Duchess Lydia Nightgold
I believe in the Golden Rule: The man with the gold? Rules.

Description: At first glance, it might be easy to mistake Lydia's sultry countenance and autumnal hues as a product of the Saffron, but that's simply untrue. Her porcelain skin belies a far northern heritage as well as a certain fragility, and while it is as smooth as the finest silk it is brushed with thousands of bronze freckles. Cascading lengths of copper rose tresses tumble down her back to the pinch of her waist and the delicious curves of her hips and soft wisps frame an oval face. Here, her most striking feature stands out: exotic, expressive praseodymium green eyes that oft sparkle with the mischievousness of an unspoken quip. While her arms are long and slender, they do not seem to be built for strength and she moves in a joyful, carefree manner, all sinuous curves and swaying hips. When she speaks, her voice holds a gentle cadence and her full cherubic mouth is quick with sensual pouts or warm smiles.
Personality: Lydia must have paid a lot of silver to the Whispers in order to forge her into the coquettish, debonair, and impish young woman she is today from what she was in her youth. Back then, she allowed being the baby of the family to define her and may have caused a number of minor social embarrassments. These days, however, it seems she has been tempered with impeccable manners and refined social grace. The North would never allow her to be entirely broken, of course. She remains bold, outspoken, and shamelessly ambitious. Behind her flirtatious laughs and there is an eager and sharp diplomatic mind with a cutting wit and surprising business acumen.
Background: Growing up in the rugged opulence of Stonedeep, Lydia had a marked appreciation for the beautiful things of the mountains. Not the sprawling mountain vistas, but rather the wealth and elegance her house is known for: precious metals and sparkling gems.
Being the youngest of four shaped her personality and she never had any intentions of becoming a Duchess. Instead, she enjoyed her spoiled lifestyle and she surrounded herself in courtly affairs, gossip, and all the frivalties and trappings that came with her station. She dreamed of the day when she might have a courtship and a husband (maybe even the title of Princess should she have been lucky enough to find a match in one of the Great Houses). She envisioned herself as a Northern debutante, her life full of gossip and laughter.
But, that dream began to crack under the pressure of reality early with the loss of her father during the Silent War and the subsequent murder of her brother. Her sister, Nadia, took the title of Duchess and with her blessing Lydia travelled to Farhaven where she could represent her family among those loyal to the Redrain. There, she was a lady in waiting and she served Princesses Drea, Deva, and Valencia with pride.
With the tragedy of King's Rest, she travelled to Arx to be with her family and serve as a representative of House Nightgold where not too long afterward, her remaining two siblings lost their lives. Nadia, in the Silent War, and Cassius (then Duke Pravus), was murdered in the lowers. In what seemed a blink of an eye she had to do a lot of growing up and step up to the role of Duchess.
She had something of a rocky start.
But then, an extended sabbatical to Stonedeep allowed her to do some much needed soul searching and maturation. She had to learn about her people and get her hands dirty. Now, she's emerged as a butterfly from a cocoon: a little older, a little wiser, and more determined than ever to make her family proud by guiding her House and Lands into prosperity and safety during the coming adversaries.
Relationship Summary
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