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Godsworn Ceremony of Disciple Sina

All are welcomed to attend this sacred rite as Disciple Sina swears her oaths to the Gods and Faith.


Aug. 7, 2018, 7 p.m.

Hosted By

Ailith Sina(RIP)


Preston Oswyn Astraea Emilia Alarissa Aleksei Thena Esoka Etienne Denica




Arx - Ward of the Compact - The Great Cathedral of the Pantheon

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Princess Sparta Thistlefur, a shy stoatlet have been dismissed.

Balian, a Templar squire, Guy, a hunting kestrel, Emilia arrive, following Preston.

Preston has joined the Side Alcove.

Astraea has joined the Side Alcove.

Etienne has joined the Side Alcove.

The pierce of twilight struck against dusk, the early rise of moonlight illuminates the Great Cathedral's stained glass windows in silver tones, contrasting with the grandeur of white and gold pantheon symbols and accents. Aromas, clean and revitalizing, waft from newly planted spring blossoms, which intermittently were placed between massive gold floor candelabras that line along the perimeter of the Cathedral. Templars and Knights of Solace, donned in their resplendent formal armor and tabards, stand guard at the inner halls while disciples stride down the main aisle, carrying thirteen candles to adorn the altar. Behind this line is the Palace Seraph, solemn in her formal aeterna robes. She smooths an altar runner embroidered with the sigils of the pantheon before each unlit candle is arranged as three interlocking ring.

A silent prayer, head bowed, Ailith blesses this day, these symbols of Faith, before pivoting at the precise moment, signaled by a waiting disciple when all have gathered and settled. Her blue eyes alight as she regards each person, a greeting by smile, then speaks with calm and clarity. "Today marks a solemn occasion as one of the Compact has petitioned the Faith to join the ranks of the Godsworn and by these vows creates a new path to tread and upholds the ideals and responsibilities of the Faith, marking a new future. May I please have Goodwoman Sina Izetta approach accompanied by a representative of House Thrax?"

Alarissa has joined the Noble Pews.

With the jangling of armour, Preston and small Templar contingent arrive. Spying his second favourite Grandmaster towards the side, he heads over there to watch events.

Emilia has joined the Side Alcove.

Oswyn has settled in among the commoner seating, his satchel at his side as he witnesses the vows of his fellow Scholar. He's even shaved for the event.

Titus, a young wolfhound, Joan arrive, following Gaston.

Quietly walking in on the tail end of Preston and his retinue, the white haired Templar made her way over as well. Slipping down into the alcove with a soft smile.

At Preston's side, also arrives Emilia. The rustle of metal plates and silks is the only sound that accompany her rather light footsteps. When Preston changes directions, she follows to the Side Alcove, already presenting a warm smile to Thena, and then Astraea who joins them soon after.

Sina is accompanied by Princess-Consort Alarissa Thrax, and when the time approaches for the ceremony and after waiting for her cue, the former Thrax handmaiden paces down the central aisle of the Great Cathedral, clothed in a robe of finespun wool decorated with subtle fish embroidery along the hem. The flowing white robe reaches to the tops of her sandaled feet, which move with a preternatural and silent grace as she approaches the altar. Her long dark hair is unbound, falling past her waist down her back in a glossy stream of inky black, and her only adornment are the prayer beads clutched within her slender hands. As she reaches the altar, Sina gives a sidelong glance to Alarissa, giving her a soft, grateful little smile, then she bows her head reverently and waits at the altar before Ailith and those assembled. She takes a little breath, clasping her hands a little uncertainly around those prayer beads.

Sina has joined the Altar.

Alarissa doesn't walk ahead of Sina, as she might have done any other day in the past. Instead, she walks beside if perhaps just a half step behind the woman who still for now is her handmaiden. There's a serene smile on her face as she glances to the woman and when the altar is reached, offers a deep bow of her head to Ailith and then to Sina before standing reverantly, patiently.

Aleksei has made his somewhat awkward way to the commoner pews, looking a bit self-conscious and even out of place. Like he no longer belongs. But he takes a seat, and even through that sense of lingering tension, when he turns in his seat to watch Sina making her way down the aisle, his smile is warm. Even a little proud. If maybe also a bit wistful.

