Nina Autumndale
Let's fill our hearts with wine and song, and merry make, merry make, all day long!

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Spoony Bard
Gender: female
Marital Status: Single
Age: 23
Birthday: 10/16
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Courtier
Height: average height
Hair Color: amber red
Eye Color: sky blue
Skintone: fair
Description: A young woman possessed of a fae-like beauty. She has a diamond-shaped face, with a narrow nose and full lips over a sharp chin. Her sky-blue eyes are open and round, taking in the world around her with flickers of light. Her hair is the color of a sunset in summer, warm and red with highlights of spun gold, and rolls to her waist when it is not pinned out of her way. She is possessed of an hourglass figure, with a flare of hips and bust around a thin waist. However, her limbs are thin, long for her height, without much tone of muscle. She has nimble, clever fingers. Though she is striking visually, she is perhaps even moreso for her voice, which tends soprano when she speaks, clear as a bell, and has a high range and emotional resonance when she is singing.
Personality: Always curious and inquisitive, eager to meet new people. Nina is a woman of seemingly effortless charm and grace despite her common birth. She puts out an effervescent energy and has no problem taking center stage, not being one to hide her light. She has a way with both words and song, and can quickly turn a phrase into a rhyme or joke. If she dislikes you, her tongue may be sharper, but she usually hides this in a turn of phrase clever enough for it not to be outright noticed. However, she is not terribly quick to judge and can always find something interesting about another person.
Background: Nina is a common-born woman from, by all accounts, an unremarkable background, who seemed to have a natural gift for musical talent. Discovered as she was singing for her supper on a warm summer night, she was brought into House of Silken Sighs in Setarco. There she trained among the Suspires, the famous courtiers of the Lycene. When she arrived in Arx, she arrived with big dreams and a smile on her face, and began at once making friends among the Bard's College and the house of Pravus. Here, she earned the title Glass Butterfly of Pravus, a minister to the House. She is in charge of event and party planning for the new Great House, and occasionally for nobles and commoners alike outside of the fealty as well. She has shown a great love for fashion as well as music, putting thought into the costumes and outfits she wears as befitting every occasion. Her love of jokes and silly songs also caused her to make quick friends among the Harlequins, where she became a disciple of the Queen of Endings.
Exactly how this bubbly woman also earned herself a space among the Council of Thorns, the trio of highest ranking Suspires, seems unclear at first. With her big heart and open personality, she does not meet the usual cliche of the silken Setarco seductress. But seduction comes in many forms, and Nina has a way of getting people to open up to her, and let go of their inhibitions.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Alrigo | Host of the bawdy songs. Was not expecting that from such a soft face. My! Surprising packages in Arx. |
Amari | A very fine lute player with a quick tongue and sharp mind. She very nearly trounced Prince Edain in a contest. Most impressive. |
Andromeda | Nina Autumndale is many things, and she is many things I am not. She reminds me in some ways of the Precious Maharet. She should. They are both expert courtiers, both Suspires. I suspect in some ways, even the Precious Maharet has something to learn from her. I suspect that the Joiner of Great Houses is an asset that House Pravus is able to use expertly, and with a very light touch. I expect that the name of Nina Autumndale will echo. But only if she wants it to. |
Anisha | I briefly met the lovely bard Nina in the Training Center in possibly the worst of circumstances - I'm pleased to have amended that by getting to witness her immense talent for storytelling. She weaves tales and brings them to life like an artist uses canvas. Truly remarkable. |
Apollo | Her enthusiasm for story and wordcraft is remarkable. I wish she didn't diminish her own talents - she's as fine a poet as any I've read. |
Appolonia | A courtier who knows what she's talking about. And she knows this... "beat." |
Auda | Simply incredible. |
Avita | She seems so ... alive. I admire her true enjoyment of all that happens around her ... it is how a life should be lived. |
Beatrice | A Pravosi /bard/. Just what the House was lacking. Belladonna's taste remains exceptional. |
Belladonna | Oh, she is Setarcan all right. Although she does not need me to make waves, lets see if I can't enhance her and tip a few ships in the process. |
Bellamy | A talented actress I meet and had the pleasure of running some lines with-- I do hope the production goes all as planned! |
