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Written By Lianne

Nov. 26, 2023, 7:01 p.m.(4/7/1021 AR)

We've managed to open the doors of the Academy of Occult Sciences in Nilanza and accept our first set of students. It's been a challenging process. The eagerness some prospective students show has been concerning, and not everyone has taken rejection well. Still, it's a solid beginning, good progress toward facing the unknown with curiosity rather than fear.

There's yet a great deal of work to be done in the coming months, but I trust in my family, our people and our allies. It is my sincerest hope that the Academy is thriving by this time next year, our processes streamlined and our halls filled with good people looking to conduct worthwhile work.

Written By Thea

Nov. 26, 2023, 7:01 p.m.(4/7/1021 AR)

Went home covered in paint. There was pink footsteps all around the house. And I know usually I'd have said something, thinking it was one of my kids. Or chaotic dogs. But today was not the day. It was me. I was the person. I brought the pink footprints. Good thing Drake wasn't here to see that, I'd never hear the end of it.

Written By Raymesin

Nov. 26, 2023, 5:13 p.m.(4/7/1021 AR)

So it seems I might be fit to be an Explorer, although I might have to learn to ride, first, which isn't ideal. I might have to ask the Princess for membership in her organisation, now that I have some time to spare.

Written By Raymesin

Nov. 26, 2023, 5:09 p.m.(4/7/1021 AR)

A new start, Scholar, following an end. Such things are appropriate, and yet what will this new life bring? Joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain - the proportions may be different, but the wages of life are the same.

Written By Neviah

Nov. 26, 2023, 3:57 p.m.(4/7/1021 AR)

Existing in this city:

Walking away is easier than staying.

Written By Medeia

Nov. 26, 2023, 12:31 p.m.(4/6/1021 AR)

News from back home is mostly good. I know that people are afraid, I know that people are rightfully concerned, but I am so proud of the people of Saikland for letting cooler heads prevail in the face of overwhelming circumstances. I know all too well how sudden revelations can unbalance you. Make you question everyone and everything you thought you knew, thought you could trust. Our hearts and our minds are both so strong and so soft - the two are not exclusive. We can and will overcome the challenges we face.

I endeavor to always remain worthy of the trust my people place in me. It is precious.

Written By Khanne

Nov. 26, 2023, 12:11 p.m.(4/6/1021 AR)

I've been trying to be more social, to visit more people, have more conversations, share more joy. I don't think I have been necessarily -successful- in my endeavors, but, the thought is there. It is difficult when my mind is so full of lists of things to be done and my soul is so full of a desire to to resolve all the things at once for everyone. I want to make the world a better place... for us, for the future generations. I want hope to shine and to prevail.

I don't feel ready... yet we have to be ready, don't we?

See... there my thoughts go again, starting off with thoughts of being social and drifting towards... well... other things.

This is why I struggle. But, I shall continue to try.

Written By Mabelle

Nov. 26, 2023, 11:03 a.m.(4/6/1021 AR)

I'm uncertain why people think I designate my events to get them hurt.
Noble people always have to use kitchen utensils when intoxicated. Do they not?

Written By Theo

Nov. 25, 2023, 11:10 p.m.(4/5/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

This lady knows how to throw a party. I will not be looking at plums the same way. I can't believe I called my dish something worth painting about. At least I had fun. That is what matters, right? I think so.

Happy Birthday, Lady Mabelle may you see many more.

Oh and scholar? This time I didn't get a drink thrown in my face. That is a win win in my book.

Written By Raven

Nov. 25, 2023, 8:30 p.m.(4/5/1021 AR)

Beware Mirrormasks or anyone who claims to broker in power or forbidden knowledge. The knowledge mirrormasks is not devil's barter or 'lost' secrets of dubious providence. Rather it is Faith that true knowledge begins with us. The belief that to Know Thyself is to know the gods and the mysteries of Dream. Be wary and skeptical of anyone who suggests anything can be done without this crucial cornerstone.

Written By Mabelle

Nov. 25, 2023, 2:43 p.m.(4/4/1021 AR)

Spring is upon us.
Fashion tip: If you are scared of bees, do not wear blue and purple. Or red. Or pink.
Or stop being afraid of bees, they are harmless.

Written By Lucita

Nov. 25, 2023, 9:42 a.m.(4/4/1021 AR)

It is the time of year to watch the ice on the garden pond recede, the snowmen melt into lumps, and for repairs. This spring that includes cleaning off smoke stains around fireplaces (from when winter wind overcame the chimney updraft and sent smoke back down). It is still a little too cold to retire the winter clothes, need to still keep cloaks around for the crisp mornings and evening chill.

Written By Jan

Nov. 25, 2023, 1:42 a.m.(4/3/1021 AR)

I am so fucking lucky. It feels criminal to be as lucky as I have been.

Written By Raven

Nov. 24, 2023, 11:32 p.m.(4/3/1021 AR)

Ancient languages and ancient people keep coming up. It can't be coincidence. I wonder how they feet into everything else that they are what warrants digging.

Written By Jan

Nov. 24, 2023, 11:26 a.m.(4/2/1021 AR)

Adapting to life as a Lycene will take more adjustment than I initially reckoned

Written By Medeia

Nov. 23, 2023, 8:58 p.m.(4/1/1021 AR)

The first day of spring always fills me with renewed hope. Of course, there are still days of chill winds and muck to traverse as all the snow melts, but the thawing feels good. And, perhaps this season, there will be opportunities blossoming and exciting new paths revealed to us.

