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Written By Ida

Aug. 20, 2020, 5:48 p.m.(11/16/1013 AR)

I have a new apron and it is one of the most wonderful things I have ever been gifted. The pockets are perfect sizes and the design is amazing. My old one felt apart some time ago and I just never saw to replacing it. This one? I bet will last til I am old and gray. If I make it to old and gray, mind you.

Written By Auda

Aug. 20, 2020, 2:22 p.m.(11/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Enyo

I miss you. I think about you often, but I forgot that you were a Malvici. I noticed the sigil on a chest and wondered why I had it at all, until I remembered.

I still have your sword. Maybe I should learn to fight with bigger blades than daggers? I'm sure you'll come back for it some day, but I know you'd be happy to see it used until then.

I kept a pendant and a ring of yours, as well, for when you return.

Come back.

Written By Jael

Aug. 20, 2020, 1:47 p.m.(11/16/1013 AR)

My daughter Nora takes after her father Tyren. Quiet, calm, alert. Sharp as a tack. Baby Cassander, though...he's only a few days old and yet full of righteous fury. That one? He takes after his mother.

Written By Porter

Aug. 20, 2020, 9:51 a.m.(11/15/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Brigid

It was just a joke, don't murder me!

Written By Ophne

Aug. 20, 2020, 6:46 a.m.(11/15/1013 AR)

Sometimes it's good to try your hand at something new, and sometimes it's not.

I tried poetry this week. I hadn't intended to since poetry isn't something that I've ever enjoyed, but on hearing of Lady Mabelle's contest, inspiration struck! I thought it four lines of perfection myself, and Ria nearly choked on a nut so great was his surprise that I, /I/ could write something so passionate. Lady Mabelle's reaction was a little less promising, so I shall not pen another poem. It's perhaps for the best.

I have turned my hand to art instead, and tonight sketched the figure of a man emerging from the ocean. Now, as I look at what I drew, he more resembles a squid than anything else.

Written By Monique

Aug. 19, 2020, 10:30 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

Another birthday, tomorrow. Another year I've survived. This getting old, it's not half so bad as I'd always feared it would be. I wouldn't say I've wisened with time, but I'm still alive. That's got to count for something.

Written By Piccola

Aug. 19, 2020, 9:07 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

The horrors of war are not what you imagine.

They are not wounds and blood and fever, spotted and low, or dysentery, chronic and acute, cold and heat and famine.

They are the despair, demoralization, and disorder of the defeated, and the cruelty, indifference, and brutality of the victor.

Wars therefore must be stopped at the first possible moment, otherwise they corrupt us.

They create new problems and make our future even more uncertain.

Written By Sanya

Aug. 19, 2020, 9:05 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

Many years ago, I wouldn't have thought my life would go in this direction. But I'm happy with the decision I've made. And I thank Master Aleksei for being so welcoming. I hope to be a worthy addition to the Liberators.

Written By Brigid

Aug. 19, 2020, 7:30 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

My anger is often silent, seething. It sits heavy like an unworked lump of metal waiting to take shape. I look forward to wielding it though I don't envy those to whom this newly forged blade will be directed towards.

Don't look at me like that, Scholar. I'm not going to murder anyone.

Written By Monique

Aug. 19, 2020, 7:22 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

I've even had occasion to use the hangover remedy already! You, sir, are a wonder and a friend.

Written By Yelana

Aug. 19, 2020, 12:50 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

I am back in Arx, it really is a wonder how much more chaotic this city is compared to the less tamed lands outside its walls. But, if I am to be honest with myself, it is good to be back, and catch up with the family that lives her.

Written By Auda

Aug. 19, 2020, 12:49 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

I cannot thank Evaristo enough for these little bottles. They're absolutely perfect for my hangover 'cure'!

Written By Ridley

Aug. 19, 2020, 12:41 p.m.(11/14/1013 AR)

A memorandum on the necessity of wound management following disarticulation:

Physiological trauma to an extremity may necessitate amputation for the preservation or salvaging of function.

