Princess Helena Redrain
Beautiful and full of monsters? All the best stories are -- unless they're true.

Description: At first glance, Helena Redrain may seem a fragile thing, not crafted for this world. Her face has a fae-like cast to it, courtesy of high cheekbones and something of the imp in the smiles or smirks that often turn up the corners of her full lips. Her heart-shape face boasts a strong chin that lifts when she feels stubborn or willful. Her wide eyes, often caught in a far-off gaze as she alights upon an idea, evoke the pure blue of an afternoon sky as it deepens toward twilight. Golden hair curls and twists with a mind of its own, and attempts to tame it are only partly successful as an errant strand or two always seem to fall free of any hairdo. Not tall, her body is slim and lissome with slight curves that lend an innate feminine grace to every movement she makes.
Personality: This woman is a chameleon, a study of contrary behavior. She doesn't like to feel out of place, so when she walks into a room she behaves like the other people there, careful to only stand on when she feels comfortable doing so.
Her family gets the spectrum, the mischievous prankster, the woman who makes funny faces behind an elder's shoulder as they give a lecture, a dainty Princess at a tea party with her legs primly crossed. She has watched people her whole life and noticed how people behave and the things that make people smile and be comfortable with others. She stands out and shines when she wants to, but otherwise she'll be in the background watching until she's comfortable enough to come bursting out of her shell.
Background: Helena had a happy childhood, because her sister already paved the way for her. They had already gone and done things their own way, so by that time, her family was amenable for Helena to find her own path.
She's tried to follow in Agatha's footsteps once. Stole her practice sword and managed to mow down a large section of hedges and topiary, taking the head off of a rather interesting rendering of an elephant. After a few more nicks and cuts, she gave it up for a while - deciding that her training can come later when she's ready.
Then she followed in Elgana's footsteps. Literally. She trailed after her sister like a baby duckling and begged and pleaded for her to pay attention and play tea party with her. Elgana would spend hours sitting with her sister, and they had some tea parties that could be in books and fairy tales. Handsome frog Prince's, talking pigs and probably even a few benevolent emperors attended these teas. The middle sister doted on her little sister, and it was Elgana who helped her sister find her passion.
That passion was books. They were her first true love (besides her family), and to this day her most persistent. She devoured books like they were food, and could be found hiding in a tree, nestled in between some stones, tucked in a nook in the house, or even hiding in the kitchen eating an apple as she was reading.
When her sisters went to Arx, she remained behind, but after a few months of solitude she couldn't stand it anymore and followed them there. Time to be a pest again.
Name | Summary |
Adelphie | A gracious Princess of House Redrain. Very complimentary, though I do fear for her taste in fashions if she plans on taking a page from ME. |
Adora | A Redrain Princess who has a bear wardrobe. Predictable. I don't like her. But I will sell her a bookcase. |
Aethan | Related to Princess Gwenna. Makes sense. Not a bad thing. |
Agostino | A gracious and elegant hostess, with a voice made for poetry. |
Ahmar | No human should be /that/ beautiful and kind. It is unfair. I doubt I will ever get my stutter under control around her. |
Aleksei | A bright and glittering addition to the sisterhood of Agatha and Elgana. Good to meet her. |
Alessandro | A Redrain Princess. A little bit fae, it seems, though not a bad thing. Quite enjoyable company, and enjoys natural adornment. |
Apollo | Bright and generous, collected, everything I'd think a princess should be. |
Appolonia | A princess of Redrain I believe, if I heard correctly. She is bright and curious, the perfect fit for this order of scholarly minds. Yet, I detect something wary about her just beneath the surface but I suspect that just means she's wise to take care on these paths we follow in service to Vellichor. |
Arthen | She's got a good head on her shoulders, this princess. I'm glad to see her out and about, puttin' on these poetry readings and helpin' to dispel some of the misunderstandin' about Redrain's scholars and just what they are capable of. Another reason to be so pleased in workin' for them, isn't it? |
Artur | I am always so proud of Helena! She knows so much about history and songs and all kinds of beautiful things. She is a real treasure of House Redrain! |
Beatrice | A lover of poets and poetry, gracious and kind and as lovely within as she is without. |
Belladonna | Charismatic Princess of the Redrain. Great company, but a fake Voice of mixed results. All in all, my favorite Redrain of this generation. |