Bianca | Her reputation has already fast-preceded her, and she does a splendid job living up to all of it. Vivacious and curious and alight with creativity, she represents the silk of her lieges' banners to perfection. |
Calla | A woman of many talents that is attached to House Pravus. I cannot wait to go to a party she throws. |
Caprice | An accomplished artist across several mediums. I hope to get to know her better, seeing as how just a first meeting has inspired me to pursue my own secondary talents with more enthusiasm. |
Cassimir | According to the effusive praises of some very credible references, Nina is an excellent singer. I look forward to confirming this myself at the upcoming festival. |
Cassiopeia | She's absolutely lovely, talented but also insightful. I hope to get to know her better, as time passes. |
Catalana | Bright. Perhaps a touch naive however. |
Cecilia | An amazing bard. Also offers to teach the lute. She made the party. |
Celeste | What a lovely singer. She came up with a few verses on the spot and regaled us with her lute work. Where did Gabriella find this one? |
Cerys | Mistress Nina Autumndale: A woman of great sense and sensibilities, her voice renowned. I shall have to ensure that we run into one another again, if there is one thing life in the Lyceum has taught me.. always always ALWAYS have a bard at your parties. Or in your party. |
Cesare | Mockingbird and Suspire, with feet as light as a ray of sunshine and a smile to match. She plays a marvelous fiddle tune like only a true Setarcan can; we must spend more time together. |
Cirroch | Well rounded arguments for standing up and asking the questions that most of the peerage refuses to properly respond to. A brillant mind is at work here. |
Corrigan | Amusing to watch try to to flirt in the social game at the Murder. Good voice though, and quite some stamina, to keep the music going all night. |
Decius | She rushes everywhere. I lost a scone to the wake she made. |
Dianna | Bawdy poetess with an excellent sense of rhythm and a perfect sense of timing. Simply splendid and quite delightful. I shall have to send Lord Martino to her... but then, he doesn't require that anymore, now does he? |
Dimitri | The Mistress Autumndale has a truly stunning voice and I imagine there is much that I could learn from her as a result. |
Dio | A fantastic musician with mastery of a variety of styles. Well worth whatever coin she commands. |
Domonico | Pleasant and apparently a skilled performer. Perhaps soon I will witness it and form my own opinion. |
Ember | If a person's character is manifest in their crafts, then Messere Autumndale's personality must be beautiful indeed. |
Esme | She seems like fun and she's from Pravus lands, so that guarantees fun. It was a stoic party, but I'm sure we shall become friends and have less stoic ones. |
Evaristo | She's an amazing bard and will no doubt bring even more fame to the Bard's College. Cheerful and nice too! |
Evelynn | Wonderfully talented. She certainly livens the room with her music. |
Evonleigh | A charming bard who seems quite curious and intent on learning to better her craft and enhancing her other performance skills. I cannot wait to see her talent on display soon! |
Ezekiel | She seems nice! And enthusiastic! And pretty! |
Gabriella | Mesmerizing. Her voice is as remarkable as the creativity she couples it with to create true brilliance. But there is an edge there, too, that elevates her to another level entirely. How could I not have sought her as a protege? |
Gabriella | I'm proud of calling Nina my protege. She's dedicated to our cause and has the necessary skills to analyze a social situation better than me. I can learn much more with her by my side. |
Giada | That damn meeting was chaotic as fuck, but she seemed pretty sane. |
Giorgio | A bard, socialite, and quite well connected. She is a pleasure to be around, and I look forward to learning more of her. |
Graziella | A lovely bard who is my beloved sister's protege! Her voice and lute are absolutely beautiful! I should like to get to know her better. |
Graziella | I could talk to her for hours about fashion or philosophy, she is a gifted crafter and I love when she comes out with new shoes! Oh my words, shoes! |
Haakon | She may be mad. Fond of cakes and dancing, at least. But probably mad. |
Hamish | A sweet natured bard with skill to match her kindness. |
Helena | A very talented bard whose lovely work graced my poetry reading. I so look forward to hearing more of her work. |
Ilira | Brighter and warmer up close than she is from afar, as any rising star. What a wondrous way to while away the afternoon. Was that more inadvertent poetry? |
Isabeau | Quite lovely, beautifully dressed and a fine musician. |
Jadara | What a wonderful woman who knows how to draw a crowd and entertain the masses. She caters to everyone at the same time somehow, her grace is commendable. |
Jaenelle | A woman of many talents. I do not know her well, but others speak highly of her and perception is important. |