The most common developments in patients who have elected to follow through with the aforementioned procedures are hospital gangrene, septicemia, and pyemia. I have personally observed these conditions in care centers and surgical wards with poor ventilation and exceedingly unsanitary environments (floors, cots, instrumentation). In some cases, disease may compromise those originally unaffected, indicating an unknown mechanism of transmisson.

Given the probability of complications when evidence of tissue necrosis or abscess formation is discovered, it is therefore recommended that all clients requiring emergent intervention receive regular changings of dressings in sterile recovery chambers.

As an aside, I remind practitioners that the safest and most effective methods currently involve a sweeping incision about the circumference of limb, immediate ligature of artery and vein, transection of muscle, and sawing of bone.

Written By Emberly

Aug. 19, 2020, 11:04 a.m.(11/13/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

His moods are like the ocean, but he is a great and fierce friend.

Written By Monique

Aug. 19, 2020, 12:37 a.m.(11/13/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Katarina

If she's half as good with her naval tactics as she is with her words, I'm in for a world of trouble, and I'll love every moment of it.

Written By Krarstin

Aug. 18, 2020, 8:08 p.m.(11/12/1013 AR)


Time is like sand which slips through your fingers, and soon you’ll have nothing more to grasp. But an empty hand isn’t useless, for it can be offered to the gods on our passing and a true Tidelord desires nothing more than to fall in battle only to wake up in Elysium to the roars of applause and welcoming cheers as other heroes lift a toast to us if we’re worthy. Do all things as you are being judged, there won't be surprises at the end.

I returned from reaving with some of my grandchildren, allies and friends against a group of pirates who were fo und wanting by the Sword and Wave. To one of the captains, I offered him the option of silver or steel. Silver to bend the knee and bring prosperity and life to his crew or steel to pay the debt and be judged. He chose steel.

While we were on opposite sides in the challenge of that battle, we both fought strongly and honored the other without poor attempts. As with my other reavers, we all were prepared to die in defense of our beliefs. To not shirk when death is but a cut away.

As the captain and I embraced with weapons, he died at the hands of lord Branimir as the giant warrior plunged his sword into the captain. He died in my arms as I dropped his body. And dipping my fingers into the pierced heart, I marked the warrior Branimir with the bloody waves to show that the gods judged him righteous in that moment. He fought like a maelstrom on the stormy seas.

I am proud to defend and fight along with my Compact allies and I look to you, grandchildren, to live and prosper in co-existence and to die to defend them should it be required.

And perhaps when you die, you’ll wake to my voice welcoming another hunter to Elysium.

Written By Gwenna

Aug. 18, 2020, 7:33 p.m.(11/12/1013 AR)

I am no great artist, nor do I often even paint much, but one project I like to do is painting the map of Arvum on tables and sending them as gifts. The world is changing, though, and new lands are being discovered - if not explicitly mapped out - and it's my hope to update my own template for these things. Maybe notes about the rivers and seas...details that will be difficult given my skills, but an endeavor I am hopeful to complete.

Written By Aureth

Aug. 18, 2020, 3:09 p.m.(11/12/1013 AR)

I presume this donkey was intended as a birthday gift, or an editorial, but I admit, I haven't the first idea of what one does with one. Still, it will hardly be the first time in my public career that I've made an ass of myself.

Written By Bahiya

Aug. 18, 2020, 11:43 a.m.(11/12/1013 AR)

I am not one to continue conversations with anyone where the subject upsets and scares them. Most circumstances where this is done it is not done kindly nor with kind intentions. At best, it is poor manners wrapped around crude attempts at gaining information. At worst ...

Without details, I can address nothing. However, I am somewhat appalled and a little disappointed, though I am also unsurprised. Such things happen, even here in Arvum.

Written By Riagnon

Aug. 18, 2020, 11:03 a.m.(11/11/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ophne

I will not tell Rhea that Ophne got smacked by an Archlector.

I will not tell Rhea that Ophne got smacked by an Archlector.

I will not tell Rhea that Ophne got smacked by an Archlector.

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