Scout Rowenova Morien
We must have efficient efficacy! every level! every system!

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Traveling Companion
Gender: female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 24
Birthday: 08/25
Religion: Pantheon/Shamanism
Vocation: Steward
Height: average height
Hair Color: platinum blonde
Eye Color: cobalt blue
Skintone: fair white
Description: The cobalt blue of her intense eyes and the cherry red of her softened lips vividly contrast with the niveous appearance of her fair complexion and the platinum cast of her long, straight, and thick hair which drapes down to the hourglass waistline of this hale, resolute, scrappy, spry, and wiry woman.
Personality: Rowenova grew up as a Northlands nomad (physically active & usually outdoors), so tiny rooms/spaces inside solid buildings usually bother her... it is not a terrifying claustrophobia but... a little glance toward an open window or her shifting stance during idle moments which gives away her yearning desire to move outside (and work hard) most times. Otherwise, she can stay quite calm (and even idle) in an outdoor setting (where she is completely comfortable).
Background: Growing up on Halfshav family military campaigns in the 'savage' Northlands was an interesting childhood: physically taxing but more than mentally rewarding.
Whatever Rowenova may have been lacking back then in bodily strength, the waifish babe determinedly recouped with her iron willpower to stay alive and always strive for the best results. Tasked early with animal care (as far back as she can possibly recall), Rowenova grew up with increasing responsibility (and almost no idle time). Her parental guardians (both Halfshav soldiers) and the family servants kindly mentored her not only in camp maintenance but also in survival skills and varied academia (as they all simultaneously worked). Halfshav soldiers generally respected her helpful initiative: fresh horses, good cooking, and so on definitely aided party morale before upcoming battles!
She absolutely loved this nomadic lifestyle and the wild Northlands with its diverse cultures and natural beauty. Rowenova eventually developed into an adolescent teenager, but she had no time for her feminine cycles. Thus, her maternal guardian wisely edified Rowenova about Limerance's Libertia which fortunately facilitated getting back to hard work without undue frustration. Over time, Rowenova finally transformed into a matured woman, and she was specially chosen (due to her ardent service to the Halfshav family) to be a new member in the Ranging Wolves (under Lord Arik Halfshav's command) for their scouting missions. Of course, she earnestly accepted this new adventure!
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aahana | She faired well the tournament from what I witnessed before I had to leave. I think she can accomplish much in efforts that I am unable. Something quite welcomed in my opinion. |
Adalyn | What a delight! She's full of energy and enthusiasm and the perfect amount of mischief. I heartily approve. |
Adora | Far to chattery and her head appears to be full of love nonsense. I don't like her. |
Adrienne | While I've /seen/ Scout Rowenova throughout the city, I did not meet her until my wedding day. Her good spirits are a boon amidst chaos and she had the second most handsome escort at the party. |
Aiden | The amount of responsibilities she has taken on reminds me of myself, when I was much younger to the city than I am now. Hopefully, those commitments don't weight her down, as she sounds quite proud of each and every one of them. It's also quite a thing to learn she's the Baroness Saik's protege. She is certainly eager, which hopefully will not be to her detriment. |
Ainsley | She seems very serious. She's pretty quiet, but seems smart. |
Ajax | A fair lady whose clearly talented and valued however..I want her dog. |
Alarissa | Don't knwo precisely who she is, but seasilk and full wolf head? She has... an interesting choice of taste... |
Alecstazi | There are times for soft hearts, and a battlefield is not one of them. As a scout I'd have thoguht she was familiar with the fact at animals can die and that life is rarely fair. Wasting time to bring bear cubs on a rescue mission? Sigh. |
Alessandro | An enthusiastic young woman with a fondness for Greenmarch. We have the latter in common, so I am sure we will become good friends. |
Alexis | Scribe, messenger and outrider. Young and fresh-faced and reminding me in some ways of myself when I arrived in Arx. I'll raise my glass to her good fortune any time. |
Amari | Scout Rowenova handles brutal child maulings and poison ivy oil blisters with a patience bordering on amazing. She's quite personable besides, so I'm always pleased to randomly cross paths with her. She's a delight. |