Jourdain | A very helpful young bard, with a lovely voice. She is not so silly as she fears. |
Kaia | My she plays quite splendidly! That music at the Keaton-Moore wedding was fantastic! I should have Martino seek her out for our next grand social event. All great social events must have music and dancing! How delightful! How skilled! |
Katarina | An ambitious tailor, with exquisite taste. My only worry is that in the pursuit of beauty she might accidentally trample on what gives that beauty context... but she seems quite willing to be educated. |
Katherine | She is an exceptional fiddler, very professional, and so kind to perform privately for me. I cannot praise her enough. If ever I or anyone else I know is in need of musical entertainment, she will be the first person I contact. |
Keely | She is always so much fun at my parties! I always look forward to her presence and participation. |
Korka | A good singer. I think. She was in the crowd when Legate Aureth was nearly assassinated. I'm pretty sure she wasn't the assassin though. Almost positive. |
Kritr | Anxious singer trying to get recognized. Also... very short. |
Lasha | an elegant polite person, with a lot of creative talent. |
Liara | She has an excellent taste in fashion and design, and I look forward to seeing where it takes her. One gets the sense that she's reasonably chatty, too. |
Lisebet | Was I ever that young and innocent? |
Lucita | Bright, alert, amicable member of Bard's College. Thirsty for knowledge but accepting of limitations. |
Lustry | I see much talent within her and excited to see what scents and designs she supplies to Arx |
Mabelle | A brave bard of House Pravus, sweet girl. Talented. |
Martino | Her hauntingly beautiful music captured and utterly swept across the dance floor. Truly we were well and truly blessed with her art |
Matteo | Eager to serve but quick-witted and with goals of her own, I am quite certain even after one meeting that she's an excellent addition to Pravus. |
Medeia | I keep seeing Nina in passing and hearing al about the amazing things she does, so finally getting to sit with her for a bit was wonderful! She seems so bright and passionate. |
Mikani | At first she was reserved, yet she seemed to open up and looks like she could be in for hijinx. That's when life gets fun! |
Mirk | A woman of many talents, though a bard at heart: She has an ear for the sort of stories that people sing of. |
Monique | The first and only one to win at Swift's challenge for the Tournament of Thorns thus far! An impressive feat that I mean to grill her about later. |
Monique | Is there anyone more wonderful? More talented? More inspiring? I think not! Nina is a woman of more layers than anyone I know, and I want to keep peeling them back to see what new surprises she holds. |
Nazmir | I've heard grand things about Mistress Nina and I can only hope to see her skill for myself. |
Niklas | There is no denying that Nina Autumndale is the most singularly talented bard I've seen since Gianna Whisper first came to the city. |
Noah | Oh, I've heard of her. She sings or writes or does it all. I'm sometimes curious what is fact and what is fiction in her head. Also, if she's able to convince people of both. |
Norwood | She is a farm brat too! I feel instant kinship. |
Oddmun | A sweet voice, a welcome respite after weeks without human company. Animals have their virtues, but there's something to be said for the beauty of a song. |
Olivia | She has an eye for fashion and is a very kind woman, I hope to have more chats with her! |
Olivian | A lovely messere that has an eye for fashion and an ear for music -- I think. We'll talk more! |
Orelia | Singing such a filthy song in front of mixed company! I approve. Carry on. |
Orland | Talented, very talented. The red dress was a nice touch. |
Philippe | A delightful young lady. She is very down-to-earth and accessible for such a Arvum-renowned artist. I think I will attempt to hire her for a function one of these days. |
Piccola | The Glass Butterfly of Setarco. I had never heard of an entertainment coordinator before; however, she seems more than apt for the task. Skilled; curious; and interesting? House Pravus seems to have quite a wealth of talent. |
Porter | How lovely to make the acquaintance of such a fine performer. I'd seen her from afar one night and the next much more close up, I look forward to seeing what else she does in the future. And perhaps we'll meet again, seeing as how we're members of the same college! |
Raimon | First saw the Lady Autumndale at the Gloria dedication offering after our victory at the Siege of Sangris. Curious, energetic, she'd peppered the others with quick incisive queries. An agile mind! |
Raja | A musician AND a tailor! Talk about having some talents. Maybe I will see if I can get her to hold a concert at the ampitheatre here in the Lowers. |
Rane | A talent in so many forms. She knew how to provide myself and a companion a delightful night's worth of entertainment. It wouldn't have been the same without her. A true credit to the Bard's College. |
