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Written By Mihaly

June 24, 2020, 11:51 a.m.(7/14/1013 AR)

The moment I saw a falling star, I did not think my feet could carry me fast enough. The scientific part of my mind told me that it wasn't really a true star that had fallen from the sky, the name still signifies something of importance to stars themselves. Symbolic perhaps.

I have dreamed dreams of catching one, things a boy would imagine in sleep. What I found was far less heartening than I anticipated.

There was, well, not to leave you in suspense, Scholar, but. There was nothing. Beyond some singed tree branches and leaves, there was little anything else of note.

I shouldn't of gotten my hopes up for something more. Some chunk of alien ore perhaps, not native to our world but from somewhere...else. Something I could of studied at length. Or at least try to understand.

A shame, but perhaps I missed it. Perhaps someone else got there before me, and claimed it before I could reach it. But even that would not explain the lack of crater or mark on the ground where one would think a falling star would create.

Still, this only makes me even more wish to know what it is. Or was. Should any have information on the matter, I would dearly be interested in knowing.

Written By Eirene

June 24, 2020, 11:03 a.m.(7/14/1013 AR)

My wedding reception is going to be an old soldier's excuse to drink, share stories we're proud of, and throw things at targets and hopefully NOT other people. I refuse to get my own wedding dress bloodied since it's going to be fancy and shit. Mihaly and I are even talking about opening a bar for soldiers to come drink in. None of this modern music crap, the bards would only play the classics. And good beer and whiskey. No wine.

Strange to think I'm remarrying after six years of being a widow. My kids are excited though, and I'm happy they're happy and that I'm happy and isn't it the most fucking stupid adorable bullshit thing you can imagine? I've allowed them to pick out their own wedding outfits, so don't be surprised if one of them has knife-wielding rabbits embroidered on them because if my five year old son wants lethal bunnies on his tunic, he gets them. My daughter wants butterflies with stingers. I asked if she meant wasps and she said 'fuck no, they're ugly mommy, Butterflies are prettier.'

Have I mentioned how much I love those little brats?

Written By Iseulet

June 24, 2020, 8:27 a.m.(7/13/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sirius

He'd better not 'lose' that dog I gave him.

Though some puppy training might go a long way as he's just full of "surprises". (Poop. He's full of poop).

He's a joy, no really. Sirius already loves him I'm certain of it.

Courvoisier has taken a shine to the little terror-ier and protects him fiercely with tooth and claw. Hides under Sirius' bed to tag him when he tries to fish Junior out. I don't think the Prince has figured out it's Cour yet.

Written By Alrigo

June 24, 2020, 6:11 a.m.(7/13/1013 AR)

Luckily picked up some fine cloth before the whirlpool and kept it back for something special.

A Customer visited looking for a fine dress, the special occasion of their wedding, and out it comes! White brocade with a muted golden thread within it. Spirals of subtle flowers patterned within and lace mesh underlay for the Lycene customer.

Written By Victus

June 24, 2020, 2:49 a.m.(7/13/1013 AR)

I went on a fishing trip with the king.

I talked shit to a bush.

A wolf cleaved a chasm through alaricite to try and kill me.

Eh. Maybe I should've held onto that shield.

Written By Sirius

June 24, 2020, 1:38 a.m.(7/13/1013 AR)

I greet you once more, scholar,
This is the darkest time I've ever come to you, for the succor of your wisdom,

Recently, someone who professes to care for me has gifted me with a Dog. You'd think, ah, why is the letter at the start of Dog bigger than it need be, well, I've decided that I'll not be naming this pelagic horror, but rather I'll regress it into being known as Dog and nothing more. I've come to a swift conclusion that if it's ever to be named it'd only gain more power, and choose to stay, as to continue feeding off of my misery.

For now, it's in a minor form.

A puppy, this Dog is, and he loves to get into all sorts of trouble. The week I've had him I've caught onto the strangest of rituals. During the day, he's lethargic, mostly sleeping. Snoozing. Slobbers all over the floor - when he's not peeing or pooping it - and he has claimed dominion of all that is below my bed. To the point that if I stick my hand under it, he'll either bite it or growl it away. He mostly bites.