Amund | Talkative. Upbeat. Dog owner. Beholden to Halfshav. |
Andry | A bundle of excitement, surprised she doesn't run out breath. |
Anisha | Sir Floppington is a very good dog, near as I can tell - I don't quite have Dame Leola's gifts. And Scout Rowenova? Well, she's thorough and clever and I think I like her, too. |
Anton | Wears a wolf head on her head. Is she a barbarian? I am not sure. Northerners can be confusing. Seemed to be good to the Marquessa. Plays game of stones. Well? Not sure. Carries a lot of weapons. Probably good with them. |
Apollo | I think sometimes she has the heart of an artisan, if not the training. She's always thinking of something new. |
Appolonia | It is good to make contact with someone again, especially when there had been dolphins involved prior. |
Arcadia | So bright and friendly and I may be in love with her dog. |
Arcelia | I've never met the woman but tears were drawn and emotional dragons slain together. |
Ardee | A warm young lady who is quick on her feet and a stern disciplinarian. Can't go wrong. |
Ariella | Terrifying shav badass! I like it! |
Arman | A terrifying woman at first visual greeting, but upon speaking with her she is warm and good humored. A clear love is reflected in her interactions with her husband as well, which is something I can appreciate as a merit in it of itself. |
Arthen | I'm told she's a fair hand at scouting. She's decent at conversation, too, which helps with trekking through long stretches of wilderness. We share some common ground in preferences for being out in the unknown, to being in Arx, but that's not surprising for a scout and an explorer. I reckon she's easy to be around, seems eager to be useful. |
Asher | Sturdy, knows what she's about. Clearly. |
Aswin | Damn. She is a good fighter, especially considering she didn't use a blade at all. I will have to keep an eye on her if we ever truly cross steel. |
Athaur | Very impressive titles, but a friendly wolf-woman |
Auda | I think there's more alcohol than blood in her! She's still as fun as ever. |
Barric | An interesting woman, a scout and a scribe and a messenger? Seems an odd combination to be staying in the city. I suppose I shouldn't judge overmuch. She seems a good person and is respectful, which is more than a lot can say these days! |
Bethany | A previous partner in crime, seems to know all the goes on about the city. |
Blacktongue | I find her paranoia relaxing. |
Bliss | She very much is trying desperately hard to make a positive first impression on everyone. Either she really is that full of energy - or she craves the attention desperately. I wonder which it is. |
Brady | Seemed like a friendly lady, till I crossed her Husband. If this is marriage, mmm, no thank you. |
Braelynn | She's very protective of her pup! He's much better behaved than Tobias. Perhaps she can teach him some manners. |
Braith | Nova is an energetic sort and it is good know she takes care of Arik. Spirits knows he needs it. She is a lovely spirit and a northerner through and through. |
Brigida | One step removed from the wild, but at least she wants to be helpful. |
Brigida | Her dog seems politer than she does but as least she knows when she had been chastised and apologises properly after. |
Cahal | Finally someone of a decent height! She happens to know a lot about history, legend and the loval libraries too. |
Calandra | Loves her husband, is loyal. Both beautiful traits from a beautiful woman. |
Calypso | She dances like Anze did. Which is 'terribly', but that's beside the point. |
Caspian | Master kitten handler right here! |
Catalana | I hate dogs, but I like her. I guess I can tolerate her pet. |
Cerys | Scout Rowenova: At first blush she seems a happy-go-lucky messenger and scribe for the Halfshavs. One would be making a SERIOUS mistake in assuming that's all there is to the woman. She's also scarily well informed and abnormally efficient in most everything. More people could stand to be like her, myself included. |
Cirroch | A northerner, a scribe, and a scout? A woman who wears many hats. |
Cirroch | It's been a while since I've seen her, but even on my first day back Nova wants to do something for House Sanna. We are fortunate she is a friend. |
Cirroch | A practical one. bringing a box to grab leftovers with. no waste |
Clara | She seems nice but she also seems like she needs a vacation. |
Col | Has a dog, for that alone she might be worth knowing. I have heard she works for one of the Redrain Voices. I am uncertain what to make of her just yet. |
Constance | She reminds me of the better parts of my life some ten years ago. Wild and carefree, even when chunks of her body are missing. People like Nova are why I became a Mercy in the first place. |
