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Action Id: 2454 Crisis: Participants: Cristoph, Jael, Norwood and Nicia(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: July 13, 2018, 9:59 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 3750
Military Resources: 300
Action Points: 100

Action by Cristoph

The Laurents are finally putting their money where their mouthes are. 3750 economic resources have been tagged for transforming Duskshire Keep and the surrounding lands into a new barony. They will be ennobling Sir Norwood Clement, who will be known onward as Baron Norwood Clement. Prior to any official proclamation a social campaign is conducted with the Whisper House in order to raise Norwood's esteem with the peerage (@action 2421). Cristoph will be handling the diplomatic feather smoothing and palm greasing that this will entail, while others will be using their own strengths. The Swarm of Artshall and the Laurent Cavalry will also be sent to Duskshire in force, to dissuade anyone that might considering harassing Norwood and Jael while they're down there.

Action by Nicia(RIP)

While Nicia is not the sort to go out and pick up a sword, she has paper and writing utensils, and the knowledge to fight battles on that front. So while the rest of the Laurent's have lended far more martial efforts to reclaiming Duskshire, she has lended her assistance in a legal manner. She has fought the battles that have cropped up there, argued and made sure that things are smoothed out. In addition she has aided by making any contracts that might crop up, making sure that those with skills and vocations are protected, and those that have ways to trade are going to profit, thus the profit moving up the chain.

Action by Jael

Jael assists Norwood with the reclamation of Duskshire, sending Artshall troops to assist with cleaning up and rebuilding the keep. She will travel there herself on occasion as well, to show the people that one of the Voices of Laurent and the daughter of the old Duke is invested in the project.

Action by Norwood

No number of years of service could have prepared Norwood for the honor that Cristoph is setting forth, and he isn't backwards about saying so. Norwood meets often with Whisper Amanda to learn what will help him become a good steward of the Duskshire lands. He'll stand for himself with the quiet composed dignity that has been the hallmark of his service to Laurent. Knowing that those who have sway in the peerage are doing their thing, Norwood focuses instead on the rebuilding of Duskshire. He works to show that life out in Duskshire isn't the dangerous prospect it has been for years to entice the right kind of people to take the chance. He guarantees their safety with his own life, swearing that he'll fall before Duskshire does. Woodworkers and stonemasons are sought out, the best that Norwood can find to help rebuild the keep and surrounding areas to be ready for the people who will call Duskshire home.


The news from Duskshire is interesting these days. Duskshire? Yeah, that little bit of land near Laurent lands, where of late the Duchy has been focusing its resources and attention. Under Sir Norwood Clement, the area has been cleaned out and rebuilding is starting. In fact, barely a day goes by when someone from the Laurent family isn't talking about how amazing Sir Norwood is.

They've canvassed the people. They've highlighted his heroic actions - how he saved the Duke's life. How he has year after year of faithful service to the Laurents. How his honor as Sword of Artshall is unquestioned, and how he has been a loyal supporter of his Duchy time and time again, not hesitating to put himself between them and danger for the good of all their people.

It is, then, a receptive people who listen to Duke Cristoph's proclamation that a new Barony is being established in Duskshire, and that Sir Norwood is being elevated to Baron Norwood to govern it well. Duchess Nicia handles the paperwork and details, for the full support of the Duchy in creating this Barony and seeing these lands brought once more under Compact dominion are engaged now. Lady Jael shows her personal support as well, and is the loudest voice in the song that sweeps through Laurent lands lauding the new Baron.

And while there are some side-eyes from the people of the Compact as a whole, many of whom neither know Laurent lands nor care about them, all the diplomatic and social work undertaken - including sending Baron Norwood to the Whispers to acquire the sort of polish a nobleman needs - mean that there is surprisingly little grumbling when the elevation occurs. Oh, he's still new to the nobility. But it's far easier when it's someone that has dedicated their life in leal service and is well known for it, as the exact sort that nobility is usually able to tolerate being ennobled, and when there's a catchy song, well. And as it happens - there is a catchy song.

Who's the good man who is Sword of Artshall?
Norwood! Norwood!
Who's seen demons and hellhounds and slaughtered them all?
Norwood! Norwood!

Who protected the Duke and then all of his heirs?
Norwood! Norwood!
And who fought off Abandoned alone and in pairs?
Norwood! Norwood!

These are reasons the Laurents owe much to this man
Norwood! Norwood!
He does all the things that no other Knight can!
Norwood! Norwood!

This fine fellow's honor is never in doubt
Norwood! Norwood!
So raise up your voices and give him a shout!