Ailith bows respectfully before the Prelate of the Scholars and then the Princess-Consort of Thrax, a small smile given to each. "The story of Goodwoman Sina's decision has been recorded in the Archives and in doing so honors the charge set by Vellichor. It is a decision spanning over a year and taken with the severity and solemnity in knowing what is sacrificed and gained by our responsibilities as a servant to the Gods and Faith. By these vows, she removes herself from the bonds of her previous fealty, her responsibilities to her family, and no longer provides them succor or shelter save as the Faith might provide succor and shelter to any other. Who is here to speak for Thrax?"

"I speak for Thrax." Alarissa offers in a voice loud enough to carry.

Titus, a young wolfhound, Joan leave, following Gaston.

Ailith continues, "Do you release Sina from the bonds of family? Do you release Sina to the Faith, acknowledging her among these witnesses that her responsibility to Thrax has ended, and she may take up the yoke of the gods?"

Alarissa looks to Sina, smiling. "Thrax releases Sina to the faith and acknowledges before the gods and all witnesses that her duty to me and to the house and fealty have found thier end. We bid farewell with hearts laden with sorrow that she shall not walk our halls, but it is tempered by the joy of knowing that she leaves because she is called to a higher purpose. We wish her joy and happiness that she so richly deserves and to be embraced by the gods this day." Alarissa leans forward to murmur in Sina's ear.

A little tense through the moment of release from her oaths of fealty to House Thrax, Sina relaxes a bit once it is done, her shoulders settling a little. She bows her head toward Alarissa respectfully as she is released from her oaths, and offers the Princess-Consort a soft smile, her silvery eyes glimmering a bit with a hint of moisture as those bonds of fealty are severed. She leans briefly to listen to Alarissa's murmured words, and smiles softly with an inclination of her head. She gives Alarissa's hand a gentle squeeze and murmurs something softly back, before she draws a breath, blinking her eyes a moment, and focuses them on Ailith once more.

Oswyn looks on with a faint smile, hands resting on his knees.

"The Faith gives credit and thanks to the Princess-Consort of Thrax, for allowing one whose heart is called to a higher purpose to serve with joy and happiness, released from her oaths of fealty to fully embrace the Gods." Ailith bows her head to Alarissa, signaling to her release to rejoin the congregation. It is then her attention focuses on Sina. "Please kneel, Goodwoman Sina, for if you would be of the Faith, there are vows which must be heard, understood, and taken without hesitation or reservation." Serenely and encouragingly, she smiles and pauses briefly to grant the young woman to do so before beginning, "For Gild, do you, Sina, swear to leave behind no wealth in your passing, save to the Faith itself? To support none as a spouse or son might, but only through works of charity? For Limerance, do you freely devote yourself to the gods and put these oaths you take tonight above all others? For the Sentinel do you swear to always seek the truth in the grace of the gods?"

As she is bidden to kneel, Sina does so gracefully, lowering to her knees in a fluid movement, hands clasped before her, the prayer beads laced through her fingers. She looks up briefly, meeting Ailith's gaze as the gravity of the oaths impress themselves upon her. But there is no hesitation as she straightens her shoulders, and speaks the oaths in her clear musical voice, "To Gild I vow no wealth shall be left in my passing, save that which I render unto the Faith. To Limerance I promise my heart and that none of mortal blood and flesh shall claim it as a spouse or son might. To the Sentinel I promise a clarity of mind and words and that no pursuit shall be met of my own interests, but only that of the divine." Once the words are said, she bows her head slightly, as if offering up her own silent prayers between the oathing.

Esoka has joined the Commoner Pews.

Thena watches Sina kneel serenely, though she occasionally murmurs something quietly to her fellow Godsworn. There's a little nod from her as Sina completes each statement.

Astraea's eyes are alight with excitement and she seems barely contained. To her credit though she isn't bouncing in place or shuffling from foot to foot as per usual. Instead she's standing still and has her hands clasped in front of her mouth like a proud sibling watching a beautiful moment happen. There might even be tears. Maybe.