Ras | Made me feel like a creep to watch her dancin at the Ravashari fires. I like her singing better. Don't usually get such nice-sounding bards at the Murder. |
Raven | A sweet little thing, with a sweet soft song. Mother must find her useful. |
Raymesin | Lots of good music at the party - even if I ain't much for dancing. Always nice to know a bard, though! |
Revell | She puns! Good puns at that, but puns nonetheless. Perhaps I am humorless, but I don't find them funny. I can appreciate the wordplay, but that's about it. Still, she has an excellent voice and I hope I get to hear her in the Murder again sometime. Maybe when I have silver to toss her way. |
Rook | It takes skill, style and a particular talent to create outfits that draw such attention. It's obvious that Messere Autumndale has it all and I do look forward to engaging her in such a fashion. |
Rosalind | She makes nice clothes it seems. Maybe she works with leathers too? But I liked talking to her, so that counts too! |
Rowenova | Lovely company and an impressive bard during Bardic Fire and noble weddings! |
Rufio | Wow. So bloody well dressed, I am absolutely jealous and going to find out where she gets her clothes from. We need to talk fashion for sure. |
Rylan | Helpful and creative, is she the crafter to bring my vague and poorly-articulated ideas to life? I hope so. |
Rysen | A singer, musician and courtier who seems to favor the lute. Someone with her charisma will likely climb high. |
Sabella | A delightful young woman who is a talented member of the Bard's College and no doubt has a bright future walking--or dancing as it were--across the boards ahead of her! |
Samira | Pleasant and friendly, she has a breezy, warm sort of quality to her. She's a woman of many talents as well, fashion and music chief among them. |
Sanya | Though the meeting was brief, her wit was on display for the gathered to see. I imagine conversations with her would be interesting indeed. |
Savio | Nina's talent is known to all, whether it is her performing or her crafting! Someday I hope we can sing and play together -- Pravus won't even know what to do with itself. |
Sebastian | The courtier has a smooth tongue, as expected of one taught in Setarco. Her manner intrigues me, and I feel there is much more underneath her genteel manner I wish to learn about. |
Sigismund | She organised a fine thing, an event to celebrate songs often pushed aside, yet so very essential to our wellbeing! |
Skaldia | A wonderful parade marshal of the smallest parade. I've never met anyone quite like her. |
Sorrel | A capable woman, Nina has a fantastic voice and excellent sense as a performer. Charming and friendly, with a certain appreciation for good music. |
Svana | Someone to keep an eye on in the crafting community; she and a few other up and comers will surely take me out of business! More than that, she seems to always be working for charity and has a generous heart. |
Sydney | Proved to be a master of overwhelming the Shrine of Endings with puns. Seemingly boundless energy, and it comes through in the way she speaks. Interesting! |
Talwyn | The talented glass butterfly of Pravus. She makes quite the impression, with her charm, her wit, and her fashion. While she may appear shallow upon on the surface, one only needs to look into her eyes to find out that her waters run truly deep and they are some I would dare venture into. |
Tanith | A lovely musician and Harlequin; I'm getting to know her better since she performed at my wedding reception, and the more time I spend with her, the more I appreciate her. |
Teagan | As always, Belladonna selects brilliant people and Nina is no different. I look forward to seeing what else this woman pulls off in the future. |
Thea | A talented tailor. She's not only talented, she's thoughtful and charming. I see the allure. |
Titus | A woman with exceptional manners and an excellent host, her aura has a brilliance to it. It goes without saying, she seems to be a master of carefully setting a stage in a way that you don't even realise there's a performance. |
Vanora | She's another with a gift for fashion, and apparently one for songs as well? I hope that she and I can spend more time together in the future, bard to bard. |
Verity | Such beautiful music! I admire her willingness to play to a rough crowd. Not everyone in the Bard's College has that kind of moxie. |
Veronica | Seen from afar, you still can't miss the woman's talent, or the enjoyment she gets out of her work. That's not something all folks get, and it's a pleasure to watch her work. |
Viviana | The Glass Butterfly is an amazing courtier. She's a suspire supreme. |
Zakhar | Holds their drink better than most pups. Seems to enjoy selling her clothing, odd. |
Zoey | She will be a credit to the Bard's College one day. She has such fantastic songs and stories to share! |
Zyxthylum | Very polite, I will be sure to return the favor and make a purchase or two. |