Lady Elloise Leary
Eyebrows-schmeyebrows! They are a perfectly acceptable sacrifice upon the altar of progress! After all, they grow back. Don't they?

Social Rank: 5
Concept: Itty-Bitty Idiosyncratic Inventor
Gender: female
Marital Status: divorced
Age: 20
Birthday: 7/29
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Scientist
Height: average height
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: clear grey
Skintone: olive
Description: There is an exuberance to Elloise than cannot be contained, her tiny form ever in motion. Dark curls spring forth from her head like an explosion and her buoyant locks bounce-bounce-bounce along because she is hardly ever at rest. Nimble and quick, she seems to always be doing ten different things at once and her pale grey eyes are wide and filled with wonder. Her features are decidedly cute -- dimpled cheeks, a button nose, cupid bow lips -- and are made all the more so by her infectious enthusiasm for, well, everything! Her eyebrows are uncommonly short though; it looks as if they have been burned off one too many times and have only grown back little more than halfway.
Personality: Elloise is smart. Like, beyond smart. She is so smart that she tends to see the world from an entirely different perspective than the average person and this causes her to come across as a bit off-beat at times. She will pick up on connections and patterns that escape most people's notice and it's not an infrequent thing for her to completely detour a conversation because of a random thought she's had. Elly is very excited about learning and discovering new things and this bubbly and chipper enthusiasm lends her an adorable charm that keeps her from becoming an outcast. She is mostly a good egg although sometimes she gets blinded by the drive to discover. When that happens, she can slip into moral grey areas. Oops! She's, like, 76.156% good egg and 23.844% bad egg. Elly could provide a more accurate measurement but she'd need to run some tests to figure it out. Although very intelligent, she can be oblivious in social settings (that doesn't mean she doesn't love parties though; they are their own kind of experiment -- sooo interesting) and is utterly without guile, making her vulnerable to those who might wish to manipulate this blind spot of hers.
Background: Even though she was born smack dab in the middle of several siblings, Elloise had no trouble standing out. From a young age, she was always a little .. quirky. In another family, that might have been rooted out by her tutors and governesses but her idiosyncrasies were nurtured by the curiosity-inclined Learys. Intellectually, she was running before before she could walk; Elly was an enthusiastic sponge: she wanted to learn EVERYTHING. Due to this, she quickly emerged as a dabbler -- she picked up a bit of this, she became somewhat skilled at that, she knew a tidbit of just about everything. She was always looking to the horizon for discoveries and developed a habit of taking a little bit from Knowledge Column A, mashing it together with some of Knowledge Column B, and standing back to watch what happened. Sometimes, it ended up being a disaster and she would burn her eyebrows off. But occasionally it worked out and she would discover something AMAZING and hey! What's a little temporary hair-singeing in the name of progress?
Elloise was always up to something -- if it wasn't one of her experiments, then it was building elaborate inventions. They were usually unnecessarily complicated for the problem they were solving -- like an intricate mechanism of pulleys, levers and various moving parts just to crack a hard-boiled egg -- but always flawlessly engineered and beautifully built. Her parents were equal parts patient with and protective of her: they gave her space to learn and create but feared that she was rather too naive to be given much freedom in the larger world. As such, Elly had a rather controlled upbringing: she associated mostly with family and had few friends her own age. That all changed when she was 15.
A distant relation -- a second cousin's uncle's niece's third-husband's nephew's cousin-in-law once removed something something something or other -- came to stay with them for a while. He was a Sanna and so exciting! He was a hunter! And an explorer! And he believed in spirits! He was around the same age as Elloise and very different from her but because they were both so passionate about their respective interests, they immediately hit it off. They would spend countless hours together -- she showing off all her inventions and experiments, him telling her all about his life up North. They became quite a pair, the two of them. He would go out and hunt ingredients for her; she would design better ways for him to do so (with varying degrees of success but heck, failure is its own sort of progress). It opened her eyes to a whole world of possibilities and made her yearn for more outside of her sheltered existence. When he left and returned home a year and a half later, she recruited her younger sister, Arcadia, to fill his role. A wide-eyed adventurer, Cady was more than happy to scamper off to chase after whatever Elly needed. Eeeeeexcellent.
After years of begging (and staging meticulously planned presentations on why this would be a Very Good Thing which included points such as 'Joining The Scholars: A Journey Through Knowledge', 'Perfume or Poison: Finding Out at the Apothecary College', 'OUCH!: New Interrogation Devices for the Inquisitor On-the-Go' and 'Inventions for the Crown: The Dawn of Possibilities' -- what sort of inventions for the Crown? I don't know, mom. STUFF. THINGS. I will know when I invent them), Elloise convinced her parents to let her travel to Arx. This was allowed mostly because they trust Fairen to look out for and keep a handle on her. Hopefully. Dear gods, please: don't let her accidentally set her hair on fire again.
Relationship Summary
The crown:
Name | Summary |