Coraline | Every time I see Rowenova I realize that she is complex and talented, her loyalty, her talents at story telling, her willingness to help her friends, everything I learn about her makes it more and more apparent how amazing she is. I am honored to know her. |
Corrigan | It's like watching my own experience in the third person. At least Ras hasn't vomited on her. Yet. |
Cristoph | I've had a few encounters with Scout Rowenova over the years. She's helped scout, worn interesting slippers and offered lessons in alchemy. A truly unique and interesting individual. |
Cullen | A most delightfully open and energetic Northerner, quite the interesting one. Someone I'll have to talk more to, as a fellow Prodigal and dual believer. Plus, ribbons in her hair? Very neat! |
Darren | Curious and bold as well as direct. Truthfully it's refreshing to meet a person now and then who /doesn't/ fall all over themselves at the first sight of their High Lord. |
Delilah | Perhaps her feet were not with her this day in all her dancing movements, but she is still superlative. She danced and cavorted in her wolf cloak for children, and that purity of spirit is something precious in this world. |
Denica | Okay, I am not really a fan of the fashion choices but she seems to be a kind and effervescent sort all the same. The seasilks are rather nice though! |
Dianna | Clearly a woman who can appreciate the Lycene sense of style. |
Dio | Among the most skilled swimmers I've ever met, and daring enough to brave Starswallow Cay. |
Dion | Excellent wolf hat. Reminds me of the lot of prodigals I ended up with outside of Stormwall way back when. Now they could fish. I wonder if she's related to old Boneskull, or Rockfoot, or she could be the daughter of Gonk, actually. She has the look. |
Domonico | A damn good archer. Shame abour her taste in husband. |
Donella | A woman that knows how to tell a story and keep one interested. One is curious though how much of that knowledge is left for the abstract of storytelling and how much the knowledge lies with a mind like a scholar. It will be interesting to see how she progresses in her time here in Arx |
Drake | Expert surivivalist and a crack shot with a bow. A good one to have around in the wilderness. |
Draven | She tried my drink! I'm so glad! Maybe I can do more experiments with her, since she stood it so well! |
Duarte | A remarkably bouyant person! And very eager to fit in. Makes for fine company. |
Dycard | I dimly recall working with the Scout some time ago - I did not picture her marrying at the time. Still, she is clearly in love with her husband-to-be, and I wish her all the best. |
Eddard | So much energy in such a creature. I would never be able to keep up. |
Eleanor | Seems very sweet and happy, and quite loyal to the Halfshavs. |
Elgana | It wasn't really through face-to-face that we met first, no. It was through messenger and it caught me off-guard, I admit, since you were writing for Lord Arik. Upon meeting you I could tell you were smart and capable. Lord Arik seems to find the right people for the job. You will go far. |
Elloise | She came to the Leary Lab Lookaroo and was covered in soot and thought I was poisoning her! But I am NOT. Nope! |
Emlyn | A knowledgeable and capable scout whom I'd like to work with more in the future. |
Esme | Nova!! She is amazing. She is awesome. She's a lot of things I should spend more time hanging out with as it's been far too long. |
Eurion | Attentive, exotic and lovely. |
Evaristo | Scout Rowenova is kind and caring and protective of her own. |
Ezekiel | Very blond hair and very interesting demeanor. And quite fast on her feet! |
Fairen | Particularly, I recall meeting Scout Rowenova at a family gathering. We sat down to share dinner, and I believe she consumed nearly a quarter of the meal my staff laid out. She is welcomed in my home, anytime she should wish. |
Farrah | She looks sweet and her dogs is adorable. At least its not a mouse. |
Faye | An interesting woman, curious and thoughtful. She seems to be in the trust of the Harrows, which speaks well for her. I hope we will have the chance to speak together more in the future. |
Fiora | Very, very, very good! So good! Such a good boy! I don't know who the lady with this dog was. But she has SUCH A GOOD BOY. |
Gabriella | So forthcoming about some things, yet withholding about others. It is a fascinating combination. Despite sporting what seemed to be recent injuries, she remained a spirited source of exuberance -- something I find rather endearing, to tell it true. |
Gareth | I have become what I am through years of experience, hardship, and the slow shifting of tectonic plates in my soul. I have suffered, but I have been forged this man. Luckily this woman is here to undo all of that and cure me of my dour personality with a peppy song and a bright smile. Thank the Gods. |
