Lord Kutazer Ashford
Justice without strength is useless.

Description: Big, tall, beefy and dark might be the first things that come into one's mind when they first look over Kutazer. He has always been the biggest of his siblings in all ways, especially when it comes to muscle mass. Those muscles have been carefully sculpted with a lifetime of training and it shows. Typically his head is shaven bald but he has a rather nice full goatee that is proudly sported. A pair of chocolate brown eyes seem to watch over the world with a hint of weariness in them.
Personality: Social graces are not this man's forte, fighting is. He can often be called a touch brash but it is within reason. He exudes confidence in his commanding voice and has been known to be resolute and perhaps boardlinning on stubborn upon certain topics. He has also has a strong sense that justice can not prevail without violence.
Background: Born the middle child in the frozen wasteland of Giant's Reach, Kutazer seems liked from birth he was destined to be a warrior. Unlike his older brother, Cirroch who was trained in the ways of being a ruler, he was trained exclusively in the ways of being a warrior. It helps that his disposition ever since he was a child did not lead him to a world social grace, he finds he is much better at handling arguments with overwhelming aggression and less diplomatic measures.
Due of an incident in his teen years, where he had to protect some defenseless villagers from some cannibalistic raiders. That is when he realized he wanted to aide in protecting the weak and unarmed. This was the push that helped him to realize that without those who are just and strong, the world will crumble and fall victim to all the evil within.
As he grew older, so did the rivalry between the brothers and his protective ways of his younger sister Tila. And now he hears what all is occurring within the city of Arx from his oldest brother Cirroch, he decides that it is time for him to finally make his appearance and mark in history.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Anisha | Lord Kutazer Ashford, formerly Sanna. Made for mountains, not tree-climbing by his own words, though I maintain there are certain similarities to be found. I also maintain there are people better equipped than me to find those similarities. Like Lord Kutazer! Still, given his height and build he could double as a tree quite easily, I expect. One of those very sturdy ones that stands firm even in the worst of storms. |
Lisebet | My cousin's new husband, Lord Kutazer is loyal, fiercely brave and dedicated. All good things. I trust he and Rhiannon will be good for each other. |
Porter | Another of the same height! Not easy to find, especially not easy to find someone with such an excellent sense of humor. It was much appreciated. I'm looking forward to trying to climb trees and not sinking ships with this fellow at some point in the future. And also hoping his wife doesn't shoot me. |
Rhiannon | I cared only about my work, protecting my family--when I found you. You made me care about who I was in relation to others again and taught me what love really was. I'm exceptionally Blessed by the Gods to have you in my life. |
Sunaia | I can see why Rhia and Kutazer get along so well. He's really wonderful, a perfect addition to the family. |