Berenice | A remarkably lovely princess with wonderful taste. I really ought to know her better. |
Bianca | When she speaks, you can nearly feel the heated touch of a lover, the sadness of ending, the thrill of the moment. It is a thing of beauty. |
Bliss | Elgana's little duckling. She's certainly an exuberant one, and very curious and enthusiastic. I think she will do very well for herself here in Arx. |
Braith | The Princess has a great sense of humor and was the most attractive amongst us bedecked in mud. My sister in flubbing up the pig catching but I think we came off with a flare. I think I will have to write a song about the intrepid ladies and the elusive boars! |
Brigida | Something of a wit. And from the north! Maybe it's the lack of beard that does it. |
Cullen | Anyone who is at home amongst the trees is someone worth knowing, especially with a sense of humor and good-natured wit to go along with it. I shall have to make sure to show off my beard often, more conversations will be in order. And a beard stylist. |
Delilah | Whiskey and sunshine bottled in slim, glittering sweetness. A scholar enveloped by the light-dazzle of the north. I find it easy to warm to her. |
Domonico | Has a desire to learn a little on how to defend herself. Commendable. A pleasant Princess to speak to. |
Eddard | A small princess, with beauty and verve enough to tower over nearly anyone else I have ever met. |
Elgana | I love all my siblings for they are all unique in their own way, but Helena stands out with her intellect and sweetness. She is a blessing to our family and I am so grateful to have her here with us once more in the city. |
Etienne | A gracious hostess and Princess, bringing the beauty of words out from almost the most stubborn soul. |
Evaristo | Bright eyed, adorable and still fierce. The combination is too much to resist and why should I? Besides, she is also very, very good company and much smarter than me. |
Faye | A Redrain who's friendly and clever, as so many of them are. We barely had a chance to talk, but I'd love to speak with her again. |
Gilroy | Redrain princess with a good sense of humor. |
Gretchen | A great poison spotter for a Princess. Not as good as I am, but I guess they don't train that in Princess school. |
Gwenna | Princess Helena Redrain is sister to Agatha and Elgana, we all having grown up among many other cousins in Farhaven. As with her sisters, she is both every bit like them and yet has passions distinct from their own as well. Her talents are just another boon for House Redrain and I couldn't be happier to have more family here in Arx. |
Helia | She's so beautiful! She seems like she should be drifting through a forest in a gown of aeterna, all mysterious and magical. She has a lovely manner about her too! A very nice woman. |
Ian | Hope she doesn't regret what she finds. |
Ida | Princess Helena Redrain is an utter delight. There are few of the Redrain family I haven't found myself fond of immediately upon meeting them really. She seems a resolute princess of quiet adventure and inquiry, yet surely is no less fierce than Princess Deva had been. A warm, graceful soul, she is engaging company anyone would be lucky to have. |
Jeffeth | The wonderful little cute animal that shall not be named by name. She is just lovely as her nickname that will not be spoken of infers. She is as cute as a small feathered animal. |
Kaldur | An engaging instructor, the lessons flew by. Her little Lucien is a clever thing, charming as his mistress. |
Khanne | I really do need to get to know her better, but I do know she is a lover of poetry, and organizes fantastic events where people share their words and thoughts freely. She is an inspiration herself. |
Leif | My dear younger sister. So good to see her. |
Leif | My dear sister. A kind and caring person, though my younger I can't help but look up to her. |
Liara | She was lively and spirited, ready to engage wholeheartedly with festivities, and has just delightful dress sense. |
Lore | A Princess that I can honestly say I was glad to meet. Very down to earth, but with that spark of creativity that makes a person truly interesting. |
Lorenzo | A dear friend and cousin. She has made me feel so welcome as I joined the family, I could not imagine Redrain without her. |
Lorenzo | A warm and charming Redrain cousin, Helena is bright and curious and always pleasant company. There are few people I'd rather sit with during a boring meeting. |
Lou | Ever eager to explore, if but a bit uncertain about it. I should nudge her in Scholar Oswyn's direction, to talk to him about how he is finding being an explorer. |
Luca | The same bright spirit and personality as her sisters, and so distinctly different at the same time. I could have told you she was a royal of House Redrain before the introductions were even made. There's just something to them, isn't there? |
Lysander | Who? Ah, you mean my new best friend. Because best friends keep all your secrets, hate the same people you do, and commiserate the lust and scandalous humor you have at the expense of others. She's quite the friend to have made. |
