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Written By Mirella

July 23, 2019, 1:53 p.m.(7/8/1011 AR)

Climbing Duskstone Rose or Caina Milk Thistle. It depends on how much I wish to flatter myself, I suppose.

Apparently I have too much time on my hands if this is all I have to think about. How self-indulgent.

Written By Wren

July 23, 2019, 11:30 a.m.(7/8/1011 AR)

I continue thinking about Otto Rutherfyn. His is a name I recollect quickly enough for all of the work he did for the disadvantaged. There was a kindness to his ambition, but it was ambition that drove him. I admired that about him, that passion for seeing to the needs of others. To serve, for there is no shame in service to others.

And of course, there is Morton Waldo as well. Both of these men have vanished, but one has left behind strange dust and the other their home ablaze. There must be a connection there, but I don't know what it could be.

The question that remains now is, am I nosy enough to look into it? Or I suppose even further: do I have the time?

Written By Calista

July 23, 2019, 11:23 a.m.(7/8/1011 AR)

The Masquerade of Flowers is such a hot topic of late, I've had numerous inquiries if I will be attending. In truth, I am not sure I will be able to even if I want to.

So many wondering if I will be representing Tor as -the- Rose, but what fun would that be to go as something so expected?

Instead, I've sent word to my gardeners in Tor to send a shipment of our renown roses to Archduchess Regent Jaenelle Velenosa as a gift for the decor of her splendid event. If I cannot represent Fidante in person, it is the least I can do.

Written By Viviana

July 23, 2019, 9:11 a.m.(7/8/1011 AR)

A new set of jewelry just has a way of making you feel alive, doesn't it?

Written By Amund

July 23, 2019, 8:35 a.m.(7/8/1011 AR)

There are many different kinds of threats. Some are covert, some are overt and some only get better with time, while others welcome open defiance the more they are used. The application of threats can be a good substitute to force, in moderation.

Written By Martino

July 23, 2019, 7:55 a.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Yvon

Until recently meeting you, I cannot say I had ever met someone who wished to articulate a view that death through starving and famine could in any way possible be a good thing.

Can't say I would want to again either.

The deaths of people due to being unable to put food upon the table, no matter what the cause, is not a position that someone can hold in truth. While spewing controversial views may feel vogue, it is not.

Written By Athaur

July 23, 2019, 6:33 a.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

Well this is just marvelous. A perusal of the whites shows that my People are backwards and the only way that we can be 'saved' is subjugation or death. Wonderful. Fabulous. It is to be expected of course. I am aware that the Abandonded, The Shav'avarni, and Prodigals are looked down upon. I am not wholly ignorant on this fact.

But it is somewhat disappointing to hear the words of supposed learned individuals say that the only way to deal with a people and culture different from their own is enslavement, conquest, or bloodshed

Written By Arcadia

July 23, 2019, 5:41 a.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

Biggest cookie thief?

Keep up the compliments and I may blubber on your shoulder again.

Written By Flavien

July 23, 2019, 1 a.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

It was a beautiful wedding. I must apologize to all those I stood in the way of in their attempts to get to the newlyweds. I truly just do not know what to do with myself in a crowd.

Written By Dustin

July 22, 2019, 11:52 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

Ranger Dust, the dark red cloak has a nice ring to it.

Written By Raja

July 22, 2019, 11:42 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

It is always good to come back home. I spent quite some time as an unskilled laborer on several ships. I kept my nose clean and just did my work. There is something calming about that. I did my job and people left me alone. Still, it is good to be home. There are some people I truly miss.

Written By Dustin

July 22, 2019, 11:37 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

About time they made me a Ranger. I am going to get so many free drinks!

Written By Victus

July 22, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

I am a dandelion.

Written By Rysen

July 22, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

How joyous was the night at the Rivenshari Expanse! Though I missed the storytelling, I made it in time for dancing, good food, drink and great company. The clansfolk were most welcoming, and Count Athaur showed the grace and footwork of a master as he danced among the children and guests.

My sincere thanks to Lady Eshra and to all the Rivenshari for an unforgettable evening filled with the beautiful music of bells. My only regret is that I happened to be standing too near Countess Arcadia, who, it turns out, is the greediest cookie eater known to mortal kind.

Written By Brianna

July 22, 2019, 5:17 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

I'm having a hard time deciding what flower I am. I don't feel particularly floral.

Written By Wren

July 22, 2019, 5 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Many things bring me great pleasure: Matilda's sweet rolls, just fresh out of the oven. A bolt of beautiful new fabric to bring home to my mother. The smell of autumn rain against the cobblestones. And many, many others. Things to bring a hint of sweetness to my life like Artshall honey.

Thankfully the list that brings me the most considerable displeasure is smaller. I've been re-taught a valuable lesson, and this time, I shall not make that mistake again.

Written By Aureth

July 22, 2019, 2:50 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

The important thing about the theology of doubt is that you must first know yourself and know your role. A challenge to the authority of the Faith when your only authority comes from the Faith is as effective as punching yourself in the nose, but at least punching yourself in the nose would be entertaining to observers, rather than merely tiresome.

Written By Roxana

July 22, 2019, 1:59 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Hmm. I read the words of my Lycene sisters and consider.

Should I be a nettle then?

Or a rose without a thorn plucked from a rosebush beneath which a poisonous spider or snake makes its home?

Or a buttercup?

Written By Vanora

July 22, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Those are good lessons to remember. I recall them in the same way from my own studies in Lenosia, along with others.

Mirrormasks, when fully trained, are taught to question, even if what they question is an established norm, even if the nature of their questions leads others to anger or frustration.

Before we are taught to question though, we are taught to listen. If our questions serve no other purpose than to antagonize, if we do not seek answers from them from which we might learn, then they are pure contrarianism. That too has a place in Mirrormask teachings, but it is a different one, and best practiced by those with experience and the social savvy to know when they push another towards learning, and when they simply push.

We listen to better understand the world around us, the people around us, and ourselves.

The idea that striving to know ourselves better and thus become better is one of Tehom's teachings that benefit all, not only his Disciples. Self-reflection is not soft, it is not 'bright', it is not easy or comfortable. An honest accounting of our flaws is always a painful thing to reckon with, which is why it is so easy to slip into denial of them and complacency. It is a far, far easier thing to turn focus outward onto others, to consider /their/ flaws, and the righteous feeling that we bask in when we see a flaw in another that we do not believe we have ourselves is delicious. Delicious and as addictive as Dust.

Written By Victus

July 22, 2019, 1:35 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

It was what they deserved.

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