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Written By Lisebet

March 10, 2019, 10:16 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

I am rather disappointed I did not make it to the wedding party. Not my own of course, but the Malvici-Volkov wedding. I am certain that Lady Aahana was beautiful and Lord Domonico handsome and that it was a great event. Alas, duty kept me from attending.

I made a brief appearance at Lord Maru's birthday, and brought Lady Olivia back home to rest. Which she needed, poor dear. I hope her day of social activity did not wear her out too much. This was also a fun social event, and I got to meet some new and interesting people, including Lady Ilmia Leary. I do hope I get to spend more time with friends, new and old.

Oh. And I should mention I climbed a tree. Only one, and I needed some help to get up to the tree house, when I inadvertently looked down. For a few moments, I was somewhat frightened that I would fall. But I didn't, and spent some time in the tree house chatting with Lady Olivia before we engaged some of the servants to bring a ladder.

Written By Bliss

March 10, 2019, 9:41 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

I'm back in Arx. I think I beat the last few of my journals back here, which is a bit confusing to say the least, but I imagine they will be in here soon. I don't really mind.

An enlightening time, and a chance to stretch my legs that was desperately needed. And now, back to work.

I didn't miss anything, did I?

Written By Archeron

March 10, 2019, 9:01 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Olivia

It was good to see cousin Olivia at the Lycean wedding celebrations - as it is good to see any of my cousins. It can feel like there are precious few - most on the Tyde side were killed in the fall of Tyde Hall, and the Ashfords have suffered tragic losses in the past few years. Still. It was a happy affair. And there was wine. And I spoke a little too loudly. But cousin Olivia seemed to have fun bustling around the dance floor.

Written By Ida

March 10, 2019, 8:35 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

It is hard to put into words what it feels like when a blade I create from some inspiration or another, ends up in the hands of someone who it seems it was meant to be held in. It's pretty damn humbling most times.

Written By Preston

March 10, 2019, 7:21 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vitalis

It's an interesting thing to consider. And to look at the origins of the Silent Relections and how they came to be. There are many paths that can lead one to break an oath - I would say the most tragic is when oaths come into conflict. There is a reason the Godsworn avoid the entanglement of secular life - of families, of land, of inheritence. Nothing can ever be allowed to come into conflict with our oaths to the Faith and to the Gods. There are some Silent Reflections who found this, who felt their duty to the Faith as a whole or to the Compact required them to reveal something, perhaps choosing to breach and destroy their personal honour and face the wrath that would come. But, that is only some. Others made mistakes, as people do. Others became greedy, as people can do. Others were stupid, as people sometimes are.

The punishment is severe, but it is as it must be when one breaks such sacred oaths. Even if you have good reason, that can never justify means. Both must be judged. And punishment given as required.

Written By Radhilde

March 10, 2019, 6:16 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

Oh Archduchess! Such a delight to meet you and I look forward to our next meet up and those lessons you spoke off and thank you for the brief preview!

How does on giggle on paper... Alas.. I don't know but I am giggling at the thought! You are the best!

Written By Radhilde

March 10, 2019, 6:13 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

This week has been busy and such good fun! I got to spend time with my dear cousin Kenna and attend a party! I do wish the Lord and Lady Malvici all the best. The House, as stern as they appear, did a good job shaping it up for festivities!

Not bad at all and I got to meet new faces and I know many don't know of me, maybe just my sister Umbroise and the more prominent of my House, so it's been good to be seen and shake bit of anxiety off.

Written By Martino

March 10, 2019, 4:36 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Now we are in the after party, party. There seems to be only a few bottles of the superb family spiced red left from the original box. So these will need to last.

That is the sign of an excellent party, yes? Little wine left when you already bought over and above what you did expect.

Written By Vercyn

March 10, 2019, 3:53 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Elsa

Truly, the most remarkable woman.

Written By Sparte

March 10, 2019, 12:59 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Trust has been on my mind. We're trusted, we trust people to do things, things to happen, and most rarely of all people themselves without constraint.

Just as we can give our trust, others can give their trust to us in turn. That brings with it an implicit request to keep that trust, and to keep it well.

Unfortunately, that can put us in difficult situations. Ones where we have to choose. Not every trust we're given is compatible with every other.

All of that is before we consider our duties. Our obligations. Our honor.

I sit with these thoughts after having had time to reflect upon my own choices, and the trusts I chose to keep and why. I know there are some who would focus on whether the choice made was right or wrong, but when we are in a place that will harm someone no matter what we do there is no such clarity. Just as the choice to accept the trust of others was neither right or wrong.

Lifetimes have been lost trying to see ways to avoid those failures. Spent in hindsight, looking backwards without remembering to look forward once again. Some in judgment of themselves, some in judgment of others. I ask myself what I have learned that will change my choices tomorrow. Tomorrow I will have my answer, but not before.

Written By Cambria

March 10, 2019, 12:50 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Humor at its best is a kind of heightened truth.

Written By Orathy

March 10, 2019, 12:34 a.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Tessa

Tessa. I ain't ever good at be sayin things that be soundin nice 'n that be showin I be givin a damn. Youse be seein through it 'n give this old man a chance, on who ain't had a good run of it 'n had to fight fer everythin 'n do what others ain't wantin to do. Ya be seein through an old man's anger 'n rage at what he become 'n what he were made to do. When my axe be taken from me by the inquisition fer some trumped up charge 'n they be tryin to leverage it over me, you be there tryin to be helpin me cope with it. It did be makin me buckle 'n drink more 'n lose a want to do anythin of value, reckon not even the stuff I be trained ta do. I ain't a good person, but you be the first person I be wishin I could 'ave died to protect... Ahh, it should 'ave been me. Supposin it should 'ave.