I have so much to look forward to, as well! In just a handful of days, Princess Denica and I will be hosting a colorful game in the Lenosian Labyrinth - my thanks to Archduchess Jaenelle for her blessing to invite the city there for such an event. I have also volunteered my efforts to assist the wonderful Lady Umbroise of Aviaron's Peak and Radiant Aconite in a series of galas in the north. It has been a very long time since I have traveled so far. I am glad for the opportunity.

And the children should be returning to the city. Soon. I have missed them terribly. It will be nice to arrange play dates for them again. I love that we have the opportunity to encourage early friendships.

Yes. Spring is good. And means that summer will be coming!

Written By Renata

Nov. 23, 2023, 10:56 a.m.(3/28/1021 AR)

A name that has been stuck at the back of my memories as of late, one which might only mean something to a few... Lunara Argento, more commonly known as the Blackheart. The recollection of being within Luciva, recently resurfaced in my thoughts, vivid and arresting.

The image of the Blackheart, draped in what could pass for captain's clothes, stays with me like a vivid dream. Her coat hanging open, a wicked alaricite weapon at her hip, and a dangerous playfulness in her raven-haired beauty. The words she spoke echo in my mind, "Here I stand, Kind Maiden. Lay your mercy upon me," a teasing grin on her sleepless face.

As I stood there, an observer in this unfolding drama, the fatigue and illness evident in the Blackheart did not go unnoticed. She would reveal a vulnerability, and all I wished for in that moment was to be able to follow through with my Archduchess's wishes. To offer the woman that which so many others would scream at, our Belladonna seeking to show a mercy like our father. I had been sent to ensure that her message was heard.

Yet, chaos erupted. And everything would go wrong in a moment.

Written By Sydney

Nov. 23, 2023, 10:49 a.m.(3/28/1021 AR)

Some days just aren't much for wandering far from bed. I found myself leafing through old entries in my journals, marveling at the fact that it was my hand that penned them. My younger self was such a different woman - jaded, downtrodden, but still searching for silver linings - and so very young. There's a fearless intimacy with which she draws her pen across the paper, self-assured.

Things were difficult for her, and she sure as shit didn't make it easier for herself most of the time, but I can't help look back and envy how freely she could put pen to paper. How freely she trusted, how quickly she decided who and what was right for her. There was a beauty to her that I wish that she'd realized at the time, and she need not have fretted about some of the things that plagued her quite so hard.

I don't regret the woman she became. It was necessary. Her metamorphosis was as inevitable as anyone's, but I do look back and yearn for the freedom of her existence, even with all the burdens she bore. Her strengths worn like armor, and her insecurities squirreled away where no one could see them, not even herself.

I pity her. I admire her. I miss her. And if given the choice, I'd slowly choke her from existence all over again. For if she knew what I know, what else would she be but me?

Forward. Straight through. It's how she lived. It's how I live.

We won't throw any more fights, Sydney Waterfall, and I hope that pleases you.

Written By Duarte

Nov. 23, 2023, 3:09 a.m.(3/27/1021 AR)


Meanwhile, in Setarco, an intricate tapestry of politics and power was being woven. Its ultimate design would shatter the very foundation of House Pravus.

Duke Piero was a beacon of kindness and generosity. He ruled with a soft heart. And though his intentions were well-meaning, his altruism was regarded as a weakness to vassals who were long engaged in testing the waters to see just how far they could transgress against the kindly Duke.

In the bustling streets of Setarco and among his closest circles, Duke Piero was beloved. He would walk among his people as one of them and share in their joys and sorrows. He was quick to forgive. He calmed often turbulent moments with his wisdom and faith in his people. Yet, beneath the tranquility around him, the waters of treachery relentlessly churned.

Belladonna, eldest daughter, watched with growing concern. She, perhaps more than any, saw how the lesser vassals pushed her father's limits. How they mocked his kindness as naivety. Belladonna warned Piero, often, of an impending storm and urged him frequently to take actions necessary to secure his House and power. But her pleas fell on deaf ears.

As time passed, whispers of discontent and rebellion echoed. I heard them in Arx. How deafening they must've been to Belladonna, in Setarco.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Piero Pravus was murdered.

Belladonna, now thrust into the role of Duchess, faced the chaos head-on. With a fierce determination, she crushed a nascent rebellion headed by House Adimento - a vassal of Nilanza's Argento family. She showed no mercy to the traitors who dared undermine her house. The once quiet halls of Pravus Manor were now filled with the cries of betrayers meeting their ends. Belladonna's retribution sent a clear message: betrayal would be met with merciless justice.

The news of the assassination reached me with a crushing impact. My heart ached for the loss of Piero and with frustration for my absence in Setarco's time of need. A storm of guilt raged within me. Why was I not there? My usefulness, honed in the shadows and corridors of power, could have been a shield against the duplicity that claimed her father. Instead, I was in Arx - distant and detached - while Pravus faced its darkest hour.

My resignation from the Inquisition was swift. I vowed to stand by Duchess Belladonna - to be an unseen hand that would help safeguard her legacy.

Belladonna did what she could in Setarco to quell rebellion, but she was unrelenting in pursuit of the foes who ordered the death of her father. It was an inquiry that led her eventually to Arx. And it was not too long after she arrived that she sent for Lianne.

Written By Lianne

Nov. 22, 2023, 10:44 p.m.(3/27/1021 AR)

Reading through my old journals from my first year or so here in the capital, I don't entirely recognize the girl I was. I'm glad for that.

I think I'll stop by Lagoma's shrine on my way home.

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