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Written By Cufre

March 14, 2021, 7:43 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

The piece I designed based on Lord Mirk Halfshav's stories is nearly done. I don't even want to think about the cost of the metals and stones that are going into it. I owe thanks to the Guild, to Guildmaster Apollo in particular, for help on that side of things.

May this thing do both the Scholars and the Crafters proud.

Written By Apollo

March 14, 2021, 7:24 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

In a very heavy time, the pajama party at Malespero Tower was just the ticket - a bit of fun, but I think even more was the being together. The good hostess herself won the promised set of pajamas playing the Bad Bard's Best Friend, but I'm thinking up something to give Princess Sorrel, Lady Thea, and Lord Volya - each having accidentally put together at least one of my favorite stories of the night, and supplied me with epithets that will surely carry on into my life.

Written By Drake

March 14, 2021, 7:01 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Going to have to be sure I'm in good shape for the spring joust and gauntlet coming up again this year.

And a wedding? I should be in good shape for that too, right?

Written By Noah

March 14, 2021, 6:07 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

I went to the welcoming party of Lady Tila. I must say I'm still rather shocked and appalled by the actions of some there. I won't name them because I'm not as uncouth as their example. I just cannot going to a party and insulting someone in such a way in public. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.

Written By Thea

March 14, 2021, 5:47 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

I caught up with my aunt the other nice. It's been awhile and it was nice. She sounds just as busy as I have been, but it just shows how hard my family works. No matter where we are. I'm proud of where we all are. What we've become. What we will become. I know that I will soon be starting a new chapter in my own life, but I know my family will be right there. An there will always be a catch up.

Written By Rosalind

March 14, 2021, 5:38 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

So much reading and studying and--did I mention reading? I have holed myself up going through book after book. And still nothing. I can't seem to find what it is I want, no NEED to find. One of the house servants laughed at me, since they found me face down with a glass in my hand. I'm not even ashamed to admit there was drool. I like to thing it's all dedication to my wanting to learn.

Written By Thea

March 14, 2021, 5:33 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

It feels good to do something worth while. To help with efforts that are far bigger than yourself. That is how I feel today, scholar. Would you stop looking at me like I've grown two heads? Like you don't get sentimental sometimes. There is nothing wrong with being proud of being proud of something. Of being proud of your work and effots.

Written By Rosalind

March 14, 2021, 5:22 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

It's getting closer scholar, I'm so excited! No, I can't TELL you. Yet. But you'll know soon enough. Sorta. Maybe.

Written By Sorrel

March 14, 2021, 4:05 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

The dress was sewn: the lady fit, her perfect figure filling it.
And yet the tailor, he had learnt before the wedding.

The groom must bide to see his bride, the first time in this clothing.
And what a vision standing there, the sunlight streaming through her hair, the dusk she wore on skin so fair...

The night-moths dancing to the flower, lighting in their wedding hour --
And love was born, so fresh and lush, blossoming in such a rush,
That all who saw it knew it in an instant...

Written By Orland

March 14, 2021, 3:36 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

Thoughts of discovering a new path, a new patron, and a new Order....

During the Victory Celebration held at House Leporidae, where I and many others were awarded medals for our valor during the sea battle and siege of Scythia, I found myself quickly intrigued by the talk of the Order of East Light. The Grandmaster, Princess Coraline, was there speaking toward the value of such a knighthood. I admit, I was quickly enthralled by the notion of joining.

It made sense. For me, for my future, for Bravura, for those who look to me for protection or will look to me for protection, for those who had already trained me to have allowed me to survive thus far, it all made sense.

I have pledged myself to Princess Coraline, as her squire, as her protege, as a young man looking forward to grow himself and his merits. I only have a few moments left to reflect, since I'm to meet her to spar after I finish my essay she's assigned me to write on what Knighthood means to me...

All I know is I enjoy my freedom to be able to choose. I know this isn't going to be an easy path, this isn't going to be one with a destination, this is a life style that I'll live, but I feel good about this choice, this path, this journey. However... ask me that in three days time. Cora is a taskmasker like none other....