After each vow is stated, a disciple raises the long pole with a wick at the end to light three candles -- Gild, Limerance, and Sentinel. The faint glow of the trio creates a halo around those by the altar, the light of the Faith growing. Ailith levels her steady gaze with Sina's, inclining her head in approval as they continue, "As Petrichor grants dominion, do you, Sina, swear to uphold his ideals and enforce the traditions of Sanctuary to those granted it? To Mangata, do you pledge yourself to the protection of the waters, your ministry knowing no boundaries of land? And for Lagoma, do you swear to always be open to change, knowing that that which does not change, cannot grow, and must die in stasis?"

Esoka entered as unobtrusively as she possibly could, though it took her a bit to find a seat. She does manage to plant herself in the commoner pews eventually, though. She flashes a big, broad smile up toward Sina as she settles.

Sina shifts just a little on her knees as she prepares to speak these next oaths. "To Petrichor," she says with conviction, "I promise to defend the tradition of Sanctuary with unending ferocity, that blood may never be shed upon holy ground, and that those who seek and have been granted respite may find shelter." When she reaches the oath to Mangata, Sina does pause momentarily, and bows her head, clasping her prayer beads a little more tightly in fervent prayer. "To Mangata," she says with quiet determination, "I pledge myself to the protection of the Isles and the waters and my ministry shall not know only the bounds of land." Her head remains bowed as she speaks the next oath as well, her expression earnest. "To Lagoma, I promise an open mind that I might recognize the winds of change and flow freely with them."

Three more join the small flames of candlelight at the altar -- Petrichor, Mangata, Lagoma. Ailith smiles in response to Sina's prayers between the vows, then speaks anew with a firm and clear tone, "And for Gloria, do you, Sina, do you swear to act with honor in all your dealings as a priest of the Pantheon? For Jayus, do you vow to always seek the inspiration of the gods and let them color your life? In Vellichor's name, will you preserve the history of the Compact and the Faith, and work tirelessly to unlock the ancient understanding of the gods we once thought lost?"

Sina lifts her head once again, and speaks the oaths clearly and with purpose, her voice carrying clearly, where normally she's very quiet. Her words are spoken in an unhurried fashion, carefully chosen for each oath, giving each one her own personal touch while remaining true to their core spirit. "To Gloria, I promise to behave as a living inspiration unto her in act and effort. To Jayus," she says, with a ring of special emotion in her voice, "I promise to open my heart to inspiration, that the vision of the Gods may work through me in word and deed." Her voice takes on an even more reverent tone, then, as she speaks the next oath. "To Vellichor, I promise my life and spirit in protecting the knowledge of the ages, guarding the words of Gods and men, and returning to the people of Arvum what knowledge we once thought lost."

By now the brightness of the candles shimmers against the golds of the altar and the robes worn by those near the altar. Three more are added -- Petrichor, Mangata, and Vellichor. Ailith faintly dips her head, a private look exchanged with Sina before they move onward with the ceremony. "As First Choice fought for our ability to choose, do you choose of your own free will and without reservation, to serve the Pantheon now, and to make that choice again, each day, until your time of passing? As the Queen of Endings shelters souls in the realms beyond, do you swear to shelter souls in the lands of the Compact, from their birth until their death? And in the name of Aion the Dreamer, do you swear to serve the creation we share, and preserve the Dream Eternal?"

As the oaths are beginning to reach their conclusion, Sina bows her head once again, her features alight with determination and focus as she speaks the next words, her voice reverent and respectful. "To the First Choice, I promise my defense of every soul's freedom to choose their path. To the Queen of Endings and Beginnings, I promise to protect the souls of every one of her children until they return to her care. To Aion, I promise to preserve the Dream in the face of any that would bring her creations harm."

The three interlocking rings by candlelight are nearly complete -- Skald, Queen, Aion are added. The shadows of night, the silvery tones of moonlight, are pushed aside by the warm glow of this occasion, especially by Sina's vows. Ailith draws in a breath before proceeding, her shoulders set and chin raised, as she re-addresses the young Prelate. "One final vow remains. Tehom, the Reflection, requires of you a vow to know the darkness within yourself, to channel your passions and not allow yourself to be ruled by them. Do you swear this as well, Sina, and in doing so, take on all the responsibilities and duties of one sworn to the gods?"

