Eshken Greenblood
I'm very busy; I have a list of things to do and a list of people to see. You're not on either of those lists.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Snarky Widower
Gender: male
Marital Status: widowed
Age: 25
Birthday: 03/03
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Steward
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: hazel
Skintone: dark bronze
Description: Eshken stands 6'2" with a rather lithe build. While he's not without muscle or definition he's also clearly not an athletic man or a warrior. He has the frame of an academic. His dark hair curls tightly and is often kept slightly long and held back with a leather band. Dark golden-hazel eyes rest underneath thick black eyebrows. His skin is a dark bronze that glows with health.
Personality: Sharp tongued, dry toned, and perceptive. Eshken is a man of sarcastic bent. He is not unkind just no nonsense and lacking in patience for foolishness. Generally well meaning in the things that he does, and willing to help others in need. He's straight forward and efficient. He's not necessarily an overly cheerful man but neither is he particularly melancholy. He's steadfast, grounded, and very pragmatic.
Background: Eskhen Greenblood is a young prodigal man of the Greenblood family. He and his twin sister, Emele, were not even teenagers when their tribe was torn in two and his parents-- rebels --left it to join house Riven and bend knee to Grayson. His parents took the two young twins with them when they went. Eshken, being young, acclimated to life in Riven well. He threw himself into studies and learning of the new cultures. His sister also took very well to their new life. She found art and painting, and threw herself into it. Eshken being the more practical begged her to pick up a profession that would allow her a better income than painting. She apprenticed to a blacksmith and began to make armor.
Shortly before his 20th birthday he met another prodigal of another tribe-- Lillian Leafchaser --she was a scout for Riven forces and he fell for her quickly. Just after he turned twenty and she twenty-one they married. Their daughter, Elia, was born eight months later. Lillian died two years later in an ambush by bandits while on a scouting mission.
Eshken had just been apprenticed to Nigel Riven in matters of stewardship and finance. He threw himself into that work and to taking care of his daughter.
He's utterly devoted to his daughter and to bettering her life. When the new Barony of Whitehawk was create he saw a chance for himself and his family. He offered to become the Steward of Whitehawk for Baron Silas.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Medeia | A Prodigal of the Crownlands, surprisingly found within the shrine of the Queen. The man holds a mystery, but is easy to speak to. |