Written By Orland

March 14, 2021, 3:14 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Thoughts of ... someone who gained their freedom through battle...

In the circles of my world, those closest to me knew of a condition I had acquired in Greypeak. There was a creature we encountered, which I came later to understand what it was and which I won't name in the whites for appropriate reasons, but, one that inevitably was linked to an entity of greater malice and greater tyrannical ways, which I will here in reference as the Dark Queen. This initial creature, a cannibal of sorts, attacked all of us, but struck with sharpened teeth to bite me. A mark was left upon my body that was confirmed by accredited sources to be of an abyssal taint and one I could only remove by three indicated choices: Die, Surrender to the Dark Queen, or kill the Dark Queen. My companions inevitably killed the cannibal, but this bite mark left me attached in a way, to this Dark Queen. She called to me at night and tormented me every time I closed my eyes. She promised me many things I knew couldn't possibly be true. She wanted me to submit and be her servant. She wouldn't let me sleep. She caused me pain in my skull when I resisted.

Six months pass and I finally was able to confront my choices. I knew what they were. I decided there were only two options that were acceptable. My death, or the death of the Queen.

Our one leader, Lord Remus, decided to send our forces in at night, to reclaim the Fortress of Scythia from the enemies under the Dark Queen's influence. I can say that the chaos was increased ten fold by the darkness of our disembarking. As I was leaping over the side of the longship that had coasted into the shallows, I was felled at once by an arrow. Savio followed behind me and was also struck, worse than I was. There was an endless volley of arrows raining down on us. People died all around us. Somehow we managed to drag each other up the beach, with help from Balnam, an Ivory Shield that literally shielded us and half dragged us across the sands.

There we hunkered down for a bit, while the combined leaders of the armies tasked the various units to proceed and overrun the trenches that the archers had been sending volleys from. I thought I was probably going to die, or Savio was, or both of us were. I had some deep reflections at that point, and I allowed the happiness of our stolen moments wash over me as my heart thundered like it never has before.

At some point, we had to press forward as well, or sit there and die. We did the best we could. I had to go my separate way from Savio though, as much as I hated the thought. I had already committed to meeting the Dark Queen and going with an elite squad of killers. They moved quick and I had to stay with them. Running full tilt with an arrow lodged inside me is not something I'd choose to experience again, yet, the choices were still with me. Die, or kill the Queen. If I was going to die anyway I thought, at least let it be with my blade out and trying to prevent this from happening to anyone else. So I ran, feeling my blood making my side wet.

The Elite unit got us inside the castle, however not before we had to eliminate forward scout units of the enemy. They would've raised the alarm hadn't we engaged them. I took down two enemy scouts that had tried to warn of our coming, Giorgio having warned me in time to avoid being stabbed in the back by one. That's a moment I will not forget. A man who has your back like that in battle, is one that has my loyalty for life.

Further on we went, I was led through dark tunnels, twisting this way and that. Servants passages perhaps. I didn't stop to ask. I could feel the Dark Queen's presence, as if her voice had grown ever louder. I was given an amulet to keep the Dark Queen from exploding me... with whatever powers she was capable of using. I also didn't have time to ask about that. I was taken through a wall. On the other side, in a secret chamber, there she was. A woman armored in shadows, standing twelve feet tall, her hair flowing in a cloud of white. I was told to wait and not move until there was a chance...

But the Dark Queen felt me there. She did something to me, I was unable to resist her calling to me and asking me to come to her. I felt my body move on it's on accord, while my inner mind was fighting upon itself. It felt so good to finally give in, didn't it? All those months fighting, all those months of struggle. I could just surrender and she could use me as a sacrifice to gain her more Power. It was something that to this moment, makes me cringe. She exploded someone attacking her, with something she took from me, twisted with her powers. But after, as she was fighting off the Elite force, I was released of her grip.