When at last the vow to Tehom arrives, Sina speaks without hesitation. "In determination, I swear this will be true." She lifts her head then, her expression solemn as the last vow leaves her lips.

The final candle is lit -- Tehom -- and in doing so, the Devotions to the far reaches of the Cathedral begin to softly play a canticle of the Godsworn, the pitch only rising after the Seraph concludes the ceremony. Ailith bends at the knee, lowering her tall visage to extend her hand in offering to Sina. "Then rise, Sister Sina. Today, the Faith acknowledges you as one of its own, and let all who witness, both mortal and under the eyes of the Gods, recognize and accord you the respect and responsibilities thereof." Ailith calls forth, addressing those gathered, and smiles broadly with distinguished joy and serenity. "All, please welcome Sister Sina, priest of the Faith of the Pantheon." The Templars and Knights of Solace in unison salute, the clink of metal armor echoing in the Cathedral. And a songbird among the Devotion chimes in as the musicians lift up their stringed instruments, striking with the bows in adding to the cheer and celebration.

Ailith is overheard praising Sina.

Aleksei is overheard praising Sina: I'm so proud of you.

Stojan, the assistant, 3 Thrax Guards arrive, following Denica.

Alarissa is overheard praising Sina: A brave step and one I am proud of you for.

Esoka stands as the Templars do, to join in saluting Sina, eyes bright and warm. She erupts into loud, boisterous cheering with gusto.

Thena stands when her knights do, though she's /far/ less clanky, and applauds as Ailith cues the music.

Etienne is overheard praising Sina: congratulations!

Oswyn rises from his seat, bringing his hands together in applause.

Alarissa rises in the nobles pews, her hand softly clapping and no small amoutn of pride on her face for Sina when she's officially made Godsworn.

Etienne is practically silent when rising, no clanking noises at all, making him all but invisible except of course he is dressed in brilliant white and shiny gold, clapping commences.

Emilia smiles as the oaths are laid, and she too salutes her fellow Godsworn. Though she doesn't cheer or anything like that, but its clear as day that she is very proud of Sina.

Sina finally breaks her solemnity with a smile, which grows into a bigger smile as she hears the last candle is lit, and the canticle being sung. She takes Ailith's hand as it is offered, and rises to her feet, smiling as she leans in to give the Seraph a quick hug, whispering something to her. Then she turns, and glances out a bit shyly toward those who have gathered to witness, blushing at the unaccustomed attention. She bows her head then, and takes a breath, then lets it out. "Well, that's done," she says, not seeming to know what to do next. She lifts her head again, and smiles to Alarissa then in particular, and seeing others in the assembled that she knows, she gives everyone a warm smile.

Denica applauds as she enters, noting that she might have missed the whole of the ceremony, but she certainly has made it in time to see the big moment, she looks ecstaticly pleased for Sina.

Astraea follows suit with her own salute, a playful wink given to Sina afterwards. "Well done," she mouths to her newest Godsworn sister.

There's a dip of Alarissa's head in respect to Sina before she's looking to Denica and waving the woman over to the pews.

Denica has joined the Noble Pews.

Ailith returns the embrace by Sina, separately to allow her newest Sister to mingle. A faint glow of pink tickles at her cheeks as she smiles and steps away from the altar. The candles will continue to remain lit until dawn. The disciples by the altar applaud their young Sister, then break apart to attend to their duties about the Cathedral and city -- or in this case, for many, set out the refreshments to the rear of the Cathedral.

Denica nods her head to Alarissa, moving to join her as she settles herself down in the pews beside the Princess Consort.

Sina smiles to Ailith, and the disciples as well, before she dips her head and steps away from the altar to mingle. She makes her way over toward the pews, and she stops by Aleksei's pew for a moment. She gives him a warm smile, and a dip of her head. "Thank you for coming, Aleksei," she says warmly. "It means a lot to have you here. I saw your interest in my fencing lesson request... would you still be willing to teach me?" she asks, a little uncertainly. Then she leans in and murmurs something to him privately.

Sina has left the Altar.

Aleksei rises when the others do, pride gleaming in his expression through all the wist and self-consciousness that clearly comes with memory. He applauds loudly, smiling over at her, and then he slips out of the pews when she approaches him. "Hey," he says quietly, and then, after a beat, he pulls her into a hug. "Oh, man, of course I'll give you some lessons."