Mabelle | The fair Helena is the most inviting Princess. Walking into a room with half strangers has never been more pleasant. Tales of her beauty pale in comparison to the moment you encounter her |
Macda | Well spoken and charitable. She's likely the second person in the room to pick up on my lack of protocol, but most graciously. |
Magnus | It was good meeting Helena back at the city, she is still every bit as brave as I remember and I can feel her dedication for her family. It inspires me, I hope I can help her in the future. |
Martino | A wintry Princess. Importantly, a poet and to me such refined crafts are always welcome. But we must get you used to the warmer southern weather. Thick cloaks will become a thing of the past your Highness. |
Michael | A cousin of mine. Bright, beautiful, vibrant. And warmer than she should be, considering the cold of the North. |
Miranda | So wicked! We came for a poetry reading and she made us work for it! Just a little writing prompt, but a lovely notion. Clever, that's what this Princess of Redrain is! |
Mirk | A strange one. A Redrain princess with her nose in a book, but then she suggests bar fights a moment later. I appreciate someone that can't be easily summarized with a few words. |
Monique | She brought me books. I think that means we're best friends now. |
Nigel | A rather lovely Princess of House Redrain. She seems most pleasant and engaging. And a Scholar as well. One has little doubt to her talents. |
Oswyn | A quick-witted princess with an inquisitive mind and good problem-solving skills. A welcome addition to the Scholars. |
Petal | Fun, warm, welcoming, charming and not too eager to get married and have kids. Which seems pretty wise! |
Pharamond | The most adorable princess ever. If he had to pick between her or his House in a duel of a matter of honor he'd at least have to think twice if she dazzled him with those sparkling blue eyes again. |
Quintin | The princess assures me she is talented at spotting poison, which means she is always welcome to sit next to me. She's welcome anyway, given her witty good company. |
Raimon | A northern Princess who claims she has no skills. So she probably has several. |
Ras | I got the sense that she's really smart. She talks so...gently. |
Reese | Well spoken, a good sport and up for planning games. She seems like an interesting Princess |
Rook | The gracefulness of the Redrain Princess is a blessing upon the city. To be around just her, is to be like in with a room fulled with well trained Whispers. I know fewer to command with grace as good as her. |
Rysen | Friendly, encouraging and creative: she is the Princess of Poets. |
Sabella | A Redrain Princess that I utterly adore! All of her gatherings are so creative and interactive! I love the way her mind works! |
Sabine | Some are born to pluck social threads and arrange a potential tangle into something pleasing, something pleasant. She seems one such. |
Sebastian | I've met few of the Redrain; she strikes me as a lovely hostess, with a tongue for poetry despite her obvious shying from the limelight. She should step out into it more; it suits her. |
Shazza | She thinks she hasn't earned her birthright. Who has? She ought to wield it fully. |
Sparte | A perceptive person I could learn a few things from, whether she believes that or not. |
Talwyn | Most gracious and unfailingly polite, I found her looking distracted in the garden, but was pleased to be able to share a song with one so fair and bright. Gods willing, I shall again. |
Talwyn | The sweetness of her words dance beautifully with the refined poetry and grace that she possesses. Few capture the heart and imagination of all they meet like Redrain's best |
Tescelina | She reminds me of the princesses in stories I read as a girl. Heroines who stirred my heart. Who are kind and determined despite the troubles before them, the dangers that await. She said she is afraid but one /must/ be afraid -- to truly know bravery. And I am confident that she is brave. |
Valenzo | A brilliant soul, and my brother's...lover, perhaps? I'm only glad I could help, and hope I can do more against her shadows. |
Vayne | A fellow lover of knowledge is a wonderful thing. That I've not met her thus far is an oversight. I look forward to collaborating in the future, and appreciate the work she's done for the Shrine already. |
Vitalis | Eager and maybe a bit out of her depth, but you don't learn to swim wading, do you? |
Willow | Gracious, lovely, and no doubt fierce as well though I've yet to see her in a situation which would require such, she is everything a Princess should be. |
Zara | A princess of the North, and if she is a bear, she is a very charing one, with an excellent sense of meter and rhyme. |
Zeriax | While words may reign, scathing winds of grudge and sting break upon the ferocity woven by she; the center of flames burn brightly, leashed in times of peace to warm those who would gather 'round. |