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Action Id: 19 Crisis: Participants: Cristoph
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Cristoph

Cristoph is ordering, following discussion with Edain, approximately half of his troops to form up with the Valardin host and advance to Pride Hall in order to join with Duke Bisland's forces.
Cristoph will send troops in the proportion specified by Edain in his own +crisis entry, 60% of house Laurent's cavalry, 50% of their infantry and 50% of their archers, along with the forces of Laurent's currently unspecified vassal houses.

In the lead up to the battle he will then be taking command of one of the skirmish units, in advance of this he will be trying to ensure that any such troops under his control have a proper chain of command, that their supplies and logistics are in order, that maps are obtained and understood along with recruitment of local hunters to act as guides and scouts.

If I can pay money to have this materially help then please let me know!
To expand on the previous, now that things have been discussed in character, please see the below:

Cristoph's understanding is that he is going to be commanding a large proportion of the Oathlands continent to skirmish against the shavs in the Grey Forest and the Bringers of Silence, to try to either draw them or force them into prepared ground.

He is going to go for as mobile a force as possible, cavalry supported by infantry or archers with horses for travel (even if they do not fight on them). The supply train will be limited to mules and donkeys with no carts or wagons, no camp followers beyond for medical support and logistics, as many local scouts as he is able to secure. The goal will be to form a compact and agile column which will seek to annihilate enemy foraging parties and scouts whilst avoiding engagement with larger bodies of troops, instead shadowing them and interdicting their movements.

This will hopefully discourage the enemy from spreading out to forage and ravage the countryside, which, assuming that most of them at least need to eat, should give them problems if they are trying to move overland away from supply dumps. He will lead the troops personally and is not planning to seek decisive engagements unless opportunity presents itself, the priority is to keep his command intact and present, shadowing the enemy and able to rejoin the main host when battle is joined.


There's more enemy foraging parties than would be expected. Far too many. The forces of House Laurent, under the command of Cristoph, bring to action and destroy numerous parties, killing several hundred shav foragers for only minimal, single digit losses in return, but that many foragers over thousands of square miles suggests a truly terrifyingly huge main body. Can't sustain itself very long, and definitely not with their foragers being killed, but it might be large enough to be a threat to Arx.