Alarissa is overheard praising Scholars.

Sina grins, returning Aleksei's hug warmly and murmuring something to him again, then steps back and tucks her prayer beads away. "Good... I think I should have a proper skill, you know... well, you never know," she says with a laugh. She glances around over toward Esoka and Preston, and gives them a smile and a wave.

Oswyn slings the strap of his satchel over his shoulder. Passing by Sina, he says, "Congratulations."

Ailith has left the Altar.

Thena stands and slips out of the alcove, pausing next to Sina and offering a light touch to her arm. "Welcome to the Faith, Sister." Then she makes her way over to one of her knights who made up part of the honor guard in the Cathedral, striking up a conversation that looks a lot like official business.

Sina smiles to Oswyn and dips her head to him in thanks.

Esoka strides up toward Sina after the vows are done, still beaming, and reaches out to clasp the woman's hand when she's free for it. "That was very well-done, Sina. Sister Sina. You'll be a credit to the Faith, I'm sure."

Oswyn inclines his head to Alarissa, should he happen to catch her eye, and makes his way toward the exit.

Alarissa dips her head back to Oswyn, catching sight of him the corner of her eyes and lifting fingers to wriggle them at him.

Ailith crosses the way in approach of the Princess-Consort and leans slightly close to whisper.

"It was /way/ better done than when I took my vows," Aleksei agrees with Esoka. "I was scared shitless and kept forgetting them and then Orazio decided to spring those new vows on me without warning me ahead of time. And then Armel and Mathias almost murdered me when I accidentally cursed." His smile is a bit -- complicated. A lot of lost souls.

Emilia also walks towards Sina, but staying off to the side to not overcrowd her. "Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, Sister," The Templar says, beaming a smile to Sina, "I am very proud of you."

Oswyn has left the Commoner Pews.

Esoka has left the Commoner Pews.

Emilia has left the Side Alcove.

Sina turns to Dame Thena as she gives her welcome, and dips her head respectfully. "Thank you, Dame Thena," she says warmly. She turns then to Esoka as she approaches, and offers her a warm smile and clasps her hand in return. "It's going to take some getting used to that... Sister Sina," she says, with a little grin. "I hope you're doing well. Maybe we can catch up sometime soon?" She spies Alarissa speaking with Denica out of the corner of her eye, and she gives a smile to Denica as well. She turns her attention, then, back to Aleksei, Esoka and Emilia. She inclines her head to the latter, and beams warmly. "Thank you... Sister," she says pleasantly. "I don't think we have ever been introduced?" she adds, studying the Templar a little curiously.

Ailith speaks and Alarissa shifts to share attention between Denica and Ailith, murmuring back to the Seraph.

Denica looks up and waves happily towards Sina as she makes her rounds, speaking with people, a quiet conversation exchanged with Alarissa, though she gives a curious glance towards Ailith as she makes her way over.

Atreke, a severe-looking scribe arrives, following Rinel.

"Yes, we should!" Esoka says firm to Sina. "Catch up, I mean. I'm often at the Templar Compound. My daily work is devoted to it now, for the time being. I'd love to visit in whatever free moments you have, but I'll leave you to all this now. My best wishes on what you're embarking on." She steps away with that, stifling another one of those chuckles as Aleksei speaks of his own vows again. "I'm sure they wouldn't have /murdered/ you. Surely not while on holy ground, at any rate." Her own eyes are somber, particularly at mention of Armel. "He probably found it funny. Later. Much later."

Ailith sweeps to another bow, acknowledging the other royal. "Princess Denica," she greets respectfully. "How fairs your artistry these days? I always found your sketches to be remarkable."

The Templar, Emilia, continues smiling at Tina as she replies in a similarly pleasant tone, "I am Dame Emilia, Godsworn Templar." She scratches her cheek, "I am often on pilgrimage, so it is not a surprise we haven't met yet, or gotten to know each other" she says, "But that can easily be changed."

Esoka is overheard praising Sina: She'll make a grand godsworn.