Gaston | Brain fever, without a doubt. Thrashing and flailing about with a dog, the both of them flinging slobber about and rolling around in the grass. Brain. Fever. |
Giada | Eager and willing to throw in. Very nice. |
Gianna | An earnest, hard-working Scout with boundless enthusiasm. |
Giuliano | A most amazing Northern maiden, capable of doing what seems like anything. Strong in body and mind, beautiful and resolute. Quite glad to have met her. |
Hamish | The Northern scout is loud and ebullient. There are far worse things to be. |
Harlex | In my time here I have grown soft and I find it hard to not think fondly of bright-eyed youth. Though still, I know, that on this course she has set for herself she will come to see real darkness. I hope she has the stomach for it. |
Harper | She talked about fighting shavs up north, glad they weren't in the Lowers along with everything else lately. I'd be curious to see her fight. All in all she seems an alright sort. |
Helia | I met her at Assembly of Peers, where we were sitting at the common benches, watching the nobles do their nobling. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her, but she came across as a pleasant, earnest person despite being a touch on the nervous side. It'd be nice to see her again! |
Helle | Her hound didn't pee on me. Yet. It'll probably happen. But I won't hold it against her. Though she seems like she'd forgive me even if I did. Kind. |
Hickson | A scout with a beloved canine companion and lighting quick reflexes. Glad she was watching my back. |
Holt | Met her at the training hall. She didn't participate, but she was friendly. And Sir Floppington is a good boy. |
Ian | The wolf head is weird, but she's good at what she does. |
Icelyn | A woman who fights nearly as well with the bow as with bare hands and feet is a force no oe should underestimate. House Halfshav should be proud to have her in their employ. |
Ignacio | An interesting Northern scout marrying into House Volkov, I am sure I will get to know her better in the future. |
Ilsa | A bit odd to ask such obviously personal questions in such a public forum. Unless their purpose is to gain more attention and not less. |
Imi | If only it had been better circumstances that we met. She was helpful, but I wasn't exactly up to a lot of real great conversation at the time. I will have to find her later to discuss rabbits, or more pleasant things. What's a simulacra anyway? |
Ishmael | A kind woman. It is a shame she has experienced such hardship. |
Jaenelle | The retainer of Lord Arik and protege of Baroness Lucite is quite the capable woman. Perhaps one day she will leave them all behind and run away with me. Anyone who can come up with titles on the spot are invaluable. |
Jarel | A woman who definitely likes to dance, and dance well. I'd like to see her in a more capacity of dancing professionaly. But I can always dream about it, until then! Dancing wherever they might be! |
Jeffeth | She seems awfully energetic and nice! I believe she's Lord Arik's aide, or something like that. She seems lovely though! |
Jordan | Probably the undisputed champion of Northern drinking games. Drinkers beware. Also someone who's very straightforward about her opinions, and sincerity is a quality I value highly. |
Josephine | All that fur. That headpiece. She is a lovely woman and she pays such lovely compliments to my work. I shall have to keep an eye out for her in the market. |
Josephine | Dazzling in her crown, adept at catching fish with her hands. |
Jules | She's got a dog and a is a slightly different sort but in a good way. You like her but she's rather quiet. She was found in the loot and so you might say she's booty. |
Juliana | A protege of Luci's, sent to keep me from being bored. Very sweet girl. |
Juniper | She is followed around by the /best dog/ that has ever dogged. Also she seems very nice! I'm fairly sure she was nice, at least. I was very busy petting the dog. |
Jyri | We've met a few times, and she always impresses me with her no-nonsense direct but friendly manner. Glad that she and Draven got my old house, couldn't be more pleased. |
Kaia | A cheery lass this one! Does seem to be quite fond of food; and, she wastes no time to lend a helping hand! |
Kaldur | I have always heard it said 'a good friend will help you move, a great friend will help you move a body.' Perhaps a friendship is in the future. Once I know her name. |
Karadoc | We didn't speak for long, but, she seems like one wolfish sort of ranger. |
Kedehern | A cheerful and congenial scout that's always been rather helpful to my House, and a friend of Shae's. Plus, she's a dog lover! |
Kenna | She's TOTALLY not a Thrall. A very important point that should be made to everyone first. off. |
