Evangeline Wilkerson
There has always been an elegance to the application of excellence.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Cultured Courtier
Gender: female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 28
Birthday: 4/3
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Courtier
Height: average height
Hair Color: champagne blonde
Eye Color: pale blue
Skintone: fair
Description: A strikingly beautiful woman possessing an otherworldly mien, her elegance and refinement set her apart into a league of her own. Her statuesque appearance bears all the grace and refinement of a noble woman and makes no apologies for her height. Long and slender limbed, Evangeline could be mistaken for a dancer and her feminine curves look best when swathed in expensive silks. Pale blue eyes rival the sky after a storm; Soft in appearance, they hold onto mysteries of the past and tell the tale of troubled waters. Her elegant brows frame the shape of her face and give a more symmetrical appearance. A straight, slender nose sits squarely between high cheekbones, and her full lips often press into a pleasant, albeit demure smile. Her crowning glory is her thick and lustrous hair; a curtain of champagne blonde that captures the radiance of sunlight regardless of styling.
Personality: Her pristine appearance and precise manners are often mistaken for a touch of arrogance rather than an air of elegance. The confusion, however, does not seem to ruffle Evangeline in the least. She is more than happy to put those rumors to rest. A natural conversationalist, one may find the Whisper to be a most pleasant companion. She has a brilliant mind and is invigorated by delicate weaving of political machinations.
Background: Evangeline crashed onto the shores of Setarco with not much to her name. In fact, she did not even have that! A tangled mess of seaweed, salt encrusted hair, and long, awkward limbs caught the attention of local sailors who eventually dubbed the young woman Evangeline.
She never seemed to remember anything prior to arriving to the main island of the Lycene sea and never seemed to let it affect her as it would some others. Evangeline took it as the blessing of a new life and put herself straight to work. She proved to be useful and resourceful. Working in silk shops was a wonderful experience but the young woman did not enjoy staying indoors all day long. She had a stint working at the docks but that also proved to not keep her attention. When it was discovered that she had lovely penmanship, she was often asked to pen love letters in exchange for silver. She worked this little business of hers with glee. Evangeline was able to set her own hours and be her own boss; sort of.
She drew the attention of a mysterious proprietor who inquired about the letters she wrote for people. It had never dawned on her that this lucrative job might require her to be exquisitely discreet. Letters between lovers often came with complications. Secrets that could become the ruin of a person or an entire house if she was not careful. There was a lot of power in the palm of her hand and some people were taking notice. This proprietor offered Evangeline the opportunity to study in the Courtier House right there in Setarco. He would pay for her education and she would have protection in the House as opposed to being on her own. Evangeline jumped at the chance. She had visited the house on occasion, delivering letters to and from the lead courtiers of Setarco.
The rest, as they say, is history. Evangeline excelled in all of her studies and proved to be quite an asset to the house and for the other courtiers. She even assisted in the tutoring of some of the apprentice courtiers when they first arrived to the house, drawing on her own experiences from when she was an apprentice.
Since her time in Setarco, Evangeline has done quite a bit of traveling and of all the places she's been to, it's amazing she's never been to the city of Arx before, and her extensive experience and talent in Setarco as a courtier leads her to believe she is prepared to join the Whisper House. She is ready for the challenges and the political intrigue that awaits in the Capitol.
Name | Summary |
Baltus | A professional and regal Whisper with considerable skill with the markets. |
Delfina | A charming Whisper, and certainly a good asset if one needs help with diplomatic issues. I hope we will have the chance to talk more and perhaps share in projects in the future. |
Dianna | Beauty, grace and exceptional taste in clothing. Nothing less than I should expect from a Whisper - although I should have guessed better about the source of those love letters. |
Dimitri | It's always a treat to meet one of Whisper House's finest. They are, after all, some of the finest courtier's around and this one is now different. Refined, personable and engaging. I do enjoy such qualities. |
Drusila | Mysterious ghost writer of Setarco. I wonder how we let such a treasure escape after she washed up on our shores, I'm eager to find out more. |
Emrys | Our most recent member from Setarco, with interests close to my own. She is proper, polite, and, as every Whisper should be, far more than simply a pretty face. |
Evelynn | An old friend of Martino's and a true marvel with words from what I hear. I hope to see her work one day. |
Fairen | Such noble bearing and intelligence, impeccable poise and grace. I found myself wondering what tales she has to tell, and the more I learned, the greater I wished to know her. There is wisdom there, and an unspoken life worth discovering. |
Gaspar | The very embodiment of what it means to be a Whisper. Sleek, refined, gorgeous and amiable. She moved like the ocean on the the ballroom dance floor. She will be wonderful company in the days to come. |
Gawain | It is always nice when an unexpected stranger turns out to be a lovely companion during an adventure, or in this case a duel. Wonderful, classy company. |
Harlex | I don't always know what to make of Whispers. They are a variety. This one, beautiful with the common touch that makes her easy to speak with, well I just might become a regular nuisance in her life. |
Jeffeth | She is looovely. She was so kind and well meaning and /lovely/! I hope we have the opportunity to work together, I feel she will have a lot of wisdom and help to provide. |
Lora | The Whisper's poise is enviable. I remember my own first days in Arx, and doubt I managed half so well. |
Lucita | Sheer poise and elegance, exquisite posture and etiquette. She is a well trained Whisper and very pleasant company. |
Mabelle | A sweet and beautiful Whisper with a divine fasihon sense. I love looking at her. |
Martino | Truly she speaks well of her experience before the City and her light charms, social grace too, plays so well within the Whisper House. One hopes that she will be around more to speak of such fine etiquette. |
Matteo | A Whisper whose grace and attention to detail shines through even having just met her. |
Piccola | I haven't had an occasion to get to know many Whispers; she is the first. And she fits the stereotype quite well. |
Rane | She invited me to the Whisper House for what I thought was going to be a time of exchange. What it turned to be instead was a time of gifting. She gave more than I could have imagined. She is a lovely woman, but I barely noticed after a time when all that I could see was a spirit of generosity. I pray blessings upon her until the end of her days. |
Sanya | A talented woman who worked hard for all she has gained. I am glad to have met her. |
Sorrel | A new Whisper to town, she seems quite poised and very polite, which honestly is exactly what one might expect from a Whisper. Still, she's been very kind to me in my affliction. |
Turo | Whispers can be wearying with all their social energy, but I find speaking with Evangeline to be quite easy. |
Tyrus | An inspiring, and intriguing, meeting that promises yet more layers to unwrap. |
Zoey | She lives up to and exceeds the stories Martino has told me. |