Teodoro Whisper
Always look on the bright side of life.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Mellow Courtier
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 23
Birthday: 9/10
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Courtier
Height: average height
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: gold
Description: There's an autumnal grace to Teodoro: golden skin, dark hair, deep brown eyes, something to his warmth of fading trees and the harvest. He has long limbs and long fingers, notched and roughened by the labor of a stringed instrument. His mouth is often wry and sardonic, but there's a liquidity to his eyes that lends him the strength of a listener as well as a performer.
Personality: Teodoro has an ingenuous innocence to him: a good faith that the world will come right in the end, that all things will fall where they may, and that tragedy may happen but those that survive will come through stronger for it. He believes that great art comes from great suffering, so he doesn't think he has ever produced great art. But he does produce okay art. He is a sensualist and a brilliant musician, with a power to convey emotion through his long-fingered hands and his instruments, and he is a good listener who can react and, to a degree, chameleon for his clients without losing that ingenuous warm core at the center of himself.
Background: Teodoro is an unacknowledged bastard, although his paternity is not one of the great mysteries of his life. His mother has given him a few possible names and admitted it was a time of her life that she was being pretty free-spirited and Lycene. There was probably more to know about this, but Teodoro has chosen to spend his life in other ways than in determination of his paternity. His immediate aptitudes when he was a child were for music and learning, and his mother -- as a craftswoman skilled in woodworking -- had sufficient funds to obtain tutors for him.
One of his tutors was a courtier in Arx, who trained him up in music, and in other areas. He showed great aptitude both for being a performer and being a listener, and he began to pursue the life in earnest, seeking to make connections with nobles of high value and artistic appreciation. At the age of 21, he played a private concert for the Radiant and at the end of it, he was invited to join House Whisper. He leaped into this life with no regrets.
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