Korka | Surprisingly, not a Prodigal. I watched her drink a Wyrmguard under the table once. Not as interesting as her hat would imply. |
Kritr | She may be an excellent scout, I don't know. But she is good at finding the undergrowth of Arx and listening in to everything that is said. I'd be careful what I said around her if I did not also trust her. |
Kutazer | She is entirely friendly and has a great dog with amazing ears. I have enjoyed every time I have gotten a chance to meet her. both of them. |
Leif | She seems a friendly sort, quite energetic as well. Calls her dog - friend? Sir Floppington. Bit strange, but charming in it's own way. It was a pleasure. |
Leola | It's always good to see the Scout once more. And Sir Flop, of course. The two are quite inseperable. I do wonder how she'd react to a scritch behind the ears and a belly rub, sometimes. |
Liara | The quiet associate - protege? - of my cousin. A well-mannered woman, I thought, even if she didn't quite look it at first glance. |
Lilith | Apparently her liege said I was an interesting person, so I've got my reputation preceding me. She pulled hard for our team in the three-way tug o' war at the Spring Fling held at the Golden Hart. We didn't end up winning but we proved ourselves capable, surely. I'd have her on my team anytime. |
Lorenzo | An interesting woman with a fondness for cats. I'm looking forward to getting to know her more in the future. |
Lou | I have been teaching this woman archery for some time, and she wants to provide well for her family and allies, which is commendable. Though.... her choice in what she deems is entertainment is something I consider questionable. Bear hugging, indeed! |
Luca | I can't say I learned much about this one in our first meeting, but she's got a spirit to her, that's for sure. A certain sort of vibrant.. something. One to keep an eye on, though I don't get the impression she stays still for long enough to /really/ keep an eye on her. |
Lucita | A scout who is being schooled by Lord Arik in manners and propriety. She is outgoing, friendly and from actions observed, helpful. |
Lys | She seems like an interesting woman to know-- a scout in the north is bound to have some stories. |
Mabelle | Such a sweet woman, taking care of her cat, and has her hand in many things |
Marcas | From what I hear, a capable scout -- and a member of the Halfshav family. Either one is enough to earn my respect. |
Marisol | A capable and thoughtful scout. Her perspective was fresh and much needed. If the Northerner's can spare her we are more than grateful. I am truly thankful for her participation and will call on her in the future. |
Martino | Married, they said! Straight away. Well perhaps it is just recent and still quite proud of it. Cute dog. Need one. |
Medeia | Always friendly, always hungry, always in the presence of the goodest boy. It is always pleasant to see Scout Nova. |
Melody | A cheery (and tall) scout, scribe, and probably number of various other things. She's lived with Halfshav families for the majority of her life and she seems very much inclined to the wilderness. |
Meriah | A little peach pit of a scout came to us ventilated. I like when the adorable ones are extra tough. |
Mikani | Wolfy woman, she is an amazingly strong woman that really needs more confidence in what she can do to conquer the world. |
Miranda | Sir Floppington! What a marvelous name for a sweet dog! His owner was lovely, too! |
Mirari | A bit quirky, but seems to have a charm about her. |
Mirk | Overly energetic retainer to my cousin. She makes me feel old with her youth. |
Monique | Helpful. Asks odd questions, but helpful and with a cheery disposition. |
Morrighan | Arik's retainer, a young scout newly arrived to the city filled with vim and vigor. Cheerful young woman, personable, I like her thus far and hope she settles in well to city life. It's a big change. |
Nadir | A pleasant first experience with Scout Rowenova, she gave some advice regarding what I should be focusing on with my return to the city. Also, her hound is quite friendly. |
Nanette | The Scout dresses in a most fascinating way. I wonder, are all her outfits like this, or does she actually own a proper attire? If she is from the Northlands, as I suspect, a 'no' would not surprise me. She -is- trying to tame bears, after all. -Bears-. |
Neilda | The dog is... fine. But a dog. |
Nico | She seems like a sweet girl, she clapped and cheered me on as I got my arse kicked repeatedly. And her dog is too cute and friendly; I guess dogs do take after their masters. |
Nijah | Showed up at a tavern to drink her sorrows away that she can't find a man good enough for her. I truly hope she finds one! |
Niklas | A Northerner scout with an Agatha-like enthusiasm for greetings and the like. Good to have around! |