Thena offers a final nod to her knight and then makes her way towards the exit. Duty calls. She pauses to note quietly to the group reminiscing around Aleksei, "I missed the ceremony but it's the stuff of legends," before slipping out into the dusk.

Thena has left the Side Alcove.

Sina smiles to Esoka, and dips her head. "I'll come seek you out when you're free then," she agrees. She turns her attention back to Aleksei with a smile and a sympathetic look. "I wasn't around for your vows, so for me, it's as if it never happened! I just... wanted to get this right, so I practiced a lot beforehand. I was still very nervous though." She smiles, and turns her attention then to Emilia once more, offering her a warm look. "Ahh, I think I have heard your name mentioned before. I hope we will indeed have a chance to get to know one another better. I appreciate your welcome," she says sincerely.

"Anyways, all I meant is just that you did /way/ better," Aleksei tells Sina, slipping away from the topic of his own vows. "You were great. You didn't seem nervous at all."

Ailith is overheard praising Scholars.

Denica smiles brightly towards Ailith at the compliment to her art and gives a nod towards the Seraph. "My art is coming along very well. I've a few pieces I've been working on and as always," she taps on the pad that she has resting in her lap, "I've always got myself ready to try to capture anything that catches my eye. How have you been?"

Emilia nods to Sina, "Indeed, you did quite well." But her attention seems drawn towards Ailith. There's a curious expression on the Templar's face. "I hope you enjoy this day to the fullest," she says, and begins walking away from Sina, and towards Ailith.

Sina lifts a hand before Aleksei's face, so that he can see the little imprints from where her prayer beads dug into her hand a bit with how hard she was gripping them. "Prayer beads are good for more than prayers," she says with a grin. "Keeps the hands from fidgeting! But thank you," she says with a smile toward him. She glances toward Emilia then as she speaks, and she gives a dip of her head as well as the Templar departs toward Ailith. The newest Godsworn turns her attention back to Aleksei then. "Well, me being me... the first thing I want to do now is go hide somewhere. I get nervous around too many people. Do you think that would be rude?" she gives a playful look.

Esoka is overheard praising Ailith: A lovely ceremony.

Sina is overheard praising Ailith: She did an amazing job with the ceremony, as I knew she would.

Etienne slips out of the alcove and quietly out of the cathedral.

Etienne has left the Side Alcove.

Dandy, the red fox leaves, following Etienne.

"And you didn't forget any words," Aleksei says, nodding solemnly to Sina. "That's the important one." His smile warms on her, and he lowers his voice to say, "Nah. You want me to make a big scene to cover for your escape?"

After having tamed her little animal companion the other Templar who wasn't Dame Esoka or Dame Emilia wandered over to Sina now and embraced her,"I told you I'd come! I'm so happy that you have joined our family, you did so well with your vows as well." Alarissa is given a smile and a shy wave before the young woman bows out of the growing circle of people surrounding Sina. Denica is given a small smile and then the woman quietly excuses herself, quickly following after Etienne. "Oh hello Aleksei, goodbye Aleksei!"

Astraea has left the Side Alcove.

Ailith's sights land on the indicated pad, wondrous delight of the mystery beyond the cover intensifying her smile and gaze. She releases a soft chuckle. "One never knows when the inspiration of Jayus strikes. You appear ready for a masterpiece. Fortunato spoke well of your art and, to me, that's a high compliment. And I am well, Princess. Like you with your paints, I've been stirred by imagination to write, though when I'll find time to put together these concepts," she flickers her hand in the air in a careless gesture, grinning widely. The murmurs between the three brings her to say aloud, "Why not join forces with the rest of the House?" Out of the corner of her eye, she espies the approach of Emilia and bows before the Templar. "Dame, welcome. Have you met Princess-Consort Alarissa Thrax and Princess Denica Thrax, Minister of Loyalty to House Thrax?"

Esoka says some goodbyes all around and then slips off, as much as the stocky prodigal knight slips anywhere.

Sina's eyes sparkle with mischief at Aleksei's comment. "Or did I? The first thing a performer learns is if you make a mistake or forget a line, act like you didn't." She glances around then, eyeing the others to see if anyone is going to notice her slip out. "I think the crowd is thinning a bit. I might be able to make my escape." She beams at Aleksei. "See you soon for those lessons?"

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