Due to the rebellious nature of Dog, I've chosen to let him roam as he wills, and so he's become acquainted with various guards in the Valardin Manor. Already, he gains followers. They give him free food, without my consent; he's returned with scarfs around his neck and stranger's socks betwixt his teeth. Naturally, I burn all such ill-gotten gains soon as I get my hands on them, a better fate than to be chewed to death by his eager and itching teeth. This doesn't deter him- if anything, it's an invitation to obtain more. His zeal for socks and things and chewables is untrammelled and unabated.

Today we had somewhat of a scare. The ongoing humidity of Spring means the outside gardens surrounding the little chapel in the Manor have grown a small quagmire in one of its corners, deep, bog-like infirmity of soil that invites all sorts of fetid bugs and things. A wise, understanding dog would stay away from such a horrible den, but Dog's not like any other dog. Dog went right and head-first into it.

I wouldn't have noticed, until a shrill cry pierced the doldrums of the tiny swamp. I rushed forward and saw him trashing in there, his snout swinging ropes of kudzu. The water was foaming and bubbling and his jowls briefly appeared and spent that second barking for help instead of breathing for any momentary extension of life. Immediately, I waded into the swamp. Standing over him, I stared into the mire with my eyes tracking left to right as though I was watching carp in clear waters, for I couldn't find him. Finally, I reached in and waving my hands in desperation, caught him, then untangled him from some treacherous contraption of fibrous density that had been tied around his tiny little paws, pinning him down.

He ran free and went between my legs, where he huddled wet and whimpering. I thought this experience would mollify his brazen behavior, but there he is, swimming and messing around his little fenland again. He's reckless and hates me when I keep him sheltered in the room.

To anyone who reads this, he's for sale. Ten silver.

His name is Dog,
Please purchase him.

Written By Ryhalt

June 23, 2020, 11:04 p.m.(7/13/1013 AR)

I am quite pleased of word out of Westrock from my steward that the venture to build a village for recent refugees and freed thralls and slaves that wished to go so far was quite a success. Oh, there was the typical grumbling about letting in foreign cultures and all that, but however the impending war comes out, we will be seeing more people from distant lands in the Compact. Not all foreign ways of doing things are bad and we all can stand to learn about another culture, if it makes our lives better. It isn't as if I believe we should adopt all their ways and beliefs above ours. Though, I am sure that is the fear.

Written By Seren

June 23, 2020, 7:29 p.m.(7/12/1013 AR)

This morning a customer came in to purchase a ring for himself, but was distraught to not know which finger he would have it on. So, dear reader, let me elaborate on what the fingers men for men's rings.

First, let us discuss the hand. Your left hand is nearest your heart, and so what is worn there are things that symbolism your heart: symbols of passion and character, declarations of love and loyalty. The right hand is your physical hand; if you wear a ring here, it is for more worldly matters.

The thumb ring is a sign of wealth and power. If you have an abundance, then this is where you show it off. Just remember to coordinate with which hand. An abundance of friends is surely a wealth, but is better suited to the left than right hand.

A ring worn on the index finger is an oddity, and one sure to attract attention when worn there. A ring on the index finger is frequently used to display membership in an organization, or family. These rings make a statement and are frequently seen when you gesticulate.

Worn on the middle finger, a ring becomes a symbol of masculinity and daring.

The ring finger, our the fourth finger, is common for declarations of love and fealty. These rings tend towards simple elegance rather than bold fashion pieces. Wear the ring your lover gave you here.

And finally, the smallest of fingers. These are frequently flashy and bold, and most often used for personal signets.

Written By Lys

June 23, 2020, 5:45 p.m.(7/12/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

I miss you terribly. I'm lost without your guidance and your grace. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to act. I wish you were here to help me.

Written By Reve

June 23, 2020, 5:22 p.m.(7/12/1013 AR)


I have arrived here in Arx. I am certain that you are all looking forward to taking me out for celebratory drinks! Please share with me all of the most recent gossip, regale me with tales of heroic feats, and I suppose even task me with any work that needs be done.