Niklas | Tracker Rowenova may be loud, but she is one of the most convivial people you will ever meet. |
Nina | I bet she is more comfortable outside than at a poetry reading, but she came to be loyal to a friend.... very admirable! |
Nycelani | She's furry, and warm, and protective. I like her. |
Oddmun | Energetic. Talkative. She might wear a wolf pelt, but a hyperactive squirrel might be a better motif for the woman, at least at first glance. |
Orathy | Cares enough bout people to commit her alchemist husband to things he ain't even aware of. Aye 'n she assumes thing. |
Orelia | I need to know more about this one. She's so entertaining, and I'm not entirely sure it's intentional... |
Orelia | Woman can hold her liquor! |
Orland | She's been very helpful in helping me learn a variety of different skills. She loves animals too. There's always animals by her, all the time. |
Pasquale | Another well meaning woman who sees me struggling and wishes to help. It was kind of her even though it gets tiresome going through the process over and over again. At least she had information I hadn't encountered before. That, and her pleasant manner, made it worth it. |
Petal | She seems very Northern which is a good thing and is a scout too. I think she probably has some good skills. She is friendly too. |
Poppy | I wonder if strapping a steak to her back worked. I suppose it must of. She's still alive right? |
Porter | Well, she seems to be a quiet one. |
Qadira | A good animal needs a good owner; and wouldn't exist without them. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope - together - you find peace. |
Quenia | I certainly felt sorry for her, sitting through the joust all covered in poison ivy! The poor dear! At least, I think she was, she screamed something about it. She was also quite pleasant to talk to! |
Quintin | An excellent fisher with interesting taste in headwear. |
Raimon | I wonder if her dog gets confused by her helm |
Raja | A damned good brawler! Anyone who can put Ras in the dirt has my approval. |
Ras | Some real crazy ideas behind that wolf mask, crazy in a good way. Feels strongly for the folk she cares about. She's always got that dog with her but he ain't a mean one. |
Raymesin | A thorny problem - and a good appetite. Thanks for being careful with the spiders. |
Reese | A scout with Halfshav, she seems devoted to her duties and a little or maybe a lot bit wild. |
Reigna | A wonderfully sweet and friendly scout in Halfshavs forces. She always seems to have a smile and a kind word. Loyal to her friends and desirous to help. She is, by all measures, a fine woman. |
Revell | Kicked Ras' ass. I'm honestly impressed, I was so sure he was going to win at the beginning of the fight. Some people just get better in a fight the more battered up they are, huh? |
Riagnon | Mistress Rowenovanovava, a scout with apparent Halfshav connections and a very charming dog with an alcohol problem. Terribly dutiful, but if all else fails- at least she summons people to bars instead of, I don't know, boring places. |
Romulius | A shame that one so fierce was so down. I pray she finds her strength soon. |
Rook | Such a kind scout to so many in the city and with an adorable dog. One to rely on when in need. |
Rosalind | She's like me! I think we should go on adventures! And have a party in the house. Make my family suffer. It will be fun! |
Rukhnis | Steadfast and brave, insightful and resourceful, observant, practical, and above all, kind: she is a woman whose aid I have been grateful for, and whom I am proud to have served next to on such a critical mission. |
Rysen | A charismatic scout of the Northlands serving House Halfshav. Her generosity and creativity are boundless. |
Sabella | A Scout! But not a Bear Scout. BUT! I think she would make a tremendous Bear Scout with those lungs and that vocal force! She seems quite passionate about everything she does and says, so we are definitely going to be great friends! |
Sabella | While we seem to miss each other so often in this large city, Rowenova has always been a fantastic friend and is someone that can be relied upon to keep her word and get things done, often with a smile on her face! Hers, not the hat's. |
Sabine | She clearly carries the North with her, wherever she might be, whatever the atmosphere. |
Samael | I met Scout Rowenova at the Southport Training Center. She seems full of energy and a youthful exuberance. |
Samira | It's a rarity, finding someone who can back down so quickly from anger with grace and compassion. I admire her willingness to bend first. |
Samuele | A great conversationalist, and she's got some nice armor pieces. |
Sanya | Not only kind but forgiving and patient. Hopefully we have the opportunity to interact more in the future. |