Today, I be going by the shop of Dame Ida, after hearin she be havin a sword up fer sale called 'Wrath' ... It were what ya called me, only fittin that I be havin a sword to match. It even be in Oathland style. I ain't knowin what it means that it be crafted so soon 'n be so... perfect in recallin you. Reckon maybe I can be fightin fer somethin better than myself, eh? I ain't know what that be, but I be feelin like yer there 'n it be stupid 'n all to think it...

Shit... I be ramblin now.

I ain't carin for much 'n not many, aye... not until I be meetin youse, Lady Moore.

Written By Vitalis

March 9, 2019, 11:24 p.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

I am recently returned from a week serving with the Silent Reflections in preparation for taking oaths with the Scholarship. Many speak of the oppressiveness of the silence in the Shrine. The heartbreak of Silent Reflections and their terrible choices. At first, I thought the time was meant to underscore the seriousness of Oaths to show the consequnces of breaking them. To serve as a warning, a great finger wagged showing what awaits those who choose lightly or poorly.

It was not so clear once there.

I wondered, as many do, what might have driven these people to set aside their oaths, well-knowing the consequences. Greed. Spite. Honor. Pride. Love. Understandable things. Relatable things. My curiosity all too quickly became empathy. We all have our failings, right? These people broke oaths, but they are still people. Like me, right? Too much so, though not how my dear departed mother and valiant father might have hoped.

I wanted to know more. I observed one pair closely, friends they seemed, hoping to gain some insight. It is astonishing what can be communicated in pantomime and one-handed gesture. The two I observed have developed a kind of structure to the signals and gestures, and it allows them to communicate silently across distances, or even while eating in the brief breaks on long shifts. I think one even told a joke. The other laughed. It follows, doesn't it?

[SCRIBE'S NOTE: He demonstrates. I did not find it amusing. I think I would have benefited from being present at the time of the 'telling.']

I also think I wasn't supposed to notice this subtler communication, they were cagey when I reflected a gesture, a simple query, back at them. They affected not to understand. I didn't press. I felt like an intruder into their world. A dilettante. It seems preposterous that others haven't adopted similar methods to make themselves and their thoughts understood. The drive to connect and express is powerful.

I did not come away with compassion. I came away with a profound and wary regard for the cleverness and drive of mortals. I saw a number of Silent Reflections who were what you expect: somber, repentant. I saw others who were not so meek who may have even counted the sacrifice of their voices and hands as bargains well-struck. They did not seem punished, only leashed.

Written By Domonico

March 9, 2019, 11:07 p.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

The wedding party was an outstanding success and my wife Lady Aahana truly did shine brightest with her new outfit, Malvici Pride, I am truly humbled and honoured that she is my wife.

Written By Ilmia

March 9, 2019, 9:47 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

I had a wonderful time at Lord Maru Seliki's birthday party this evening. I was hesitant to go at first, but I am glad that I did. I got to see old faces and meet new ones. I feel as though my cheeks will be red for days following an admission from a Lord. But it wasn't bad. Just unexpected. The party was lovely and I wish to thank the families for letting me attend and celebrate with them.

Written By Cambria

March 9, 2019, 7:52 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

On the evidence, peace is a purely theoretical state of affairs whose existence we deduce because there have been intervals between wars.

Written By Ysbail

March 9, 2019, 5:05 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

It is interesting thing grief.

It drives one to all kinds of strange actions, some seek solace in the arms of a lover, an assertion of life in the face of grim reality. Others will plunge themselves into their work or a cause, something that can detract from the regrets and woes. Still, others seek revenge, to mete out punishment on those they feel did them the wrong.

It can make one stupid. Ready to accept whatever easy answers we are given. Or else it can drive one to seek out truths that simply do not exist.

In regard to the Moore family - and the unfortunate call of bounties on the Crown's Lands...

One has to wonder why the lady was picnicking outside the safety of the city walls, to begin with, or for that matter why she did not take a sufficient guard to ensure her safety. More curious still, Prima Shard's finding of the body. Especially since the Prima's own Capitan also died a rather bloody death recently. Ill luck indeed.

But I imagine for most what matters, in the end, is the blame. And it's easiest to lay blame on the wolves I suppose.

But who knows. I certainly don't.

Written By Willow

March 9, 2019, 4:12 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

This past week has been a busy one, overseeing numbers and taking a supervisory position to learn the ins and outs of the duties overseen by the Duchess daily so that I can be better able to act in her stead when other obligations keep her occupied. I do wish to do her proud, it was a surprise to learn she was a handful of years my junior. I can imagine when the burden of her duty fell on her it was as intimidating as it was an honor to be able to serve the North and our family and allies in that capacity. She has done us all so proud, and I am humbled by the kindness of her heart and the shrewdness of her wits, every time we have the opportunity to spend time together directly instead of through missives and notices and records kept.

Written By Willow

March 9, 2019, 4:06 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Lady Cady, I genuinely like you more than words can convey. You are sweet tempered, vivacious, and warm. Sometimes it hurts to be around you because you remind me of the me I once was, and that is a woman I miss. I am glad to call you friend and want to do all I can to help preserve the gormless joy in your eyes, smiling delight at this moment and that. You make duty feel heavy when countered against your bouyant lightness.

Written By Willow

March 9, 2019, 4:01 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

I despise myself when emotion gets the better of my reasoning in awkward moments. Luckily, this only happens on occasion and all but two times since hitti g puberty, it has been while drinking. This, truly, is why I do not drink.

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