I will point out that my MOST favorite cousin Brianna even was generous enough to throw some star iron my way! Beat that.

As an aside, would anyone care to wager how long I might be able to theoretically keep a plant alive? Not that my suite has any plants.

Written By Haakon

June 23, 2020, 1:38 p.m.(7/12/1013 AR)

Festival of death is going on in the city.

Had a tapestry made to mark the occasion, as I have little taste for acting social and didn't want folk to think we Eswynds forgot to honor the Queen of Ends. Thought the Marin's cycle, from hero to damnation, and defeat in the greatest naval battle for a thousand years would be a fit subject.

I'll say this much for Arx, so many people in one place means work gets done in a bloody hurry. Weavers know their work well, and did in a few day what would have taken months back home.

Life, and death, and life again.
So it goes.

Written By Nurie

June 23, 2020, 12:27 p.m.(7/12/1013 AR)

When I first came to Arx, I was mesmerized by all the possibilities that were overwhelming for someone hoping to spread and stretch their wings more than has been possible before.

Here I experienced what it was like to be more than /what/ I was, because the world was so vast only a few people cared. I could be valued for the work of my hands, my conversation, what I contributed to others, not the mark of my name or from where I came.

And yet, even here, that is not the case for everyone. We have generations who are born, live, and die within these walls that are still looked askance at when they venture into other areas of the city. And there are more out there beyond it. So many who slip through the hands that are able to catch others. Not everyone has a powerful guild, a family, a patron, or a liege who knows them to offer protection and help.

The Commoners Council has been charged with a task that seems impossible--to be able to hear and raise the concerns of all of the commons throughout the Compact, as an advisory to the King. From wealthy merchants, respected artisans, staff and servants of the peers, shopkeepers, laborers, sailors, hunters, peasants, prodigals, and refugees--from every domain within the realm. It is a sobering thing, especially when as many things seem to threaten to tear us apart as they do keep us together.

I think that the council holds great promise, and has. I can think of no one who has served in the past or who is running now that I would not be proud to serve alongside, or support even if I do not. I know there has been an effort to recruit a wide range of people to run to reflect those differences amongst us as a whole.

I would like to see more visibility, the sponsorships of festival celebrations and opportunities for those too shy perhaps to initiate a conversation by themselves, amongst other ideas. These I can help do, as a council member. I look forward to seeing what ideas others have as well, and to support them. I would like most of all to help others who feel like their voice is not as strong or heard as they would like it to be to change that. We can, together.

There are few times where we have such a direct voice and vote, regardless of our group or station, as we hold in an election. So I would urge all to please remember to do so. Vote for someone that you feel best represents your interests, but I also urge that you consider voting for someone whose perspective is something that is often missing as well. I know that is what I will be doing. And I welcome any ideas and conversation you might have about my own, or about my reasons for wanting to run.

Sometimes people have things to say that we would rather not hear, and that goes for both sides of the conversation. But it is still important to listen. That is the first step in making it easier to move forward together.

Written By Oddmun

June 23, 2020, 10:58 a.m.(7/12/1013 AR)

I went to enjoy breakfast at the Queensrest yesterday and while there, the conversation turned to horses. I was telling someone about the Sanna coursers when Princess Zara spoke up on the superiority of western stock. One thing led to the next... and it seems I have to hire a champion to defend the honor of northern horses and their breeders.

She has called Princess Sorrel Thrax, from what I have heard, this will not go well.

At least Sapphira started to make a pretty song. Perhaps I can get her to perform it at the joust.

Written By Raziel

June 23, 2020, 10:58 a.m.(7/12/1013 AR)

New ideas and perspectives should be confronted eagerly rather than shying away from them. If your ideas and beliefs cannot stand against such a simple test, then you lack true understanding or they are simply faulty and weak.

Having your mind face new challenges should be a common occurrence, not a rare one. If you cannot explain why, for instance, the traitors and heretics we face are in the wrong, then you do the Compact and the Faith we adhere to a disservice.

And may just invite a visit from yours truly.