Sebastian | Showed up drunk and in love and sad. Such a terrible combination. |
Selene | Baroness Lucita has an eye for talent and quality in all things. Her protege shows a degree of welcome earthiness and sensibility matched to an air of sparkling humanity few have. Wise beyond her years but one who will be ageless. |
Siegward | Something-something of many titles, scout to some household I've never heard of, and with Shav beauty to her poise. Dangerous. |
Sirius | A woman of many titles yet a rather centered view on things, especially when it comes to handling distraught commoners. Has, I spy, a fascination with woodland things and places. She also smells of apricot. I will never ever mention this to her; to her face. |
Sparte | A boisterous and energetic scout for Redrain. I sense an eagerness in her that will lead her into a great deal of trouble. That isn't a bad thing, if she can see it through to the other side she'll be formidable. |
Sunaia | Quite an impressive list of credentials to receive at our first meeting. |
Svana | I bet she's stronger than she looks. She's kind and loves animals. I like her a bit. |
Svoli | I like her dog, and I like her style. |
Sydney | By her account, we met when I was drunkenly armwrestling The Bull of Solace. From what I can recall of that, I'll have to take her at her word. When we met at the training center, she seemed diligent, dutiful, and someone who does not discount the value of utilizing her hands if shove comes to punch. I've an affinity for that sort of woman. |
Sylvi | She called Py a good boy, and she has a good boy of her own, Sir Floppington. She's a good dog person, and that makes her all right in my book! |
Tanith | Her dog is cute and she has patience and sweetness. |
Teagan | Excitable is an understatement. Is it excitement or a want to show off that led her to blurt out every possible title -- your husband is not a title, dear -- without even answering the Duke's full question? A proper scout should know how to wait and listen before making a move. |
Tescelina | A very clever tree climber! Fine use of alchemy. |
Theodoric | Daring, and sturdy fighter of the dangerous and hungry |
Thorvald | This scout/clerk/messenger/scribe has an impressive resume. She seems bright and capable, the sort to be relied on despite her tender years. I'm certain this is the beginning of a long and productive professional relationship. |
Valarian | A Northerner, I think. Seems resourceful and active, as well as keen eyed and good for searching things! Also has a certain flair with those ribbons, I have to say. I wonder if she's going to the North with us? |
Valdemar | She has a bright, cheery disposition, something of a surprise coming from a warrior from the North. |
Vega | A most amazing young woman! Her skills in a snowboat are to be envied and admired. |
Vercyn | A newly minted Ranging Wolf scout, and Arik's scribe. A bright, enthusiastic young woman unafraid to go after what she wants. I am quite interested to follow her career and see how she would fare; she seems promising, particularly with her more refined taste in beards. |
Vercyn | She is not just a good influence on my nephew, but does a great service for Halfshav by far... even if her seemingly boundless energy is almost tiring to me at times. |
Vercyn | A scout for my house. She is eager to assist and we are better off for having her in our service. |
Verity | Such incredible force! I did not think I would see anyone give Grandmaster Jeffeth so much trouble in a contest of strength. And she is so perky, too. It is darling. |
Veronica | Someone who's good company and has a strong backbone? Rowenova's a good sort. |
Vitalis | Irrepressible scout of House Halfshav - though why anyone would attempt to repress her I have no idea. Delightful. |
Volcica | I like her style, and her hound can sing quite well. |
Volcica | At times, I'm not sure if she's a wolf or a fox. A bit of both, maybe? |
Wash | A woman strong enough to pull an oar, but still calls it sailing. That's a keeper. Just too bad Lucita got to her first. I wonder... |
Willow | You wouldn't expect such a pretty young woman to be so vicious. I wouldn't want to be left alone with her. |
Ysabel | We first met outside the Titanic Skull in Southport Square, whereupon she brought me to the lab of her paramour, Draven. A most bellicose individual, despite her wild and rugged appearance! |
Ysabel | So brave of her not to give up after everything that happened. So romantic, she truly is an inspiration. |
Zebulon | An energetic, theatrical young scout. Entertaining to listen to, though I fear at times she may be able to talk circles around me. |
Zoey | Strongly outdoorsy, loves animals, and Lucita finds her worthy. Nothing to not like. |