.**

"That's... not a normal cloud. Fuck me, but that's not normal. Who did some dumb fuck shit-headed inane magical fuckery this time?! That was fucked. Blacker than the asshole of a sailor in the tar barrel.Someone must have done something pretty bad. The sky shouldn't be that dark even with a stormcloud.""

"Go let the holy types whatever fuckery happened, it didn't screw with the sacred flame..."

Message sent:
'Legate, Princess-Mercy, Dominus-- I thought it prudent to mention that while the sun seemed to mysteriously blot itself out of the sky, the Eternal Flame of Lagoma continued to burn brightly without interruption and kept her temple illuminated. - Lady Eirene Malvici'

Written By Valencia

Feb. 7, 2017, 5:32 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

What will be, will be. Maybe it will set me free.


Written By Nigel

Feb. 7, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Irisa

Seeing the wonder on her face at supper was worth all of the trouble and expense of moving the entire county to the city. She is not my sister by blood, but she is through undying loyalty and she deserves every bit of mine.

Written By Alis

Feb. 7, 2017, 3:17 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

If anyone bothers my brother for trivial bullshit for at least the next week, I promise you that I will find out.

You really don't want me to find out.

Written By Gibson

Feb. 7, 2017, 3 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Esera

Get well soon.

Written By Harald

Feb. 7, 2017, 2:39 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

In considering the kraken, and how fire might be brought to bear against such a beast, I am reminded of Legends in centuries past, of fire that would burn unrelenting, heedless of water. Whether such has ever existed in truth, or is consigned to the lost knowledge of antiquity, I cannot say.

I would invite any with knowledge of alchemical arts, and of fire in particular to share thought on the subject, be it at the Grimhall Longhouse, the Great Library, or within these very journals.

Written By Leta

Feb. 7, 2017, 2:16 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aldwin

Not sure who's to be the Archscholar now, but I think they have to pick a new one. I hope they're as wise as the last, though I'm not the person to speak of it. I'm not a scholar and I'm not too talented for scholarly matters. But I expect Archscholar Aldwin was a proper scholar besides being wise, which isn't always the same thing.

Archscholar Aldwin was always willing to listen to common folk. He read all the journals, or he had his scholars read the parts to him that had questions that mattered, and that's something. Folk are confused these days, and for good reason. I myself had plenty of questions, and he was patient with me. Even if some answers just made my head hurt, and I don't mind saying it, that's not rightly his fault. It's just the way things are these days.

Half of what's wrong in the city is that folk can't be sure of anything anymore, if you ask me. There's all the politics and such too, but that's just harder to swallow when the high-born are talking about things you've never seen. So it ought to be the Faith to explain things to everyone, but in a way folk can understand and makes sense. That's a job and a half. But seeing as the Dominus had some practice with it, I wager that's what they were thinking when they picked him.

I felt bad already for bothering the Archscholar about my problems and questions when he was the Archscholar, and I don't reckon he's got the time to be bothered now that he's the Dominus. But, the way I see it, if the Faith explains things to the commons then I won't have to bother anyone, will I?

Written By Percephon

Feb. 7, 2017, 1:22 p.m.(11/15/1005 AR)

I often tell people the only bad result we might get from an experiment is the result we do not observe and learn from. As a man of Science and Knowledge, my passion has always been in discovering and processing this information. The rush is at the revelation, and the many implications and questions a new observation brings. It's always forward looking. Always something new to dive into, more questions to answer, the enjoyment of knowing something different to learn is right around the corner.

And yet, this week, there was one event that strikes me different. One result I never would have expected. And rather than consider all of the many questions that springs from it? I find myself quite blissfully satisfied to just enjoy the moment for once, playing it out again and again in my head.

Written By Lark

Feb. 7, 2017, 12:58 p.m.(11/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Cara

Hand-in-hand. Heads high.

Written By Rainier

Feb. 7, 2017, 6:54 a.m.(11/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

The former Lord Commander reminds me of her brother in no way at all but they are extremely similar as well; it's one of those mysteries that seem to just occur. She is loyal and steadfast, knowledgeable of the world we live in yet understands how duty can change it anyway.

This is a fact; everything we are surrounded by is fluid. People change or die, allegiances shift, friends become foes and war is a battering ram on all we know and care for. Nothing sticks, nothing stays.

But in spite of it, despite of it, there is an immutability in having a focal point to revolve around. Lady Leona Thrax has found hers, and many of the King's Guard have as well in the likes of her.

Written By Reese

Feb. 7, 2017, 4:19 a.m.(11/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calathane

I recruited him to the guards. He seems like a wonderful Lord His skill with the bow could end up being immensely helpful. I think he will save many lives.

Written By Reese

Feb. 7, 2017, 4:18 a.m.(11/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Sparte is new to the guards. He has great potential. He is eager to help, intelligent and self-controlled.

Written By Reese

Feb. 7, 2017, 4:03 a.m.(11/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Agnarr

The giant!

I defeated him once in a spar, but only because I had Sigurd fighting with me.

I wasn't at my most mature when I danced around him going we defeated The Giant of Compact.

He took that pretty well.

And then in our next spar with just us two he won by a landslide and left me pretty bruised.

Still I stood up him longer and I will take longer.

If I can withstand the giant's blows a little longer each day, it is a victory.

Written By Sparte

Feb. 7, 2017, 1:12 a.m.(11/14/1005 AR)

He finally came out of the rectory! Someone told me his name is Fawkuhl. He was accused of pushing someone named Esera off a bridge during something important that I must've missed while on duty. He didn't act like a man who'd been caught red handed though, kept going on and on about his innocence. I don't really know how someone would fool people like that, unless he was really far away? Maybe someone in a disguise?

I heard a story about something like that once, but it was a magic fox. Do they have magic foxes in the city?

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 6, 2017, 11:43 p.m.(11/14/1005 AR)

Spent the afternoon picking at old, healed wounds and writing terrible, awful poetry with Aureth. Ah. Just like old times.

Written By Isolde

Feb. 6, 2017, 11:34 p.m.(11/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Esera

Gods of the Pantheon, I beg of thee,

Mangata -- Embrace her, for she burned bright as the sun, captivated tides with her smile.
Petrichor -- Keep her, for she bloomed as vividly as you paint the world in the colors of nature.
Lagoma -- Cherish her, for her fire magnifies, and change cometh.

Vellichor -- Remember her, that the world may never forget her.
Gloria -- Honor her, for her honor saved us all.
Jayus -- Sing of her, for her dreams were those of a whole people, her beauty a wonder.

Limerance -- Love her, for she so loved the world, she gave of herself.
Sentinel -- Judge her rightly, for no mortal finds perfection, but her soul is fire and light for the good of us all.
Gild -- Treasure her, for we are poorer for her absence.

The Thirteenth, my heart, my soul, she belongs to you now, and you have all of me in your keeping. Let her light and darkness fill our world, and we know strength through her.

Gods above, below, beyond, I beg of thee, hear a sister's prayer, and embrace her once more, accepted into your arms. May the gift of her service honor you and inspire your people to greatness.

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