Written By Aconite

June 23, 2020, 10:40 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

What a morning, a whirlwind of meeting a Princess and her Horse, Edmund, who seemed a very gentle and stoic warhorse. Nothing like the firey steeds I had to contend with in Tor. I imagine they must have a wonderful repertoire as comfortable as he was in public with the Princess. That same morning, a Prince of Velenosa! An Admiral and several noble ladies that span across the Compact, from the frozen Norths to the southernmost reaches. And they had animal companions to spare, not only Edmund but a sweet little goat that was with the Prince and a beautiful northern Hound from the North. I did not get to meet 'Finn' but I hope that will change. I'm most excited that I got to help a young Lady from the North who seemed a touch uncomfortable in her silks. Lord Santiago will forgive me for giving the beautifully expensive clothing away when he hears that it's to help a lovely Noble come to terms with Lycene's divine fashions. It likely will help she is Prince Dimitri's protege. I look forward to meeting them all again and learning more about the spectrum of people who live in Arx.

Written By Liliana

June 23, 2020, 10:02 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

Oh, Alban .. what am I going to do about you?

Written By Liliana

June 23, 2020, 10:02 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

There's nothing quite like a warm welcome upon one's return to Arx. Now to catch up with all those I've neglected to write to while I was away.

Written By Perronne

June 23, 2020, 9:20 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)


It feels like people perhaps have some ambitious and enthusiastic ideas about what the Commoners' Council can, or is supposed to do. That's great! But I feel like I should note for history, and anyone who might be reading this, that its primary function - what it was created for - is as an advisory body, and it's mostly around to give the Crown information about the things the Crown asks for. If people are running for the Council thinking that they'll be able to make laws or anything, that's going to be a disappointment. The Crown has always been polite and responsive when they've asked for information, mind you - in my experience, it's been harder to get people to tell us what they're thinking than it has been to pass that along to the Crown. The Council certainly has absolutely no say in anything that isn't explicitly about the Crownsworn in Arx - the Crown itself has very little say in the lives of the average commoner throughout the Compact - that's not even the Great Houses, that's usually Barons and local magistrates and things. For that matter, most of the common people I knew back home wouldn't care about the things that the vocal in Arx are very, uh, vocal, about!

Most commoners throughout the Compact don't spend a single day thinking about thralldom, or Eurus, or even the next province over. They'd like lower tariffs on things they sell, and higher tariffs on things the guy from the other province is trying to sell to compete with them, and enough food to get through the winter, and if you could arrange for more traveling performers to come through town during the quiet times of they year, they'd probably be thrilled. On the other hand, the idea that some Prodigals or random folk from Arx are 'advocating' for them would bewilder - and then probably offend -them. Not because they're bad people, but just because most people throughout the Compact don't really care about Arx, or what anyone in Arx with the exceptions of the King and the Faith have to say about things.

My recommendation, if anyone's interested, as far as who to elect for the Council? Picture each of the candidates in the room, talking with nobles and Crown representatives. Maybe even the King! If you wince, or if you think, "Oh, that sounds hilarious," then that may not be who you want to vote for. Or maybe it would be! I don't know. It's a good way to make sure that the Crown isn't interested in asking anything from the Council - and the Council serves exclusively at the Crown's pleasure. But either way, remember that you're not electing someone to govern, but to advise. And that there's really no way for the Council to poll half a million Crownsworn in Arx on every issue that comes up, so whoever it is will rely on their own wits and thoughts a lot, so make sure they have at least a few of both!

Written By Ida

June 23, 2020, 8:41 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

I meant to write about this a few weeks ago, but y'know what they say about turning forty - the mind starts to forget things. Or so I've heard, it may just be bull. Either way, I was on my way to the market for a few things when I stepped into the shop and something was different. You just know these things, right? When you walk into your room, your mind (aged forty or no) somehow notices when there is something out of place or new. And so it was, which ended up being a book. Not just any book, mind you, but 'The Baroness and the Lascivious Pie Pt. 3' Oh. My.

Someone knows my embarrassing love of trashy romance books, it seems.

Written By Thea

June 23, 2020, 6:24 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

So you're saying scratch that from our next discussion? Damnit Alessia! New topic.

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