I had only a split moment to decide what to do as I sagged upright, where she had left me. She had done something to me that made my limbs feel cold. She took something from me. I cannot say what. I don't know what. I have some guesses, but I'll never quite know for sure. She was keeping back the Elite squad, fighting them, faster than I could possibly keep up with. Yet, she had forgotten me. She had forgotten that I was so very close to her right then. I remembered I used a ploy, one of words, charming her to my supplication.

She either didn't hear me, or if she did, believed me to be convinced of my choice. What she knew next was that I was right there in front of her. My knife thrust through her heart. The look of shock on her face matched my satisfaction of ending the one who had tormented my nights.

She collapsed back, aged rapidly, then turned into a .. mist of blood one could say.

I don't remember much other than the sudden weight of exhaustion come over me. It had been months since I properly slept and months since my mind had been quiet. The whole world went dark ...

... When I came too, I was back in Arx. Feeling Good.

Written By Raven

March 14, 2021, 3:08 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

I was taught better than this. Inviting a lover to my bed regularly yet not thinking to investigate their loyalties. Fortunately it looks like I will soon get to sail against the Skal'daja, let us hope I show more prudence in battle than I have in my personal affairs.

Written By Dycard

March 14, 2021, 2:54 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

My return from hiatus has proven a whirlwind of activity. At the recommendation of friends - and some rather embarrassing setbacks during the testing process - I have managed to gain acceptance to the Society of Explorers. If word gets out about the aforementioned setbacks I would simply like to say that it had been some time since I had to do certain activities by myself and I was a little rusty.

Regardless, I am honored for the opportunity and hope to not only prove of use to their endeavors, but also help restore Blackshore's formerly extensive library of knowledge.

Written By Ryhalt

March 14, 2021, 2:26 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

The Salon discussion a few days ago was a pleasant diversion. While it felt at times like talking to a wall, it was encouraging to hear others able to speak eloquently to the topic.

Written By Raja

March 14, 2021, 2:01 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Where does one even start to build a Library? First, gotta find room to build one. Then, gotta get the materials. Then.. the books. ALL THE BOOKS! I wonder if the Archives will help. Who do I even talk to about that?

Written By Raja

March 14, 2021, 1:58 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Archscholar Sina Godsworn. You will not be forgotten if I have something to say about it. I thought about different ideas on how to immortalize you. I think I have the perfect idea. I am not sure how the logistics of it will be. Anyways, what better way than to build a library that hosts regular literacy classes within the Lowers? Help free the people by freeing their minds! You knew that knowledge was power. I know ignorance is not bliss. In your memory, I will help fight this.

Written By Temira

March 14, 2021, 1:08 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

The city is certainly interesting, and confusing! A puzzle to be solved, with treasures to find, and places to explore. I went out the other day to find some shops that I might then perhaps find some new clothes or a piece jewelry to buy, and I found myself in the Menagerie. What an interesting and peculiar place. Also confusing to find one's way out of!

No mind, it has be fun, and an adventure of it is on, and I can't say no to any opportunity for an adventure!

Written By Kiera

March 14, 2021, 12:04 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

What a spirited discussion at the Salon. I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the seriousness of the topic. it was one i had thought a lot about so i overcame my hesitation and participated. I was pleased with how civil everyone was despite the spirited nature of the discussion. Duke Hadrian does a wonderful job of offering counterpoints to keep discussion going

Written By Amari

March 14, 2021, 11:59 a.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

There's something deeply satisfying about applying an armored elbow to someone's face, especially if they weren't expecting it and deserved the smashed nose. I've come to realize just how sharp and hard my elbows actually are, and it's reassuring to know. It will be twice as satisfying to use these elbows of mine to carve out my place in this endless melee, and defend it without apology to the last.

Stand clear.

Written By Kiera

March 14, 2021, 11:44 a.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

I had the pleasure of visiting Sanna Manor not once but twice this week. The first was a private visit with Cirroch and his sister Tila. the second was Tila's welcome home ball. She seems a lovely woman who is still adjusting to the constant buzz of activity that is life in arx. I rember that feeling well and look forward to befriending her

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